Ordinance 1414 U~II4AKE N0. 1414 ~ .,; .. ..,,....:: , AN OF 'JIB CITY a0fAi0II. OF THE QTY OF C~',INp~ CIA AMk2~fIG VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE SIQi (No. 746) ~ t~ City~s Sign Ckdinanoe Nor 746 waa enacted by the City period o in~e ibr~ry~212, 1977, and has served the oanuta~itSr well during a activity; and s- the provisions o! said sign ordinar,osremain lamely in step with the original. objectives leading to its ; aril wFRTiFA.4, Minor modification of certain provisions of said Sign Ordinance have been fount necessary in order to remain current with ~~ ~P ~ mot theiln ~~, and to clarify ambiguities which may egislative intent of Said ordinenoa. ~r ', BE IT OEiUAII~~ AS PnI,LfJW3t That the City ~~ of the City o! Cupertino hereby approves o! the text mitts to Ordiilanoe 746 as set forth in the ensuing portions of this Ordinanoet PION la r. Fr*mnrx. The City Oautail of the City of Cupett,ino finds as follows with regard to the sign Ordinance text amts e~naoerated in this Ordinance: A) That the prnPosed amerdme~tty are necessary tp ensure that the City~s apptvadi to sign regulatic~ r+amains ctu-z~nt with evolving oaoamitY desic~ values and with the objective of p2+eeerving a .viable business climate. B) That the proposed amendments are wry ~ ~fy ambiguities of language or intetpretation so that a more consistent application of the regulations can be made relative to the overall Purpose and intent of the Sign ordinance. C) That the statement of legislative intent appearing in Section 1.03 of Ordinance 746 (and as Section 17.04.020 of the Cupertino M~mic;ipal Code) is hereby rreaffirmed as the basis upon Which the subject text amm'dmetfts arc p~'+q~osed. -1- NO. 1414 ,.~.a ......._.~ ~sr_rraar 2: QiD~UWCE 746. 'BECPICR~i 3:02: i. >`ri A) Ordinance 746, Section 3.02 is hereby repealed in its mttirsty. B) Rl~a following text shall tee enacted as Sectiotr 3.02' of Orslitsanoe 746: _ _, Permit--Required-Dso~ntions. All aigrss wtsich ,are nvt e~op~t by seckian 4 of this Orr3.inance, ar by Sections 8.07 ar 8.08 sha11. ~ i^equix±a, a sign permit fmn the City. SFJCPION 3: 746. SDLTION 6.03.4s A) Ordirlarfos 746, Section 6.03.4 is hereby repealed in its entirety. B) Zhe following tehct shall ba enacted as Section 6.03.4 of Ordirlarroe 746: oamier~ial Di:~cta --G~o~axt Signs-Seavioe &tatians Service stations shall be penattted one (1) graasd airy regardless of street fraastage. A priaa-siaJn readerboard shall be incorporated into the service statical grand sign aryl be catq~trted in the face area ..permitted -and shall ba Ioept ir1 use as stipulated by Section 9.10. A price sign roard may be attached to the wall of the service station buildirrq Paciry the public street in iristanoes where a service station is not identified by a grand sign. Said price sign shall be permitted in addition to any buildisy maurted sign allowed far the site under Section 6.03. 'fie rnrmber of product prices listed on the graffi sic~t ar wall sign display, shall. not exceed six (6) per face. use letter size of said price display shall not axoeed the mirtim~an specifications cotrtairsed in Scotian 13532 0! the Business and Profesaiarre Oode of the State of California, as amended. SF]CFIfRJ 4• ORDINANCE 746. SDCPION 7.12 A) Ordirlanoe 746, Section 7.12 is hereby repealed in its entiz+ety. 8) Zhe Pollowiry text shall be enacted as Section 7.12 of Ordinance 746: -2- ORDII~R~ 2i0. 1414 Siam Proraa__,~ir~,+.rA. !- sign p~agLam tai certain land use:. districts, as svquired under Section 6, is intQnded to provide ' gigrt ootttir:uity far aoulti-tersnt:t, ~r~e,*- at , p~+otesoiaaal office ~ t„~,n++-±,.t ~ within the City. Priar' to approval of eign8 Within aud~ diatriota, the oWrfer or the prooperty shall submit a plan for an overall sign program Mich shall be required !ar all tersatrts within the building. B) The information required tar an application Par a sign program, and whic3t will be a part or the program, is as follows: 1) The signature of the property owner; 2) ~t~e sign size, is:cluding a formula !ot length and area !or eadi tenant sign; 3) The polar sr,3tetne, mounting ted>nigte, latter style and size, type or materials, and any other intemation as may be necessary tar adopting the ptvgrmn C. The adoption of a