Ordinance 1295 ORDINANCE Plfl. 129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINU f;EFEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OUTLINED IN SECTION 1 AND ESTABLISHING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING GENERAL COMMERCIAL tCG) ZONES SECTION i:__REPEALING_CLAU5E Section_1_l: Ordinance No. 220(J), of the City of Cupertino, California, is hereby repealed. pll other ordinances heretofore enacted in conflict with this Ordinance No. 1295 are hereby repealed to the extent that they vary from the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION_2;__PURPO5E Section__2_1: The purpose of the General Commercial Ordinance is to establish regulations for retailing, offices, and service establishments offering goods and services to the general public. SECTION_3___APPLICATION .Section__3_l: No building, or structure or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged in a General Commercial tCG) zone, otherwise than in conformance with this Ordinance No. 1295, with the following exceptions: a. Uses, buildings and structures lawfully in existence at the time this Ordinance No. 1295 takes effect may remain as long as no alterationa, other than minor alterations, take place. Minor alterations shall include minor maintenance of existing structures, new signs, sign face changes, interior remodeling which does nok represent an increase in intensity, and changes in ownership or operator which do not represent a change in use. Erection of a new building, expansion of an existing building, exterior remodeling, or an increase in intensity of use shall not be .considered a minor alteration. b. Legal non-conforming uses, buildings, structures and parcels permitted by .the City's Ordinance regulating non-conforming uses, or its successor. 1 ORDINANCE ND. 1295 (COIJTINUED) • :;EGTIDN_4___DEFIP7ITIONS Section_4.1___Automotiv_e_Mainte~ance/Regair_(~'IinoC) A retail establishment engaged in supplying minor automobile maintenance services such as lubrication, engine tune-ups, smog certifications, servicing of tires, brakes, batteries and similar accessories, and minor repairs involving engine accessories. Any repair which requires the engine, drive train, transmission assembly, exhaust system, or drive train parts to be removed from the car or requires the removal of internal parts shall not be considered minor. body and paint shop operations are not considered minor repair. Section_4_2~__Co~v_gnie~ce_Market_ An activity that includes the retail sale of food, beverages, and small personal convenience items, including sale of food in disposable containers primarily for off-premises consumption, and typically found in establishments with long or late hours of operation and in relatively small buildings; but excluding delicatessens and other specialty food shops and also excluding establishments which have a sizeable assortment of fresh .fruits and vegetables and fresh-cut meat. Section_4 3___Qrin~Cing Establis~iment_ An activity that is primarily devoted to the selling of alcoholic beverages, including wine and beer, for consumption on premises. SegtioD_4_4=__Driv_e_Tnrough_Establishment_ An activity where a portion of retailing or provision of service can be conducted without requiring.. the customer to leave his or her car. Section_4_._,___Late Ev_ening_Activities: An activity which maintains any hours of operation during the period of 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a. m. Section 4_b___Liguor Store_ An activity that is primarily devoted to the selling of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, for consumption off :he premises. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 129b~ (CONTINUED) • Section_4_7___Restaurant_(Fast_Food>_ A retail food service establishment in which prepared food or beverages are served or sold on or in disposable containers, including those establishments where a substantial portion of patrons may serve themselves and may consume said food and beverages off-site. A separate bar facility for serving alcoholic beverages is not permitted, Any area, tables, or rooms reserved for serving alcoholic beverages shall be considered a separate bar facility. Specialty food stores, such as ice cream stores, bakeries, or donut shops shall not be considered Oast food restaurants. Section_4.BI___Restaurant_(Full Serv_ice)_ A retail food service establishment in which prepared food and beverages are served on non-disposable dishes, including those establishments where the vast majorit y of food and beverages will be consumed on the premises. Alcoholic beverages may be served with meals at the patron's dining table. A separate bar facility for serving alcoholic beverages is not permitted. Any area, tables, or room reserved for serving alcoholic beverages shall be considered a separate bar facility. Section_4_9__ Restaurant_(Full_Serv_iEe_or__Fast_Food) wi~h_Bar Facility_ A full service or fast-food restaurant with a separate cocktail bar or a full service or fast food restaurant with an area, tables, or room intended primarily for serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises to patrons who may or may not eat a meal. Section_4_10___Serv_ice Station A retail establishment engaged in the dispensing of automotive fuel which may include the retail sale of automotive goods and supplies. Minor automobile maintenance activities are permitted. SECTION_5___PERMITTED USES The following uses shall be permitted in a General Commercial cCG) Zone without the requirement of a use permit, provided that they are conducted entirely wfthi~ enclosed buildings or patios, except for parking, and provided a use permit is not required for any portion of the business by Section 6: a. Retail businesses, such as food stores (excluding convenience .markets), drug stores, apparrel shops, variety stores, and hardware stores. 