Ordinance 1374' ORDlNAN(~ N0. 1374 AN OF TF~ CTTY OF CiJPERTINO REPEALING CERTATtJ ORDZNANCFS WTL~IID IN SECTICY~I 2 AND ESTAHISSIUNG AN OFtDII~NCE Ft~J(2JIAT,f2JG RESII~F2TIZAL, SINGIE-FAMILY (Rl) ZONEB 'lI~ CITY OfXRtC:II, OI+' ~ CITY OF CSJPF~IIID DOES CHiOAIN AS EVLLOWS: a~' 'j~ 1: AM[~I~1II~43~TI' Section 1.1: Ordinance 220 of the City of Qrpertino, Califo2sda, is hereby amended by adding this Ordinance No. 1374. SECTION 2• REPFALTr1G CLAUSE Section 2.1: Ozdirsarna No. 1240 and all ordinarfoes haretofame enacted in conflict. With .this Ordinance No. 1374 ate h~eaRby repeeled to the extent that they vary fmn the pravisicns of this Ordinance. SECTION 3• PURP06E Section 3.1: the purpose of this Ordinance is to establish a zcasa permitting single-family t+esidential uses aryl establish the regulations ~fprha~ni ~ thereto. 72fesB regulations ate irrt~e~r3ed to guide f11tt2re single-family res~rlerittAr development and ensure a healthy, Saictionai envitunaent for future residents within pt+opaeed developoent aryl between adjoining P'at'oels• SECTION 4• APPLICATION Section 4.1• No building, ar ar land shall be used, and no building ar stsuctut+e shall be hereafter et+ec:ted, ettvcturally altered or enlarged in a r~esidentinl single-family (R1) zone, athatwise than in oonformanoe with the following provisions: a. Uses, buildings and structures lawfully inexistence at the time this Ordinance No. 1374 takes effect may resaain as long as no alterations take place, and b. E:ooept an those legal rm-oorifotndrg ~ ar parrels of land as permitted by the City's Ordinance regul.atirg non-amfomaing uses ~ its aivocessar. SECTION 5: C~TPI'ICNS Section 5.1: Animml (adult): Any animal fair (4) months of age ar older. Section 5.2: Animal florae): Any equine, bovine, sheep, goat ar swine ar similar daaestSc or wild animal as determined by the Planning Oommissian. Section 5.3: Architectural Feature: Any part ar appurtenance of a building ar stsuctuze which is not an integral portion of the living area of said building ar struct~rce. Es~lea include: cornices, canopies, eaves, awnirr~s, fireplaces ar projecting window elements. Patio covers ar any projection of the floor area shall not constitute an architectural Projection. ORDIl~D\NC~ NO. 13 7 4 ) PAGE-2 - Section 5.4 • Bui l_di m• A,nY stn~cture of any Per~- or animal. Section 5.5• Buildirx-. Aooessorv: Any building or stzvcture servi.nq a use 8ubordinnte~ ar incidental to the use of the main building on a lot. Examples: Detached garage, permanent covered playpen, tool shed, decks, 9r'~'~~r r ~Yr covered wal}aaay ar patio aver. Fenaes, eight (8) ft. ar 1888 in height, are not acoesscry structimes. Section 5.6: Buildira(s) Attac3~d; Buildings which axe physically oar~ected by any stnu,•tulal members ar wall, exaluditg dec}cs, patios ar fences. S~'tion 5.7: a+i7dira. Detached: Buildings which are not physically cau~ected by any ativctuxal .members ar walls. excluding d8ake, patios, ar fences. Section 5.8: Dav Care Homes. Fate: A family home 1xm-institutional in d~aracter, which provides day came ally, with ar without oompensaticn, for not more than six (6) children tinder sixteen (16) years of age, including the faster family's children under sixteen (16) years of age. Section 5.9 Dav Care Homes. S*+~•~]: A family hc~e nai-institutional in character, which parwiR3es day Dare only, with or without compensatioat, for seven (7j to twelve (12) c3iildren inclusive under sixteen (16) years of age. S~tian 3 10• Dtas1_lira Unit Prirrcir>~: A 2uildirg space used exclusively Par resid8ntial oocuparsry by cne family, with facilities far living anti the cooking and,/ar preparatioa- of food. SBCtion 5.11: DWelli.nci UtLt Seoerd: A dwelling unit which