Ordinance 1438Uia."F3JICY ORDINANCE NO. 1438 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLJPEI2TIN0 ESTABLLSFiING ItTI~2IM ZONING STANDAl2DS F10~2 THE Rl (RESIDENPIAL,, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZadFS AND RHS (RFBIDE2l1'IAL, HII~SIDE SLDPE DENSITY) ZONES, AND DECLARING THE LRZGIIQCY THERDOF Fh~RFAS, recent single-Pamily development has beers ooasstrucrted significantly larger than pvi~tim hates; WHEREAS, large homes can create a massive appearance and a oontirnsous wall plane which disrupts the established spatial relationships (air spaces, gaps) between banes aryl appears out of character with established neiglborhoods. WHEREAS, the City Coursci]. and Plannirsg oamnissiars are studyirsg General Plan policy and zcasirg oztiinanoa amerdments to address the issue of wer buildirr3 on single-family lots; WHEREAS, several new residential development projects are prs>i~osed within or near existing single-family neighborlsaods; WHEREAS, these ocQditions create a casrrerst and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. NGW, 1FgREEi0l2E, the City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby ordain that Ordir~alsoe Nos. 1238 and 1374 be amended by addirsg the following statement of purpose, definitions, stardazt9s and prooadsn~s: A. urucmF A-~D TNI'F71P OF TnmF'arnt sra-?ro-Fr~ 1. The City of Cupertino is a suburban oommusity developed in a predominately low intensity setting. The general welfare of the citizens is dependent on mairstainirsg a peaceful coexistence between various uses. significantly Oversized residential structures are ir>ooaq~atible with the character of the residential oamnusity of the City and are not in harmony with the principles oP hies quality neighborhoods. 2. This interim ordinance is intended to aooanplish the following: 1. Enhance the iderstity of residential neighborhoods. 2. Ensure provision of light and air to irdi~idual residential paroels. 3. Ensure a reasonable level of oa~atibility in scale of structures within residential neighborhoods. 4. Maintain spatial relationships between stnsctssr~es and within neighborhoods. 5. Reinforoa the predominately low intensity setting of the co>msassity. v~rest oRD~rce r~lasa ~ ox/ol/aa Page -2- B. DEFINI2ZOTrS 1. Floor Area -Gross 2Y-e fatal floor space of all floors of a building measured to the outside surfaces of the building, including but net limited to roof lines, exterior walla ar other external elements of the building envelope system. Seoo¢xl floor area includes: 1. Floor areas i>8uediately below a roof with a Hoar to roof height rhich e~oceeds fifteen (15') feat. Y mox. height ® Floor area bobw roof is counted as second fbor whero the coiling height is > 15' 2. All areas having an interior height o! at least 7 1/2 ft., except that in the case of a sloped ceiling ar zoof the seoorri Hoar area shall be measured fznn the point at which the interior heic~t is at least 5 ft., if any portion of the interior height is at least 71/2 ft. _. 30' max. height ~ Floot area fs counted as second floor wtwro Iho aft{c or second fbor height >7.5' 3. All floor area above the first floar. URGF2ICY ORDINANCE NO. 1438 02/01/88 Page -3- 2. Net Lot Area Zhe total horizontal area inclined within the property limes of a Bite, gig the following: 1. Any portion of a site within the right-oP-way oP an existing public street. 2. Zhe portion of a flag lot constituting the access corridor lying between the front pznperty line and the frontage line of the corridor at the street. 3. Floor Area Ratio Floor area divided by net lot area. C, RF'_4Tt]F7P1'TAr. DEVELOPMFNP STANnARD6 1. *~ oor A*+~+ Rati O - Seooid Floor Area - Maxi+!~±m - .20 2, Gsathar_k - Sc+~nl Floor Area Side Yards - O~bined setbacks shall equal a miniman o! 30 it. FroTft and Rear Yards - 30 ft. 3. Setback -First Floor Area Front Yard - Zhe first floor may over up to 50t of the front buildable area located between the 20 ft. and 30 ft. front setback lines. (See illustratia~n). siarn w 10' »tpnct w ~wM tw 2,e roa n«a puc4 SIFEEI ,_ t7~srcY o1zD>Za+xce No. 1438 oa/ol/aa Page -4- 4. Ve~icAl D«.^sion Alc~rrx Bui1dia+Q L*+Ps - Rescinded tinder these interim regulations. D. F~CCEFPIOIJ - PROCEptJRE 1. doa'tdiN o~ns for gi.Dg a*+ exception. L@ten the strict intezp~'etation of this title would result in difficulties, unrteoessary hasdships, or inooatsistencies wi he purpoe'e and intent of this title, then an etaoeption may be granted by the Architectural aTd site Approval cxamnittee ar~/or City Cotn~cil in aooozdanocs with the provisions of this c3~apter. 