Ordinance 1044., ~ ~ G" yy
~ ~ ~ 1 VY~.
_ CITY Op CUPgR'x'IlI~ ~ '
•nur o~e•
The purpaere of this docutr+r;:nt is to delinEeatre po~.tcles~ iron the fururr_ develapmsnt of
appru>;imaCely 3.G± aerate generxlEy located an the eaHt aide of scenic 8oulav~+rd
approximately 500 ft. north+~r;.y of Palm AVercue. art rtrare rrpet:ifically located on';}
the attached Exhibit A-1, and labeled ae llast'asor Parudl dumber 357-OB-8.
'11tu Scenic Boulevard/Riviera R.r•nd ar~n iES nr. anvitonmPntrrl3.t~ ~~3usitive area due
Cu its very steep slape Wrens Eton{; the easterly aides of thE' pr•opt:;: t:ieo and itr;
locutiun ncijncent to the prr~wunt nat,trrtl SCe~c:n:r Creek etrrirancnent. Deeve3loprnnnC
of thew prc~pertice could be potentia?.lv <}nm.-ging to r,!+e nr+turnl. Skevcmr, Creek
enviranm~~+tt which is re:cogni:.ed in tiv: Cf.!:y ~:;` ~:~.c{,ertina (:omprt:he .n'lvu Plnn nn a
valu:rl~le rsnvi.ranmentc+l cerrourc~ to the community. ,The plani~n:l l)uvttlopmen~ coning
npprorich ir3 deemed np{~xnprirrte ro provide tha Clexit>l.l.l.ty narus~r.rry ro pormit ~{cs-
velapmr_nt of the nub,j['t.t propuc•t.lrs c:onsirtr:nt with the c:.it•y of Cuportiua'rd d:.~rrnlty
limitaticr+s under tho Gonernl. 1'lnn ~rhilc proracirins; t!+c trscut'rtl Crr.E:k w~vi.rorment
and minitni.Ying building; ucr.ivit:y nl.ong thc~ neverF slope r~mbnt;'~.c~~.nt' locrttF:d .jlon{{
tl•c easterly portlon oC khe aub,~cct propr.rt9r.c:.
' peyelapraent ~evfew [~rucnr+rr
'1'hirr t:ancr:ptuyl Plr+n raprucent:n file init.}.nl :rttp in the. npprovnl pCeret+zr faf- f,ubKC_'-
c{u~sttt deve:lapment of the sub,jrrt praperty. Ate c3tnteJ in ;^ctirnt 5.2 of rhrr l'Irtnt+ed
Ur_vel.npment Zanini; Orciin.-r~cc.~, .a Coace{+t:unl 1'Iuu :;hall c:ontr+in ruCCiri+:nt informntl~.on
Ca dctfine nc~ lsnd +trsc type., i.ntens:ty, primary strc~~tJ,-rcc:erc;~ aystern, end' n cur.csnunity
d4aiE;n-related G1)jioti,Vate~ to g;uido t!tt: r~roPnrty acmr.r~ in the preprtrt+tion of either
A supifle:rnentrtl Cnnccptt+sl a onlnt~ Plr+n or Use! 1'ct•mit•. which ict the 3a:c:ond pinceriurnl
trl•ep ir, Plnn+tecl bE'v.~lc~pcnrt+t n{aprnval procnc+n.
l.nn~l lirie• ,tad ?situ 1)+Anil;n-I'a?~tcioq/(:oncll.~:S~~Etrt_nC,•A~~prUVnl
1'lt~! Conc:c:pecr,7i Plan rrebr+clie;~ .lend urrr. ore the ei.tr~ nncl bui,ldin}; durrign pal.ici~~a
uhirh uc•e g;:nernL ±n nnturc r+nd wltir:it ~~'ill bc~ further deEinrd iu conyunc:ti~~n +,s:,th
subarquenC uEr~` permit nppltcationcr.
Gc>ndittonc+ of A~>>roval
1. Thr. ::oninf3 npprovr~l ie based upon the Concepr,uctl I)evelo{;cnent Plan, lr+beled
I:xhib[t ~1 .xnd the ppplic:.~ntcrr suhmittad {>lan, lr-+i>t•lhd Iixhibit A-]. ;tttd the
1-lf. City of Cupertino SCrctadard Condl.tiona uf' approvrtl uc3 n<•sy hr, htocfifi~d by tttc
rtpecictl conditiun;t ni' nppro`~a1 en+rmernr.ed bc:iow.
'l.. '11te npprnvnl i:t to ~11ow rec+tdetttinl land orals which shall have tl~c~ option of
cun:rtrw:tin~; crLthin t1Er. r_~;iatinr property line confil;ur~ttion provided that
an np;:.opri;rte ttcceatr p.tan can bci tn-rknd fut' rnch lndividttcti prapc!rty. The pl.7n
rhall incorporate and conform ui.tlt the *equiremr.ntr of th, Srrntn Clnr~t (:ounty
• (:+rntraL Eirr: 1'rotectior+ U<utrict trit.l+ t•cspc:ct: tv cuter};.ync;,~ :rcr:+~s:c and turn-around
.. „~~
3. The propcr:.y involved in the subiect application shall hffive rhea rptian of
re-arranging lot lines slang a ci,uster housing, faraaak end/or providing the
re-n,~initi~g areas of acceRS via private roada+~y utxndaxds estgblishad under
the City of t',upartino R1C {Residential, Singles-fa~sily Clan.ter) zanin~ die-trict.
~i. Any and all buil.di.ng activity, with the excFption of ,sdditiaria to ~axisttng
structur~~R, shall rep;uirt: use permit revie;sr Lefore the Planning Cam~aission
and City Council.
5. E'roperty owners of the parcerl.as invalvE'd in tl~e sub~rtct application shall
forfeit all. rights of acc:e:ss to' RiviQr,a Rasxd.
fi. Tfie building tares t~ha11 generally Le r.eaCr{cted tc~ the flatter westesirly
partians ~of ;thee sub,jecC properti.E:o to~ nsininsirr.' the degree ~of disrur,tion
of the nttturil vegtstation aianR the 'embt'lnkmt`nt ad~tacent'.to rho: Rivicrr~
P.n~-d "pnper stlro,et". Wren. .
f3, 1'tse p:srccl9 .front;ing scenic i3oulcvard e3hn11 tsgref: to dcd.+.eate lnri:l foX x
public cul--de-snc nlong Ctts xouthhrly noose;rs drive ar cooperate by sigreein~;
to enter i:ito reciprocal ingresa/Hgreac~ enscmentat with rho at#~oining prapsrty
to the south.
~~~C~b.~~~~ ~~ ~~
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