is in addition to the principal ar initial dwelling unit located cap a s:gle lat ar pnmal. Section 5.12: Drivewav. Curved: A driveway which enters the garage from tha side and which contains a fancticnal twenty (20) foot parking area that does not owezhang the front pnopezty line. _ _.: ~~ 'La :was and mss-! "" paelSa ~ssre ~~~ ~• 1374) • PAGE - 3 - Section 5.13: Family. Single: One or more pexr~s related to each other by blood, marriage, legal adoption, or foster parent2wod, ar no more than four (4) unrelated pereais, livirq together as a single hausekeepi~ unit with a single kitctsen, together with necessary domestic eaq~loyees, if ar:y. For purposes of this definition, a single-family may also irrlude any ocmbirsation of related and unrelated persoa~s, excluding necessary domestic employees, e~aoeed four. 6ecticn 5.14• Garaae• A oa:pletely enclosed building ar part of a building intended and deaic~:ed to aooc~mbdate motor vehicles. SeOtion 5.15: GrCUp Care Activity: A z+esidertti.tsl care facility providing cOntiin:ous care for six (6) ar fewer pet~;s on a twenty-four (24) hour basis which requires licensing by a governmental agency. Section 5.16: heioht of Buildira: Rhe vertical distance between the average o! the highest finished grade anywhere adjacent to the buildirq, and the lowest finished grada> anywhere adjacent to the building, ar other structure, to the hig~t:est point o! said building ar struct:,tz+e, exclusive of radio ar television aerials. ». ». _ - n.~ •.ft .".. 5ectian 5.17: Ha;.aehold Pete: S1ma1,1 animals ocmaanly tourd in singlrfamily resin+A~ areas suds as chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc. but excluding animals such as any bovine ar equine animal, or any sheep, goat ar swine, ar any wild ar dangerous animal. Section 5.18: household Pete. S7na11: Small animals in contained habitats generally located in the principal building ar accessory buildings of residential lots, suds as hamsters, fish, birds, etc. but e~ocluding all animals defined as 'R~a:sehold pate". Section 5.19: Legal Substar:dard I.ot: Any panel of land ar lot recorded and legally created by the (runty or City priar to March 17, 1980 (initial adoption date Of this Ozditsanoe, as revised] which lot ar parcel is Of less area than requir+ad in the zone; or late ar parcels of record which are reduced to a substanlazd lot size as a result of a zequired attest dedication unless Otherwise provided in the City of Cupertiro General Plan. CQtDINANCE ND. 1374 ~}~) PAGE - 4 - The owner of a legally created, subst~~ndatd property which is less than 6,000 squaw feet but equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet may utilize said parosl far residential purposes. The owner of a legaiiy-c~+eated pasrel o! less than 5,000 square Peet may also develop (as a single-family residential building sits) if it can be dema'LSttated that the property was not u~ the same ownership as any owstiguws property on the same sts:+eet lrncstags as of ar after July 1, 1984. Section 5.20: Lot. Oorner: A lot abutting upm two ar mama streets at their intszsecticna, ar parts of the same street !arming an insteriar angle o! less than ana lna>clred thirty-liv~a (135) degrees within the lot lir-es. ~` ~ ~ s-~ ~» • Lea enm ~• dsaaaa~ ~~ ,,.- esei LSaa vrlss s..e bias 5 21• Lot Death: Ilse lot depth shall be calwlated as the average of the side lot lines ar in case of more than two side lot lines as the average of several lines rtuutirg the depth of the lot as determined by the Director of Plarsrsitg and Development. t,-_ l~s l a / ~ c+e Ca-!