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Ordinance 130
~., ,~ .. t~N~IN~NCr~. A3tJ, t~~_r .~ di~I t?HD~I~tC~* 4~ '~~ i,":I'7~'Y ~??~ ':UY',"a'RT~'.~Ib HHL~T2~ '1'6) 4tiSTRi~C'~'.iCI~~ QP BATS al~x~ ~C~3WA ~'3, A,t~L P~'~Cfi~[~1I~ P~'kL'~R3 PCH ~'~'t"Sl:,AT - J1~ ^'RRR'~F The Cit~r Cv~-Yie~..1 oT the City u~' Cupartin:~ tlocer :~rcf~-lzx ~aa follows: AFt'l~~^~ 1 »- ©R3~''~itTCTIO~~ Cf~ HICi~Ya'YS ' 3~ect1©n t : Pe~'initl.c~r:e ..,...., .~... .~ a I.1: ~~ " ~~c~~ ge nt~13~ r~sn a.;',,v ,~raa~P of afu~t~.i~a p~'~"e'~'"'~~i Iine ox• In ~x~caupa sr~ t,x~at the k~r~~nchr~,~ at' arty r-n~ plaint ~~ int:e~~a~.t~~~:ed ar i'c~z^~ cc~ntt~-et t11t;x t~ye bL^anc?~~~- off' a1"~F crt~s p3~t :~..~. the 1i~~a l., ~`: ~lurufi: ~k~e te~rn~ "shrub" aahPll. ~.Aaan m bEiah, nat a t~d~;~e, . or ~,I.attnt more than *We x ve { 1.2 ~ inc; h+~ a but nrat , rat:£e _.= , ~ - tt~r~ tt~ ~.''C~ Feet ta.i2, standing eir~gly and not oi' s~xah charac•- t~x~ ~u to ~~~ ~xvnue3 r~rlnce~~~ent. Y. 3~.dtst~!-.1.~: The t~t~n "aidPNalic" s~yall be ~~ Gro-,rided 1tt the 'Ye cXe ~e'~c~~ the Sty f.r~ of C;~l ~. forma . 2.4: Roa~Q~n rte-. ~',-e tat~n "r4ada~y" aha11 bE ae pravi.dr~d ire tha ~e~i~.cTe`L~o3e of ::hr 3tsafie of ~~12i`arr~i.~, . I. : 3txtxi~sd S+ ecificatiana: Sta;nda:rci Sp.:~cif 1 c.at;i.r~ris o:` the S~.~r a .ran``..Ffways; ~~a~m~r,t. c>f Puh.lic l~r~~rks, St~t:~ of Celii'nrc:i~e ~ 1 C~ ~~iirlnn . I~b: Street or Hal y ~ xhe ter.,n "Street ar ~~ighway' shall be as nrc~v is in die ~:-.iicl.e Cody raf Y.he St3'ue t~f Ca:lii'~~r~nia I•?; .4af:~'t 2ort~: Tlye term "aat'ety ~:or.ZC" aha~l:i b4 as proaid~d in`~n '"fie' c ~-~ac~r-: c?' tl~P State cif` C~11.fornia. 1.8: Tz~rea : fibs term "tree °' sip 11 rtteun ^ny growl ng pI ant ex •- c~ee~rt ~n (1.0~ f.'eet 1n haight, whr:ther p~.%~nted si.nKly or ec~ a hedge ~ ~. . ~. F~snt;e: 'I'~ne tF~x~n "~'enc.e" stk~zl7. mean r;rYy obstruction c?t' wSa~ev~er material a.r co~}cpc.-sitiQ:: whi~~il i~ ucaSgned, ?nterrclrc~ or __._,,, ~x3ed to gamteGt, defend or obsrure tkio intez~l~~r property of thN ormAr thereuT fro^~ th+~ vi~:br, trespass c~z' t7FSSa.gcf a~' others upon that pro~o+crtY• ~ ~ _ _ _ _ :... 1.14: ?~nc~+oachrtent; Tha term "e:ncro.~,c2imont;" sh2I1 be ns prc+aide:~ ~~~r~i:~"F~±.4~hvra~I'+e Ccfd~: o:t' 1.i~a State of Ca~.ii'ornira, Section 2: Overhead t5hatruct3.o1~ ?. I: "~~ila `• s~ t~~~~b`striic icin:.. Hu c,xnur or leas-~~ oi' andr preaiises<~1-.`~i~ •,~pori ar,~Y }~u~b~c ~~a4°.-et Ry}~11. permit tho cx- iat~:nce of o~.~tru~tl,arae d,e,fincd by this ax~ticX~; to t~ ~ rz~al.a~znc~:. .. ~ . ~_: H<~ri-~'KC x.318 ~ '~ C:' 1. i~ r P' ~, ''1 F) ii r :'! J C ~: ? ') t'. `t ~ "~' .. +:.; ~ : ew.r t'tt,; :~ x w_ 3 ~7~ E< r?aa~-C4xa:1Ul1.~'4"t~ x..lC3t .71' i,~i~:.~.5``lit:Livti c::y:ch U17t~k'1" th:,s f`2''r;1.t.'1@ aro dee~~d t~'~ ,cab~x~x~,yCt thcr v.eW i'rorr; vc.t'.:ic :. ~f~ ex;~v~~Ii~ ,an prtb;~3~: str~s~r.aa~J~~~ct~d tl~,~p~~rs~y~~fk•~e of padr:s`a~t;:~nnt~:~ •2:~w ^lz~~~~~a~;.~:~ ~r:1:~ ~~ ~'~. h.l i.~C~ on th£ r,1gY'tt•D'-C, ~'-.n..~,Sr ;~:~t}.44,1.X«~~. Gllt~i.":~•..