02020045 (3) OF CI BUILDING DIIVIISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 6UILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 02020045 NER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE OW ALI REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP 02/12/2002 M PF.IONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O¢Z ARCHITE.CT/ENGINEER: bise O LNG NFO m BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH U u u cn u z y 2 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description z-�, 1 hereby affiem that 1 am licensed under yyr visions of CM1apmr 9l commencing P rot_u w1 'CCi ]IIOfI)ofDivision3 flbcBusirrtvVandPmfcssionsCWeandmylicense INSTALL ONE ILLUMINATED WALL LETTERS . ¢ce S� is in full fo and cHcn. ✓ / 1 ,,-5- z e< LicenS<CI ss C-'1v Lic,u 1D1� �` �p y /� p °oI l0 B IA tonna • I B`y7 Psi Bao E O ARCHITECr'5 DECLARAT I understand my plans than be used as public record, y,aXa o L¢cnsd Professional AUG 0 7 2002 uwi o U OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the ria followinguiassn. ermitotocomm,Businersandve,deolihodeAny�inyorccture BUIL DIN.G_- $4000 E tz-Oo xM1i<h requires a permit m conslmct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure 3 m Pdo lot - als e9 ,h ppl'cant for such perm uo fileangnW sm¢rrrent __ -... -. __ _ _ Nath EIcewd pr-ant to the pray s of the Connectors License Ww(Chapter 9 - -- --'-'- (cn mg Q Secf 7800) f D on 3 none B"rmerr dna rrqret.onr coam f 'c" Sq FP:Floor Area a M a i. ,.k;ti, Valuation or mut he s exempt therefrom and,he bass for the allidgcd cxemptlnd Any violation - ''1 ' i�`3 5 917'01-9?'0'0&.. x -a Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicam m a civil penalty Tor not more man five hundred dollars S5Bn). APN Number :, - Occupancy Type oLarown«ohne 101 — FOUNDATION I progeny.ru my employees wits wages az e for role le(S a.7044. -will do the work;and'(he'snucture'is'not'imrnded or oHercdfor'sule'(Sec.7044, - ----- _-- Business and-Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does nor apply,o an Required Inspections' owner of property who nand,or improves thereon,and who a«r re a wink himself or 10 4 - REBAR m Throughfor Ms nwf.employee.. Wilding ildin that stuck improvements are not intended or ANCHOR.--BOLTS---- - ofrcied foi sale:If.however,int diildin-r""�"vemeni is sold within onc- --'-- -"'"-105-- -- 'completion,theowner Wimerwfn have theburd not that redid not b'u`imar 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAli"r'" �•' '' " improve for pmpc,e of,alc). proving — — -- —.... ---•--- -..FINAL._ELECTRICAL ❑I;as owner of the progeny,am Business a t I g with I'cenu❑co Contractor - . .._. ..._...._... .. nes>wm me project(sea ]Baan Barmen d P r.: lir cone)The commmor a 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS - License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves Neneon. - <I. _and who.rontmas for.such pmjees with a commcor(s)liccnsed.purxuam,o Ne. __ - .. .. ._................. ....... .._._ .- ' :. Comwho.c License Law. .. .. ._..._....._..__._._.. ._. . ....... ..... . Olamexemprurider Ste. ",B&PCfardes.. ae• WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION- _ -1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following dedamions: ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificae of Consent in self inane for Workers Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for ,he - performance of,he work for which this permit is issued O 1 have and will'mainmin Worker's Compensation'Insurance,as required by Section- . W f th perfomw 2 f Ne week for which this permit is u ct FI d Policynumber ! � JCERqTIFlT �/ PolicyN� rs yf CATIONOE EKEMPINS FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE" ( l fs2ry`e' •p1 y i.22`G.'�l i.�i •,' 00)orIts scctinri need not be completed if the permit in for one hundred dollars ^r•' ^" - (SIfiO)or less.) I ' ' 1 n fy that,to'hep ffomnarra T Nt wo iicwhich N tis "red l ..._... .. shall t -PI Y Y pe.t n y m' to to 1.athsubject t to rhe Workers' c� , ComPensi on Lars of Cabforom.Da¢ ' _Applicant ,N01ICE TO APPLICANT If Be k ng,hCenftofExe - Z become subjecuo the Worker's Compcnedtion Provisions of the Labor Code,ydu must it ZG forthwith comply with such provisions lir this permit shall be deemed revoked. r .. ''CONSTRUCTION LENAGENCY•' - ' -' i:.I CC>> I h ny Frm that them .a' construction lending agency for the performance , It i..•, of,he o k!r h ch N s a -i issued lS 309] Civ.C) i- ` f2nd riN tar : ..� - .., _ ..,..��.. .... ..... . . ....... . .. .... ._.. I .. .U'Z Lenders Address - _ .. ..- ..... .♦ . h_. ..-. _.. .. .._. _ _ ... .. ,-I rend,Nat I have read Nis application and std ;a- ¢Net the above information is ['r wren.d agree to comply with all city'ana county each rances and state laws relating O;V to building construction.and hembti cathodic reprexnta,ives of this city me mer upon y-W Ne abose-memionrel property for inspection purpose, IW agree) am 'if,and kph IesNeCty'fCpenno against -Vj llabilf jdg is L ❑ pc xs ahch,rrwy' anywy rue.egainxl said C,2 Z Airy s 9 ice th g of g f Nis Pc , " ^ Ape (CANT UND "TANDS W'Lf COMPLY WTTH'ALL N N:POINT '' 1 V S Itce'RecuL I - Issued by: Date Z OZ •gnat fAppl can(A- t I .. ,' Da_ Re-roofs ,, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSUREr j- wuth ppplcant 61 future buildirgce pearaidert handle.1 def ed by the Captions.M1CoeCp9.12 hioM us ¢naL Type of Roof . - • +- - - - .....Cade 5532(a), a d H d Safety - -- - [ •)' - 1 N!rr - •- -- - 0 Yet, t I +r r+p? ( 1 -- , . ` ' ° All_roofs shall be mspec[eI prior[o.any roofing.matenal being Installed. _ _ wnmsapplicant irt � tat rcwla g p,, AcoAise equipment or devices meIf a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,-I agree to'remove minnazartlous tormentors as df ed byN ByA q Quality Management ':matloyinio _ _ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with i{!dL "al] non-point sourcetegulations,:,, :; , 1 h elread ihe'haiaN m to Is req mmenis and Chap,r 695 of the ' California Health&Safen Code Sections 25505 25533 and 25534.I understand than ocamG1 building❑ces mol currently navcaren'vnl.Nat ii is my rcspgnsibilirymnfir eche _ Occulit Rh regdi m , hah mtysi be mCi p to'ssua c of Ca an of --- - - W y fD oZ Signature of Applicant Date ...man or ., Dula„ All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better ,i y _ _. . OFFICE .. ._... . . .. . .. .._-.. .... ._