~ ~ b lac 1 (a*4~•s)~2 ~ Lae 2 (e-i)~: Y ~. ~ ~t Z r r • d ~ * uu ~>!i i Section 5.22: Lat. Fiats: An interior lot with a lot width of less !bans 40 ft. measured 20 Pt. back of the Ptvrst lot lines, on ~dsi,c3s the buildable area of the lot is located to the rear of a lat(e) which abuts the same public street right of way. Section 5.23: Lot Flag. Front SEat~hwr~lr srww; 'II'sat area extending across the full esctenst oP the buildable portion of a flag lot measured from the property line which is parallel to and rsearest the street line and at which poise! the lot width equals a mininnms of sixty (60) ft. Tlss Planning Cat¢nissian shall have ties disczBtian to modify the prwisians of this definition when it improves the design relationship o! the prti~posed building(s) to adjacent buildi~s ar parcels. QRDIPU~,NCE N0. 13747Ep) , PAGE-5- Secti~ 5.24: Lot. Irrterior: Any lot other than a corms lot, Section 5.25: Lot Itev: 'Ihe first lot to the rear of a ao~rrfer lot, .the fraart lot line which is a cantinuatian oP the side line o! the cx~rner lot, whether ar net separated by an alley. V ..'. w r _~' ' I _~ Section 5.26: Iat Width: The lot width is measured by aline oozresponding to the length of the lineal, ar radial (in the Dose o! a curved lznat lot line) lstixtt setback line. ,` ~~ r~• ~ `f~ ~'~~ r~ was .-. •~ •y-• iatbedc Ltae ~'~~ ~~ PssMr7 ~' ~ ~~ Section 5.27: Setback Area. tYont Yana: 427at area extending actives the Rail extent of a lot, bordered by a public street right o! way and a setback line parallel thsz+eto at a distance established by this Ottiinanoe. 4he Plaimirg ooamission shall have the diactetiat to modify the p2t:visims of this definitial when it can be round that the pzmposed modifications will iaprove the `deaigrt relationship o! the p~vposed building(s) to adjacent buildings ar parcels. r~ »sas' rise ..wee tease basiazss ,.~.~ ~. ~, ,,,._ pablsa saves ORDII1AtJC.E NO • 13 7 4 ) • PAGE-6- Section 5.28: Setback Area, Rear Yard: lhat area extending acznss the full extent of a lot barrrled by the lot line(s) which is/era c~osits (i.e., in a oontrazy direction to) the fzmt yazd area, acrd the rear yard setback line of the main building. r.a ~ ~~.. ~~' ~~' ass ~asl uabralc ,,.. ~~ .. t:aa~ "~1 _• ears Lta• e s r r :3 r r Section 5.29: Setback Area. RerU}~: dye open space, unoccupied aril fzTcan the ysxx4rd upward, eoa~ept as othezwise provided in this Section 5.30: 6etback Area. 31de Yazd: Shat area between the frrnt and zest buildiry setback lines and between the ocsmec~ting prapezty lines and a parallel litre thez+sto at a distance as prescribed in this ozdinance, rr e.+ ..r.r u.. -) .... a... r.uw «e.r u.. ~~ •• ,..w.n ur ,_.,. w .~..~rn nw~w ~+ Mien 5.31: Setl~aGc Area. Usable Rear: mat area, in square feet, bau'ded by the rear lot line(s) and the rear building lines extended to the aids let limas. s.as attW (C" r.rs lee lse. stt~ttlt astir site Lt sa. Lae ,*__ ua. r,a ~' I ~ Ta~.» T r ~ . ~ IIraPsstT T •... aab Ltzs pYlis sort ORDII~NCE NO. 13 7 4 ~JNPIN[JFD) . PAGE - 7 - Section 5.32: Story: 'Ilse space betw~+n a floor and the oeilirq above it, used for residential purposes, garages ar a wanking space. Ttye amber of stories of a building shall be coassidered equal to the highest number of stories in arty vertical section of the buildirq, as measured at a point between five (5) and ten (10) feat back from an adjacent property line to the wall plane nearest the property line. A wall plane with a surtaoe su}soerged 75~ ar mare below adjoining finished grade shall not be included for purposes of r7e.tn+,ninim ~~ aoamulaticn of building stories. Section 5.33: Structures: mat which is built ar oortstruLted, an edifice ar building o! any kind, ar any piece of work artificially built up ar ocuposed of parts joined together in soma definite manner. SQCtion 5.34: Structure. Fiecxeational: Any aooessory