~.t~ tt7A3 ft~~i: A~~~rt'.r l~~ dE`c:la*~d to inc. t; pixb.iic nuis:..:~c,.: artd I:~t•,..Yxt2;it+~d i:a un.~z~Nlul, ~~ ~1) h. tr'±ec.; ,~x.th 1latbza a~crhani;•ir~, 'tt,t. f,~uk~.~ic r~tre~4 or sidewtz3k, chc ~.owest Pnx`t oi" w2alrh 1.~ ies~:~ the ~~ ecn (1D~ 1'ee''t above sHid atr~eret ar ~cicie~slkt {21 A 2s~ciigo otT shxrub ovary^h~~z~ tng ~tua sxtreet ~~~ rsidr;•wt~.ih. ''~ A h~•c°;c c~x~ ax.hrub exr 1.~.,~b oP a tn~ whi.e:h is ao g3.tu._ ~ ,.~ ~ 1 etvd s+s tva abecur~.na~d i~-81r~ tins utso~estr~,~~;;~.:d ~i.~.~r ai' i.n~t;~ra~ect.~ ing trsfl'~,c ~' pe.sslx~g nratrari.ats cr ped:~.st~•i.<•zns car cabseu.r~: a:x~ lc~xaair the vi.~'n of rstree~}:, tir~rr~~:, Arid cst2x~r C~•xrtral dc~~riC~ylt arm sign«~s ~ii~tced upoiz xttE: stre~:te .for tha: »?.:"ety oP the: pcit-i.~le, 2.~: lNotis~es oi' 1~cistenae of 4batructic-n: Thy City t~.z~txer, o~• a - y appo o regrcrser~ .a , ve~'"`; upo`z~r` ci~:`t~~rm.~»irsg that ~,nc. c~r• rtaor~: nl" eh4 nulaanc~s prohibited herein ~~x:ist a~• that .arty other si,arii8:c nbseruction tti t2~ ,passbge~ oi' vehiclras a,• pedestris~ns a2: a *ate~rsections .t~cises -oz~ premiaea within thc: City, shelf. give xrSttc:n notlc~ to thc.~ owner, ,ienar~t .o: pers~ta hsvi.~g aharRe ar aotttx~cl of eht premi.s~d to a-^rx,W4 thc:reSr,,m t21e nuit6a»cc Eo cioa3.gnazed thErt~in, ~tnd it sha:17~ be un]axfu:l f'or t:z+~~ o~vnzr, tenant car p~:rson hAVixr~; r#31rgC: or Con~~ar~•i c~f• a~~id ~•~t~tr'r~.t~~. s :>a nc~glec~, ox, ffzil. tta remove th~~x~c.~ro~m c~aid oti~st!~ac:t~.i~n wi`cht:a f iyc i5) dayc~ ~l"rc~r tt~€~ serviac yipon hi~n n2' ~t~id i~oti.nt, ~?, ~; Qther Ft~::`rk:dic::s: zn ~ s9aa,tion tc, ~r_y~ of t2x.~ rern~:dlc~s pro_ v~rTrr?f'"3 oc t3rf»~r~ car ~i~ :law Pur tas~ vir~14.t3:ary h?real", eht~ CI ty Attcarney try ~inufxin ~n action .tar ari3t nr:tiran tct x~egtr<<i`"i c.,r Rbr~tet~~me:nt ~C, corr~c:i; or ear,~e:I tlr:. z~cenatia u~' such ~ai~~.i.~tia~.c ar violeticana, • Sec+,len FncrQac}~a~r.ts ~ - ~ - - ~~~ exccpfe~~ocr_ ~-fit~ sec*,ica~n exrc,var. irng for 2iou:~•:: sL•wer ~xttnslans jrrav:ilc~~i p~„,~~it t:zc•r+ef~rL i.c l~ t, ~~a ~ obtr in~_~'. ~"rom th~a C'tRpzrt.~rt:,~ ~s.n~tary Dit~tr•irt. ~.i: PFrr°:r.ir R•~^~~ir.d; ~Ya r;t:r~vn ~r $Bw~~n~';~, whwr:,Lr X>ci'aiic ar p~t•a c; s •~~'~ construct car maintain ~-irtl ent`r.~7Zc~21r:A;nt nlt,rtg ar acro,es ~~nv strut, xr.r,ci r,..• hS,~h'r?~ in th•~ City or m::ic:, ^ny ~:x- . c>~vati:,n {,r .c+.:t, cs2xrz~~i,-: Y'ur• ~a~~c:h p~.xz•~ti+a.: RSttfi~ou•t first ot;:r•ln- lnt~ a p~r~1t tca c~,; d.x S"Y t2itr• w.~rnc:r ?::rein ~,:.~otfdcd. ~.2r ~~oplict.tlor: ~.n~. '~R.~Ut3~t~ l+ny ~~~rsor~ cr f,~r.~.'r''~cy. ~wh~.~th: r pufi~l:c ar privaLL, i7y ~~~.ing tia conatz~uct, Z''-'! ar sx.~inC+zin ony uncz~,~:~c}un~rt plorg or .;~cra:~s rn;; street, :"Uu.~ .ar• h3grrr~y undar ~~~r.ist~ict:ian ut t.2,.: Cit;~ sh3I1 rr~.kc: npp.l~.c~:uian 9.n v:a~lkAn~ to f:2~.e CYt,y Ct~ur~cil and ah~ll dz:roait wa Ch such a~~1S.c:a~tiion th,. :aura of Pxi'i.y a'X,11.rxra ~~r~v.G~J) ~7r a gtixr~s cat wun>.-;~- sufi•rclent a.n f~rgotxnt, in t2~. ~~pinl,on of ~.2a<:- ~#.ty ~n.