Ordinance 1361
ORDII~ N0.1361
Chapter 16.04 of the Qrpertino Municipal Cade is hereby ameMed to
read as follows:
Section 16.04.010. Ar~option oP Lfi~form B+tildina Code. 1985
the Building Code far the City shall be the 198~Editicn of the
Uniform Building Code, Faits I to ~ inclusive arxi Appendices, e:aoept
Ci~apae~rg 70, as cmgiled and published by the International. Oonference of
Officials, aryl the 1985 Edition of the Uniform Building Oode
Standards. Said Uniform Building Code, ono oc3~yr of which have been filed
far use and eximination by the public in the office of the City Clerk is
hereby referred to, and e~ooept as to omissions, araerrtsiertts and additions,
hereinafter noted, is her+~ji adopted and made a part hereof, the same as
if ftilly set Earth in this chapter.
Section 16.04.020. Oxaanization and Enfort
Secticn 204 amended - Board of Appeals: In order to determine
the suitability of alternate materials aryl methods of oorrstrvction and to
provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code,
there shall be girl is hereby created a Board of Appeals, consisting of
five members who are qualified by experience aryl training to pass upon
matters part,.ini,~ tp building COn6trUCti0n inrstallati0ns arri materials.
Zhe Building Official shall be an ex-officio member and shall act as
Secretary oP the Board. the Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the
Mayor, subject to the approval oP the City Council, and shall hold office
at his pleasure. 4he Board stroll adopt reasca:able rules aryl z~egulatians
far oorrluctirg its investigations and shall render ail decisions aryl
findings in writing to the Building Official, with a duplicate Dopy to the
appellant, and may reooaadend to the City Oamcil such new legislation as
is consistent therewith. the same persa~r:el of the Board of Appeals
appointed under this Cade may act as the Board of Appeals under the other
building oonstnrction unifarm caries. In the event, an Appeals Hoard is
not appoirrtsd by the legislative body, the Council shall serve as said
Appeals Board.
Section 16.040.30. Pertt~tts and Insoectica~s
Section 305(f) amended -Other I:sspecticrss: 7n addition to the
called inspecticns specified above, the Building Official may make ar
z+equire any other inspections of any oo~stnsctian work to ascertain
compliance with the p~zwisions of this code and other laws which are
enforced by the R,ildir~ Departzoetst. Far the purlJOSe of determining
oa~liarsoe with Section 104(d), tha Building Official may cause any
stnsctur~e to be reinspected. If any inspection is made at the request of
any itxiividual, property owner ar lending institution, a fee equal to the
cost of making such inspecticn shall be charged with a minisnan fee of
Sectica~ 16.04.040.
Section 2516 (k) of the Uniform Building Oode is changed to read
"water splash". "F3sere wood frame walls and partitions are oover+ed with
plaster, file or similar materials and are subject to water splash, the
framing shall be protected with a mtniaxm of Type 15 plain
asphalt-saturated orgarsic felt as provided for in Uniform Building Oode
Standard 32-1".
Secticrs 16.04.045. Aacavations, Famdationss asxl Retainisxr Walls
Secticas 2907 (a) added -General.
1. Minimum of two (2) 1/2 inch reinfomcirsg rail aattirnsaus in
Paurlaticna are rec~ired.
Section 16.04.050. a R~stira
No Oartificate of Ooaspancy ar final building approval far new
oonstruation ar alterations shall be granted until the building ar
residence has a street address number posted on the building in a visible
locatioas. 4he size oP the rnm~bers shall be a minimum of five (5) inches
high far oamnercial ar i~,ar,~i„~ buildings. E+esidezsoes designated R9
shall have number sizes of three (3) inches minimum. Rl and Planned Unit
Developments shall submit a :aaaberirg schedule for approval by the
hayed a single address assithe Fire DEparttaent. Ail canmiet+ciai buildings
geed with multi-suite amrsgement shall have the
suite rmnobering systems approved ar assigned by the Building Department
with an appmoved Dopy to the Fite Department for esmrgerxy use.
Section 16.04.060. Sian Fees - Table 3 A
1. Inspection outside of r»noal business
hours, mininnm-c3~arge - two hours 520.00 (hour)
2. Reinspectian fee assessed under
proviaicns of Section 305(g) $20.00
3. Inspections far which no fee is
specifically indicated. Mini~mm ~ 1/2 hour $20.00 (hour)
4. Additional plan review required by
changes, additions ar revisions to apjm~ved plans.
Miniaana charge lf2 hour $20.00 (hour)
5. Reoo~d Searching Fee $35.00 (max.)
Sections 16.04.060A. ~gy Permit Fees
Total Buildino valuation Fee
$1.00 to $50,000 $50.00
$50,000 to $200,000 $50.00 far the first $50,000
plus $1.00 Par each additional
$1,~0 ar fraction thereof.
Szoo,ooo and up $200 far the first $200,000
plus $0.50 far each additional
$1,000 ar fractirn thereof.
New residential buildi~ of valuation of
$100,000 ar mar's $160.00
Nam-Residential building of valuation of
Ssoo,ooo ar less $230.00
Non-Ressidenntial building of valuation of
$200,000 ar mar+e $380.00
Section 16.04.065. iFearira
Rhin Ordinance shall, after first reading, be ec3seduled far
public hearing as provided in Section 50022.3 oP the Goverrm~ent Code.
Notice of hearim~ shall be published pursuant to Section 60066 of the
Govarrnrent Cade in the Cupertino courier. Ocpies of the tfiiform Buildi~
code and this Ordinance shall be an file with the City Clerk and open far
public inspection.
• e
Section 16.04.070. Violation - Penalty
Any Person. Pion, acrPoration, partrsust~ip, ar co-Partt~tship ~o
willfully violates any of the prccvisions, ar fails to oaiply with any of
the mandatory rec~,t++~-*+*A oP this Ordinance is guilty oP an in~actian,
atzl upon conviction thereof, shall be p:mistsable as porovided in Ct:apter
1.12 of the GVpertino
Municipal Cbde, eoooePt that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to
bar any legal, equitable, ar stamaary remedy to which the City o! Cupertino
or other political subdivision, ar any person, firm, corporation ar
partnership may be otherwwise entitled, arxi the City of Q:peztino ar any
other political subdivision, or person, firm, oorporatian ar partr-erehip
may file a suit in the Superiar court of the County of Santa Clara, to
restrain, ar errJoin any attempted ar proposed subdivision, ar acts, in
violation oP the ~apter.
INIRDQJC~D at a regular meeting oP the City Council oP the City
of Cupertino this ,~_ day oP ~, 1986 and ~ at a regular
meeting of the City ooiuril oL the City oP Q~ertino this ?~ day of
1986 by the following vote:
y~ fibers of the City Cau:cil
AYES: Gatto, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers
NOES: Nave
AffiENP: Jolvtson
AffiTAIIJ: Naas
City Clerk ,City oP