building or portion thereof, which functiana far play, zela~mticn, ar e~oeroise (e.q. pool slides. play houses, tree houses, gazebos, deGcs, patios, hot tubs, pools), SECTION 6: PE~TPED USFS Section 6.1: Rhe following uses shall be permitted in an R1 zone without the ~*~i*+a+n*+* of a use permit: a. Sirgle-family dwelling units with not more than one (1) dwelling per lot. b. A secoarl dwelling unit ~Rsic3i oonfazma to the procedures, standards, and requirements described in Section 14. c. Fiaos Oact~aaticns pursuant to the Fkms Ooa:patiat Ordinance of the City of Cupertino. d. Aooessozy buildings. e. Eb~ily day care bases. ,.. !. :.Group care activities. , g. Keeping of animals as follows: 1. Maximtao o! fart (4) adult household pets, provided that adult dogs are limited to a maximum of two (2). 2. Small household pets. 3. Animals must ba .kept in aooon~anos with other applicable Cupertino and Santa Clara Co~mty codes aryl ardinanoes. h. Cs~op, tree ar tsortic~lturnl farmirxg. ORDINANCE ti0. 13 7 4 ~1TIId.IID) • PAGE-B- Section 6 2• Oa~tional Uses -Use Permit Racnuired: ~e followizg uses may be permitted, subject to the securiig of a ooa~ditional use permit in each separate case, in locations, where they, in the opinion of the Planning Cam~ission, are ccmpatible with ~cietirg arcs planmed uses in the nom: a. Special day care homes. b. GrGUp care activities with greater than six (6) persons. c. the keeping of any animal nat othatwise permitted in the above section, .subject to Santa Clara County Health Department IeCJulatiOnB arcs Setback r±o~~ir~n+nn.,f~a as bet forth in1 the Cupertino bAaticipal Ca7da. d. _Haae Ooc~~atians whic3i do not meet a literal int~arpzetation of the standards of the Hama Oocupatian Oniinanoe but which in the .opinion o! the Planning Oamnissicn meet the ireteT-t of the Ozdinanoe. e. Buildilgs or which inoozporats solar design features that require variation frvn setbacks established herein, as described in Section 13. f. 4WO-story stnactur+es in azeas designated !or a ass-story limitation pert Section 8.5.2. g. Seoacrl units as defined in Secticn 14.5{6) of this Ordinance, rAiidi do not meet the Prescriptivis r+equiztimertts of Section 14 (a) of this Ordinanne. SECTION 7• LOT AREA AND WID'ffi S~tion 7.1• Lot Area 1. Lot area shall correspond to the tAm~ber (nultiplied by 1,000 sq. ft.) following the R1 Zoning symbol. Dmsples are as follows: Minim~mt Lot Area 1~S~~q~l~l in Square Fee Rl 6 6,000 R1 7.8 7,500 R1 10 10,000 ffi 20 20,000 2. Legal substandard lots, as herein defined, may be used as a building site, provided that all other pzwisians of this Ordinance shall apply. Section 7.2• Lot width-Minimian• sixty {60) ft. measured at the front building setback•line. CQ2DZNANCE Nb. 13 7 7Ep) PAGE-9- RCN 8 • B~IIl7IIiG SEfEiAl3C5. IiEIC3if RESTRICTIONS AND Section 8.1• Baildira Coverage - Maximtna: Forty paroent (40t) of the lot area. Section 8.2s Front Yana Setback - Minintrm: a. Twenty (20) ft. b. Fifteen (15) !t. far a anved driveway if: 1. Driv~eoray enters aide o! garage.. 2. No mote than fifty peroerst (503) of the par+oels in any one tract may have curved driveways. 3. No more than txao suc3i fifteen (15) ft. setbacks aide by side. Section 8.3: Side Yarsi Setback - Minim,mt: Section 8.3.1: 31ra1e-strnv Elee~nt: b.- Ten (10) it. shall ba provided on at least one side yard. Section 8.3.2: Zt,~o-Story ~!