Ordinance 1349 NO. 1349 AN DI~JCE OF 'III CL'PY OF CIJPF?:CBiO AF~I~A'II~1G 9F]C1ZCN 1 OF IJO. 2 SY PREZaT~IG APPRO~EIX 13.1± ~ FRtM OOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Rl-6 Ta CLTY OF C{JF~IIi7'~10 BA (PUHIZC HJILDING) ZCI~II;i IpCAT'ID AT ~ ZZ~.S OF CANE DE HARCEI1:t~II~, Ate! 100 FT. WESP OF CALLS IYE BARCQCt~U, AND MILIII2 AVFN[JE ~d~1zFAS, an September 3, 1985, an application was filed by Ccpertino Llnian School District (Application 28-Z-85) for the prezoning oP property from County oP Soma Clara R1-6 (Residential Single-family, 6,000 sq. ft. mininann lot size) zone to City of Cupertino BA (Public Buildings) zonal and 4d~AS, upon clue notice and after one public hearing the Planning Camnissian r+eocmmended to the City ColmCil that the Prezoni.ng be grantedt and Clara (Resider Single~amily, 6,000sq.yft. lot s zone; and WFO~FAS, a map of the subject property is attached hereto as F3chibit og" as a jri~Oj]OSed a~nesit to the Master Z ~. anirg Map of the City of NOW, R10~~, BE TT C&2DAIZIID AS Ft~IZpWS: Section 1. Zhat the property described in attached bdiibit "A" be and hereby is pmezaned to a HA (Public Builditgs) zone, subject to oonditians listed in attac3~ed Ddiibit "C"; arri that fsshibit "B" attadied hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City oP Cupertino. Section 2. This ar~dinanoe shall take effect and be in foa~os thirty (30) days after ita passage. INIRODUC® at a regular meeting oP the City Camcil of the City of Cupertino tfiia 6 day of January ,1986 and FNACPID at a rea~.tlar meeting of the City Cbtuycil oP the City oP Cupertino this ? day of January ,1986 by the following vote: f'O WCY NUMBER • • ~ 92961 - 336671 SCEfEUULE C 7 he Innd referred to in U~is Policy is described as: All that certain parcel of land situate in the County o! Santa Clara, State of California, described as follower BFiOINHINO at s point in the Southerly line of Iat 1 distant thereon N. 87' 08' 02" W. 510.00 feet Prom the intersection thereof with the centerline of Miller Avenue, as said Southerly lice and Centerline are shown on that certain sap entitled, "Map of the Subdivision of The Property of Mrs. 1C. Tantau, being a portion of Quito Rancho", filed for record April 5, 1887 in Book "B" of Nape at page 58 in the Otfice o! the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; running thence along said Southerly line of Lot 1 H. 87. 08' 02" W. 349.08 feat to the Southwesterly corner o! said Lot l,• is tAe Centerline of Arroyo de Los Calabazae as said Centerline n le shown oa that pertain map entitled "Tract Ho. 2155, being a portion 'of the Quito Rancho, Cupertino, California", riled for record in Book 103 of Maps at pages 30 and 31 in the ofrioe of the County Records. County of Santa Clara, State of California; thence along said Centerline as shown on said sap of Tract No. 2155 the followin oouraes and distances N. ~4' 22' 22" H. 13.20 feet; N. 6' 27~ 3~" W~ 105.60 rest; l~. 24' 02' 22 H. 118.80 feet; N. 1' S7' 38"•W. 240.90 feet; N. 44' S7~ 38" W: 99.E reef; N. 80. 57' 38" W: 125,40 teat; and N. 1. 57' 38"• w. 39.66 feet to the intersection thereof witb the Southerly line of Lot 5, ae shown on that certain sap entitled "Map of the Subdivision of the property of P. Miller being a portion of the Quito Rancho", filed for record on April 5, 187 in Book "B" of Maps at Page 60 in the offic of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; thence continuing along said Centerline of Raid Arroyo de Los Calabazae said Centerline being also the Westerly line of said Lot 5, N. 1' S7' 38" W. 39.54 feet; thence N. 55' 02' 22" B. 103.67 feet to the point cot®on to Tract Ho. 2155 and Tract No. 2153 as said point is shown on !