Ordinance 1331 ORDINI~TCE N0. 1331 ~ , AN ~T11~ICE OF ~ CTPY OF CLJPF1iZ'II10 AMENDING SECPION 1 OF C~tDINANCE N0. 2 HY REZC~ffiJG APPROJC~F-TELY 1.2 GRIDSS ACRFS Ta P ZONE: I1)C`1~9 CN Tf~ SOUZ4{ SIDE OF PENII~(JIAR AVF2~IJE APPROXII~TELY 60 FT. EAST OF HARRANCA DRIVE ON ~ E'OR8ffI2 SQ)Ii~J PACIFIC RAIIROAD RIGfir OF FII~Y Keil~~~~ an Segtetnber 4, 1985, a.:, application Eras filed by Robert W. (Application 17-Z-85) for the rezoning of property to P (Planned Development with office inntent) zone: and WFff~FA.S, upon due notice aryl after one public hearing the Planning Oatonission reoamnerrled ~to the City Council that the Rezoning be granted; aril WF~I2E7~S, a map of the subject property is attached hereto as E~ibit "B" as a proposed amer~nent to the Master Zoning Map of the City of ~~• NOW, ARE, ~ IT ORCY~INID AS FULICxJS: Section 1. That the property described in attached E:d~ibit "A" be and hereby is rezoned to a P (Planned Development Residential Single-family intent) zone, subject to oorxiitions listed in attached Eidiibit "C"; and that E~ibit "B" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. erection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. INTROa1CED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this _ 4th day of November , 1985 and Et~CPF~ at a Z+egttlar meeting of the city Council of the City o! Cupertino this i8ch day of November , 1985 by the following vote: ORDII~NCE NO. 1331 Yclt~ 2~nbers o I SPACE ABOVE TH18 UNE FOR RECORUER'8 USE DIRt;CTOI~'S DEED D:SfRlti CCUMiI' AWTE FOSi NP•t NUM2ER 4 SCl 280 11:7. Dl)-047896-01-01 'I'!~e Sl'A'fF. OF CAi.IfOHN1A, acting by and thrwgh its Director of Transportation, does hrrehy grant to a'I that rr.r! i:.:;{x;t; in Ihr_____.._ City of Cupertino ~••^r.ta Caara Gnnrty of ..._= ----_---_°---••-_---., State of California, described as: 1:i.1 of. P;-RCf.L 2 as described in the deed to the State e;. California, recorded December 28, 1978, in Book F. 19T., at I'~.r;^ 4~5, (Serial'No. G?_43089), Official Records oi• ~~ant~ C:lar~. County, being mere particularly described of recor•.3 as fo7.lot•~s: fi~~innir,U for reference at the most northerly corner of fat ,i`', ~• , :.a :a lat i:t shown upon that c:er.tain F:ap enti.t3.ed "^,re.c` .:o. 19v0 Cot:te Fladera 3iighlands", which map ttias riled for r.>r..;rct in t%~e office n the hecorder of the County of ~:t:?':. 1';r:; f1~1 ~~:irC}1 19, 1953, 'n f:oo': 91.0E Elaps at ..~•je., ., ..!:.1 .+1, C11t-'.c:Cr: alo?:1`.hb r!c~nera.t nortiienstt;r_y line ~•~ ~.:+?.•~• '7e•~~et .:'o. 1960 and also the southcJesterly .line oi- land OC eC,1.2thc:rn xaeiEi~ Conpany, S, 44°$2'57" t•T., 1c.00 t _•et and t!. 45°U7'03" t:., 179.87 ft:et• to tha a'RUL•'~ t,n,: r;- r:Ut{... `r e: ..;'p; thr::ce :'. 5?°29'04' F.., 63.47 feet ::t~cr~i:,'• :; j~Jvt7'i,y" ti., 178.•:1'iCe~p thenCE' v. ud°t)o'18" 1'.., 1::5.%5 fiat to' the general south:•lesr_erly ling of F,nittsttlar P,ve,u~'~is said 4venue is shotrn upon that certain nr~it-'tix~- ---- S'I' ~'i'E?~ti?~~'I'S 70: rem., raw oz-rv ~a~.... b•Ilz1 •sr. es»»~aaaw,a•u,+.•Tov -z- mzip ~ntittc:r] "!'reef tdo. BOI. FlomeStead Villa" which mnp was fil.eci tor. record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on April 9, 1951 in Book 33 of t7aps at !'ages 16 and 17; thence along last said line and also the northe~xster.ly line of• said Company's land, N. 45°07'03" W., 175.2 feet, N. 44°52'57" E., 10.00 feet, and N. 45°07'U3" t•t., 516.18 feet to the southwesterly line of that certain 2.682-acre parcel of land, described in that FINAL ORDER AND DF.'CREE 0/' CONDEbINATION NO. 134859, recorded July 1, 1966, in hook 7430,. at Page 657, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along last said line S. 44°52'57" t~., 100.00 feet to the above-mentioned general northeasterly line; thence along .last said line and also said soath;:eslerly line of said Company's land, S. 45°U 7'03" [4., 336.30 feet to the true point of commencement. The bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System, Zone 