Ordinance 1332 ~tDINANC~ N0. 1332 AN 0~2DINANCE OF TiiE CITY OF Cc7PE~tTIIJO AMENDING SECi'ICrt 1 OF Cff2DINANCE N0. 2 BY IG A~'l'FUJ}~TELY 2.66 GROSS ACRES FRCM R1-10 ZONE TD BQ Z~IEf IOCATED C8Q THE SOAiH SIDE OF ; ROAD APPRDXIITATELY 350 FT. EAST OF SOiT~i STELT~= ROAD WHERFA.S, on September 9, 1985, an application was filed by Cbgun Industries, Inc. (Cupertino Church of the Nazarene) (Application 18-Z-85) for the rezoning of property from R1-10 (Residential Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. miaiaam~ lot size) arcs to BQ (Quasi-Public Building) zone; aryl Camaissioan red to the City Council that the Rezon~g be granted; arxi Wf~12EAS, the property to be rezoned is presently in an R1-10 (Residential Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. mini~- lot size) zone; and 4~~RE'AS, a map of t]1e subject property is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" as a proposed amerdmetnt to the Master Zoning Map of the City of ~~• NOW, 'III, BE IT AS FULiAWS: Section 1. That the property described in attached Exhibit "A" be and hereby is rezoned to a BQ (Quasi-Public Building) zone; and that Exhibit "B" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of ~• Section 2. This ozdinanoa shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. IrfPROWCED at a regular meeting of the City council of the City of Cupertino this 4th day pP November ~ 1985 and ENAGTID at a z+egular meeting oP the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 18t1~y of November , 1985 by the following vote: ottvzNANCE rro. 1322 v~ Members a AYFS: Catto. Johnson, Ylungy, Sparks, Rogers NOES: None ABSEtdP: None ABSTAIN: None AP`~RdVEDs / ~C2 yor, City of, ATPESf: Ci .Clerk Exxzslx "A^ BEGINNING at a point at the Southeasterly corner of Parcel A. as said parcel is so designated on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on May. 24, 1963 in,Book 161 of Mapa, page. 44, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point of beginning along the Easterly line of said Record of Survey N. 0° 00! 08" W. 389.54 feet to a point on said last mentioned line 30.00 feet Southerly of and measured at a right angle from the centerline of McClellan Road. as shown on the above map; thence along a line parallel with said centerline of McClellan Road, S. 89° 58' 02" W. 297.01 feet; thence S. 0° 0' 08" E. along a line parallel with said Easterly line of the above record of Survey 389.76 feet Co a point on the Southerly line thereof; thence along said last mentioned line N. 89° 55' 32" E. 291.01 feet to the point of beginning. Z ~V/ NG PLOT MA P~ . ,o 0 ~z =, w _._~..3~ w ~ w n o ~rx ~~&8~~~1~~~. <~.~zc~ ba a,,,t~ ''i T`~ ~ ~3~a a L ~ g T~~ ~'!:a~t ~ G ~. ~ ax"a•d •y~ Y~ u Y-~ a~"a~ y~ ~W r aa~~~~gJ~c°-z 4 x~ is~ ~y~c~~ is ~~ay~r~o ~~~~~"n ~ w^c413 d~~jzf {n N~`o~ajJ e~d A O OC z iQ W u 77TTl7T//I% 389.54 ~~~~ rT v REZONE 2.6G AC. FROM R-1• l0 ro Q ~ a ~v u - . ~~~irrr~~~ ~1.~a9.~bill~ii~ [u : i . PLANNING COM11+',ISSION CITY OF CUP~R?fra0 APPLICATION NO.~~~ EXHIDIT PIC RESOLUTI N O. ~'-'=~ DATE: ~ g'S S. STEELING, RDAD "F.MIfIBIT 8"