2. gpplication and fee. An application shall be made in writing to the Architecttual and Sits Appzntral Cataoittee on a fa~xta prescribed by tha Planning Departsnertt. RYte application shall be aoccr~anied by a nonreRutdable fee, a letter aHflninim dye justification for the ~ooeption, and appropriate exhibits as deemed r~eoessazy by the planning Dir~eetAr. 3. Natiee Notice shall be provided at least to days prior to the meeting to all adjacent residential property owners irtcltding PAY owners located directly across a public ric,~tt-of~way fmn the subject property. 4. g required A hearing an an eroeption shall be held before the Architectural and Site Appxwal Camaittee, nct later than sixty days after filing of an applicaticat. 5, a~-im t j, j~rr}~ity. ~„^a1 a*+~ Site Acozyyal CO[linit}P~.e lYte ArrhitecGiral and Site Appzoval Committee shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application arxi indicate whether or not the e~oception is in cxa~l.ianoe with the criteria set Forth for the granting of an e~aoeptioat. Zhe decisic~t of the Architectural and Site Approval Oc~ittee shall be final. tmless appealed. 6. i~niti~s for reVOCation of e~oception -Notice revuired In any case where the conditions or limitations to an exception granted have not been cxi~plied with, the Planning Director shall give notice to the Permittee that the esaoeption will be revoked. tktGEtQCY ORDIt~NCE N0. 1438 02/01/88 Page -5- 7. option deemed mill and void when -Notification tern r~ In any case where an e~eption has not been used within the effective period of this ozYiinanoe, as extended, such e~aoeption shall be null and void. e. Anneals Prom decisions of the Architectural and Site Ag:rnNal Com;aittee - Pr±ccedur~es r+eauired. A. Any person aggrieved by a decisico of the Architectural and 31te Approval Crnmittee in the appxvval, oorriitioning or denial of an application for an ~aoepticri may appeal such a decision in writing to the City Council. B. Rhe appeals shall be made within seven days of the Arc3iitectural and Site Approval Cam~ittee meeting by means of a letter in writing to the City Cauycil stating the grievances. C. Stu3i appeals shall be heard by the City Council ant sd:eduled co their agenda at the time that other Ar+c3lttectural and Site Approval Camnittee items regularly appear. E. New homes ar additions are ewelnpt Eton this Interim Otdinanoa it ~]} of the following oo~rditions apply: 1. Iccated on a site on which a final tract map has been reoostied which is oansistent with the applicable zoning ordinance, and 2. Property owner/applicant have filed far building permits prior to February 2, 1988. F. S If any seetico, subsection, serttenoe, clause, phrase, ar portion of this ardir~noe is for any reasco held to be irn~alid ar unomsti~~*~~i by the decisico of any CCw.t of oanpet:ent jurisaicttco ,such decision shall not affect the remaini~ porticos of this Otsiinanoe. 7ha City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase ar portion thereof, irrespective of any such said decision. URGIIJCY ~tDIlANCE t~ 1436 • 02/01/88 F>age -6- G. STATE2g3TP OF UF~GENCY This Oouncil hereby finds, determines, arxi declares that this ordinance is an urgency measure oor~sistent with California Government Cade Section 56838 and is necessary far the immediate presexvatian of the public peace, health, and safety and shall be put 31tto effect imaediately upon adoption. 4he facts constituting such urgency are: 'IIte City is airrently considering the adoption of General Plan Policy and zoning standa_*~4 pertaining to the issue of oversized homes an residential lots. ~e acbptio:l of this urgency ardinanoe will ensure that homes and additions built duri~ the interim period are not substantially in conflict with the fu~ire contemplated policy arxi standards and therrby reduce contusion. ITll~OIFCm AND II~CPED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 1st day of Februazy, 1988, by the following vote: ~i 2 OF TF~ CITY O0lJNCIL AYFS: Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Gatto NAYS; Plungy ABSFI7r: None AfiSRASN: None ATTFSf • APPFdJVF~: ~- City Clerk .City of U1ZG1GPA87 (Q1)