Ordinance 1426 ORDZNAt~RE N0. 1426 AN 0~+' '1liE` CITY COtII~LL OF Tf~ CITY OF WPERTBiD ".r~ A TITLE 19, 2GNII~1G~ OF TNS C(JPFF~TII~O MltiiC,TgAL`COOE SY"ACOII~ _~ SE'I'PTZR' FAT OCl1DRTIQN9 AND PR~1Rffi FTR PII~Tt'ZZJG SAGE CCrITAIIdIIt RFT~RZCY1 AND RF)CYCLa1G CF1~lIEC2S ~ CITY OO~AaC~L OF TKE CITY OF CtJPE~'II~10 HfRF~Y ~1'IN3 Tf~T TPPLL+' 19, Z(YdI2iG, OF TFffi QJPFIa'INO MiINZCIPAL CODE IS HII2E81t A243ifk9 BY TF~ ADDITION OF CI~IFrTER _, BEZ-II2Ki~E OCEt~ i~l'ION AND REfCYCI~IG CF.NPIIiS. SECPIOIJ 1• RJRPOSE ZtLe propose of this Orrlinanoe is to establish regulations regarding beverage rede~tion and recycling oessters. SDCPICN 2 s APPLiCATION/PEl~U1ItPY It is ur>,lawtul tar a zecyclirfq facility to ba placed, erected, moved, reoanstnlcted ar altered unless made to comply with the prvrrisians o! this title. Violation o! this Chapter is an irstzaction and is punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12, Gm~er'al Pm'falty ' of `the` Cupertino 1+IImicipal Code. SF.CPION 3• C~FINITIONS Section 3.1 Recyclable Materials Recyclable Material is reusable ,~++tar~,~t~ including, but not limited to metals, glassy plastic and papery Wt13.Ch era iiltenlied far reuse, zematsufactt3r+e, ar reconstitution far the gopose of using the altered farm. Recyclable material does not irsrlude refuse affi hazardous materials. Section 3.2 Recyrli,ng Cmttar A Recycling Canter is a facility tar the collection arz~/ar processing of recyclable materials. -1- ORDIHI~lICE N0. 1426 ~, .: A ~,; certified ~ c)enk s•: ~ ., Certified Px+ooessor,means a -s~s''~-Y~.~sg facility cartitiedby.the Califoznia~D~ment of Oarwervation: as .meskirg the ~ of,the California Heinerage car;tainer Recycling and Litter Reducticn Act of :1986.._. B. >i ; . Recy~Jarg Center does not include storage o:artairnss ar ,p~'~J activity located on the premises of a coamerciai as manufacturim~ use and used solely far the recyvlir;g of material generated by that business ar manufacturer. Recycllrg Facilities may include the following: (i) Collection Facility A Collection Facility is a facility for the acoeptanoe (donation, redemptiasi or sale) of recyclable materials frua the public. S~x3i a facility does not use power-driven processing eguipeertt e~aoept as indicated .., in , btandartls and Conditions, below. Oollection 'Facilities mny include the followi~: _ ,; . ,~:(a)..: Itevazse vending Machine(s) ; (b) Small oollectioai Facilities which occupy an area of not more than 500 square feet, a:xl may include: 1. A mobile recycling unit; 2. Hulk reverse verdirg madsine ar a grouping of r~sverse ve:'rding machines occupying mare than 50 square Peet. 3. Kiosk type units and bulk verdittg machi:~es; .. ., 4. -Unattended containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials; (c) iarge Collection Facilities ~i~h may oowpy en area of mane than 500 square lest and may include pe~nnent stz. -2- SCE N0. 1426 (1):.Ps+ooessin9 Facility .A 8t+ocxssing Facility is a building ar enclosed space used fc~ the collection and pmooessirYg of recyclable materials. Processing means the preparation of material far efficient shipment ar to an end-user's specificatiaa~s, by such means ~ ~~1 r ~r ~r ' PlattAniT~Jr gr~d~3r Czvshil7g, mec3sanical Bortitrg,, shreddirxg, cleaning, erld x~aarnifac4aic~g• Processing facility includes the fallowing: (a) A licit prvicessir~g Facility occupies an area o! under 45,000 square feet of gross collection, processing and sta~age area and has up to two (2) outbotmd truck shipmeaits per day. Light processing Facilities are limited to baling, briquetting, cnrshinq, cca~acting grinding, shx+eddiry and sorting of sairoe-separated recyclable materials and repairing of reusable _. .: materials sufficient to qualify as a certified prvoessirrg facility. A lit,~t prooessirg facility. shall .. __ not shred, oaapact, ar bale ferrous metals other than food and beveza~ge contall~ers. (b) othar~than~Jproo~essi q acil~i pissing faci].itY Section 3.3 Reverse Vending Machine(s) A Reverse Verdirrg Machine is an autannted mechanical device which aooepta one ar moms types of eripty beverage ocirtainers, irrludirg, but not limited to alumiramr cans, glass an3 plastic battles, an3 issues a cash r+eftuxl ar a redea~able crodit slip with a value not less than the containers redemption value, as determined by the State. A reverse vending machine may sort and process containers mechanically pmovided that the entire process is enclosed within the machine. In corder to accept aryl teagxararily stoma all three oorttainer types in a propomtion oammei'is~aate with their relative redemption rates, and to meet.the ~ of certification as a recyrlirg center, multiple gzrouping of reverse vetding machines may be necessary. -3- ORDII~NCE N0. 