~+r_: a. Ten teat. b..':~a9 Ivt -Twenty (20) tt. from any property line. c. Cbzner Iot - 'ite~tty (20) ft. bean any rear property line of an axistirg, developed sirgla family haoe. Section 8.3.3: Street Side Yard of a Corner Iat: Twelve (12) feet. sprtiarf 8.4: Rear Yana Setbacks - Mininann: Section 8.4.1: Siral~ Element: a. Twenty (20) ft. b. Ten (10) where usable rear yard area equals twenty (20) time the lot width. Usable rear yard area far minar' additiam shall be calculated in aooordanoe with Sectim 12.3 of this Oxdinanoe. Section 8.4.2 s 21~o-Stow Elemrsrt• 7Wenty~tive (25) ft. • Section 8.5: F3eioht of a,tiai~ ar-d StTL+r+±+++y: Section 8.5.16 _ r 1. Haight stsa7.1 not exceed thirty (30) !'t. The rntinti6r. of~staries is not regulated. ,.. ORDI2~1tdCE N0. 1374 () • PAGE-10- 2. Detac2led clot Abu adi Aso 1~~ `7i; ifs ~~~e'satt a three (3) foal setback Ems prq~exty line. Said height shall et>o~asa the entire wall plane dearest the pzrope2,~ty line, in:luding the roof, eaves aril any portion of the Eolmdation visible above adjoining finished grade. Ztte height may be increased by one (1) foot for eac31 additional 11/2 ft. of setback (oorrespaxlirlq to a 33 degree angle) , up to a marciminn of fifteen (15) feet, as describe in Table One below. I , f rdra~- oranu~ ~e ~r. '~- ~ I ~~~ 7 R I ].O R IfMurt ~~ ^ R 1 ~.S R ~ // 1R 1 6.0 /i 10 R 1 7.3 R ll R I f.0 R -- ~ - y R 1 la.s R .:. .......... . v R I y.n R ~ ;~ _ 1~ R 1 •_a ~- rw M ~~~ ae~-~aon o.a.t: nxaas liesi~larsa ror orle-sLOry .im~r~.rinn; 2hB Plaraling Clmmission and City Council may prescribe that all buildings in a designated area be limited to one (1) stony in height (clot to esaceed eic~lteerr (18) ft.) by affixing to the Rl Zoning District: pz~wi,ded, however, that the Planning mission shall have the discretion to delete this restriction thr+axjh the granting of a use permit. Section 8.5.3: hillside Areas: ZYre above Section 8.5.1 notwith_a*11r>~*~ in hillside subdivisions with slopes of ten peroerrt (103) or greater, an application may be sukmitted by the property owr>ps to the Ardlitectuzal aryl Site Approval Committee for an adjustment of height regulntia~s in oansideratian of topographical featur+t=a. ORDINANCE NO. 1374~UED) PAGE - 11 - SEC!'ION 9: PAl~dG Section 9.1: Parkins Space Rern 7Wo (2) enclosed garage parking spaces, Plus two (2) open driveway spaces Per unit. Section 9.2: Size of Garaces Enclosed garages shall provide wed space, i.e. unobatntcted by walls, potential appliance locations, etc., over an internal area enoa~assi~ two (2) parking spaces measuring 9 tt. by 18 ft. SE4TIt7N 10 • AC(~SS.~,O~2Y BUILDINGS/SPfdJCI[)RF5 - SEPBACKS Section 10.1• Detached Aooessorv Buildiras• a. Five (5) ft. minimian setback (measured between eaves) trna main structure. Small portable storage buildirq, less than six (6) ft, in heic~st, which are not attad~ed to a building, pernersent faurrlaticn ar pad, may locate closer than five (S) it. b. Minintan three (3) ft. Eton any property line as a-easured to the nearest wall plane. o. Height is regulated by above Section 8.5. d. Recxieaticrsai structures, that Par'ti~ of which has a Hoar ar step height greater than eighteen (18) itx3ses above any point of adjoining finished grade, must be set back ten (10) ft. front any property line. a. Minim~m< frCCtt satlaack must equal tw+anty (20) tt. fzCm front ar side pmparty line adjacent to a public attest right-of-wny. f. Iat coverage may not exoaed 30~ o! usable tear yarn areas, e:oclusive of umenclased patio covers. Section 10.2: Attadled Acoessorv Buildincs: a. Observe setbacl~ as~d height regulatiats appliaable to the main building. b. l~lased attad~ed patio covers may extend as close as ten (l0) tt. to the rear Property line. c. Small potable storage buildings, (less than six (6) ft. in height, which are not attached to a building, permanent faun<laticas ctr pad), may locate in the side yard, provided that no portico of said building encroac3~ea closer than three (3) ft. to any property line. d. Recreatic4tal stsucturas, that paaticn of which has a Haar ar step height greater than eighteen (18) inches above ary point of adjoining finished grade, must be set back (10) tt. tnrm any property line. ORDINANCE h0. 