Ordinance 1017~ • ORDINANCE N0. 1011 • AN ORDINANCE OF T11E CITY OF CUPERTINO A)fENDiNr, SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE N0. T BY PREZONING APPROXII3ATELY SS GROSS ACRES FROH SA17fA CLARA COUNTY R1-10 TO CITY OF CUPERTI110 R1-10; CONSISTING OF THAT UtJINC.ORPORATFD AREA COMll01iLY REFERRED TO AS THE CRESTON SUBDIVISION LOCATED I31 THE SOUTHEAST QUADRA17f OF HIGIBJAY 280 AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, on March 26, 1980. and application vas filed by Cicy of Cupertino, 'Creston Subdivision (Application 13-Z-80) for the Prezoning of property from Santa Clara County R1-10 (one family residence, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot area) zone to City of Cupertino R1-10 (Residential, single-family. 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot zone) zone; and WHEREAS, upon due notice and after one public hearing the Planning Commission recommended to the C1[y Council that the Prezoning be granted; and 11HF.REAS, the property to be prezoned is presently in an R1-10 (one-family residence, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot area) Zone; and WHEREAS, a map of the sub3ect property is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" as a proposed amendment [o the Master Zoning Hap of the City of Cupertino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOIJS: Section 1. That the property described in attached Exhibit "A" be end hereby is prezoned to City of Cupertino R1-10 (Residential. Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone; and that Exhibit "B" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Hap of the City of Cupertino. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 2nd day of June 1980 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Councll of the City of Cupertino this 17th day of June , 1980 by the following vote: Vote Hembers of the City Council AYES: Catto. Plungy, Rogers NOES: None ABSEI+T: Sparks ABSTAIN: None ATTES City Clerk APP VED: or, City of` up nt~i ' ~• ' . caESTOer Aen~raTraa • . lsL.~tro ao. 4 All that certain real property sitnsu is the Cooney o! Santa Qgtsa, State of Calilosaia, more p=~{^i1~'ly daacribed as lollaws: ' Begianiag aL cha point of tatersecti~ o! the original cmtarliae of Foothill Bonlavard (f0smsrly called Nouataia Viw-Seawas Crack Goad) with the westerly prolongation of the southerly line o! Loc Sl a. shown upon that csrtaia Tract Ho. 780, Csaston Qnit 2, which map vas racosdsd is Book SO of Naps at pa=ss 32 and 33, Saau Clara Coaaty Records, said polar also being the northwest career o! that certain parcel of land aana:ad to the CSty o! Cupertino by Ordiasacs No. 123. mtitlad "STSVENS C&EET 90. 3": Thaace S. 83° 37' 40" 8., 163.92 last alaag said prolongation and the wutharly'liae o! said Lot S1 of Tract No. 780, said lice also baiag alaag acid aaasxacian "STEVlOiS CBE *J0. 3," to a point being tt:a southeast mea=t of said Lot S1 of Tract Ho. 780, said point also baiag a coraar of said a,,..•a ~~.+ "STgpgpg C8HES H0. 3", Thaace N. 10° 22' H., 15.08 face along the ens urly lice of said Lot S1 of Tzact 140. 780. said lint also being along acid aaaazatioa "STEVEBS CREE[ S0. 3^. sail liaa also being eha westerly lies o! Baxter Awnua, to ehe iacarssctioa with the vesearly prolongation o! the uaearliaa of Starling Driw as shown on said Tzaet D1o. 780, acid Lateraaction also being a career of acid annexation "STEVENS CRHEIC N0. 3"; 'hence S. 85° 37' 40" H.. 339.65 fact along said prolongation and the cencarliaa of Starling Driw, said lies also being along acid annexation "STEVE145 CREEF. N0. 3", to cha intaraactioa with the eaacarliaa a! Chaco Driw, said interaecti°a also bsiag eha northeast m roar o! said annexation "STEVE143 C8EEK IiO. 3"; Theau S. 4° 22' 30" W., 228.17 iuc along acid cantsrliae of Chace Drive, and its aoutharly prolongation, said lies also being along acid annexation "STEVEGS C8EEt N0. 3, co eha intersection with the eostnrly prolongation of the southerly lies of Trot ~To. 1946, "Priaglavood^, which map vac filed for record is Boak 128 of Naps, at page ZZ cad 23, Santa Clan County Records, said iateraectloa also being the southeast coraar of said aanazatioa "STEVFI4S C8EFS D10. 3"; Theaea S. 85° 36' SO" E., 1,067.44 Loot along the southerly lino of Tract No. 780, acid liaa being parallel and 10.00 last southerly o! the cmur- Ilas of Hartmsn Driw as ahovn upon acid Tract No. 780, said liaa also being along that certain paml of land aaaexad to the City of Cupertino by•Q~dinaace :io. Z24 entitled "FUTON b2-1 revised", and along tlut cartaia pai~W. of land aaaaxad to the City of Cupertino by Raaalution W. 1354 entitled "ALYSiJOHTg 67-3°, to a point being the southeast mrnar of Loc 70 of Tract i4o. 780, said comer also being a mmar of said annexation "AIKSfiORTg 67-3"; ~Thsoca along a `enaral thaascarly sad southeaacarly~ nctioa along said aaaaxation "rlDfSfl~ 67-3" and "£4T01t 62-1, ravia ", said lies also being along Loc 70, 107. 