~R~:r, t-• -~~•..z• tr: ..~ .. i t ~ :, , -~«t o t,,.. MI ~, a ~•iC~ta.°.1 'Cilx~• ~~ ~'~. L~t~~.l'il:~,?1!itt,.f~ w .s•.r3} ,~~i:Ct~, ..+' '~.rn{?'llrs? :j\'~1 .~ i. g3f'4£~t3r`, or ~.Ta t;h:. diz+c~r~:L{.ou c. 3' tT;~ ,~' ~.ty fii~'t:t~~;~~t• <~ ;~~c.~t.~~:l ;tt.ti,~ ~, enuti~:':1,c:icnt bnt^zd ita 11eu tisex•«.ct', pkrL'..~lt~3 zhat'~ th4 Gity M;~n.• •~.r• ar.*„~ 1n hae ~Ii~acr~:4i.an N~~ive the' rc~u~r~:r.~.:-it f~~x` the ci~:~aai~c oaf ~f:~i.r2 a.aera ,•rr twn:i~ f~~°• arat,l.ic: Ft~i~xtr;3~~:~ o.r t.:ab'l.~4 `~t1.1.1.t~y .:r,1~~`oC•r:tiUns ti:hiz~h i~!t'a~er~t•~.*..~~.~t1 tti o~~t~~^~+E: rr m~:~~~,tr?rt t`r~C.i-:ri~.s :.c~ I:tai~,i1~: . ~r#.ghLs--oi'-w,~y «~it;itcYx- bt* cipcri~`!.t,~-: r~, ~~;•,r or Frtxrsu~n~ to r: ~'x•a~x~~Fht~,c: ~*,rantad by the Glty• Bald dr•pt~ait car lx~t~ii is i•or~~uis~ecl `cr t:hti purer®e cat c:nd•.xrin#~ th.: prca,~~:r. rt:ator~'ttiox~ of etytt9 hi~tirv~i~ f~t:r1 aha.~.~. be farta~t~•vd +~r calxr3ct, as t~ cea~: mny ~, in tTa±: et,t:z~t: that th!~ ~i'k as mcr~: prap~:ri~r iiofe as hor<.,in pA~vided. ~~: It~auartae of P~ecan3t: ~e~it$ fc~r rc~; ~~ ~^~ a~:•j:~l i~~ ;.ass .:~:~ b*~ ree'tarad irt< t~ matxta~s irk at~ktal.l. be d4nE: in a*~3. a~at~.a~taactic~n of eAid City I~ ~~ I1r,~~er t•aur>~i :Inata:~2ati,~n~ -• Suac.ruiaston ~u1~.a.~~c~ z~: r. o_~c~ii~''.Cv~'i""'~uel~i_.......-.y. 3.C1 OZ` CO ~~Y°tt~@ ~A~ f~11C $! ~t]1aStV !Y~'313 ~ ~ r x~rquired annd enecifi~d haex^ezh, . *•ahici•~ rae::a under 'th+s asuperviaion r-rd. to ~~tae ~r~tigar. {:l} E~ccra<vati~+n. t~c~svntian Uf tz•<.•nc~x.s ad ac~~nt to tYa.~ oxistl~rr~ env ~t~'~' s~11 b~: conducted nri but ~7ne ~2 } z-ido ~~f L-I~ paverr>~tnt at ~! ttaux a~ rw Exc,tveti~~n sisal]. ~ a9tax•ted on tlt~: op- paaite b1dE• until tha<: tY•~.+nrh fi.rsf. 4'aCCa~vated raaR~ been 1'il.l.ed, uaa!partad and surfztcec! ad per raqu3rern:.~nte 1~e1u1:: No more '~rc:rl~~hc:s raiaF 11 b ; op~:n~-r9 t:}.an r:ur bo Tax'Ur:Caxly aarac:i oae~~~.t~tal•;r barki'i~il~~cl in onto (.l) drt~•. :No arso^~: ':fin seven hun- c~r<:d feeX {'j40' } e,f tro::r;it :>aat:li. br opr:n at any time on any pY`d~cat un,l.r.z3s >:uthoriz~d by the ~.l~ty a~:nnr:gur a.~ hia duly nppo].ntec9 re~..~ sef'1ta'ti vc-: . t?n~~ { :1. } traffi ~. lar~e~ a;-hal t be kept, cpca~ ~:nd in sa~'e can- ~~lZl.on rtt' all times. Acic:quai;c. warning ~~rad .rcftal~~i~ozy siKz~e a?nd ~7ther safety aneasur~:s a~~aall ae •takc'n et +1.1 ~`:i:r:E~a to protec*. thy; ~~t,:r1iC titho''may o~~ must ~ btu prea~ert in L-he areas N~atzre work t6 t»:tng pal^fbzme3. Cohlp2ete closure of all traft'ic lanes may l~ m~xa~: ~:•~: the discretion of grad .iri ;:c•~orla~nce faith planap t'or d•~tou.^s ai;'i?rovcd by the Cii:y M.~nas~er or Yiis duly ap~,ointcd r~~•x•+:,sentative. ` Tw~,nty-~fc~ur borate' rzdv{ihce~ n~~t:tcc must b~: i'ilt9 with t::~~ City I#traag~.~r, v:r Yaf.~ duJ:y r~pc;oint•e:d r4presera':1~tivc, ~atat;ing rho road to bc; c1o ~;d, the lianitr grad F,pprcxiataa.tc: d~,:x~.tlon of alo>a•ar~o. Such a~enciee must also bc; not:i.9'~.ed .im:nc•di~.t:c ly,.upon rc,onenin~ of ~4tie ro*~d. to ranex.,gea~cy vehi c lc.