1374 ) PAGE-12- RF+t^tion ~0 5• Decks and Patios -Setbacks: Section 10.5.1• First Storv• a. T2sat portion of a deck or patio with a floor or step height greater than eighteen (18) inches measured txtiin any point oP adjoining lines red grade must maintain a minina,4n setback tn~ .any pzvperty line equal to ten (10) ft. b. If tlooz' ar step height is less than or equal to eighteen (18) insc3ies measured tr+an any point adjoining finished grade, the fminiaann setback fz~ any property line must equal three (3) c. lru~itdecks ar patios may enctoac~ three (3) teat into Section ~0 5 2• Decks Proiectirxr fr+an RWo-story Elm: a. MininnaD fifteen (15) ft. setback fA side prtiparty line. b. Minina~ twearty (20) tt. setback to rear property line. c. May erlcroadl three (3) i't. into front setback. Section 11.1: Architectural feature not irrlsxiirg patio covers may extend into a requiz+ed yard a distance nsot exceeding three (3) tt., provided that nso arehitectsual Feature ar oonbination thereof, whether a portion of a ~• asncilinsy structtiu+e, may extend closer than two (2) teat to any Additions to (ire yfar valid building permits have been issued) may be ca'nstxuc'ted along the existing building lines as said building lir-es existed on the effective date of Ordinassce No. 1240, even when the existing setbacks do net meet the requirements o! this Otdinsansoe, subject to the following: 1. The extension ar addition does not further etr_svach into any required setbacks, e.q., a single story may be extended slang an existing five (5) loot side yard setback evens though the other side yard does not equal tan (10) ft. However, in no case shall any wall plena of a fp~p~y .addition be placed closer than three (3) ft. to any 2. This provisias shall apply to horizonrtal and vertical additions. Seoad stazy ("verticals) additions at esdstirg single-story building lines shall z~equire ornsenst o! adjoining property owners. If any of the adjoining property owners do not oonse~nt to the extension, the applicant may request a hearing before the Plarmirg ornanission. pgD~1~ pp, 13 7 4) • PAGE-13 - Adjoining property owners shall ba notified at least ten (l0) days prior to said hearing. Zhe Planning Coarnission may approve, deny or oonditicnally approve the request. use Planning CaRaission shall make the followi:g findings if the request is approved: a. ~snt the use ar uses are in oonformanca with the General Plan and are nct detrimental to existing uses ar to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the prq.~osed use is to ba located. b. 2tmt the property irnrolved is adequate in size and shops to acocutaodat~e the proposed variation in setback ar height. G. 'That the proj,706ed Use is otherwise not detrifiBrft81 to the hanlth, safety, Peace, morals, and genesral weltarg Of persons -residing ar warkisg in the neic~sbordnod of suds proposed use rnr injurious to property atxi imprvv®nents in the ~• 4he applicant ar adjoining property owners may appeal the P13nnirg Waaissicn's decision to the City Council in the same manner as set forth in the ProoecLual Ordinance !ar a use permit. Section 12.2; Minor Variations in Setbacks and HeicQrt: Additions to Pr'ir:cipnl structures, not detac3~ed aooessary buildir:gs, legally existing at the time of this Ordinatne, may vary s1ic,Q:tly ire the setback and height Ptwisla:s aorttairred heroin subject to the following criteria: 1. Zha building does not encnonds more than two (2) ft. into any rwquir+ed setback area ar two (2) tt. above the height limit, and 2. Ztse area of the building which