113, 116, 123 and 124 of Dace xo. 1456, Creston IIait 3, ehich map vas filed for record is Book 55 of baps ac Pages 40 and 61, Santa Clara County Records, the foLloving coursq and diataacas: a) S. 41v 00' 40" E., 66.18 feet, b) S. 370 07' 40" 8., 261.18 fsat, c) S. 370 SS' 20" E., 94.34 feat, d) S. 100 S3' 40^ q., 187.36 faae, e) S. Z9 32. 30e 8., 211.66 tact, to the sanebvast coraar of said Lot 124 at Tsact Ho. 1436, said coraar also being a comas. of said aaaezation "EAi~f bZ-1, revised"; Theaca S. 84° 39' SO" E., 578.18 test along the southerly boundary of said Tract No. 1456, acid liaa also baiag along that ~rtatn anasza~oa to the City of Cupastim by Ordiaaaca No. 104 eatitlad'"STEVEDTg ~~ 2A", to the souchwt corner of Lot 132 of said. Trot No. 1456, said coraar aLo baiag a cosasz of said aaaazatica "STEVENS C88FF. 2A"; Theaca N. 31° S8' 20" E.. 350.00•faet along eha easterly line of Lot 132, 133. 134. and 133 of Tract bio. 1456, acid lint also being along chat nrtaia aaae:atioa to the City of Cupertino by Ordiasaca P7o. 30 aatitled "8021ESTEAD ;Jo. 3-C, revLad", to a pout baiag cha moat autarly coraar of acid Lot 133 of Tract No. 1436; Thanca 1n a Yeaaral northeasterly direction along said anaezation "SOPffiSTEpD :to. 3-C, revised", acid lies also baiag along a gansral easterly liaa of acid Tract No. 1436, and Tract No. 1180, ehich map eta filed for record In Book 44 at Napa, ae Page 53, Santa Clara County Records, the folloviag eoursas and diseaaees: a) ~. Sg° O1' 40" q., 390.00 feet, b) N. 8. 41' SO" W., 280.27 fast, c) 8.'170 04' 20" q,, 230.72 feat, d) N. 39 11' q., 66.00 faac, a) N. 88° 06' q., 144.54 faae, f) 3i. 730 43' q., 178.Sb faac, ~ H. 37 30' q., 248.82 faae h) DT. 42° 49' q., 236.94 feat, i) N. 33° 54' SJ., 154.44 feat, ~) H. 30° 00' q., 115.66 !a a to the aorthwt corner of Lot 1Z of said Tract ETo. 1180; Theaea N. 83° 42' 10" W., 1,318.57 feat along eha northerly liaa of said Tract i7o. 1180, acid 11aa also being along said anaes:ation "HOlO:STEAD ,fo, 3-C. revised", eo a pout of iatarsaetion with t5a easterly liaa of Footh131 Boulevard, (formerly called tiouataia oiswStavaas Craelc Read) . said ens urly line being 20.00 faac parpaadicalar distant fr°m the csnurliaa of said Foothill Boulevard; ` 'wars 8. 10° 22' F~.~97.53 Eaat alon8 said aastarl~ine o! Foothill .Boulsvard (formerly caLlad Houacaia Viav-Staveaa Crank: Road)' said iiaa also balsa aloaE said anaaution "HOlarSTEAD 3-C, raviasd", to a poise oP iautsactioa vitb the o,ortharlq llaa of chat certain 8.051 aczs parul of land coa~ayad to Laser J. Crca by deed dated December 22, 1925. and rasatdad is Vora 203 of O!licial Racosds at YaEa 463 Santa Clara Comty 8acords, acid point baia8 a cosaar of said aanaacatioa "HOlL~4TEAD 3-C, raviaad" and also biiag a point cn that certain a~cation co the City of Los A1toa entitled "STEVEy3 CREEL ID~TFSArION D10.. 1": Thence N. 830 32' N., 40.24 fast acroaa Yoothill Eonlavasd (~otmarly called Hountsia View-Stavans•Creak Raad), said lien bain8 aloe; said aanazatian to tba City o! Loa Alton, to a point oa the wtsrlq ri8he-of- vay Lisa o! Foothill Baalavard, baina a point 20 fuc vasterly o! the ori8iaal aentarliaa o! saki douatain VlawStavans Creak Road; '!beau S. 10° 22' Q., 2,317.43 teat a10a8 said vastarly ltae of Poothill Boulevard (formerly called Kouataia Viav-Stevens Creak Road). said lino bain; aloaL said annazation to the City of Loa Altos "STEVE9S CRFEL AHBLZATZON `10. 1", said 13aa baiaa Parallel and 20 lent vasurlq of eha oriQiaal uatarlins of Mountaia.Viav-Stevens Creak Road; Thence S. 790 38' E., 20.00 last alan8 that certain aanazation to the • City of Cupartlno entitled "FOO'18ZLL-VISTA 1QlOLL" to the point of bagiaala;. ContalalaE 54.9 aczaa, morn or leas APN: 326-11-, 1 thrn 6; 8; 10 thru 25; 27 ehrn 32; 61; 71; 83. 326-12-, 1 thru 73; 75; 79; 81; 82; 83; 89. 326-13-, 3 chrn 6; 8 ehru 18. SY ~`i _ _ • y ? u ' • . ~ ~ ~~•. ' L .y rs. + ~ f 7 ~'•~a~ ~ ' l t ~~ r 'a/,y'' ~ ~ ti . :~ r s ~ ' '+~ '. 4 ~ ,: t ~ F /J ., • '. '.,sue ; .' ` ir;~t ~ ` . ~ ~~b is ` ,. . ~ I~rO I 1 ~h . ~ S ~G~ ~~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~ r '7 3. ~ . •+ fit, ~~„ Y ~ iI v ~, ~; V ~~ ~ + ~ a. j ~ 3 _ t _ ~~~-, gr ~'~ . ~~ ~ u~- ate. .• :. ;