Ordinance 1352~ a NO. 1352 AN CfliDI'NANCE OF ~ CITY OF ClJPII2FIN0 AMF2dDII~1G SFXR'ION 16.40.OBOH OF ~ CtJPIIil'II~O MJNICIPAL 03C£ RECATIIJG TO ROOF OOVIItIIJG ~ CLTY OOUNCII, OF ~ CITY OF QJPFilT11Jp DOE4 ORDAIN A3 ElOLt04i^a; c2~apter 16.40 0! the a:pettino Z4aLicipal code is hereby amer,aea to read as follows: Sectia[s 16.40.08H FAOf Covez'ims roof coveri~s on all buildings shall be fire retardant and shall couQly with the starr3azds established for Uniform Building Oode Class A or H prepaz~ed or built-up roofing. Reroofirzl of existing buildings shall oily with the shwa, except, that any r+eroofirg of less than ten percent. (10~) of the total roof area an any building shall be exeaq~t fmn this requirement. AdditioaLS to existing buildirx3s exioeedirrl ten Pemes-t (l0~) of the total roof area shall Damply with this section. II~)C® at a regular' meeting o! the City Oaa~cil of the City of Qapertiltio this 18th day of February, 1986, and II~ACI'ID at a regular meeting of the City Council o! the City of Cupertino this 17th ~Y of March b)r the following vote: ~'i: OF 'III CITY OU]NCIL• AYFS: Gatto, Jo;meon. Plungy, Sparks, Rogers NOFS: None AHS!'AIN: None AHSFNP: None Q CITY OF CIJPFFI~'II~10 CPPY CLE1iK ORD1352(H-2)lvm