3. t•iultiply the abeJve distances by 1.0000619 to obtain ground level distances. • Thera shall be no abutter's rights of access appurtenant to the above-described real property in and to the adjacent State freeway. ' Sabject to an Ea ser:.ent, granted or to be granted to t'acific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation, for the right to erect, construct, reconstruct, replace, reT~iove, maintain and use a line of towers with such crossarms, wires and cables as shall from time to time be susp:~nctecl therefrom for. the transmission of electric energy, and for ca;.ununicalion purposes, and all necessary and proper fnundatians, footings, crossarms and other appliances and ~ir.t.ures for. use in connection with said towers, wires and c•,.~ ! ~ kvr;,th2r u= th a right o~ c•:uy, upon, over and acro ,s the stria c>f land described as follows: Leg inning at tl~e intersection of the northeasterly br,unrl~ty line of the; State freeway (IV-Santa Clara-280) with i i:~_ ~, .c•c;i~asc.~r.y :>ouncl ,ry line of Lot 40, a:~ said Lot ^•6 is sho~.rn upon the• ;rnh of Tract No. 1960 filed for record in the office of the County Fecorder of said County of Santa Clara. in Cook ~1 of. t•laps at page 50 (said point of intersection haing distant 25.94 feet along the northeasterly line of tnt 4o from the northae5terly corner of said Lot 46) and ru~nin~j thence north 46°0?'33" west, along the respective ~~`~~~~~ ~4 ~ • - 3 - • boundary lines of said Lot 46 and of Lot 45, as said Lot 45 is shot,n upon said map, 213.43 feet;~thence :;outl~ CO°31'00" east, 131.53 feet; thence :;oath 38°01'00" east, 131.20 feet to a point in the northeasterly boundary line of said State ireeiray; thence north 64°24'34" west, along the northeasterly boundary line of said State freeo-,ay, 96.19 feet, more or less, to the point of beginniny. CON'PAIA'ING 4,855 square feet, more or less. Also subject to an Easement, granted or to be granted to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation, for all rights of ingress to or egress from the 4,855-square Loot casement described hereinabove upon, over and across the strip of land described as follotrs: A strip of land of the uniform width of 20 feet extending from the northeasterly boundary line of the strip of land described anti designated PARCEL 1 in the deed from State of California to Pacific Gas and F,lectric Company dated June 28, 1967 and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara in F2ook 7793 of Official Record:; at page 135 to the southwesterly boundary line of Peninsular Avenue 'and lying equally on each side of the line which begins at a point in the northeasterly boundary line of said strip of land designated PARCEL 1, from r,hich the most easterly corner of said strip of land designated PARCEL 1 bears S. 46°02'33" E., 100.00 feet distant, and runs thence S. 64°24'33" E., 160.00 feet; thence ~:. 43°57'27" f:., 50 fee L•, more or less, to a point in the southwesterly boundary line of said Peninsular Avenue. C.OFiTAIidIioC -t, 200 square feet, more or less, including ,•._., .,c;u:r.~ i"<.~'~, ~aorc or J. r_-sue, ~:ithin the 4,855-:cruare fcot easexent described above. Ease:~ent descri;>tions above based on geodetic bearings <~^d around di5tanc~ .. "EAFi1~ib A•• . • Ordinance No. 1331 P a~ ~~ i.: .:`.ti:.. .. ~t i c arc r; ~.....: tor; ~,~c . --____ \~CQ ' ~ ~' ~~ 3~ 6/e "~/ G .~'~ ~~ 63 9ji 1 I ~ ~ 10.0 9?i r /~S-8S/ FRO(H E i.2o4 Ac. Z0N (N ~-1 I LAT .M~I ~~~~~~~~, ~ 1 ~ PD SCALE: I = I~I-O A-IROVEO YY: DRAWN 8Y J~ DATE: 9-2.' S5 REViSEO ' I (DRAWING NUMBER ' ORDIl~NC~, NO. 1331 OOIdDITIQYSs 1-15. STANDARD OOr1DITICtJS Standard Ow~ditions to the extent that, they do not oanflict with the special conditions era~ezated herein. In the event oontlict does exist, the special ooa~diticns as ernanarated herein shall apply. 16. ZY~at the z+eoo~atian of approval is based ~ FSdzibit A of Application 17-Z-85 as may be amended by special amditions entanarated herein. 11LI~~~Y~~ C)1