Ordinance 1325 ORDINANCE N0. 1325 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING .SECTION 11.24.150 OF THE CUPEATINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT PARKIN(} ON TOARE AYENUE AND PROVIDING FOR SIGNS NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN that Seotion 11.24.150 of the Cupertino be amended to include the following: Section 11.24.150 Parking Prohibited along certain streets. Street Sides of Street Portion Torre Avenue Both Between Stevens Creek Boulevard and a point 220 feet southerly thereof. URGENCY: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enaotment as an urgency measure due to the urgent necessity to improve the safety of this interseotion. It is hereby found and deolared that this urgency measure is necessary for the health, safety and general xelfare of the inhabitants of the City of Cupertino. INTRODUCED AHD ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City aounoil of the City of Cupertino this 16th .day of September , 1985 by the Polloxing vote: Vote Members of the City_Counail AYES; Gatto, Plungy. Rogers, Sparks, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTES APPAO D: C y Clerk o C y oP Cupertino.