~ thnt certain nap entitled "Tract Ho. 2153, being a portion of Lot 3, Map of Craft Partition, Cupertino, California" filed rot record October 7, 1958 in Book 98 of Maps at Pages 28 and 29 in the Office or the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State or California; thence continuing along said Centerline and said Weeterly line of Lot 5 the following courses and distances H. 55' 02' 22" H. 41.53 Peet• N. 74' ~2' 22" H. 99.00 feet; N. 29'02' 22" H. 20 .24 feet and N. 1~+' 32~ 42 H. 166.32 feet and N. 12' 45' 18" B. 24.42 feet to the intersection with the Northerl~+ line of said Lot 5; thence along said Northerly line or Lot 5 3. 89 48' 15" E. 570.30 Peet to the Northerly prolongation of the Weeterly lice oP Tract No. 1343 as said Weeterly line is shown on that certain ma~ entitled "Tract No. 1343, Caen Del Sol No. 2 in Santa Clara County , filed for record February 15, 1955 in Book 54 of Maps at Pages 42 and 43 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; thence along the Northerly prolongation and Westerly line or said Tract Ho. 1343 the following courses and distances S. o° 30' 00" H. 161.32 Peet; S. 89' 30' 00" W. 18.28 rest; S. 0' 30' 00"• H. 105.00 feet; s• 89. 30~ oo" w. 32,15 feet and S. 2° 51t 58" w. 290,25 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Lot 5, thence along the said ~.,•.o..~.....o ,~....«,..~. ~:::,.~. •~~ ,;•^•~..aK. •~„' Psc-: TnnEE 4 `~XHi~iT A . ~ •° 92961 - 336671 • • southerl7 line of Lot 5 N. 8T 08'.02" W. 334.98 feet to a point in said southerly line o! Lot 5;•thence leaving said 3outherlT line of Lot 5 at right angles 3. 2' 51'.58" W. 582.72 feet to the point of beginning.' . COMTAININa 13.069 sores sore or lees. ~• Peas Four • ' -- ~ _ ~1 M' ~D J; ~. O/ ~ b ~ qa,o~ f~~ ~ • ~ruttt 'o c,,~~ r, . ?LA1+lP11idG COMMISSICa CITY OF CUnERTINO' 0 APPLICATION NO. ~" " a~ ~' ~ EXHISIT P)C RESOLUTION NO.---1 s, DATE: ~~~/~~P~i ~• o• hp~~ . \~. ~~~~ , i~ o '~' ~ ~ Q ..._ 1 ~~4.9s 4 ZONING PLAT MAP ~ REZONE - 13.069 ACRES FROM - SANTA CLARA COUNTY R 1 6 TO - CITY OF CUPERTINO BA A L D BRE ROOK "E~HI~1T.. B" LN. PROJECT: Fremont Older SCii00L LIST~2ICT: Cupertino Union O EXISTLt:G (I-A) ~n>-,:rs5, .elle de Earcelona neac~~ C~rrtlno, C~iif. (]FINF+L PLANS ~-F+i OFFICE OF SGr.00L ABOVE 1S NEASUREG IN ACCOAliAI:CE A:+G~YITEC:i~~,~. ;,~cc. PL~,P:TdiT7G ~L1F. DPT. 1.ITri AKT• 2022, SUL'Ci.APTEa 8, LATL: 1-24-64 ...,. - c- rrt ~ n( Id Si',I'FTS va <f • /l X16.28 > ~ \ ~'~ v \ (I W ~ + -- /y \~ ' /\~, f ~ ~ ~~ E}Q~I'1' "Cn N0. 1349 OONDIfiI0N5: 1-16. Standard Standard Caditia~ to the extent that they do not conflict with the special oanditians eiam~etated herein. In the event a conflict does exist, the special oonditicns as eram~erated herein shall apply. 17. Ashibits 'That ttse reoc~enlation of approval is based m F~ibit A of Application 28-Z-85 except as may be a:oerrled by special conditions en~aoexated herein. 18. emitted Uses Efciatirn Ugeg Stt. FbOrtacre ~Ia ~s1 K-6 elemarttaLy school 32,000 lam-lOpn Special education (ha~icap) 3,200 lam-lOpa classes FScteaxied day care program 1, 800 Gam-6pm F~mtily counseling program .(maximum 30 families) Aclmi ni a*ratj~: 1,000 82nit-5FIIl c]otumeling: N/A 5pm-lOFat 'II~e extea~ded day care p¢+ogram shall be far childx+en attending Older Elenerstaxy Sdyool only. the family oan'LSeling Pr'o9~ shall be for the families oP c3iildten attending Wpertino Utlioai Scisool District only. 19. If parking problems develop in the future, the Planning coimaission reserves the right to assess the impact on parking oP the family oo~u~seli~ prrogram. If the oamnissicn fitzls the family ca~a~seling program is contributing to the parking problems, the oam-issim may require measures to mitigate the problen, includirq possibly restricting the program. "EXHIBIT C"