~a; . ~ - Citg M~'tnagor shut t f.,e a3uprl.ied ~~rll tl.c~:s wiFh th'1 raa>ar:s rind telephone nu~rbe:x•s or at .].c:af:t twc, '(2j Persons inn char~~~ ai' ar i°csporisl'~T.e fc~r t;ha; work sub 'r..ct tr, pc;rmit. who can b~• x`L:'~':tn.~d i'or er,;Gr~er:c~y work tw~~raty~fo~ar ~~4} !yours -~ day, >aE:vean {'t t cTaxyas . ~ t2} Backl"tl..l: BeclcY'111 in~ 2a11 tT~~~rs~:tae:s sT~ll• ix• a~: b;~. mecl-aanlcal^~am~"~ng or jc;tti.ng s.s spc:c~x'lerr by the ~it;~ ~4~n:?~°r. rva~npactityra eha.~.1 be attKinGd by ,fi.ny t , pc' ~~f' r>~:~i~a32`-:LGiaX tra<-~per t:ara~~blc o3` m~~etkn~ th;: cornpacx:ion rzc;~.~ix~.:ments. Ba~kfil.l. ahsl'1 ~,~_ t~ . ~• i '~: a .~~~- r. tL~ s.r~ 31 !"t t+ n ~' r ± t1 i L` kr~ r~ :~ d u ~ ~ gar t ~ ~~~ 'i•.•y t» tr. U -i t, y= 3~~ ~n.~ g~.~ r :rxi ~i~:~~~:nda:~nt; t;-~~~~ i•~~.~ t.y~~~,~ ,7i' ~~sll :tn,3 m::~ch~n.i~u~:l t,.tr~~r~r ,~s~x;:l. .i r::t:~t:;~v'aw cc, :x~•,sAe:t.i:~•:,, :~±' ~i~i.n~~t,;/ Pa.:x' ,^w~rtt t~~ :rttxa,l ~: v~ ., _ ,j*~ i~Y1 b8cicfAl2 bc.2a~' ~:wo >:'c~~.: (~' ~ 1 tai' S'3.n9.~hed grra~e, ;~ ~lr;ti;,a: CQt;4::..on .~.A' ~,~la~etg~~k±_vt. Par ~;rent (g5;~6} stu~2.~ bra r'+~:t~uixAc i.x~ tt~ t;t.~~ t:a~ tt~t ;2 ~ } a~f t.>,:~n=.~~•y ~r ithira ~~:^x~A ~~adway sc~cti~~n, ~t~~;~zzt~i~~~ rcYxi~~t:c;t.i.orr a~,~?.1 b~~ ~iec~d an :;"a~:~ oi;' ~::lifca~7,1~ Tt's t ~ k hc~d ~ . 2 ~.~ , I+~o betting+w121 bc: ~ ~.:a,otv~ac`. within r,~ i~~eet (~ a ~ df tlt~e ~rurfaca, ,~ggx•~ega~tc H$se me-tex~~.41 cc~n2'ormi,r~g t•.~ Secti.on ~s 3. ~},2i~ of thsx ~'~t~tnda~# ~'pu^i#'~.~~z~Ci.c~rs.~s, excae~+t ins kx:~S.x~ a~~xifie•A w~.ndtt~ ~`Ag~reg~ltf ~s~t t~kxal~ be p7,t.:t:ctr alr~t~~t °tht' t~nts.~p1 tt~erncit ,~ect:ican ~+titl'~ zw aa.inimru~a thicltn~:ss of tw~-1ti~~• I.r~ci~as (12"} , ' Ca.ty ar+~asox~os ttx> r3~t t+~r >~kc a~ ,ssrz~r ~ L+am~-a~trt~,on tests ab it dearmx nar~t:sarry S.n c~ex tca m~p~t~ coaq~etaticx,~-~rec~x,~,tnts. Thy eo~tn of autzh tuts shx~l3 L>e bor. ~' the ppoa°~-ori pex~i'aralir~g the cxoat-at.ir~n in, a~.tx~ and aaroag the h1.gl~-y. A pry caa*.. of 9C-1 liquid asphalt shtrll bQ a.pp~.icd .:ta the swr.~txoa of thy: a~xiatixrg trench prior to p.~v,ing, the xate of ~applicat3,on to ~;:: dt!tarminati by thr~ C1.ty iYtunagt:r. Ctn comrplEt~.on ref *ho bt~ckfill rand priar to p~.gC?ng thrz pr~vt~aent in ttt~: trench section, the psvement.~ od9at'rac~t to t~t~ tirork shall be thoroughly cleaned to tho eatisf'rxat~.:~n of the: city 1'~na.ger. b power broot~ t+"a2.1 be uscsl if` t+a raqui.rc~d by thr~ City Mans~gcr.. • (3} ~testoraticri cif P~7vernont . Where it itt necoas~tirgr to rernov~: cxis~ing ~i y~ass<~t~ c.f ~~-~veirxcnt, arie2~ tee PartlRrad cear.^nt aancrete, asphaltic cnnt:rcte, ,pl.