22391 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project ldentlflaadon PERMITNO. Ba11a1 1Add_resL j .�GkAlQE� 22391 { R hone. A A. A VK" CITY OP CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION ^u d ContradOr'.Nanxe: Lie. o: APPLICATION / PERMIT Vr L BUILDINGELECTRICAL,PLUMBINC-MECHAN'ICAL CATEGORY COMROUA i/�'� A itect/1a p k.No: (p O L l Qry ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address LICENSED IIDCONTRACTOR'S ARATION PERh4TISSUANCE Ihb mthxtlamlkensedlunderAwWmaC9( c APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL ENTIAL I (� JOB DESCRIPTION DfSCRO}I'C�7Y10N IngthIGA70W)ofDlvtlon3oftheBusies.andPmleuionsCe,aAdmy lice.sel.in yIQtL]- � full forty and effect. PANELS License Claa Lk.I Date Contractor ARCHITECT`S DECLARATION MI-1070 AM13S ggqqqq0ad7 I understand my plans shall be used As publicre es. OVER IODO AMPS SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA f/SQA.Fr. �00 Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL <w OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION •�n v �ay�� Ir'i F7 SPFLULC]RCUIT/MISC following reason.(Section 7mL5,Businamd Prafasn.Cone An atyor w for 23 -2-0, affirm that l nm exemptM Contractor's License the OZcwhich rcqulreaa perocoralter, elTQ.P.METPR OR POLE INST. Fm�, Marm Ir anystmatem,pdorto Its bsoance,alsomquim theappllunt forsuc pe R PEVICa C e file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the pro m. t s 8�m Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9(mendtgI v, Sedlon )of vl- F�O� .ion3a(lhe mmBuslnes.and l'rofesiom Cade)orthat hets emmpt th the, a VALUATION Q .•5at the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of SeRba 7 .5 kZ / .. (� /} q e a,y s appllantfora perMt sobjects theapp0canttoa dvii penalty ofa rrorethan I �IXJ D "/L Y1 t l..i0 m�5EC.. five hundred dollars(SM.ollars(SM. I,as owner of the property,or heyemploy.wi wagess 1 lawd A YT. STORIES YMECONSIRUCTION t=] comPenzation,willclothe work,and the isnat Ind aedor sale (Sce.74k Bmut.... dPrmos Code: The Ccuaracwes Gae whoa not apply to an ownerof property who orimproves 1Maen an whod«asuchwarkFimscl/wthrough hlsownemplogm,provided that such T OCGGROIII' RFS UNITS improvements are not Intended oroffered far sale.It hawemr,thebuileiing or TOTAL:t> •Iv Improvement bsold withinoneyearofcompletbq theawner-bullderwlll have rdcn o/proving that M did not build or Improve far purpose ofsale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE e Las owner of the property,am exclusively..trading with licensed Fl.ODD ZONE APN ant dors to mnstmat the project(See 7DK Bei.InesaM Professions Code: PERMIT L561JANCE The Contactor'•License law does not apply to an owner of property who ��-DRAIN k VENT-WATER�V Wilds or Improves thereon, and whocontrada for such pkojeds with a s yyttrrador(s)Ilcenxd pursuanuothe Cont •License Law. BACK FIAW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I ce 4 un Sec. B"Tle C for 1his mason __ss.... I. DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,CC,ND, ew SANITARY Y_ N— n r Date RECEIPTN A fPA Ain ��11 f ...a 10 FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N ❑t firm ,ver.sorties tgpr can.em to.dr-mare,w a I a RECER'I' ccdlflcam ofworkeK Compo tion Insurance ova ceaified copy themof&x: GAS FA.SYSTFA]-1 INCA OUTLETS PARK= Y N Is 3800,lab C.) Polity. GAS EA. L RCCEIPI'N CIt . any H UILDING DI VISI ON FE IS �Cedifled copy at hereby furnished. ❑Certified copy Is filed with the city Inspection dlvidon. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CREASE TRAP PAID_�{S<(I ro29l-N-F e� COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWERSANHARYSTCR.M F.A.700Ff Date Remi ted 2� 4 (rhlasectbn need not M completed the permit b fw ane hundred dollars (St00)or les.) !'� ENERGY FEE Y N I oertifythat In the perforrrunm ofthe work forwhlch this permit is issued, WATER HEATER W/VENT/F],ECTA ``� — I shall not employ any person in any manner m as to become subject to the WATFRSYSTIN/TREATING Wwken,'Compenastlon LA a of California.Date PAID 0Z NOTICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PI.MB, SQ.FT. Date Recei ted _Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after making this certificate of Exemption'you should become subject to the Worken'Compensation prevision of the Labor TOTAL' H Crain,you=at forthwith comply with ach provisions orthis'nout shall he BUILDING 1 W j seemed rcwked. FEE CEi L CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC Ihembyaf(Irmthat there ba coruwttlon lendingagenq forth perform O Z once of the work for which this permit b law097 ed(Sec.3 ,Civ.C.) TOTAL: U O I<.derbName cCp ELECTRIC FE PLUM BINGF. V 3L LL I— Lcader.Addsv QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECI{ANICAL . O W Iartlfythatl Mve read thbappllatlon and aatethat thcaboveinfortvtlon ��..aa�s) L Il ucorscd.I.greet.complywlthalldtyandcountyordinancesanddatet.ws PERMIT ISSUANCE 2c LY FEES PAI¢ } rclatingtobulldingmvtructlon,and hcrtIXAuthoeim,mprewnutivm of thin Zcity to enter upon the abose-mentioned profor inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. u� Date Recei t agrae ta.a.e emnity an d lam ha ex tee city of Cupertino P m t Iabi00cq' d rro ts,cortundexpen a hicha,ayln.nywayaarve AIR HANDLING UNIT Ro 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTA a sin t 1 n venae ofthe gr ani this pe it. AIR HANDLING IATT(OVER]0,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX I 11A gn.t ircof est Coi a r ate ExHAuSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX 'AID: S 11 EMALS DISCLOSURE aasshY� cappliant."Ci ding occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT 100,000 BTU) tw Date RCC t# rruted.l as defined by tM CupcAlno Munkip.I Code,Chapter 9.lZ and the _ Health.ad Safety Code Section25532(a)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOT F1Yes �]No Willtheappllcant orfuturebuildingomupantmeequipment ordevu,cs VFNfILATIONFAN(SINGLERESID) (� I$ .( whichemus it hazardoairmntamli.a.defined by the Bay Ain.All Ljj -,DATE Quality Management De,trld7 BOILER-COMP OHP OR 100,OD0 BTU) -. Yea FF��No � Th,lveye.read thehuars7ousrrutedala requimmentsunder Chapter6.95of BOILER-COMP(OVEN 100,000 BTU) .ry the CalifwnlahealthkSafety Code,Sa Wo 7550.5,25M3and75534. I b understared that lfthe building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my NEWRESIDFNITALMECH. SQ.Fr. mpomibility,to notify the occupant of the requirements which rust be met aa..��//a.,���,�sr..��k.a prior to laauance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Co.W,cuplelYIIB Owner or authorized agent - Date ISSUEDBY.*Z . TOTAL: OFFICE COPY