3 ORDINANCE NU. 129 (CUNTINUED3 • b. Professional, general, administrative and business offices. c. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate agencies, travel agencies, photographic and similar studios. d. Business services, such as advertizing bureaus, credit reporting, accounting, and similar consulting agencies, stenographic and duplication services, messenger and telegraph offices, communication equipment buildings. e. Restaurants (full-service) without a separate bar facility. f. Specialty food stores such as bakeries, donut shops, ice cream stores, produce markets and meat markets, or similar establishments where food is prepared and/or sold primarily for consumption off the premises. g. Lodges and restricted membership clubs as subordinate uses in buildings intended primarily for uses specified in Sections 5 and 6 of this Ordinance. h. Limited repair services, such as jewlery, domestic appliance, typewriter and business machine repair shops. i. Personal service establishments such as barber shops, beauty parlors, shoe repair shops, tailor shops, clothes cleaning and laundry agencies and self-service launderettes. j. Retail dry cleaning establishments, provided that khe solvents used in the cleaning process shall be non-flammable and non-explosive and are in fluid-tight cleaning units approved by the State Fire Marshall. No dry cleaning is permitted of clothes other than those delivered to the establishments by retail customers. k. A maximum of four (4) vi den game machines provided these. machines are incidental to the main activity of the business. 1. Other uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are consistent with the character of a General Commercial (CG) Zone, are of the same general character as the uses listed in the above Sections a through {: and are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, glare, fumes, radiation, vibration, noise, traffic, or litter. 4 ORUINAhiCE NO. 1295• (CONTIPIUED) • SECTION_6___CONDITIONAL_USES__ U5E_i?EF.MIT_REQUIkED: The following uses may be permitted in locations where they, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are compatible with e::isting and planned uses in the neighborhood. All uses shall be conducted entirely .within enclosed buildings or patios, including the parking of vehicles subject to storage, repair or other work,. but excluding employee and customer parking. The Ilse Permit shall specify the use or uses to be permitted. a. Automobile,. trailer, tire and boat sales and rental, limited to new and used vehicles in operable condition. b. Commercial parking and parking garages. c. Convenience markets. d. Hotels, motels and boarding homes. e. Liquor stores. f. Drinking establishments. q. Full service .restaurants with a separate bar facility, fast food restaurants with or without a separate bar facility, and any entertainment activities te.g., dancing, live music) in association with a full service or fast food restaurant. h. Commercial entertainment establishments,, such as indoor theaters, bowling alleys, billiard pool parlors, dance halls, and skating rinks. i. Lodges and restricted membership clubs as principal uses of buildings; fraternity and sorority houses. j. Child care centers, day nurseries and playgrounds accessory to a commercial establishment. k. Vocational and specialized schools, dance and music studios, gymnasiums and health clubs. 1. Limited food processing with retail outlets on the same premises; caterers. m. Pet shops and facilities for bathing, clipping, trimming and similar services for pets, commonly called "Poodle Parlors". 5 OkUINANCE NO. 1~95~CONTINUEp) . n. Mortuaries. o. Minor automotive repair or maintenance as a subsidiary activity. p. Late evening activities. q. Outdoor Uses - The following uses may be permitted as o_u_t_d_o_o_r_ uses in locations where they, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are compatible with existing and planned uses in the neighborhood. The Use Permit shall specify. the uses to be permitted outdoors and the location of these uses. i. Automobile service stations. ii. Automobile washing facilities. iii. Automobile, trailer, tire and boat sales and rentals, limited to new and uses vehicles in operable condition. iv. Hus terminals and stations. v. Fast food or full service restaurants operated. wholly or partly in outdoor areas other than enclosed patios. vi. Drive-through Establishments. r. Other uses which, in the opinion of .the Planning Commission, are consistent with the character of a General Commercial (CG) zone, are of the same general character as the uses listed in the above Sections a through q and are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, glare, fumes, radiation, vibration, noise, traffic or litter. SECT10~1_7___TEMPORARY USES Temporary sales and er.hibits, including stands or other structures not having a permanent foundation, may. be permitted for a period not exceeding thirty I30) days through a Minute Order by the City Council. SECTION_8___EXCLUDED_USES Section__8_1: The following uses shall Qot be permitted in General Commercial (CG> zones: a. Automobile repair shops, tire repair shops, and other repair shops, except for minor automotive repair and maintenance as permitted in Section 6 of this Ordinance. b ON,DINANCE N0. 