1426 A bulk reverse vending machine is a reverse verriirg machine that is larger than 50 square festr is designed to accept mare than one container at a timef and will pay by weight instead of by container. Section 3.4 Mobile Recycling Oanter A mobile Fecyvlirg Center means an automobile, truck, trailer ar van .licensed by the Depaz~nent of Motor Vehicles, which is used for the oollecticn of recyclable material. A Mobile Recyclirfq Center also means the bins, boxes ar containers ttarssparted by tnirks, vans, or trailers aryl used far the collection of recyclable materials. A mobile zecyclirq center may consist of an errlased Vehicle such as a boot cab ar errlosed se~ai-trailer ar an open vehicle suc31 as a flat bed trailer with bins ar boxes to oorttain recyclable materials. SDCPIOtJ 4 • PFTd~IS RDQfTII~9 No person shall permit the placement, oonstructian, ar operation o! any recycling facility without first obtaining a permit pursuant to the provisions set forth in this Section. Recycli~ facilities may be permitted as sat forth in the following table. '.T1me of Facjlity Zones P~atmitted Permit Reouired Reverse Verrling All Ca~anercial Admin. Permits Machines All Trrfiiefrial All Planned Development zones which permit oanoezcial, office and iMustrial activity BA arxi BQ Small Cbllecticti a.Rsverae Vending Machines b.Groupirrg o! Reverse Vending Maclsirtes c.Mobile RBCyclirg: F2rclased vehicle All Qommerciel Admin. Permits All Irxiustrial . All Planned Development zones whic3z permit oaameroial, office, arri industrial activity.. BA and BQ -a- ~ NO. 1426 .; :t'~::'" ;. Small Oollaction All Oomasrai,al ,, , : :, ~ .:. ; `AYC'~lit. i~'Site a.Bulk Vending All Irrh:strial Appzwal Review Machines All Planned DeNalopnRnt- Lcv~es _ b. Kiosk Units which permit oaaner+cial, oftiae, c.Unatterded and industrial,. activity:: ,., Containers HA and Bp d.Mdale Recycling: , Open Vehicle e.Mobile Recycling: ... , F2~closed Vehicle . _. .. that utilizes external oollectian bins ~, Iarge Ocllection - I~t Il~'ial. ,Condit. Use Pprrnit BA atxl BQ All Plarmed Development which ud:ich allows light ir~ustrial activities = ; ;::. Licit Ps+ooessing Lk~it Ir~strial ` ":: CoMit. Use Permit All Planned Development whir3: .. . allows li,gtrt irrd: wt activities Heavy Prnoessing Idght Industrial Oondit. Use Permit All Plarmed Development which allows light industrial activities SDLTION 5• PF3d4'IS FGJ2 ~[rnmrvrs? g~~r A single applicant may prvoess an application to allow mare than one reverse vending machine iretallation or small oaLlectiat facility located on different sites under the following oanditians: A. 'it~e operator oP each of the p2~q.~osed facilities is the eamei B. Zhe pr+opoeed facilities are dstezrained by the Director of Planning and Development to be similar in nature, size and intensity o! activity; aril C. All of the applicable criteria and standards set fcuth in Section 5 below era met for each such proposed facility. SECiZON 6: (]2rfE12IA AND STA2JD;+RD6 Zhose recycling facilities permitted with an Actninistrative or ooaxiitional Use Permit shall meet all of the applicable criteria and standards listed below. ~tffi2~NCE No. 1426 .. the criteria a~ starxlards tar recycliatg taailities era as lollcws: Sectiaat 6.1: Reverse Vending Machines Reverse Vending Machines located within a oammereial atzucluie do not require discretioasary permits. Reverse VetY]iaxi Machines located. outside of a shall be x+egulated by the following standards: 1. Shall be established in oonjunetion with a omaaer+cial use whic3l City of Gvp~erltino. the the zoning, building and tits codes of the 2. Shall be located within a reasonable pr+oocimity to the entrarxs~ to the ocsaoeraial stivctur+e and et~all not abstract pedestrian or vehicular circulation; 3. Shall not oa~spy P~~l ~~ by the Pr'~5' use anti shall be placed on the apron of the host facility when