Ordinance 1371 NO. 1371 AN OF '~ CITY OF C[1PFItPII~1O Al4fI~D~1G Cl01PPEIt 2.20., CITY CCFTiiC, OF 2~ CUPIIil''II~1O M~IICIPAL ~: 1U PIadVIDE FCdt OATfi OF OFFICE AND BOND 'iI~ CITY OOVTICa, OF TF1E CITY OF WPFT~'ICA HIItEBY ORDAIII3 that C]7apter 2.20.040 shall be added to the Q~at lino I~Aa:icipel bode and shall read as tollowe: 2.20.040 Oath of oflice - Bad. Rhe City (~~ helots enteringt~oon her duties shall take the oath of olfioe provided far in the Constitution of the State of California and shall Tile with the City a bord. 2Yse p~aium tar the bond shall be paid by the city. FJccept as othezwise pra~ided, the band slap aonfazm to the pr~visians of the State C,overrmient Coda relating to bards of public offioazs. Zha penal sum of the bard shall be in a reasa~able amount rood by the City Attorney and ti~oed by the City Oaa~cil, by resolution, and may be c3~anged during their farms o! olfioe. A bard in like amount shall be tiled by the Deputy City Clerk, with the premier paid by the City. II1II at a regular meeting of the City Oo~ntcil of the City of Cupertino this 5th day of Mnv ,1986 anti II~CTED at a regular meeting of the City Council o! the City o! Cvpestino this 19ttmy of MaY ,1986 by the following vote: y9$$ **a o itv Coimc t p~y}~; Johnson, Plungy, Gatto NOES: None AHSENP: Sparks, Rogers ; None Al'TF5'P: ; ~ L/`-1 + ci clerk ,City of