Ordinance 002(a).. ~ a r. ~ "; ` . :!0`11 RG~ ~~ 9,'~!t ~'1'1'Y ~ Cho f~'~ ~A;+~' 1~;~ GALx1~9,4 ~#~.ii7Di ~'~L~ M . ~'.7~'~~~~I~ }}Yj 7~'%~~t7alr;~1 yy~~~t:'~~~~~ ~~r~y ~~,~ ~xyP~l ~ 'k'1~~y ~IY~ib~1#2~'/~l~ tl~p'~y~~r,~,':T~"~~yy~ 1~, ~~~~ i~~~ .~'~/~ ~ itl[JR~f~~ VI~ .1~ 'fAi7~'~r~~~ 6Zil~4tR,R~i.i~,i~,i~,/~ .I~;~~~d tii~ Cs~~`~iA',~. ~~'~~~ ~~.p t~!~i. ~I*~ t~~` ~, ~ TAR 4~~li !'9Ui11~.`~ ©~' ~!°K's~ ~'`~.":"~ ~iII' L'~~~1':tl~~d iflRB~ ~r~ A~ 7,~5: ~R"•,.t°.~~i~C-1~~~= ~`f~'.~o~.~lY'fC~' ~~'~~!!~ .'a!S h~b"'E~ re~dltef~ i3~ ~"+'~' thC" r~fi`e~~•t~ va t~tke a,*. Lbitr~ ait~cti~~6t. Sa~.ntit~ ~. ~ ~: i~t . c3x~ruinae el~ll r, s~:ab?' i.ah proc~~~iureg f o~;° Xhe ''~~_ caxr,~,.rr~- ©ufi~ of the intent end p+urFoee c~~' fkxY.3lnance 'Ma., fl~J~, ~rhleh ~zdXr~:nce ~dcapt;~ the Sang. C-~ :xz~ t`,~unty ~nirag +~rd.1r-r:nc:e as :I ;; t~pp:tiea r~l.thi.zi the ~`•i't~y ,~n n1' the ~.iate a~' ~.ar:c:oz~;~:orat.i.on E.:nd tea am$r~••'ed b,y vaMcr~:ta or~ti~urracps r,.i' tktt* City; :it further C~'~?•~~.l~aes p'rocedure$ for th.e iaa'~~~ee a~ pe;;9N.ta to ef'!'aat the p'srgx,sea of '~ecti~~n 2 u1" OY~i:lnt~re M•.~•~ ot~~ of t~tie r~.ty. •~, ~.is~t"~!'#E~1~'1 2 : :ilfik~ ~ nP_RO`V~I~ ~°`F.FM~°I"S S~>~:tl c)t~' 2•~;1:~ t~~ r.G a},~x~a~..~ i. `pe~i. t;a nht~ll. Les :recd%zj.x~ed fa:~ e?~1l bui irk - inga iirid atruatu:rs~ :aez~e~i.na~'tPr ex•wr~ted, ac~t~at~:^ti:cf:ecZ, s~;ttNx~~l, i~pai~~d ar r~~c•ed rllthltZ, car i.n*o, ray d2.ntrict entab:fished by A,:hYa t~xr39»anae, nY~d fu.r ~;t~e u.~c~ of c,acant la»~f c~x• ~'or a aha.ngc; ire the ~k}rdx'71~s~E3X* c,f the usa> cif la~,c~ ~.rc:hfiz~ ~n.y d~'.atx+irf: e,~ta~~~.iah+cd fi~y t3z~:nanr.~;, oie~cti~yr:_;!,~ 2: Site Rp;Ux~.,+~al. ).aer~l.ta 9•kaa11 be ~ ~,®uec? ~ ~d 1r3ac L~u;1lc~.~r,,g ~ps~r>;aaenl; :~t t~c~. ~~~.y ai car re•vi~^~~v e.:?cf appx+ava~, cf tk~e ~~.ty ~-gineex~ as &art aa`' t?tC b~.~:~dYrag j,~e~~i.t; or ar, a form Ur~asaTi*~ed by the Bulx.ding &~fxa~rt~n): p.~ox~ to the q.a~ue of th,e ~iuf.~.dS.t:q, psrmft; ar~d t~ria11 be ~taa~uad anl;~ upan a f.ir~ing that the Mite ~b~~La on a p;ak,i~c etx^A;et cax• hi~hr~$y gi•rfit~ ac~~?eaat;, the aaube pYtiG~~ pc~,b~.tc atreet ©,r h:~ghv~y is aui.tat+~.y f.sc;~~:+a't ~.:~ %~t,~rc~x-tyezace ~.~tkt t3~,e ~stanc9arda and a~cJ~~'iraf,i~~n~r d~;t"ir~Qd bx tl~~ r+•~,prla.fi.~; ~; .' ;~ d~tpe-z~*.