~:nt n~i.x surfacing; or o4X macadam, said pave~r~:•nt shol.l be r~stc~red to its carxliyion as .to Zinc, grade, t;~pr. zrad depth ~:~s ~~XiStCd prior to E.zc~vatian. St'^, minY,mut~r requ~lremc:nts below. Az~phalt~conc:retc surfacing canforrraltig to ~tfie x-~qu~.x~m~nnts a1' Sect:ian 3y - 2.03 of the Standard. S~pecAt'ic$.tions ~,I be t3ubstituteci for existing ne,~h~iltic Canca~e.te, pXtxnt mix surfacing. ar ail macodam p~vemen°~, i'he type,,of asphalt-- c©tacrt;tt: surfacing is to be datermincd by the City l-k~nager. ~i+Then a stxtisfact;ax~y permanent rep~:vement of An c:xcava-tion ctxxus>t be mz:da, the C1t;y M.anzagcx~ st,~l:i rcqu:'.rc. a temporary ptsv.~a~Ant canaistring o#' t:hirY.c~cr;. 2.r~cfiE•z~ (13" i oi` carr~,~acted untreated base matFl•rial onci two 1.raehcs 2~'' of cold I ( } p~.mnt mix Atirrfacir~ mcetinr th~~ sux~£t;cc ref existing p~ryvemont .aruj ae~s~cd with asphaltic emalr_~ipr, sea] coot. The tomporaxy type of pavc~mk:nt io to remain i.n ~~lacc rind b~~ mrirtz?ncd uxztil campactf.on req=xireca~cnts caa b2 ~ met. 7'he k:emi:orary pavcmant ahmlt then be x~cmavec~ to r, c»2nimw~ ~ , depth cf tl~iret: inches (3"} below ths; cxi$tir~ $urfACe, . ncxll th~~ pavecnorat r~~p:)~ced ,v1th t:r~-~ce inches (3"y a~' ~acst plant miac aur><'ccir~, the durf4cin~r tc bi: fc.uL;~ezc;d stet aver ths: existing pa~+~t~cnt to ~ ~revGrt sus°ft.cc• w~~tcr fxwim cantcri.ng 'tho excrvntc~d trcrrah ae~ctlon. Tnc ~axtt;nt of tht; feathered af~ctian is tc, be determined bar tho j City ~ansger. The pc.vement ~s~irface is theh to be xsc~aled~ xith ~. nsphwltic emul.stun se.~r1 ct7ili•. „4 u .~ :~.;;, i. L1~1crc thc:~ c!t~•~+t~-. o!' t;r~ ,~.a.t~,t.;n:- hj;,h..•~• t,y-r,. .,1rZ~s~f:.•~ of i,:zve~.. m4~~~nt e:tec~c>~~s ttr::~L~ i~~~c•~Zc:t~ 4.~";~ ire ta,lc:k ,.:~:~y swr<<:~ ~~x••. tk`~"c •.~.,_ .t.s`..:la~•;; S.a~oriced it~s~4 mt3~eri:~:t c~xcee•r:s t~r~;;ks•r. ~.nvt:c:!" (2?"~ in 'a•i...~1 ~r,+asa, t~t* d,~~sth s!~]? br, ~::torl:.~: isa kind, wit.!x atg~.~C.~xtG t ~.e~e arc! ars~ha~lt~~:~n~:r~~:#~ arur•~'4r.1.:~,~,. ~'ac3s~r:~.ri,~r Fox}t:i,~.nd c~_•r~*=nt ' concr~:te p~~vu~nc s~-t3xc.J:a. ~~ x+:.~~i:r~~tid i.n k.S:~:S ixa r~11 c~t,~r:a ~+h.~r.~ Ya~~t:l~x~ z.c~r~t car~crLt:. ~+Ktw~?~:aL r:e-~r 4y ieFs. ,,. .~.38.d!! saw tn1.~y~s cni,$iatir~ or c:.K'.~:~!'„~ e~.r>~1e ~zn*.1 ct4txb33 • a.~a:t crat~t c,T t~~'maY" ~aat; L3r}pc: oP ~,:ravc:•trErnt waif rr:rluir~e :~ tsr:sn~r~iry pz'vr.:~nt .r~at:r~ratia~n +~~~rusiet.ing a,i twe2v~•L~ f,rao2ic+~ j ? ~ "') ~ eor~:aated j 4i' :c~pre~ete bc, sc. 4Et$t~:ri~1 anti an appli+~4tior, a ~` x+ita,.a.1r:~ ~rec_A c:~r~t. ~.r:a2r~g unc:~•ha3.1' ir~o~z (~•") x ~fl, four ~~~ c~~-~s2 ~,yz~t~ni.i~::. ~~.~perxdi.rrg or: Keothcrr ~nrk.*1.t 3 ana, tu<,> f.:~chc:~ (2'y) ~:>P ~r~:t1 ~:1ant '~ rr.?:~ a~r~'+~a.istg t~z~ tr+t subat].E:+a~:na Por a t+rmpe~x'tx::^~r ain~i~~ ~c.•.-tl ~tsvsr~t',~t. A~'t+sr s ,p~~r1!~ c:s~ ~'x~ r~ixty (lSc,~ to ritw~ty ~~1~ rtx!y~, e ptxri+~t pa~c,sat. off' ~s!,x~,r:~.e~ anal Gc~~.t p7lacec_4 aver tx~ ~:i•~res~•r.:~;v r9~.n~£ ~saal Cd~~. ~fi+~(31"~f;y cc~t::~t-1`c1L3r3s~ ~n the !'~t,~Li.11'~l11~,'ntt~ U~ SL'Ctiotl j} Cl~ tPh` .'~t:-r~CYT17C~ ~pe~Q~liFiG 1t~.t7n$ Shall ~`3~.' ~sapp:~it-cl Lts wh~e surt'acc, the extant of au :h pnv+er~nt aac.nr•2r~ppi:zg ~h-: r~xi rs~~ irrg L•:~nch to b.7 +,ic:te~~.i~d D~ ~:,Y',re ~it;* ~tan^ger~ 0:~ ~ cruan•~c~ ~3-4lzlta scz~en].n~s or egv:i~•:~;}c:at sha31 bZ ua4d in 41.1 tan:~.carax~r ,:~r.