Ordinance 002(k-2)' `~F713;i ~x~7~~'~ +~, r}7~ (fit- ~ } A~~ C~~~C~~. ~~ 't;' ~~:'~*X ~~' ";~:+l~k'.z:I.3'~rf .~i':",r~'~'}? ~?£~ CA~,:".b~t,'rYl'~C~, J~i~+ '7~:~~~,~ `"~".4'.1~ ~~~3. tli'~~~~ A ~x~~5~".i".~Q 1~'t ~~:~P.~"t~"~ti t3~' A~'R ~,",ywia~~~,~';3 lM~a~"~il~lll WS~uYY MMrIMYMMMI~M~MrM rANtYIrM rM-w+•Vu w~rMti~A'./I~~MMI~'~M4M'~~'rK ~'~Y~ IMINw~111 ~h~'.rwr .~ ~~4 - ~ V'1/.+~~ w~C i f.li./ ~~ ~ + 'fFf" w1~ f ~~ ~ ~A~^!~ M ~! hC t ~ ~ Y i~A+~~x3~iiq~'XY~ ~~eotiaxt ~. z.i a ~:ti~n 'a~: ~ of ~~xd.~,~'~-rxc~ Kr » ~~ ~ w~o~a x~e f?~tl~.afiea lca~ ai~;~s ~-! 1~F+~~.z~c Ab@rraxt~y ~ta!~~mar,t ~tat~aea ~~3y~r~`, is faa~- ~mfi~ by S:t'1e de~'ie~t'lon aY' ~v?~~yx~~..~:,'~-~ar.+h (~1 Arad the e~di~.x~~;'s ©P tea ~ta~.'lo~vlt-~: b-~. I~S.r_isaurn F~crt I~i~~i~z~t~m 3~~~~ a~,xe ~~.5~. ha *~e3.ve thouz~e~5 th~P .~~~~ (,~.~, 3(.X~ j ~'ct;. f t. n~'c. mr~xa ~~~a, tiae ~l~t 1~}raC'ee~c ~~1 dreseii~n~; un3tr. l~t9r ~a~to2t dl~~.~.iin~ un~;~ cver ter {3 j, tts~r~b ~tael.l De Ad:~~d SG1~~a,at~' -i'a~ar hrurid~~'! (~a4~ a~. rtb ttr>t ai~i tt~ t:s^~ end ~,nc2ur9l#.*~.~3 a- lot Kith torert~r ~2Q c. ~-e1.21ng Mj(~.M~i/ Amy' ].dt con¢-~:t~~r.~ ttxyrr then t~re-nt.~ ^!7 r~ arslk~att~g farrita a~cxx have a ne. r are~r r ~ a < ~ ~Et~4 < 4~.V~?nty-a+e~'ttfl ~tundt'~! ~~,, i t?K`.r~ Yi~+~c rxrF~a ~n;:1_ `ae rcof%nc;ci :,.s a:~a ~k'~:1~r~, .,~.Nr. ;:ta.t~.r:n. I.ar:d~+c~~j,trrE, w~,t.,~r, %saz.7~a~c~ .'!zz~~;tiae~:.~;r~, arer,~ ~r.,~. I~S't sl"..'1C,'fi .L~:S)P,' '•3r.k;5t?It1~lt"j~y~ ~ ~iytA '3.~"1t;9. i7 ~aC~i G'.t:a~i' ~',y' i~f''iH ~'i.9;y ~l~~Yi17:%::'. U',"',~,'~:t~i').~.'! .for k>,,;,3.'ldir.~,~t Ti1';d .a iIZ.1 A~tT' ttM~~ g hr~t a:' U3aA'.% , fxPl~ t~~''~I,.t'!fs'>tY`.P.!~. ~ 12 ar,~ ~~,1.tri~~~ si~:mbe:4• c~i' ~e].l:c..r~ '~;z:;.!.t,~ ';r~* ;~,li'+:rlfa ~!r.7t~~ "~~ie: zr.,~rz~~ar a~'' ~'~~~~~.~.~ ifrwit~ ~r~ rhitr Lhe r;.rtaaet ewe of =~ d~:'~e~c~p~»~xst n?xull yob ~.r4cef~~. Gt~t»~~R (1~j Wit. ar.Ce» ~z~oe~ area ehe.~~. 'aRA ~ef~.iaed ~a t~xc ~s.~•ea ref ~a px»op~rty ~~.~r which crrie ~1'rra~at~.va ?fir f~-a i~yctn e,~t~~r~c~ ;~~+ ~:;ha ~',`cxy C?:~unc11 0~' C~t~:e:»t,l;txo, e'R~ce~1~ ~~k~t: fcar the paar~G~ ;~ off' r+~~_• ~utj.~a~ Gt~e nu~~~r.• of s~~eell2rg ~z~aits, t~ ~'oila'a~.+.`.~ a~a3~.xa'„•. merte rhs~.~.?. 3~~: r~st~c~c': (J.j Any 'Gu~.~~.c ~Cxecw tc~ ~t'i rah t.re `~P~-~"Cy h4n a~r,<<ei+ay a;~d z1-t~.'~*~h t;tme~t. Q~r'rr*r etr~edd:t.ad .>:t~~ ~ac~xdt~s»'g of t?a~r t`ent+stiv~ '~ ~ ar a~~ ~cirx~~ the t~:~~xYU`~rg Cara acs ther alrie shall ba j n~.lu:cecz ~.Yi th~~ graaa~ a~~~.~e to hSa1~P <tr ~-idti~t 'c~**, azvt 4;.