possible; 4. Shall oocvpy no more t2san 50 oquar+e feet of floor space per installation, including any protective enclosure, and shall be not more than eight feet in heic~it. 5. Shall be constructed ar-d ~-intai*+~ with durable waterpz+ooP and rustproof material; 6. Shall ba clearly marlaed to identify the type of material to be deposited, operating instructions, and the identity and phone number of the operator or responsible person to call i! the machine is inoperative; 7. -Shall have a sign area of a maxim~mm of four square teat per madiine, elusive of operating instxuctionst 8. Shall be maintained in a litter-tree, dust-tree ocaYiition cal a daily haslet 9. operating hours shall be at least the operating hours of the host use. 10. shall be illuminated to ensure aamtrortable and sate operation it operating hours era between chink and dadnt u. Shall oaq~ly with City's Noise ordinance. -6- i ORDIIa1NCE ND. 1426 _:~f .~"' _ > 12. Sanitation cor:trol ard~ practices shall-bs installed`ard used to ,~~*+*~~++ each site in a manner freo of rodarrts, ii~aeahe "and other vectors.. Section 6.2: Shull Collection Facilities Small Collection Facilities shall oosply with the following oanditiamt 1. Shall be established in corrjunctian with an e~dstinq ocmoercial, otfioe, industrial ar cammuiity service facility which is in c~lianos with the zoning, building and fire nodes of the a~i-/may ~ ~: 2. Shall be no larger than 500 square feet, and ooa~y rro more than Live (5) parking spaces not irrlud.inq space that will be periodically needed for removal of materials or ma3sange of containers; 3. Shall be set back at least ten (10) feat Fran any street line and shell not obstruct pedestrian ar vehicular oiranlation. 'I2ie collectiacr facility shall be sited in a manner which bnlancea the ' need -to pxwide visual aooeseibility to the recycling center versus ..the objective to ~i*+t=i*+ an attractive street scapa Por the ocnmuiity. 4. Shall accept only glass bottles, metals, plastic o~tairters, papers and reusable items. Used motor oil may be accepted with peimissiai of the Opntral Fire District, ar other agency which adr-irdsters the city's Hazardous Material Ordinattoes. Used motor oil can only be accepted at an attended site having containers approved by the adm~nistatar o! the city's Hazaxda:s Materials ordinances 5. Shall use no power-driveQf pmooeseing equipnent e;aoept for bulk reverse vending machines; 6 Shall use containers that are oonstn~cted and maintained with durable waterproof and rustpo.~oot material, ooves~ed when site is not atlerded, secure fzun unauthorized entry ar removal of material and shall be of a gpacity sufficient to acca~odate materials collected aryl collection schedule; 7. Shall store all recyclable material in aa~tainers or in the mobile center vehicle aixi shall not leave materials outside of oontainer~s when attendant is rwt present; -7- ORDINANCE N0. 1426 _.... 8. Shall... be~mnintaihed free_ of litter: and-any. othsr;:undesirable materials, and mobile facilities, at ~diic~ truck.-or ooTrtainaYs are removed at the std of each collection day, shall br•swept at the end of each aollectian days 9. Shall oa~ly with the City's Noise Ordinance. 10. Attended facilities located within 100 teat of a pztiper~y zoned ar oaa:pied far res{ ~~*+* i Ai use shall curate only during the hours between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.t 11. Oo¢~tainers for the 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least ~QQ Peet fz~ any pzvperty zoned as occupied for residential uses unless there is acoustical shieldi~ betwaer- the oocitainers and the residential asst 12. Sanitation control and praatioes shall be installed and used to maintain each site in a manner tzee oP rodents, insects and other vectozs. 13. oontair:era shall be clearly mar)ced to identify the type of *+*~'~+-+~~ which may be depositedt the lacility shall be clearly marked to identify the name+ and telephone rnnaber of the facility tar and the hours of disp ay t~ha~ta no material shall be le~aouts the recycling enclenclosure r containers; 14. Signs may be prnvicled as lollaws: a. Recycling oeutters may have idm~tilicatian aigna with a - ;,maxim~m- of 20 peroe~nt per side of sixteen (16) square feet, whichever is smaller, in additioa~ to informational signs required in Section 5.12: b. Si,cros must ba c~a~sistent with the character of the location; c. Directional signs, bearing no advertising , ~Y ~ installed with the appzvval of tha Director. of Plasmirg and Development it neoessasy to facilitate traffic circa~lation, air if the .facility is not visible fzta- the. public ric~st-ot-way. -8- ORDINANC'~ IJO. 1426 .,, .