1463 (2) LOT NO. NO. STREET 1 , tT..R PLUMBING PERMI7 CUPERTINO F" Date 195_ Permit No. CITY OF CUPERTINO Fee $� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing r ^ pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices v/ and/or fixtures in accord3tt£e with the provisio of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all otlr lades applicable there � Use of Premises_ ' :a Owner \ Q Address s.rrr By Address CONTACTOR, AGENT Approve iii PLUMBING INSEECiO I\ 0 0 ^ rt N w N 00 > > `w z z Nd --------------------- ----- tz ______—__________ ------ Hbg � M y � g HHu HyH,4 � . 0 N 0 0 0 N O V X V N 9 T R D V O r) 4 NO. STRF. C LOT NO. T(.FE R ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2`;)71 CIFCUPERTINODate ��`♦' 195— Permit No. UF Ery r M-0 Fee S �30 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixturesas listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures,in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, andallother laws applicable thereto... —/ J1 Use of Premi ( � r �-2 A ' '�" tJNll2 .;_7 Owner..% - Address By � 4 e-I& Address _ L TRACTOR, AGENT �. a F. `� r �♦ Approve ` -- ELECTRICAL INSPE } NEW RPL FEES �y S:ze Service Conduit......................Number, of Outlets....... ....... .......... ..........L...�r'!/.. Size Service Wires.........................Number of,Switches....;;; t---- ---------- ---:......I.... Size Service Switch........................Number of 'Receptacles---- ... .......... .......... ....1.11.. Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures..... ...... Size Sub Fee&Wires--------------------Ranges---------------- KW----:--------- -- � Number of Circuits................... Oven -------------- KW...... -- ....... Number of Meters------------------------Signs.......... Transformers........ ... ..----- --------- ------------ Misc................................................Dryers........................................ -----..... ---------- ------------- Motors------------------- HP-------------------- Phase.................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors------------------- HP...................... Phase-------------------- Motors-------------------- HP --------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge................ - f'�✓ 3A-11rz o m of TOTAL FEES rCoU CO INS CTI APPROVALS Rough Wirin .... Fixtures ...................... g �... - .DAA{, X p�ON .;OATR- wspE TOW �F iish Wirin . ....1.Y-'... ..: 4!f-' ...tMotors :. -.- „..-..- If"- -- G� DAT[ �xsrecrox DR Final �...1..�1.�� �. :�......1- ......... • .DATE L Ix EPECTOR .� ,i Bldg. Dept. 1' r NSPE. Oi �9fire-Copy BUILDING CITY OF CUPERTINOI :• 0 S Sewer Connection Sanitary ermit No. .- .../ Plumbing Final t. PlumbingPermit No. ..17op .3-_-._- Lot No. ....-------------------- Owner or Tenant --- /�/.._-. -- _ _ _ -_ - --------------- At /�a2�-s - 6 ` ..:. . 9 Tract .............. --------------------- ---------..---- Date Connected .................- , n PLUMBINO INSPECTOR TMr -.... 117 7/(1500 � t; ELECTRIC, SERVICE NOTICE co�YE I BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY: OF CUP.ERTINO 1, . . ............. ..............._-....----------------------------- TO .......... ...To You are hereby authorised to connect the.ELECTRIC service for ' Owner or Tenant At............ ........ ...... �6j.!as.:_...!.+......:i..:............--_---...—.-----......----....--------- -----.aa...-------- '.. No. of Wires ..._..�?�........... Size of Wires ..��..z...... Size of SwitcE�.QO..!`OA , Motor Load ............................ Voltage ................................ Phase.................... {7: ---...----.-.. HeatingLoad ..................... K. W. :.................................. Voltage _.�.�-,,, r_,,.,. - ^,,,;'„�� Ligh[_�_..._.✓.....110 ..`JL.New Service._,.LL_...... .Reconnect_.�......... No. of'Meteis _.,. . ...,,.uy....: Heat ..............220 ..._.._`...._..Three Wire ...._.........._Mose Service -...._.-- Power .............. ,TT��{free PI .....QINE e'Meter ._--------- No. o Add. Meters .......... .......... -11.\....-...... ---... _1oa 1/Go-500 ELECTRICALOR ' o.2 4s A' NO. STREET LOT NO. APP �1T OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1 CUPERTINO Date ' 194 Permit No. / "' / Fee $ j 3b Appl c�t�o is@Feb aT, of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said, , (Y1 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of;the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. _ Use of Premises c t / 3 Owner T Address'xl 3 '{O't1'ic5E- `, Y Nye fcS Ee Ec7�e Ca I Address P• zv 7-F/CEna NT S�`p ;/ CONTRACTOAj AGENT� Approved /Vv h0 ne: ELECTRICAL MSPECT NETV� RPL FEES Size Service Conduit.......:;Z..........Number, of Outlets......... :i -- Size Service Wires----.��.Number of Switches-.......... ------- ............ Size Service Switch--'2--Oey-/4-------Number of Receptacles----------OF. e-.)--- ---------2-- " -1/ /131/ W4e -------- -----..Ranges " Size Sub Feed Conduit --- Number of Fixtures..--........ -- - ------- ---------- ---------- - ------- Size Sub Feed Wires-1.0--------------Ranges................. KW-------------- ---------- ---------- -------------- Number of Circuits----®//..-:. Oven .............. KW------------- ---------- ---------- of Meters.......... 4...........Sigqs—;�--�Fans or�mer - ------...-- Number ---- ------- Misc----`2p %%�N�14%5id� .:Dr - ---- --- Motors------ I---- HP--------: Motors......... HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge-.----------2-1 oda TOTAL FEES NS_E 11 S :I, C INS ECTI W A Ru h irinS� .... . M:e? T �'L CTO DATE I.S Fi is irin Motors -------------- --------- --- -j DATE THSP�Kc L 'Z7.1 --W. --- Final �. . 473 ...... e DATE INSPECTOR /O 7d/O. e� xlE t J LOT NO. 1T e� k. IC ION f BUILDING PERMIT • IUPERTINO DateQ;4�f Permit No.Appllcatiis ere y�m fo permit t y�yLJCc at r_ L? ' y to.be occupied only ai- - — in,accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. _ -'Estimated Value of Improvements,$ Oy Fee$ v.. 1<it.is hereby agreed that the regeirements of the'.Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and •all'ather%laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of :Cupertino will.hr complied with. „ ....,'nq "t• Owne ' Address a' vs i -I3y„ �•e_ 1 0� Ask Address _ CON RACTOR, AGENT r T him �1 �'' 'T' Approved a( / BUILDING INSPIiCTOR T. RECORD OF INSPECTION APPRPVALS FOUNDATION DATE ,, ,• ;:' INSPECTOR!p� FRAME DATE INSPECTOR I LATH and PLASTER Q DATfl INSPECTOR t BI--D- DATE C•., •I,� jSINSPECTOIC• FINAL ELEC. `•�;A DATE t(J:. , ih ,INSPECTOR„ FINAL PLBG. " • ate DATR "`INSPF.CT00. UINAL GAS 5. s. •. 1, "- "y r DATE I INSRP.CTOR ♦rte• 1� r