encroaches into the required setback does not exceed five pendent (5~) of the gross building area before the addition, and 3. Adjoining property owners consent in writing to the setback or height variation. If the above criteria era met, the variation may ba approved by the Director of Plaraiirg aryl Development. If ca~sent of the property owners is not attained, the applicant mny request a hearing before the Planning Ca~nissicn. Adjoining property owners shall be notified at least ten (lo) days priar to said haarirg. the Planning Commission's may approve, deny, ar conditionally approve the request. 4he applicant ar adjoining property owners may appeal the Plarrnirg Commission's decision to the City Council in the same manner as set Earth in the Procedural Ordinarx;e far a use permit. Section 12.3: Misr Additions in Rear Yawls: 4he side yard adjacent to a proposed minor addition (e.g., addition equalling ten perosnt (lOt) ar less of the principal stxvcture) may be included in calwlation of usable rear yard area. ORDIPU~NCE NO. 13 7 4 (~ITIN(7ID) • PAS-14- SECTION 13• SOIAR DESIGN section 13.1: The setbacks arxi heic~t restrictions outlined in the above sections may be varied for passive or active solar design features provided said variations do not inrrirge upon solar access ar property ric,~ts o! the adjoining properties. Said varintia:s shall be considered on a case-by-case basis through evaluation of a use permit application by the Planning CamaisalAn. SF&TION 14• SEOOND UNITS se~ion 14.1: A eeocrri unit may be permitted, subject to approval by the Director o! Planning and Development in each separate case, when the pzescribed conditions listed in Sacrist 14.1(x) are met and when, in the opinion or the Director of Planning and Developne+nt, the seccaxt emit o~lies with the discretionary deaic~ perloztoance standards described in section 14.1(b). Discretionary design p~ertarmarne standards era intended to regulate second units in a mariner to ensure the maintez:anoa o! the single-family dwelling unit character. n. 1) Buildira oonf~,guiatiar or Secorxi Lfiit A second unit located in a Rl Zatirg District requiring lase .than a 10,000 sq. rt. minimum lot size must be integrated with .the principal dwelling. '!he rounxiati.at line of the Pr~P~ d~1~3 ~Y ~ or existirg space in the pa'irripal dwelling may be reconfigured. The seocrxi unit s shall have direct outside aooeea without r3Oing the principal dwelling. A second unit located in an R1 zoning district requiring 10,000 sq. rt. and above may be attad:ed ar dekac3ved. 2) 1~iaXittami Size of Secarttl Unit Rhe gross h+ild{r~ area of the eeoayd dwelling shall rrat exceed 640 square rest o! living space, eoaclusive of decks _, and garages. 3~ r,..rt,~,~, Height. Iat Oov~erage a. Zha setback and building height requis~ernts or the Rl Zatirg District shall apply to a second unit. b. Iot coverage or all etructur+ea, including seoonrl units, shall not exceed 40t oP the lot area. 4) orr-street Parkins Functionally independent, paved ofr-street parking spaces shall be p¢wided far the principal and second unit as rollows: a. Principal Dwelling: 2 enclosed and 2 tmcavered. (Zhe tmcavered spaces may be located tandem to the r+equirnd covered spaces.) ORDINANCE NO. 1374) • PAGE - 15 - b. Secord Dwelling: 1 uncovered. 