Ordinance 1300i • ORDINANCE N0. 1300 AN ORD'aNANCE OF TrE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTiN0 AMENDING C'rIAPTER 8.08 OF TE CUPERTiNO MUNICIPAL CODE: ANIMAL AND RABIES CONTROL TiiE CITY COUNCIL OF T:.E CITY OF CUPERTINO HEREBY ORDAINS T}iAT Chapter 8.08 of the Cupertino ilunicipal Code is amended to include the following sections. 8.08.155 .\nimals and Vehicles (a) No person, other than an individual then actually In the process of working a dog or other animal for ranching purposes, shall transport or carry the animal In a motor vehicle on any public highway or public roadway, wiles [he animal is safely enclosed within the vohicle by means of a container, cage or other device which will prevent the ani:aal from falling from, jumping from, or being thrown from the a:otor vehicle. (b) No person shall leave any dug or other animal in an ut.attended motor vehicle without adequate ventYlation or in such a manner as to subject the animal to extreme temperatures which may adversely affect the health or well- betng of the animal. (c) Any violation of the provisions of ihls section shall be punishable as ar. infraction. INTRODUCE[) at a regular meting of the C[ty Councii of iha Clty of Cuprrtlno this _ 4th_ day of FebCuary_. 1985 and ENACTED at a regular meeting oC the City Councii this l~th__ •Jay of February _, 1985 by the Collowing vote: Vote Member:: of the Ci_t~r Council :\YFiS: Gatto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson ' NOI;S: None AIiSi?N'C: None AI4STAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: (i~ 'ity L'lcrk ~ ---- y City oC Cuprrtlno •--_._