~ s~'rc:e}s~ thAri;x ~4~ tee"; (~~ Ka~;ercouw~.~Qs ia~c::~,udi:aq ~,r~.rtae ~-a~t -3~tide Por their ~yn- tn~~zz~~+~;. t rsrnsm2.er1©n 1'.aaa~ '~2~~r~r~s.ate, atac! aisila:^ ~.n~ea ~a ~!~°'~8s»xi;ied ~.*,z each caest~ by t,t>4e f.:it~- t'1e7W1r41r, ~t~~li u~~ r3xclude+~ .frctn t h~gr~,s.*.k rs .raua . r~1 4'- ~ ~. , ~'~. •" ~. ~ ~:a~~.iui3~w~!',~~-~iC r. t~ .~.at f ~r ~ p s.r~t ~~ v~~ ~;r~2~ ,~;r+gt~s . ~z•~~ spy?,~ :.,,:. , - r:~rr~:su~x*~ry~l3r: ,r ~~ ~`~, ~~wr ~~~sr~x'~3,s : ~~ ot. ~~~~~~ !~`a~~..s t~tx trig ex7atK ra!` ~ t;{~' ~t~'~~ ~ ~:''~~ ~a~-ai~i~$ :fan. ~:~.~ tti brt'~h, ~: aa~~ ~~~~ ~E~''4~u5, ~'~4Y' ~~~~'~ de~e~+~'a~tYC '~'©~!' 1iPh~.+s~~ ~ ~»'Lrt'i•t~9 1~Stj~ fs ~;~r~ssr..~:tr~d ~.:d ~ts! t~~rv~ ~~~ ~~~e; +e~tcaa~~ l;Y~t t~:e :;eAt~1~, C~~.G~`'E ~;~' ~A tlG1tL'~~~.~t1 f':O~ S~~ !n'~.Z1~..NA1~EU, t~u:i~t ~ +e ~i~~~at i~ axt e~tttr~ion o~ ~ rvS.~^u~ ~~..' d+~~at~c~'~xt orlth thR a a-,cran4.ng. ~c:~Cxaxa ~.I s '.~:~~tt Ce:r't'~1XN~tl~e:~ 3~ h!'.~", ra ~,t~i-~ ~s ',~u uar~rrnc~ ~de~ure. ~t~ot~~tt to ~er<~~x o~. '~~~'~ ~b~ of trrs I~`~~rx>nC ~~le a~' t;he gra ~e aY ~,~e3.~~'~-x~a, ~~ e~~:~ec~, fad t~~ yore c~^' ~x~J'dbit3.r.~r, tho u~,~te txsd ~a.~~at:lc~no a.4' ?.a~~-,d ~t1tYs1x~ t~h~ ~C~+Gy th~a a4~f. "~~ ~.n aats~"lici' ~~.th i:l~:P ~s~a~iuak~tr~t t3~'~~ns; t Y~tlt>G"rc~iie}'°. ~~- ~-etf~rY~tti~d. 'err„ ski Y'ux krirsr tU ~prov3.c3r. ~:°+~3~~~1axs~ ray ~~i:3~ a;~~- ..c~~.+«,iar.~ ur3til ~r~.~cD~ tip es tM~ s~otrx~^ii ~SJ!:2'~ ~t~'4: to 2~'.~~!~:~.~~'~ sii"-d~r'Ta'.'~Y•!°k~"..tl a,`~'~# '~'C3~T~i,' ~Ol''K~~'.ffl$lJ"!4`~~,. ~:~rt~c t::,t~~ ~t,~.x'!` ~`i::s ~A.~;~,~s a .~ar~Atxt r, a ;pelr'~'t~tfeexy~ xc~2;f~~~ ox•~.in.~nr.eD ~fi~c9 '~:r~l; `d~TIK ~1:~:. p~~j~s'.'`~'~~$.Q~Tt C~ ~a ~~~1C~.7t1 t`,tX'~:t'': :~.~ ~AE"'~14.~.'q ~~*~.1'~~ i~~' ~`fJT~t:X . ~~~.v~A.~~~ ~:~.: rE~11:i•r :~ '~e'1~3Y i'i:'': Y~ ~~~ ~l~ hQX''~'0;,4 ~.f~ Fi~it:.!1+7""1.7::01 61!t:'{ ~t.7~v/'Gt.~!>',e tcs ~3~~'.wt:; ~ ~'FiY''~~.~i•! ~3:~ji`~ q~~." ~~'..~u dl~,~%i~!!'t^~ '~f~ 1)g ~'"r'J~a~h*;'d *'G .g,~c??.">.~+-: ~G~J:Se 3~f~~:T'i~.~e ~."if+,:t~17 ;..'.~; i'.f~.~;t lL~t,el° its ~J'tt>.,+.t;~.l~l-YSt~il"1 t'~~d Cur+•erir't lr~; ~:t3lYl:ir'•:' j ;;;x+~ ~~f`'~~.•...z+' neest~~~pi>~° s~A' ~~: c;it;~• aT G'a~~r••t.:i:~ca~ ~1"~iS~t~°,~ Alm' ::.-~E.~"~!!.'~;~: r, f; ~ r~~~.v ~~:r ~+t+etiz^.,4 c~1.' 'why ~:~.t?r ~a~;r:cs ~. ~P ~,h`t +~*..~,~ ~~P fiupi.r4iq~.o, ~:~r,r.e :lr:~. ~;.~~ cf ~'nttn~a~x;~, i~~~:~ fi~ f ne ~"~J:t.c~`x- ~.~ gate z A~'3~ C~rzncil~n: 1'~.~pfst~r, 1*ttxgera3,ci, .TChri~B;~r~, ~4ts~ken ?~.A ~ ~ ~1ca~,ir~c f lm~: r, : I~a~e A,'~"`i ~'~` ,~ ~~,~ 0 r ~~