~ d. , Rhe . DirectoaC r:of :Planning, and Development -may ' autharize in~+eaeee in the raaober end size of sicg~s upon 2lydirga that it is oompatibla with adjacent businesses. 15. ~ lacility shall not impair the.landscapirg required....for an oonauxent use by this Title ar any permit issued pursuant thereto; 16. No additional parking spaoea will be zequired far a;stamen^a of a small oolleictian facility located at the established parking lot of boat use. Ono space will be provided far the attendant, iP needed; 17. Mobile recycling oentera shall have an gran clearly marloed to prohibit other vehicular parkitg during hours when nubile center is sdseduled to be present; 18. Oaupaticn of Parking spaces by the facility and by the attendant may not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required.-far the primary boat use unless all the following oaditia;s exist; a. Zhe facility is located in a oornwenienoe zone ar a potential convenience zone as designated by the California Department of Cbn.~atvatian; b. A parking study shows that existing parking capacity is not alzeady frilly utilized during the time the recycliig facility will be on the site; c. 'Ihe permit will be raoa~sidered at the end of 18 months. 19. Zf the permit expires without renewal, the Collection Facility shall ba rewoved Farm the site on the day followi~ permit expiration; 20. with the exception of enclosed mobile rec~~ir?g vehicles, small oollectian facilities shall be scJ:~eened, via renting and/or landscaping, izun public streets. ~ scteeznirg height, density, aryl location shall be designed to mtntmf~A the view of the mobile unit and potential sortim~ areas from public streets and other Public spaces. -9- Of2DII~U4NCC'E N0. 1426 21. . Sanitation .oontsol and pzac-tioes shall' be-'installed ard'used tc maintain eao3t :site in a manner- tree oP zodentsi~ insects, aryl other vectors. Section 6.3 Large Oollection Facilities . A 7anle Collectiai Facility is one that is larder tlfen 500 square feet, ar is an a separate property not appurtenant to a host use, and whirls may have a permanent building. 1. Facility. does not abut a property zoned, planned orr ooc~rpied Far residential use; 2. Facility will be screened Pr+aa~ the public right-al-way by operating in an enclosed building ar: a. Within an area enclosed by an opaque Penoa at least six (6) lest in height with larzlscxping; b. lit least 150 Peet fzcm pxopasty zoned, planned ar oooupied Par residential use; and _-. -a. Meats all noise standards. 3. Setbacks and landscape requir^erertts shall be those pr+wided Par the zoning district in which the Facility is located; 4. All exteriar storage oP material shall be in sturdy, nanAammable cositainers which are covered, secure, and maintained in good oonditicn. Haled ar pelletized material may also be stored. oil storage Host be in containers approved by the Firs Marshal. No storage will ba visible above the heic~st of the fencing; 5. Site shall be ~{*+*~~*+~ Free oP litter and any other utsdesirable materials, an3 will be cleaned oP loose debris on a daily basis; 6. Space will be provided m sits Par six (6) vehicles ar the anticipated peak wstaaer load, whie3sever is higher, to circulate and to deposit recyclable materials; -10- 022DICU~iCE No. 1426 .. . 7. one ;. parld.c~g apnoa. will be. pr+oyicUd tar eaK3r official vehicle pi+wid d !or in the za e, except that p~arki-~ {rests far eaQloyees may be z+edooed when it can be shown that P~~I are not necessary, auc3i as when eaplayees a1,a transported in oomparry vehicle to a wank lacilityt 8. Shall comply with the City's Noise ottiinanoe. 