Ordinance 1313 ORDINANCE N0. 1313 AN ORDINANCE OF .THE CITY OF CUPBATINO AMENDING THB TITLE OF CHAPTER 11.26 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING 36CTION 11.26.120 3PSCIFYINO THE SIZE OF SIGN TO BB USED ON PRIVATE PARKING FACILITIES THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN that the title of Chapter 11.26 be amended to read "Stopping, Standing and Parking---Private Property and Streets." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN that Section 11.26.120 be added to the Municipal Code and shall read as folloxss 11.26.120 Specification of 3i~n Permitting Removal oP Vehicles This sign to be used on private property authorizing the oxaer or person in laxful possession to remove vehicles from private property shall be eighteen (18) inches ride and txenty-four (24) inches high. The sign shall contain the xorda "Private Property" in two and one-help (2-1/2) inch high letters, the telephone number of the lax enforcement agency in one and one-half (1-1/2) inch high letters and "C.V.C. 22658" in one (1) inch high letters and shall substantially conform to the attached Exhibit "Any INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 17 day of June , 1985 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 1 day of Jules`, 1985 by the folloxing votes Vote Members oP the City Council AYES: Catto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson NOESs None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTESTS APPROVED: ~ ~ /~ City Clerk or, ity of Cupertino --- " • • ~~~~ ~~ '~' I,- UNAUiHOAIZED OR Z ILLEGALLY PARKEb - S= VENICL~S WILL BE ,,,, S CITED tlR REMOVEb S~ Ai tlWNER'S EXPENSE =C PHtlNE S- GV.422650 S,~ sp.~« ~~z ~,~~, ~ cc~~s ~~ian8 ~, i'~a~i~~~~