sign program shall ba r+equited at the time of the initial oonsttiuctian o! a new project. bcistirtg dev~elopnents in the City which do net have an overall sign program shall be requited to adopt ate when the tirst tenant in the project requests a change of face. Rhes+sarter, all subsequent dtmtc~es of face in the project shall be required to Dantean to the ~• D. As a Datditiat of approval tar a sign program required under this Title, the ASAC may authorize asap-ectninistration procedure for majar d:anges to individual tenar-t signs ar lreesta:tdirtg signs, when such ct:arr3es ate implemented in oanfarmat:oe with the adopted sicyt program. The selr-administration procedure optim may ba granted only to those establistm~ents far which the property saner will act to administer the sign progra®, ar in which an authorized agent ar nanager has been appointed by the property owner far that purpose, and which hnvs at least three (3) tenants. thtder the salt-administrating: procedure, the pzcperty owner may approve and iaq~lement minor dtanges to irxiividual sign faces oasLSistent with the site's adapted sign program without ft:tther review by the City. The selr~ndministratian prooedut+e shall apply only after a sicgt progr~nn is approved, and after eadi sign authorized under that program is installed in aooordanca With any t~equired oonstructicn permits. -3- rA. 141a r°; • - '~ , pxvpszty oansr ~ az' ' `authorized agent shall ass~mie xespa:eibility far disalosurs to tensn!a of the sign pivgram requis+ea~ts, and shall ensure that d~angea authorized under the colt-a~imtnistratian privilege are oonsiat~ent with the aaoptea sign pi+ogre:n. 7be ASAC may initiate a public hearing to rBVOlae any authorized se1!-adminietratim privilege upon demnstrnticas of substantial and oonsisteltt deviation from the approved sign ~rx:rtuv 5• vrrnaa-rar~ 746 SECPIOtd 8 01 A) Ordirenoe 746, Section 8.01 is hereby repealed in its entirety LION 6: ~Ata~ 746 SDCPION 8 0$ A) Ortiinenoa 746, Section 8.08 ie hereby- repealed in its entirety. B) 'ors following text e2:a11 be erected as Section 8.08 of Ordinance 746: _ ale. Rent or Leas m aiern,e, A. Sale, "rent ar leesirg 81grm shell - be pezmitted irr-ell zones e~ept reaidentiai zones. Signs far reaiderstial zones eze stated in Section 8.07. H. Such signs may include the tome of the real estate agent or owner, the address, phone number and any other peztineat inta~zmntian. C. Each paznel shall be allowed to display arse sale/rent,/lease sign on Bch public street fzorrtage. Each sign face shall be "limited to ~ (32) equaza feet, with a nasdnena of two faces per sign. Each sign shall be liatited to a heic~t of five (5) feet. D. A building motarted sale/zrrf~/lease sign may be used in lieu of a freestanding sale/rent,/lease sign. One building meted sign nay be placed on eac3i building elevation facing an adjacent public street, provided that a S'+eestanding sale/rent,/lease sign as p~ldesciribeds~~Paragraph C shwa is not displayed oonau~resrtly ear that frrurtage. Such sign shall be restricted to 32 sq. ft. o! face area, and shall be located and displaye3 in aoaardanos with the provisican of Section 7.02 regarding clearance, obstruction and rvotlinla line level. -4- r~ u o~Da~ r~u. laic .,:--. E. -ono- sign tar purpo.es o! sale,. zeal ~ leasing shall be t~ ~s+ec•t lat ~ qaf mP~o ~~~ ~~4 lots liiiloed to a public tharau~tfare by a driveway oorridar only. Display -o! said off premise sign shall be confined to private pivperty, subject to approval and cooperation of the property owner upon whose paroperty the off pr+mtise sicp~ is to be located. Said of! premise .sign shall be allowed in addition to an an premise display auttmrized tinder Paragraphs A - D above. Said off pr+aaise sign shall haws a maximum of two faces, and shall not exceed twenty (20) aq. ft. 3n area per face, nor exceed a height of five (5) Pest. SON 7• CIRDI'rII1NCE 746. SF7CPION 8.10 A) Qrdinanoe 746, Section 8.10 is hereby repealed in its entirety. B) ~e following text shall be enacted as Section B.ol of or+dinanoe 746: Temoo2arv and 5loecial Event Sions and Pramtional Devices. A. T~orary and other special event signs, banners, pennants or hellcats !ar the ptaq~oses of grand openings ar special events may be permitted in all ocmmercial, iffiustrial or Plarmed Devalopnent Zoning districts subject to approval of the Plannitx3 Director. H. 