~2 perma.nc:nt pa'4tt~cnt' restr!^~strton. ~ `:ruble a~^:'+. scat ~:y' be ^Yp'ied 1.crmreditste.ly iP treanch conrpaetion me _t:~a thc,• rc~•~~+~i.~r+~c•nts of thle ord.ir~.rtcz: . ~dt:+~n T single oper~:ti.on, ecnoistl:~Y aP crn.~zs;,r:F; Lh4 pu-r;;m~z'.t (rwt co. flrxetj to n cc~nttrvo'ua pro~c:ct ~.•~::~~:!?,W~. !:o any! t'c:1la~rtng 4h.~ ger7ex~l alignm::nt c,f the z•oad~, is f~x~~;nE~:~2 ~n ,-~a-xs n4` h3.ri^. c.lass3.a:'icatirn, . tt ~-S.].]. btu ncreg~,~r,• t:~~ fic:'~.•~: pt.;~t• o; ,~~rk ri ~.4sing c:neloslr~ tl~e pipr unaern':~t`i the ~~~-actsc~~st, :~:" it 1 pY^ovec~ to the sr~ta.r3facLS.a~, oP ttio City M~n~g~~r t:~t .1~~s :.,t fon.aitle or pract:ic~.3 to ,jack ur t:c~i~c: ~znrorn~.:,zt;z t'~e }~asrr~.~r,~Y., thc~ paunL it~'iy' Le cut: anti re:~'i;c•i•~~a V~ith tt9e ._yc :i*1C-.;r~• (2 ~''~ j ~ t" compacted unt.re~te~~ l,a;~e rn&Ucri~:l, six .1.:yc~hc~s t~") •~P Classy '•r. ` csancrete keyed five ir~cher, (~") otitaide • i:he cri~^ t~f t.tsc tx•.~ry. t, ran each t;idC: .srtri Y'o:13o~rr:d by t~~rc~e is cia~a (3'' j ui r~:~pr.~:lt -cr;.ncrtir.e ~orf4ce and sriaS.erl with alpt.~?tia c:i>a~~lef.cn ae~z~ c:~at. w':c~~vaL..v:~. may i~ backfillc3 v~th a :red sired J~a"^m•.nt r:tj,i'l~ev. ~.r3 kSrd 1ttDeT~ sFec'~.~'ically authv.rl zocl '.~y t:~.c Cite M~an<:~.gor. (4j" Untrsatcw Pr~;s~1: Unf;~ r;otod ~~~,~t• s>`•.tc_-S.ar ~c:k.ll con- farm to t:;u`: prc~v2s~r~ns o.' ,Soc~,ion 2Ea of nc~; : ta:-edaz~.i .:pe~c.i~'ic:a- tiorl:i. . Uritrv3tc•d baao tsht~ll bra ~;.'_acod in -^11 t^ctech oxc4d4t!emss 4cc.^a~Able to v~hicu:l.ar tx•ari i c. (5) Mlt~c~:•l7anc:ou~: City may, ~~~ r' co:~diLS.oa to gr;~m 1-~r; an c~tacroac r•nt pow t;; =•c:quire ~ Pi~:Zc; lnnxction ~lth rcp,c•~:F.~r.- tat:tv~•~ cf both the ~ippl'Lcant and Lrc: Ci'cy f+~ana.gei~. A a~ ~c ~•'~; bran oP t-tte cond3.tion of the; existing p•~v,.rnent; zxl s~zoulJ<~:rs~ ;~.il i ir, ftlcd wit3~ th~• City t~4an:~ger snd. the apnlic~;.rYt. 2'AVf:2^::~; ?hou2~'~:rs; d.isrurtx:d by the 4px-1:1ca:~t'~s opnrt~tio{~~ :x:113 be r~etor•c~c! nt ct~~ applicant's exp:.•nec to the satix~f~ etS.~:~ o: th~- Cit.y i+~.:.~.~r•r. Sma1.l ut~.l i.ty Hxtors?1or2s turd .1.:-1^rz1 Cut~.~"~C":lions to e~c :sat 3 nF _~~ .. ~, ~~^.,.ii.t:~2,v !na'W(.'~`~! ~`.k' 1'x: ~.:~LNts:~~4ld ~'~R! C?':~.* i'`~121.Tr'It!'~A1-,r31:r9 4~ ~1'b~C.ia f,rior fiicz:~d 1,'aap; c~.ton, i:rr r~`•uc~ti c~re.rrt, ~~ncx~c>rc,hr.~nt ~~~rit•a ~y be i.a,~u,~d upvx~ x~cr: ipt ~~~' z'a#~!tx~:rfl~. tE~:rc«'+~z^ tivgr.tr.~:r ~r;;z ra !-~t~:tch e~rr~'wil~ 2•n nt3•:-a ox• ~rri~:t+:ri ~-~c.r~,.r:~ptir~n o.* thc: prro~.~rr~:d ~o~k. Fx~aFs.~rty 4:~Mr~~scr~ sha~.l. b~c~ ~:.cot~:ctca t'so:n airy ~laua*~~e t+a pr~vpert,~r ~.xr~! d~iaL' r~xiaancc . .~ wi'ftc~r ~~3~or: +~hal~. be a'vai~..ab2e an ~!omund oP t~~ ~ ~, ~-' ~tnt'..~a r . idritt~n p4~.i.saiot• cif t1~* ~`~. op' !•~.~.sug~:r• ~sh~.13. b4z arequirisd Pox excsx~vatiatre a!~dw ~t~en ~'9rivvra~r 1 s.saci- I~rch a. ~ rs~an~ac~r~,~3ianc+e ~1."~ th$a~r ap~-ciii.o~~t~.o~~a ahri•3.2 bra ra~tac- r`~»lad N1t.thin ~2v+e ~~~ da~+sx ,~~"tar xci,t~t+~zr r~.