Ordinance 1228~? ultulNnrlCl: Nt). 1228 AN Ott!)iNANCii 0P 'I'lif•; 7:1'1'1' (.)R Clll'1•:K'I'INtt nHl:r7blNt: SI:("I'IUN 11.06.19(1 ,1Ni) 11.(18,1110 nNI) nU01NC SI:C'f1(t;i 11.1,)8."510, CUI'IiR1`INU Ail1NtC11'nh COUF. RliLn•1'INC 'I'(1 6[CYCLIi hriNF:S, BOU'1'i:S nNU Vf01.,1.1'10NS 'I'IIN. CI'fl' CUUNC(l. OP Ti1L' CITY (N~ CUPERTINO llUES HEREBY ORDAIN that tir•ctlnn 11.08.20 be mnended to delete a>; follows: Ucscript(on .S'ldc . i;.,~ir ly;ur~: Avenne from the casrr~rly tine of 5arntot;a- Both. tinuuyvatc Road to Che wcstt-•rly line of Blaney nvc•nuc "I'llti CI'Il' CUUNCIL t)F 'l'H1; C1'I'Y U1' CUI'IiR"1'1NO U01iti III;REIIY OItU,\IN that S,•,•Uun 11..118.290 he nmandcd to include the Co1luwGt};: - Ueacrl~tCiun Sicle i:.,drlauoti nvonuv from Ute wo:;tc•rl.y line oC Rlanay Avenua Both c„ a mint 730 [t. wctil• thereof 'Cllli C11'Y i;0UNC11. nl' '1'111; CfTY OI' Clll'P.I:'f(Ntt lu)ES IIIiR1iBY ORI1nlN that tircUon 1L06.:3U0 he amended to rend as fallutas: 11_._01;. 1110 IS-[cycle Reutc-De~ilynated. 'fhc• City rlana);or upon npprnval of iho f,ity Cuun.r~-1,~-is :utlhurized to rrec•t nr glare :;i};ns upon :nrys[rootln the• City indicating; the exi:;trnec of a bicycle rnnte, and otherwi~u: re);ulat [n); the loratiun and u:;e n1- vehicle:: and bicycle wiCh retipect tc, them, µn tong; n:< thr ~arnc at•c cuu::istcnl wieh Htl~ rhnp[cr.. Iiofrtrct;nrh a ~i};n 1::crcrted, iho :uhjrrt bicycle route ::hall be ck•si);nntrd en ::ueh !ascots by :ui :i11u•uvod :ag;n nr in sn,-h uthc•r manner as the City Piana};er shall determine wtLl provlcla, suCflciont nntlr o of es(stonee of such bicycle routs.. UGS I GNAT I ON OF Ii l (:YCl.li RUUI' li Uo:;rxl rtir,u 5itle .__J..~„. -- C~unr: arlvr: i'rrnn the norClu+rly 1 hu• of Pepper '1'rec Land to Both. tiontbrrly ]inc oC Shelly Urivr Prpl•~•r '17ro Lnno: I~rnm llte easterly Into of Stolling; in the Buth easterly llne of Bonny Drive Gndri;;ue nvcnuc: Irv+m the wrstr~rly gins of Tort•y Wny (,. n Bath point 730 Ct. t;o:a of itlancy Avrnnc tilirl i ;• Urivr: from th.• t.,,•storly l in,• rrl Runnv Orivo lu thr I;nt.h r•at;trri•: lino of 1,•rry IJay nriiiunnr~• :;u. 1228 liiaii:::.\'I I~~;J UI' Itl(a'C LIi I:(!l!l'P: Ue~cr_Ipt_Ion __5Ld(:._ •'frrry lJay: I'runi [ho northerly I ine of Itnd};igues Avenue to liulh th+• southerly 1[ne of Shelly Urlvo 'I'II P. C1`I'S' COUNCII. OF Tllli (r19'Y OI' CUPI?It'fiNn DOP:S III:RIiBY UItUA1N that .~~•rtlon Il.O8.7UU ha designated ScctLon 1LU8.'SlO to real as follows: Ii.OH.11U Violation--Penalty. Atty person whu v{olatr~ti any of the provltilrnts of tlti:: chapter shall beguilty of mt tnfrnction, and, .upon cenvfetlon thereof, b.• punished as provided in Chapter L.IZ, cx+:epc that no flnr lmpar:ed f(tr vlnlatlon of nuy L1fenNing m+d registration prbvislons of this rhaptrr shal..l exceed i"lve dollars. (Ord. 741 (part). L976: Ord. 7O8 (part), 1.975). ItJ'I'lu!OUCIiU at a re);i(lar meeting of thc• City Council of the City of rnpr~rt ino tlifr; 5th___. day of _,__July_~.._ 198'3, ,uul 1?NACI'I:U at a regulnt' meeting of tha Oily (:nunril of tlrr~ (:ity of Cupertlao tills ---19ch.__ dtty of ^__dujy__•__, 148I, by tho following vote: \'nt_~~.. PfenJters of _the,. (:l ty Coun+:( ,\\'liti: ,lohnsun, L'lungy, Rhgerti, Sparks, (:a[to ?;t!ISS: Nuttc A6tiP.af: Nrtnd .\ISS'I'+U SI: None A'I"I'GS"I': ~ AI'PI(OVIiO: ::(tv Clork inyur, Clty of CnI .rt Ino