Ordinance 002(e-1)Ltii~t:tN!tNC:-: N~:~, cis)2~;~e--~,y /!fii C+Y2DI N.~A1~Cr (?l~ i"'~1~ C.Ii`Y t~i~' ~,~tit'y,.il" '~.1~ Rl'P& ~sl,l~t; ~.JRwli6wlrl4~ JMC~C.~ftil'~7{e) A~~'~~I'~ ~Yy17~'it1~3ar~~Cr~'~y.NyC1yA~AiCNfli~il RliiR7 LIC4~~iti~Q~. ~~ !.`~F~~ZiRi' r~i iw~FTi.IP ir'li~U ~cxy~r ~ct.IL L~~F ~:~~ Cry o~ ~:~,'ERSrIifO C,~va,~+r~ AS ~~,~cws; :Gear~:!Laza 1. ,~tx ~a-~_or~~~crocc~ wc;. ~,t)21,e) ~, 4a~.o'Y: itcdtayrx-er. No. t~02'(e} of ttZr ra,ry of t~xctlrio is bst~+oa~ ~erp~,,~.~.fq it:a +at:tir4~ty. ~',e,~xia~s Z. ~als~ of fa^sv~.arp.~t'a2c:c~ ~.~r ~'.n<!ce^r~:: I.~~nri ~.,c~t~ 2^I: Tt~t :'r,ep~e~l esf ~rtiina*~ce: C~O,~{c} shall ns't. tie earu~tt-ue:d to ~axicx* 'c~cs urr.fkt. of 1+~.~ e~r'ir.~,~ :Ls part .of the o~ri~dz~si~y ixzcQ:p-nat.ec, ~r~ x~ the ~"i~7 ai~ L'.x~~ifao, +tYs'~tch lrarui s~•ta~iaed itr~ Coun~'p a~an.Lzy~ upon ~L+~:vat~ractt..~. r.~c st+r~te,ri to ~:~N~ina~n,.~r Nwa,, f3~~;r, Secl.ir~r. ]., 9i~ x 3 9 ._~ : Th! r~tw+s.yl. of tr, d i:r~~ssG~e ~i~~ , CJ~I (e) s:~:.11 net; be con- gt~rs! t~ affrcr tha zcro.irr,~ os~ 2.and ,;nnescrr". r.~ GtaP ~::lty of Copetti.no bzi'ore ,_.: !i+-te v~ v+yacts~wnt ~f ~.h!.s ~~z•dinarn~e hl~. LK!:~(p-a.), ~ry~i.rh sand retai.i~ed -~x~ i.-.,~ssta ~t~otrn~, upr~~r, ~rsam~~x.+,ti:~n, a~ gt~~tac< fn Urciznk~r~c:e No, G02~,"e:), .}~rt:.,a-4 ~„ asz~e;;t :ire pr~es~,.tzt~i ~y chr. City. ~r t ~crR~ :. 3: i~ni ate:-~,~xE~;: to tt,e Cit f <sx C~.perticzs~ an or, at ter Che eat f~rc t;.~,+~et ~t c pt tfn1~3 drs~aa~.T~z~ 4~ ido, QUA (e•-i) ~haY.:l box z4necl as det~ersained ~~ ~te~s+aw°s!.7y~ {~c'aa-+eQute~ o!' Che ~,i~,.,; ,.f C,uges-tirta. '~XJ'itCdyttC7.t- apt w re~vlar e-eet.irs~ of the City Caunc~.l o~` tlse C~.ty cif ~.,~s~ywssCS.'izsc uss the 1~t: dsy csf _P.°:Gx~sar„yY~_, 1977., ttncl fifV.ACT1~3 a~ a regular rawtta~ aA 2r'te CSerFCaus~s~il ,af the City o#" Cu,pextia~o this S.6t:h _ ~Jr.y of 1'r~-crra.~_....._.,._- A4~71, hp t.ha £nl7.cr~rin}~ 'Vt)te. ._.__~ 1~!'3C.°i ~, Caunc ilr~en A13~P.M7: Courv: l.la,cn -- A'~t'EST: Fit~g~.r~,~ld, F,roY.ich, Gt'eext, h'mu1., fr'tokes ~lon,e Nossr i~ ^/~ rJ Lr-.r ~......~~. «..+-..-~ C1 ty' Cler ~y ,~.Yk;eC~i ED : s /~ ~ --- yox, t:it of fs,pex'. a,xan ,