~t~.~*e •Ca do sA qty t C'iCy ~.rrAger. fai~.t~e tt3 a;prr:~'+arta writh the .r~quo~t of ~chc CAt~r Mm~za~~,etr ~itkii~ aad.dt Piv~ ~`,~~.t~g pe: Zod, thet - I.ty ah~il `at-. a~mtit2~ ~ riaa? ~ c:orrx~ec'~ th$ c~~:fitciorzc~r, anci the carsta t3~x~raf ahn.l~ be t~ ob:iiga.l:ivn of tTrk ~:Mpltcbx~t. Irzarpcctian coat~e I.na+rrred ~- thc~ Cit~- in i~he ~r~Rreae afi the ap~licetrzt *a opea~a'tiorxr~ ~ha.il Lre rc~iua~r~ed io t•hc City' bar t?~r: •eppli.cant. 7Cha City snti~11 tic the sa3e ~u!dg~ ,~-a to the neod of such lnapa c t ie~. C#.tp ~larrr.gc.r rt}x;,11 bE: rx~t~i.f icd for-;,~••-sight, ~~~'j houx~a ~ari.~ar to tt~ r.+ct~.~ai b~^~~inn~tr~ of tiny excavr.~tlt7n S.n, alor'~ ar e~:z:~oes ~!rzy roQC! or r~t~:t~~ay 3.a thc: CS.¢y, ~Vo work ~sFk'~ll tirr dt:emwd cpt~lett.~d u:i it 1'2.t~:.t1 nppraval. t~h+cas~of is made iry ~,rrA tang ty ttx Glty M~^.r+ gcr. l~ppliaa.nt rs~y U-~ a"~:e~u.Lred to in{lerru•111'y and save tt.~x',nlcrss nc~ City, ~.ts afPiccrr: ttt~u:.l carp3.oy4ca fi*ora ~+ny suit~;,+ c:le ! ns or m-e:ctior~ bresught by nt.~' yc:z•aan or. pextsc~n:~ i'or nr o:~ acco~~nt cf ai~Y 1.n~uriea~ Qr dauttt,~ttre r~~•astt-lned or arising out oz' tote exc.~~,~atlons w'd VeY'@Ri ~i3/ ttl~l~ a~G'CtiCrl, Applflc;ant shall cr-r~irat~in t.'~e condii:fan of hie cxc:a~.-~1~:iun and pave-tr~~nt rEetax~t:iur! tq tine !3 R'r.i~faCti.can of .t::C Clty I~at~n~gc~r. 5c:ction ~0: ~Ik~osStin~.~.: Dirt Rc~clc~ ctc, vn Ci~:y }[I~~ra~ s zt.l ; ~i~~f~: --;~To p~z~son :~,•i~~"p~i.:~4, ..~r~~3~; o:r~"uRaip_, or caux+e ~v~~~uct':d, cic~=~osltod, on dump!~c~~, ~:r~ dirt, raci~s, gr:~ wel, asud, or ar-y o~c~:er ob,~f~ct~t of r:a;Y rr.~-t~ra ar dr~acz~ipt..~~n ~~n the traveled pnrtiontx Uz' r.ny City hS.ghwuy, ~-~ . ~ w E.Xperlsl: oP ~tctr~wnl by C i t.R ;~:~.:~ r-;. r: ~rn~ c ~ t j~ rs.~n.:.,;G 1° ~;~.~.~ .,....r~..w_-~---~--- ~.-,-------- rc:ao~uvc any suc r 1. r• , recka.. grave., rtuc~, rar arty otx~4r ab~c^trr of ~-nb~ nature or rli:acrip~:l.c~n from. thy: t:ru.ve7.ecf ~,orti~:ns t+P -z»•~r City h.ighwa~r, rr~d tl~c pcrrscan, ar 'the pri.r~ ~• 3.~3a1 or e~p,~.c:,~er of saSd pc~rat?n, caubin~ such dirt, ru~ks3, .~;~••~•.v~~l, crud or ~.ny vtXaFsr. . ob,~c~cter to be plac~i ~ dopozs3ted, o~ d~.z..s~,jed ~~n $uc1~ C9,ty hi.rr ~ef:y. shall. brt Zirable to the City. Por t*.r~~+ ~~~ncr_a~~ irz co:xnectloi~ kith the rcarb~v~-1 thcrcaoi'. - . .. _. - i~- -6 ~~ ti~," : , ~ ,~ '~'lyrr ~rx+avimi.ana ~f tnc fc~r~agrsi see*i~srr~ arc ~J~~:~t coo ~~anf~..lrt ~r#.th but ~t~a:l i :,upp~.~a3erat et1 ~Gha _~~rs~ of the .'3tate ~f Ca.xit"orn.ta r~lat~.vc !,,~ t:`a~: r~bat~.z,^t:i+at~r t,~' pw~a:lS.c h i~.ha+ra<y-a . der C n =~,rat ia~:r1 rat ~ ~. ~_>t; ,. ~:. ;~ Ver.1 c ~.e ~ cn ~!. ~,: ~TG4~ ~~C? ~;~e~~"1~4'l+t'Y ~t~3~ ~~i ~ 's. VyM , i~~'t~E'~"'fi~E' ~ ~'.~,31~f, :)'r' o , .~C~~`Or'~.X~+~ ~"z~xrra~par'£""x~~r c*tzat+a~i vot~tc3.e an, upon, or across any City lEii~`r~._ way in tt mt~rirx~r ~rtz.4ch p~smxts ors cti;uses the c3asta~ ut 4l~lr*'~t veh9.c-~ lays ta- acrnae .into contKC~: with tt±~~ paves portfon of paid hi~hxay, Qty: T't~e- prc+visih~~s of r~chia ~ir~d3.x~tna~ iw~.a.21 not apply. nor ~i~"C`E al!