'ale use Of any special promotional device stxfi as search lic~ts, hat air balloons, rides, ttaffic/parking directional signs trithin the public right-or~xsy, etc., Amy be permitted with prior written approval of the Placating Direc.•tor, ud» shall review the request in re:].atian to the type of activity and the appz+opriate~ess of the activity to the s~a:x+aadirg nom. ~' is no specific limitation an the naober of traffic,/parxing directional signs whic3i may be used as a site on the specific say of the special praaotional ar t~ar5- event. However, the Plarming Director shall revisor the ntn~ and plaomient of signs requested to be placed in the public right-of-way, and may rrstrict the mbar and placement of said signs in order to ensure that adequate sight distance acd traffic safety clearances ors :.maintained. -5- oRDI2~IN(~ No. 1414 C. Each busir~eas msy be `permitted cona~rrertt use of one ter]' oar special errant sign and one special promational_devioe to four times within n calEndar year. one additional tespo~ary and one additiconl. pranotional device may be allowed daring the"first year o! operation far a new business entity far purposes o! annaa:cing the grand opening o! said business entity. A freestanding temporary sign shall not exceed ten feet in height ar fifty square feet per face, with a ae+xi~man of two faces. A t~orary banner shall be building mamted only, shall have only one face not e~aoeedirxg ~ hurxlred square feat in area, arxi shall be placed on the building in aooordarr~e with the limitations specified in section 7.02 clearance aryl rooiline level. D. Zn cases of a shopping center, only ono temporary ar special event sign may be displayed at any one time !ar purposes of . arfnau~cincJ events which era sparsored by, ar era conducted under the supervision of tY-e shopping center as a whole. A _t~Oraty sign Par a shopping center as a whole may bs peranitted in addition to bara~ers or te~orary signs on display by individual tenants within the shopping oentex, in aooordanoe with the _-following schedule: 3 Tenants to 6 Runts - 1 Tenant Display ar 1 Center Display 7 Tenants to 13 Tenants - 1 Tenarst Display + 1 Center DisP~Y 14 Tens to 20 Rbnants - 2 Rpnant Displays + 1 center Display 21 R~enartts to 27 Tenants - 3 Tenant Displays + 2 Center Displays 28 R~Snnts ar more - 4 Trnartt Displays + 4 Center Displays E. All temporary signs and devices may be displayed far a maxilamm period a! thirty days, without renewal privileges. F. A minims of ono htazired dollars cash deposit shall ba required to eneum removal o! the sign upon the expiration data it the allowed t~imet~the City shall retain the depositit to cover -costs of removing audi sign. G. Signs aruyo~a~cirg a citywide event for a citywide organi2atiart shall be permitted in the public right-of-way. Rhe length of time suds sicFt is permitted, amount of deposit, and sign size, raanber and location shall ba subject to staf! approval. -e- a~nm~ rx~. 141a _APF1lcatiana shall_ irialucfe n list 'ot all signs, including earn i9sign~s dimmmione and street locatiur. lh the event that the ..signs are not s+e®wed `within 'the allott~eci time, the, City shall retain the deposit to Dover oasts of moving said signs. SEiL'PZCN S: ~D1Nf1- 746. SHCPION 8.11 A) Osdinarroe 746, Sectim 8.11 is hereby repealed in its entirety. B) Zhe following text shall be enacted as Section 8.11 0! Ozdinanoe 746: .window sions. A. window signs shall be permitted in all oaomemcial zones. B) ~e total azea of any window obeau~ed by any ocmbination of pexaanmlt and te~paxaty window signs shall not erased twenty flue (25) pex+oertt of the window a:stece and shalt be located within the interiar of the building. C) Signs within a window shall be m~sidered teaporazl+ it they remain on the wirr]ow for lase than thirty (30) days, and shall not be subject to review. Winnow signs interned to remain ~~ sl~far more than thirty days shall be considered permat~errt Pormorxart wi:nov signs may be permitted in addition to any .permanent wall sign ar signs allowed tar a ocmnercial estab~].ietnoent toner Section 6.03 of this Ordinanos. .'EON 9: CHtDII~NCE 746. SDCPIC{i 10.03 A) Otdisrarfoe 