9. It the lacility is located within 500 feet of p2roparty zoned, planned ar occupied for residential use, it shall not be in operaticcr between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; 10. Any containers provided tar afterhours donation o! recyclable materials will be at least 50 feet Pray any pzvperty zoned ar occupied tar residential use, shall ba o! stuzdy, rustproof constnretion, shall have sufficient capacity to aooa®odate materials collected aryl shall be secsrre fzan unauthorized entry ar removal of materialB. Containers shall be at least ten (10) teat Eton any buildirrgt 1L Dorvltiarr erase will be ]celrt free of litter and arty other undesisable material and the containers will be clearly marked to identify. the type of material that may be depositedt facility shall display a notice statirq that no material shall be left outside the rercyclirg oantainers; 12. Facility will be clearly marked with the name and phare rAnnber oP the facility operator and the hours of operation; identificaticn arri informational signs will meet the standards of the zone; and directicnal signs, bearing nD advertisirx3 ~ mal' ~ installed with ttre app¢vval of the Director of Plaruting and Development i! necessary to facilitate traffic circulaticn, ar it the facility is Hart visible trcm the public rightrot-way way; 13. lower-driven processing, irrludinq alumiram foil and can ~. ~~J~ Plastic shredding, ar other light processing .activities necessary tar efticiertt temporary storage and shipment of material may be approved thzvugh a use permit process ar at the discretion of the zoning administratar i! noise and other oonditiorrs era mat. -11- N0. 1426 14. Sanitation oorrtsol acrd practices stall bs inetnll~d and used to maintain each alto in a m~rnret free=of z+odenYs, lrrsecta and ottrer vectars. Section 6.4: PY'ooeesitq Facilities A processor will meet ttse follawirg o~rrditions: 1. Facility does not abut a po:npatty zoned as plarn;9d far resideQrtial asst 2. in a oommezr~~~ ar light industrial zone, pzvoeseor will operate in a wholly enclosed building except !ar incidental atorage, or: a. Within an area enclosed on all sides by an opaque fence ar wall not less than eic~t feet in height and landscaped an all street flaorrtagea J b. located at least 150 feet from a residential zone. 3. Pbw~er-driveY- pzvoeasirg shall be pez~aitted, provided all noise level +~~t*+~*~*+*= are met. Light pirooessing fadlities are limited to baling, briqusttirx~, ~~~g~ gr~'d~"4, ~'ed~rrg and sorting of eamoe-separated z+ecyclable materials and repairing o! reusable materials; 4. A light procpssirg facility shall be no larger than 45,000 square teat and shall have no more than two (2) outva~md truck shipments o! ~~~~ per day and may not shred, ca~act ar bale lerrous metals other than food and beverage ocettainersJ 5. A pmooessirg facility any accept used motor oil far recrrling !1ffi ttra geryatatorJ 1r1 amcxnrrts ~ greater ttan twenty (20) gallons pat shipment aryl the oont~ts oP any single corrtaixrer gust not exceed five (5) gallons; in aooo2darrce with Section 25250.11 of ttra California Health and Safety Codei 6. Setbacks and larrde[xpirg r+er,~,k**~++*s shall be those pzvvided far the zoning district in which the facility is located. -12- ORDItD1NCE N0. 1426 .. 7 r A71; ~ suteriar starage of mstarial! sts311 be irl 4tut~dy tfontlamoneble oartainers adiich are . covered, eecarro and maintained in good ootditlon. Baled or palletized material may also be stoned. Oil storage must be in containszs approved by the Fire Marshal No storage will be visible above the height of the fenoet e. Site shall be maintained Eras of litter and any other undesirable materials, arxi will be cleaned of loose debris an a daily basis .....and will ba secured from unautharized entry aM removal of materiels when attarrdarits are rat presents 9. Space shall be provided on sits far the anticipated peak load of customers to ciza>.late, park asd deposit recyclable materials. It facility is open to the public, specs will be provided far alumira~ o! ten (l0) custametat 10. Cite parktnq specs will ba provided for each ccmoercial ve~2ricle operated by the processing oerttar. Par)d,rrg requirements will ot2rerwise be as mnrdated by the zone in which the facility is locatedt 11. Shn11 oaaQly with the City's Noise Ordirsanoe 12. If the facility is located within 500 feet of pxvperty zoned, planned ar oocupiod far zesiderrt.ial use, it shall not be in operation between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.. Facility will be administezad by an-sits persor~-1 during the hours the center is opens 13. Any oontainets provided far