129:,iL'ONTINUED) . b. Carpenter and cabinet shops, plumbing shops. c. Lumber yards, warehouses, storage garages. d. Nurseries and greenhouses. Sec~ion__8_2: Other uses which, in the opinion of the Planning. Commission, are objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, glare, fumes, radiation, vibration, noise, traffic or litter shall be excluded. Section__8_3_ Uses not specified in this Ordinance which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are substantially industrial rather than commercial shall be excluded from General Commercial tCG) zones. SECTIOPI_`7__ HEIGHT UF_HUILDINGS AND_STRUCTURES Section__9_1: The maximum permitted height of a commercial structure shall be 30 ft., except that: a, greater height may be permitted as defined by the Cupertino General Plan. b. lesser height may be required as defined by the Cupertino General. Plan and Section ll.2 of this Ordinance. 5ECTION_10__ LOT_AREA_AND_COVERAGE Section_10_1: There is no minimum lot area or coverage required except that there shall be sufficient area to satisfy off-street parking and .loading area requirements and special setback requirements established by the Cupertino General Plan. Section__1U_2_ The maximum permitted building area for a property located in a General Commercial zone is defined by the Cupertino General Plan. SECTION_li___SETBACKS Section__11_1: Front yards may be required through the Architectural and Site Rpproval process, commensurate with special policy constraints in the General Plan and in order to provide adequate light, air, and visibility at intersectionsi to assure general conformity to yard requirements of adjacent or nearby zones, lots or parcels; or to promote excellence of development. 7 ORDINANCE NO. 1295+ (COtiTINUED) • Section ]1.2: hlo side or rear yard shall be required, except ------------- ~atiere a lot abuts an area zoned Residential tk) or Agricultural-kesidential (A1), in which case the following requirements shall apply: a. No part of any building shall be closer to a lot or parcel zoned R or Al than the height of that particular part of the building. b. Side yard adjacent to a lot or parcel zoned R or Al shall be a minimum of eight (B) feet. c. Side yard adjacent to a street shall be a minimum of twelve t12> feet. d. Rear yard adjacent to a lot or parcel zoned R or Al shall be a minimum of twenty (ZO> feet. 5ECTION_12___CONVERSION_OF RESIDENCES_TO COt1MERCIe~_USE No residential building shall be converted, wholly or in part, to commercial or office use unless a Use Permit for such conversion has been secured as provided in Ordinance 652 of the City of Cupertino. SECTION_13___INTERFRETATION OF_TH~S_ORDINANCE_220(J) Section__13_1_ Whenever application for a Building Permit in a General Commercial tCG) zone is made, anticipating a use which in the opinion of the Director of Planning and Development is not the same or clearly comparable to uses .enumerated in this Ordinance, the Director of Planning and Development shall keep the Building Permit in abeyance and shall place interpretation of the ordinance under "New Business" on the agenda for Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall render a decision by Minute Order except that if the Planning Commission finds that an interpretation would be equivalent to an amendment to the ordinance, the procedures for introducing an ordinance shall be followed. S__ec_t_io_n___1_3._2: Whenever the Director of Planning and Development finds that the use of a building in a General Commercial tCG) zone has been changed to a use not the same or clearly comparable to uses enumerated in this Ordinance, the procedure in the above Section 13.1 shall be followed. If the Planning Commission finds that the use is not in conformance with this Ordinance the Commission shall so report to the City Council for further action. 8 ORDIh7ANCE NO. 1295 (CONTINUED) '~E=C:1 [CJ(d_14___ARCHITFCTUFtAL_ANU_SITE_nFPROVAL Section 1~1.i: Architectural and Site Approval Committee review~is required to erect a new building or structure, enlarge an er.isting building or structure, or modify the site, architecture, landscaping or lighting of a developed property. S_ec_t_io_n_ _1_4.2_: Architectural and Site Approval Committee review may be waived if a proposed architectural, site, landscaping or lighting modification is determined to be minor with respect to the appearance or operation of the property by the Director of Planning and Development. If the Direetor finds that the modification is not minor, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Planning Commission. If a modification is found to be minor, an appeal may be made by any interested pdrty. SECTION_15:_ SEVERABILITY_CLAUSE Section 15_1_ If any section, subsection, sentence, clause ar phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTIOW_Ib__ PUBLISHING CLAUSE S_ect_i_on__1_b.l: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be published at least once within fifteen (15) days after its enactment in the Cupertino Courier, the official newspaper of the City, published and circulated in the City of Cupertino. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, on the ___Z~_ day of __ T~,,,,a~.___, 1985, and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this __~lRC ___ day of Ian~~nLyc_, 1985, 6y the following vote: Vote Members of_the_City Council AYES: Gatto, Plungy, Sparks, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Rogers ABSTAIN: None PPR vl/~ May-- - - - -------------- ' y of Cupertino ATTES . _-- ---_--- _ L~sL Cc.-~ ~\ City erk 9