Ordinance 1440__ N0. 1440 AN OF 'III; CITY cfXAiCIL OF '1~ CITY OF CQPEI~'IIJO F7QECIDQIJG ORDINANCE NO. 1438 ESTASLTSEiIIJG IIrTERIM ZCeT>I~G 9PANDARiB FCII2 ~ Rl (RESICffNPIAL, S]1JGLE-FAMILY) ZONES AND 13i5 (RfSIDF<TPIAL, FDI,iSIDE SLOPE DENSITY) ZOt~4, AND L~CLARING ~ URGENCY 'II~iDDF 4~2FAS, the city Council of the City oP Cupertino has oo~ducted a public heari.nq regarding oonsideratian of ercterr3ing Urgency Ordinance No. 1438; aryl FII-~AS, Pollowing said hearing the City Council finds that oonditians existtng at the time of enactaoesrt of the urgency ardiname oontirnre to exist; NOW, , the City Ocuncil of the City oP Cupertiro does hereby ordain that Urgency Ozdinance No. 1438 is ercterzied for an additional ten (10) month Fifteen (15) day period, that said ozdinarre is attached and incorporated herein, aryl Zhe City Council of the City oP Cupertino hereby finds, detezmines, and declares that this ordirenca is an urgency measure consistent with California GoverrIInertt code Section 56838 aryl is necessary far ttse ia¢nediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety and shall be put into effect immediately upon adoption. Zhe facts ooa~stitutirg such ~J~xY are: Rhe City is arrrently oonsiderirg the adoption of General Plan Policy aril zoning standards pert? ~ ni *?; to the is8u8 of oversized hoes on rr±aiAar,tiwl lots. 'ltle adoption of this urgency ozdinarx~e will ensure that homes aryl additims built during the interim period are not substantially in conflict with the future oonteuQlated Policy and standards and thereby reduce oonfusian. oRn No. laao ~maoux~ AND FI~U+C,'TF9 at a regular meeting of the City oauril of the City of Cupertino this 7th day o! arch ,1988 by the lotlloWing vote: yo Membazs oP the City Oaaneil , AYES: Koppel, Plungy, Rogers. Gatto NOES: None AHSFSlP: Johnson ABSTA'IId: None