746, Section 10.03 is hereby repealed in its entirety. B) ~s following text shall be enacted as Section 10.03 of Ordinattoe 746: Cm~fditicns far Corrtirnranoe of Non•c~orttormirw Signs. A. Any mn-contarminq sign which teas legally aracted in acoardartoa with the pxwisions of the Ordinarne in affect at the time of erection, ar which has a valid permit tzars the city, shall be permitted to remain tmtil Sufi time ass -7- ~ NO. 1414 1) Tlme~s is , a d~x~s in t2ya use of the px~opetty that the sign is located. ant Z)-~ arv~ altaretions ar enlatgaments to the site ar building an aa3d pz+cpertyt ar 3) Thera is ~ o! Yana oartistituting 50= ar more of the existing total sign faoa area at any one timsi expanaian, movement ar modification o! the sign. A ~ of face of a single tenant name panel oonstitut,ing lase than 50f of the total e~dsting sign taoa area in a multi tenant sign shall not constitute graa:ds for modification of a non ootsrorminq sign. B. At such time as any of the above mentioned events ooair, the sicpi must be bzvught into ccntormanoe with this title. Any business with a non ca-forming sign shall not ba entitled to an additional sign unless the non conforming sign is made to orng~ly with the previsions o! thin Ordinance. $F7f7PI0N 10: 746. BflCPION 7.05 A) Ordinance 746, Section 7.05 is hereby repealed in its entirety. B) Ztse lollaring facet stsall be enacted as Section 7.05 of Ordinance 746: A) All signs located within six tnux3red sixty (660) teat of a la~scaped freeway shall be oriented to the regular street system adjoinirr~ the pmopsrty rather than to an crientaticn that is exclusively visible to the freeway. Signs may ba oriented to the freeway, subject to the appxvval o! the Architectural and sits Approval committee, under case of the following ciramsstances: 1) The nature of the use identified bi' the freeway oiiented sign is lead by the Arc3iiitsctural and Sita Appzwal Oanatttea to require ~eeWay oriented signaga. 2) 'Eae sicp7 is intended far e~M idenkification purposes only, is building nxxmted, and does not exceed the size limitations far building mounted signs otherwise prescribed in this Titlfl. Dopy content far oaxpany identificaticn purposes shall ba subject to interpretation by the Ardlitectvral and Site Appawal O~mittee il'1 aoooztlanoa with Section 7.03. B) On presaise signs of a tmtQorary nature, such as far-sale ar far lease sigrLa, may be oriented to the rr+eeway tar a limited period of time as determined by the Planning Director. -8- Nc. 141a ~)' ~Y ~° building mo<aYted sign.. ariented to a Y shall be allowed per buainess,.ar por tenant in n buiditrg. Midi is ooCatpied. bA oar more tenants. Hou~enrat', not mare then-two (2) fx+esway ariertted building mo~attsd algae shall be allowed on any single building ar stnyctime at any lime, notwithstanding the total number of tenants in said building ar sure. Fz~oostancli:g sign s2sa7.1 not bs allowed far freeway identilicatian purposes. Stith fsesWny oriented signs shall be allowed as part of, not in addition to building mounted signs as authorized tayder section 6 0! this Ordinance. A) 'ltle following text shall be enacted as Secticrt 2.365 of Otdlnance 746: 2.365 "SlYypping Center" shall mean a retail entity eno~as three ar mare tenants within a elrgle en~titd'y~ but whidt~~idual businesses 1 in detinede tenant spaces axe owned and managed separately fray the shopping ~~ ~s LION 12• ORDII~Rg 746. SDCPICN 8.12 A) 'fie following taut shall ba enacted as section 8.12 of Orditsance 7462 8.12 Beverace container Recvalim Suns. A dealer of bevex'ages sold In oontaineta which is subject to pxwisione o! the Beverage Oontailfer Recycling Act of 1986 may display one (1) building nntatted single face sign not e~ooeecling ten (l0) square feet In area whidi seta faith the intoxmation oornerning a oe~s titled recycling oerster, as described in section 14570 0! the Public Resoia~oes Code. SZrh sign shall be allowed in addition to any other signs allowed far said dealer in aooordanoa with the px~ovisia~s or this Ordinance. Signs far oextified Red~rtion oaiters shall be subject to the limitatiats and zsview prooed~ues applicable to the zoning district in which said Redemption Oenter is located. -9- N0. 1414 ~. . ~: ...,. - _ ~ ~ ~ .. .; ._ r~ -la