5) Zt:e owner must beside cn the premises in the principal (initial) ar seomd dwelling. A deed restriction setting forth this oocx:pancy requir~tt shall be recorded prior to • granting a building permit !ar a new dwelling writ ar granting oocvpancy tar an existim~ seoo:xi writ oonstrvcted prior to the adoption of the seoorcl unit regulations. The owner o! a pmoperty which contains a second dwelling shall sign an affidavit a: each yearly annivezsary date of the approval of said record writ declaring wrier perjury that he ar errs is living on the premises. a. Disczetionarv Design Performance standards 1) may: Tl~e entry tar a secaxi dwe111rrg shall not be visiblo fimt a public street. use intent is to avoid the appearance of a multi-family neskienos. =2): Seoord stcrv A seooncl dwelling may be located ar a sexrd~story i! a determinntiat cars be made that said seocTid unit will not result in privacy intrvsirn tar adjoining single-family zoned a~ developed pr+opertiea. Exteriar stairrASaa solely far access to a second writ should be avoided. ~.. ~. 3) Architectisal Desiarr: 11:e architectural design of a saccrd unit should maintain the form of the Principal dwelling. a) A~ildix- MatBrial• The building materials of a eeoard ^ unit shall be ompatible with the materials, polar and teatimes o! the principal dwelling. 5) pig: TAe required oft-street parking tar the .principal dwallirg and eeoand dwelling shall not . dominate the !runt setback area of the pxvperty. TY~e intent is to preserve the frrnt setback area as a landscaped specs. 6) fig: The siti~xj o! a seoaxt unit shell not require saa~eseiw grading which is visible tzrm a public space ar adjoining private pavperty. ORDINANC2; N0. 1374 ~7I~7UID) . PAGE - 16 - b. Non-OonPorminv Seoorrl Units A second Lunt which was ~ prior to the enactment of Section 14 of this Ordinance which .regulates second Lusits, without benefit of a building .permit or in conflict with the applicable zonirx~ . ar$irrarroes at the time of the construction o! the turit, is a non-ornfaxminq structt>re and activity. Rhe owner of a nos-aontamnirig eeoou~d Ludt mey sukmit a use permit application par Section 6.2(g) to obtain approval of said second Ludt. 2l3s seoorrd Lmit must i acaply with the Uniform Buildirq Oode. Failure to oily with this section shall result in the abatement of the said use. SEZ'1'ION 15 • IIITERPfi~'TARZOtV BY THE PLANPitfiG DIRECZnR Section 15.1: ~3e Director Of Planning and Develolalent shall be anpowered to males reasa~able interpzetatian o! the regulations and pravislons of this Ordinance, omsistettt with the legislative intent thereof. Persons aryl Development mny~ the Pl.arming Commission Director of Planning tang far review of said interpretation. SECIZON 16: ,~lFStAa1r TT1f CLA[b'E Scotian 16.1: If any section, subsection, senter'ioe, clause ar phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be turcanstitutional, strh decision shall rat affect the validity of the rmminirrg portions of this Ordinance. Ztre legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsectim, sentence, clause ar phrase thereof, irrespective of the Pact that any one ar more sections, subsections, serrtxrroea, clauses ar pt3rases be declared Lunonstituticnal. ~ICN 17 s FtJHI.ISfD2JG CLAUSE Section 17.1• Zt3e City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified Dopy o! this Ordinarfoa to be published at least once within fifteeat (15) .days after its enactment in tare Cupertino carrier, the official aerrsp~er of the City, published aryl circ~il.ated in the City of Cupertino. SECTIOtJ 18 • EFF'ECPIVE DATE Section 18.1: 1lsie Orditk~noe No. 1374 shall take elPect and be in 8311 fozce thirty (30) days after its enactment. ORDINANCE Imo. 13 7 4 JED) PAGE-17- IITI47DDIJC~ at a regular meeting o! the City oan~cil of the City oP Qtpertirn on the 19th day o! ply,, 1986 arxi ENACTID at a regular meeti:q o! the City Cotmcil o! the City o! Cupaztirn this 2nd day of .rune ,1986, by the following vote: ~i AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers NAYS: None ~.~~~ None None ATPE3P: APPR{JVF~: ty ClQ ^ ~ `' ,City o! ,' R10~II~3CE(Marla?iles)lvm