after-hau:s donation o! recyclable materials will be at least ~ feet Prom any property zoned ar oocxrpied Par residential use, shall be of sturdy, rustpmDOf constsuctian, shall have sufficient capacity to aoo~nodate materials collected and shall ba eeau^e from unauthorized errtty ar x~oval of Ito,-~Ais. Containers shall be at least ten (10) feet from any builditgt 14. Donatlan areas shall ba kept free oP litter and any ether undesirable material. ~e ooartainess shall be clearly marked to identity the type of material that rosy be deposited. Facility shall .display a notion stating that ra material shall ba left outside the z+ecyrll=rg cartaitrazst -].3- ORDII~-NCE t10. 1426 15. Sign ~'+~ ++„~,*9 stall be those p~+wided .far the zoning district in which .the facility is located. In addition, facility will be clearly marked with the Hama and:ptnns number o! the facility operatar and the tm~trs of operaticni 16. No dust, ft~es, smoke, vibration ar odor above ambient level may be detectable an neigtsbaricq propexti~. 17. Sanitation control and practices stall be installed and used to maintain each site in a manner Eras of rodents, insects, and otter vectors. SECTION 7 • Tr~n, v~arr~rta Section 7.1 A~n~niatratiVe Permit Tt1e Direcstar of Plaruling and Development shall Lave the authority to review and approve applications far Reveres Vending Madiines ant a G~ ing of Reverse Vending Machinm occupying more flan 50 square Each applicant shall use a form specified by the Diractar which defines P,dministrative Fees and other filing requirements. R2a farm shall be signed by the property owner and the applicant. An ..applicant may file an appeal, within five (5) working days frrm date of the Dirsctar's disapptroval, to be heard by the City oP Cupertino's Arc3litecttu'al arxi Site Approval Committee (ASAC) . 4he ASAC shall oansider the matter within one month from date of the approval. Section 7.2 Arc311tectural and Site Approval Ootaaitt:es (ASAC) use Architectural and site Approval Ccaaaittse shall lava ttsa authority to review and approve applications far bulk vending , kiosk units, unattended oartainers, and other small collection facilities other than revax~e vending machil~es referred in Section 6.1. An application shall be made an a form specifying type, number of eadsibits and filing fees by the Depnrtx~ent of Planning and 1)evelopnent and stall be signed by the property owner acd applicant. Said application shall contain infaroatiar regarding the size, location, aignage, illumination, and other information to enable the oaaaittes to evaluate the application pursuant to the starzlards contained in this ordinance. -14- OQ2DIt~1NCE N0. 1426 An applicant ar other irrlividual may file an appeal o! the Arrhitectulal and site Approval Ctmaittee~s decision to the City Council. Zhe appeal must ba filed in writing with the City Clerk within five (5) wanking days subsequent to the Architecttual and Site ApFmoval Oomnittee's decision. The City Council shall schedule a hearing pursuant to the appeal procedures specified in Section 8 of Ordirsance No. 652. SECTION 8 • SE<IERABIISTY CLAUSE Section 8.1• If any section, subsect,irn, sentence, clause ar phrase of this ozdinanoe is far any r+easan held to be unocnstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the r~naininq portions o! this or+dinanoe. The legislative body hereby declares that it wand have passed this azditsnnoe and each seCtien, subsection, sentence, clause ar phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one ar more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses ar phrases be declared ~u~titutienal. SECTION 9 • FilffiZSfiBJG CLAUSE Section 9.1: The City Clerk is hereby sutharized and directed to cause a certified Dopy of this ordinance to be published at least coos within fifteen (15) days after its enactment in the Cupertino Courier, the official newspaper of the City, published and cirtiutated within the City of Cupertino. INS at a regular meeti~ of the City Council an the 21st ~Y of September, 1987, and ElmC'I~ at 8t a regular lmetil7g of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 12th day of October ~ 1987, by the following vote: ~1t7 AYFS: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks NOES: None AffiFZTr: None AffiTAIN: None 1~'AYCEt _ o~ ~C1IItIC -15-