Ordinance 1370t ~ • CIItD1DU~IJCB NO. 1370 ~JG AN C[tDIIdAANCE OF ~ CI'PY OOUNCTL OF ~ CTTY OF ClJPf~PatO AtgNDII1G TfO; CIJF~'II40 MUNZQPAL ODDS, C~~Plgt 3.24 ItELATIIQG ZU Rim CTPY OF CxJPF~a10'S POfiC~~,4ING PROCEQ.kiE F~2 RTBT~C PlaC717DC1'~u 4he City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby ordain as follows: Section 3.24.065 is hereby added as follows: 3.24.065 aire.,,arive biddira orocedu_*~e for public *+~~*a, Exoept as OtheLwise autt1ori2ed ar 2tBQllired by this Chapter, ar under State or Federal law, bidding parooadures of Section 3.20.060 may be dispensed with for public projects with a value equal to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) ar less and the following pzvoedurress substituted: 1) The City shall maintain a list of qualified ootttzactozs , identified aooozdirg to categories of work. Miniaaan criteria for development arxtn~ of the oorstractor list shall be determined by the California Uniform Cbnstn~ctiamz Cost A~ooamting Ocmmissian. 2) All caartractois aa~ the list Par the category of wank being bid ar~/or all oonstniction trade journals specified by the California Uniform ~ ~ ~C~ Aoo~ ing oanmisisai shall be mailed a notice inviting. pzvduct ar service is pmvprietary. 3) All mailing of"notioes to oorrtractors and ooa~stnsction trade journals shall be oanpleted not less than 10 calendar days before bids are due. 4) Zhe notice inviting informal bids shall describe the project in general terns, how to obtain more detailed infornation about the project, and state the time and place far submission of bids. 5) The City Oaincil hex+eby delegates the authority to awazd informal contracts to the City Manager ar other persw~ designated in writing by the City Manager. 6) Before awarding a public project oont2act, at least three bids must be received unless any of the following occurs: a) The product ar service is proprietary; b) All of the qualified oontraetors on the list have been solicited, but less than three bids have beer received. 7) Notice inviting informal bids shall be published at least once and publication shall be completed at least 24 hours before the time scheduled for opening of the bids. • ORDINANCE N0. 1370 INTRODl1CED at a regular meeting of the Citq Council of the City of Cupertino this 5th day of May , 1986 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Chia 19th day of May 1986 by the following vote d Vote Members of the City Council AYESi Johnson, Plungy, Gatto, NOES None ABSENTi Sparks, Rogers ABSTAIN: None APPRO~ED~ ~/ r" May , Cit~y~o!f~ ertino ATTESTt ~-rC7 ~ ty Clerk