-st a~pl~r~a~tion Pram ~r~ecavttt:iora c,r r~t~aroach~nt permit ba r~~. i'ar: 1. 'fie .trnat~a-M.`';~t~lc'3n a'C is pile caa^ ~-+a?t~s by dczly fr~,anct~ciaed ~,xtb,Yi.c u~txl.~.ty a-a~gatrx~a~G3un.:% except w?ire tz xpole is removed aC''~tYarri or plaxaed iu t:atiat~,~ aona.~cete or rs~c~tdNmi~'~~d ~rc~rk c*n publ~.~: ~l~h~t-~at~w~r. ~« x~r~^tr~r wcya~lc that mztat be conrsre-c~ or ~7rze 1t~cfore tt la p~al.hle t4 Q~bl.ain tt~ reeaeaaary perc~.Y; sa z`equired ~ th#.a +~~inac~rze px«e,vi.de~d, haKe~rer, tl~t the apgl3Gatian and perm.? t btu awe a~ abtai,t~t! xaDt later t3~n the folauwia'ig Mori~cing day ~cfter ~asaa~xzcnt oaf ~:r~ +emergenfiy work. .. AI~'1'XCL~ 2 ~r'k`NAL'X''XT?,a 3eaG,ion 2: Any person who r-iolates any ref the prc>vi~lona of the ~ Y ~iiuin~e or rails ~Zo comply with any of the mandatory req~~ire~aenta of xhia Ord3.rr:~nce shall be pnii? t;~ oa ~ mimdeu~eanur; .~.ce2pt a~~ othez~a2se pz~ovided h~ex^e~ra, any pex•aon coir:ictec~ oz" s misd+~~ae~arROr under thy: provir~f_onr~ caf ~~h:1.s !7i~i;inance ehal:l be ~rta-rarl.ahabl~~ by rz fine of tZc~t nxare th~.n Five li~,xn~~:~:~~ Do2].~~rn ~$5C?U.GO} or by imQziaormr£nt; in the County JaJ.I t'or ra period n:~t ~xceecil.rxg six {~~ aeorstha, or by bot;a mach fine and i.mpri:sc~nttlent, ~.xcep~: as otherwise pro~videc~, em~;h sorb person sl~:li be: ~+.tilt~r r,f a zsenarete ra2'fenae for each Fsnd every dnr r.~ui•in~; ary portion of whi,a# any vic~l.at•~.on of any oroviaione c:af this Qrd~.nancr~ is aaar:~e~tt,~d c.~r p~~z~ittcd by aach pi:rson, rt~3c1 3i~.aZ1 be puni.shcd acc-ortllrr~ly. AR`?'I(,1.~ 3 - SF.VE}tABZ:~ST'Y Se,ztion 2.z Sf gray ae~~tlJnr auU-:s~~cti.on, ac;r:tE*:cF•, c;lsuse or p~hz~i$e o~~hi$ Ordi.iiar,c~ i ~ i'or any arear,c~n riel.d to be ~in-- corasti ~.~iatlonal, such c ecl.~.ior~ ~;~sa_ 1 not: cff.ecl: tnc~ vaJ.idll,y of t.He remaking portions o.f th'Cr 4z~*3irat~nc;e. The leclslativc~ body he:^~by declares that ~.t would h~vn pas:~ed this Crdi.raance ar~d each section, :sub-aec4,iorz, c~rntti]~;e, clauar o.r t,hzs~rc th~,rCpa, lrrsa- pective of the fact thaf: any ono oz' more ~~:cttons, soh-sert2.anB, rsentencea, clauses or ,phras~:- be aecl.arci~' uncc~n:~tttuticanr_-1, The C3.ty ~lez~k t~~ and he is hc~r^by ~~u~:hor:~ r~~:l i:n~ dir~Lc.teci to caws+~ coplea ~af t)z1R Ordj.t~nr.e to be publi: t'.Ed Grt least, ranee within Pit'teen { 15) days after its ad<~ptio:-, i.n t;he Cupertino Ct>uri%r, the ca~'.fieisi3 newsparil~r az' t:ae~ CS.t;y ref ; upertiaac. -7- .'~` Y#"ifi03~[1t,` ar ~} a*ckgu7~r~~• ~.t~etli:N us; th~.~ :'fit:h they a#` vexrt~~,, x;~aU ~n~ ~~ `.~t ~ x~~ular rati~~~t~in~; c:~' ~he~ 4~ fix. ~rrunci : c72" ~,~ G,l~y cif ~~~. ~tir~C~ ~;n~.~ l~at:rx city uP ~t~:~vi~t, xgvC}`, by ~hr1 .~~ : (,, t» i:3'lt.' .'~..1 ~?1!'° ~1 ~MC't'14~ ti fi:1 + rx'3 :l. f11'I =' C1 , F' C' .~. CD Et ~. ~ ; `iia ~_ C' tl ~Ss.~3 s ~~na~3r; .~., ~i~t~tz Nc~r,~:~ d'.~'".~EC.r~'"x` 4 ,~`~,/ I~tY~cc~ l~C~ ~Yn ., _~.w ~... ;~~