Ordinance 1315 ~ e ORDINANCE N0. 1315 AN ORDINANCE OF THS CITY OF CUPERTINO A!ffiNDING SBCTION 1 OF ORDINANCE N0. 2 HY RBZONINO ALL PROPERTIES CURRENTLY ZONED CO TO P TO ENSURE CONSISTENT DESIGN STANDARDS FOR SIMILARLY SITUATED PROPBRTIES WHEREAS, on April 8, 1985, an application was filed by City of Cupertino (Application 8-Z-85) for the rezoning. of all properties currently zoned CO (General Commercial) zone to P (Planned Development) zone; and WHEREAS, the proposed zoning action also involves some properties already zoned Planned Development; and WHEREAS, the purpose oP adding these properties is to ensure consistent design standards for similarly situated properties; and WHEREAS, the Planned Development zoning district provides additional design and land use flexibility Por the City and property owners consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, upon due notice and after one public hearing the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the Rezoning be granted; and WHEREAS, the property to be rezoned is presently in a CO (General Commercial) zone; and WHEREAS, a map of the aub~eot property 1a attached hereto as Exhibit "B" as a proposed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED A3 FOLLOWS: Section 1 That the property described in attached Exhibit "A" be and herepy is rezoned to a P (Planned Development) zone, aub~eet to conditions listed in attached Bxhibit "C"; and that Exhibit "H" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage.. • INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Counoil of the City.. pP Cupertino this 17 day of June ~ 1985 and BNACTBD at a regular meeting of the City Couacil oP the City oP Cupertino this 1 day of July ~ 1985 by the following votes Vote Members oP the City Counoil • LE5AI. DESCRIPTIDF uF 111E CI 7Y Gi CUPEfiiIMO fiENEAAI COMBERCIAL 2CNIN6 AREA AfPUCA7ICN 8 -2-85 Mr;tten descriot iat of the property to be re :cnrd: All that real Dr apertr situate fn the ComtY of Santa Wan, State ci Wlifornia corresponding to the Santa Clara Lountt Asse ssor Parcel Mua6ers -isted belatt A.P.N. fAOM TO I09-12-37 C6 I6eneral Caaurciall P (Planned OerelocemtY 116-03-38 C6 I6eneral LuaerciaU P IPlmaed Oerelootmtl 316-03-39 C6 (6eaenl totarrciall P ]Planned Oerelepetntl 320-11-02 C6 I6eneral Ctuerciall P IPianned Oertloptentl 323-36-IB L6 I6eneral Cenerciall P (f)anned Oerelopamtl 326-01-IB [6 I6eneral CouerciU} P (Planned Qereloetentl 326-01-26 [6 I6eneral [oaerciall P IPlmned Oereloptentl 326-01.27 C6 I6eneral Couercial) P ]Planned OereloDaentl 326-01-31 C6 I6eneral Couercial) P (f)anned 6erelopemtl 326-O2-3I CO I6eneral Coaarrc1a11 P tflanned Orretossenti 326-05-86 C6 I6eneral Couercial/ P IPianned Berelopeent} 12b-07-20 C6 I6eneral Couercial) P (Planned Otieloauntl 326-0]-22 C6 16eural Couercial! P ]Planned Oerelopamtl 326-07-32 C6 I6eneral Coaurcial! P IPianned Oerelooamfi - 326-07-33 C6 I6eneral Conerciali P ]Pinned perelopunt} 326-01-}1 C6 I6eneral CouerciaU P IPianned Oerelopetntl 326-07-36 C6 I6eneral Coutrciall P IPianned Qevelopaentl 312-12-60 C6 I6eneral CouerciaU P IPianned Oereloptentl 312-U-101 C6 !6eneral Couercial) P (Planned Berelopemt} 312-11.103 CB I6eneral Couercial} p ]Planned Oevelepaent} 312-Ib-ibta C6 I6eneral [outrciaU P IPianned Otrelastent} 312-Ib-B7 C6 I6eneral Coutrciall P i% anaed Dereloountl 312-32-70 C6 I6eneral Couercial} P IPianned Oerelopaentl 362-01-22 C6 (6eneral Couercial) P IPianned Oerelooamtl 382-01-21 C6 )6eneral Canerclall P (Planned Otvelopatnt} 369-31-01 C6 I6eneral Couercial! P IPianned Oerelopaentl 369-31-02 C6 !General Conerci+il P IPLnned Oere-optentl tt Partial-Lot 1 EXHIBIT "C" ORDINANCE 7315 CONDITIONS: 1-15. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Standard Conditions to the extent that they do not conflict with the special conditions enumerated herein. In the. event a oonfliat does exist, the special conditions as enumerated herein shall apply. 16. ZONING ESNIBIT Exhibit A of Application 8-Z-85 identifies properties involved in the ahaage of zone. The properties labeled "South De Anza Boulevard Conceptual Plan" are regulated by a separate Resolution. 17. PERIQTTED LAND USE The permitted land uaea shall be consistent with the "Definitions," "Permitted Uses," and "Conditional uaea - Uae Permit Required" sections of the General Commercial Ordinance, as may De amended. Residential developmant may be permitted when compatible with neighborhood. 18. PA63CRZPTIV6 REQUIREMENT The prescriptive requirements oP the General Commercial zone related to height, coverage, and setbacks shall be used as a guidelines for subsequent use permit applications. 19. LAND U38 INTENSITY The land use intensity shall be regulated by the Floor Area Ratio aonatraint described in the General Plan. 20. MODIFICATION OF USE PERMIT Uae Permits involving properties within the zone shall remain in force unless a property oxner/developer/applicant seeks approval of a significant modification of use, building or site plan. If a aigaifiaant modification is sought, the revisions must conform with this zoning district. THE FOU.OWING PARCELS ARE REZONED - FROM: CG (GENERAL. COMMERCIAL) TO P (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) 8 ~ 326-01-18 342-16-76 tPartsaI - Lnt 4) 326-OI-26 342-16-87 326=01-27 326-01-51 M ~ 342-14-104 342-14-105 326-02-51 N - ~ 342-12-b0 320-14-02 342-32-70 D 326-05-86 E 326-07-20 326-07-22 326-07-32 326-07-33 32b-07-34 326-07-3b F 323-36-18 4 3a9-4z-37 316-03-38 316-03-39 369-34-01 369-34-02 3 3~.2-oi-22 ~Z: 24t . _ ~'4 a