+tesnta aK adec~.'te i» a^raepeet ~ the ~ib~ is ~~~ ~3Qi~~.~ih, !D~'~~lt~' AJft~d Kesria!~r~a i. `MO'Pi~~'~`tl"E', 1.1'xC?,'.1r'~~?~~; ~t± neat a~.t~i.~G~li1 ~tJ~ svuc+f''~a~e .~~ crp~a tu~ct sag ,c~*, 4~~rm dx~± nan~;s, aur~~~ ,szz1 ~~~ttern,paved y+~Cit3tl~8 M9.~-ti ~~Y.o 7~`~~'.wi,J4.dItT.' sib !!'Md~yyR....b..'~!~,"~~Q~i' V'3k~ 1::~'St.",~„ ~Y'kiT~, fit! jit,!C1RQt; ~C'~.'L.*1 ~'Ma'~~~.~i Q~.~{i~.x.Lhi ~y ~.{~."~,' J"" ~~14~D ~~ antes ~~~~r~.~r~.~n~> u~.~~~~F }fSC!!9"JQT1tA lstTl~~ ell~t~l.~.c~B.Lir.~,laa. Fbx' p~~rdostss a~' t~~A lFE3~~~ot'~s tb~ c:+rssjtS~;~~cE xi3:h th~r 1~~tf~lYf~r6 !4tyrd sgs~3i~'~.+~r+9.i~r-ne lt~~~ixel,l~shiR+d by the i~~b~,a,~1vS;sAan O't~~lar.~nCa a~" thR ~it„~ off' '~~~x~t~r~ t+r~.tk~ rea+~.ct tta subdivS.~l.an.+a ~kss.l:i. t~1; d~:t~urd -,~ut`~'1.~~.+st~r+w dc~~,g.~i~~~xe. ~e i:i~k~n 2 ;,~: It. sYcet~.~. die ut~ ~ ~3~t`ta:i tar .~:x~' F,~ersrrn~ t~.~~ai ar c,crr~;~rs.._ .~~~a~ tio~~r tt~ vfPer to self., 8cmtr-~et ~~ ° ~el.~., o.r tQ t~e:i.7: any lo'E ur p~~x~cel oi' lsrx~ :~.n the City of ~Cv,~-er~i;,l.nr a~. ~ ~r~:~spaecti-1e '~~zi~.rl~.z-~>; ai~ce Poy~ vrt~.ct~ bvx'.d1.n~ si~i:a a}pgrv~ral ilo~:.;~.d be r~ecer~r~r~r.xy an $ grez~ee,~+ir~~.te for a Ly.~f ].ding pt±i~it, itz accorr~ ~:~tith Lh.e t~:r~g ei' th.i ~+ $ectic~n, tux:lc~as er~!'th~r bu.'1.ldire(~ ,*si4',R appx°r~va7. i~.~ bean ubtH~.z~Pe~ fP~r ests'id ?at :.~r. pai~aeY; ira a~:cord. x3.rh tha.~=., seC.t:ionr prior to su;c~~ ~+a.~.e ar 4:he ael.:ler has deltaer~~r1 tc+ t~~+e ~arrshas~r, prlQr tc sacra t~r.J,e, a a~t2~.t~men~c .l.n wr.1h:~.np; t;h~~t bui.ldlr~; t31tie ~,ppr.~ati-x~x h~.a nr~~c ye#: he~a~ ~~bta.irjeri t'ox• z~aid ?.cat or ,gax~~e1. of 3~nd gecti.art ~.~~: A,ggRicatic~n for ,site apprr~w~i~. ~ht~:ix b~~ ia~ ~~~.ti~;,~ arm e:~nll be accc~rtparafe<t by five ~tii~ cr,~x~.e~ ot` a '~enta~~~.~ae ~~;~ a.nd :3 co,pic:~s u~' 1m~ix'r1'~e~np'~~t ptans P~.:~r.~: .; i.*Y~ the ~lldi.r~ ~~~zrt~a~~~t c~rrn~ erYca~rire,~ the dti~~enr~ians, of thc: Zo u or~ f.t~ F.,s for w't'~.'t. csh apprc~vt~ l 1 t~ ;anv~~t ~tl tr: ~ clear ax~c'~. la~iL•i~ ~ielir,4at~~~i~ ttnd ~tiatetaant in detest' ~.zi.`revn,, or the~r+ewith, of. all ~.c~~'or~t;ton and eta ca:ll~ fo;^ by t.lt~ ~'ar~ at agpll catirn presc:x~ bed uy tt',~; A~ul:rdi,r~ de~.artrawntr .`g'..~ct~o'»~~'~:. ~PPlicar~t rca~• tuS.ldirrg aeite ~,~p~am*ts1. aY„~~~ ae a pe~,:~sar^, ~'9~x~m o.r eorpra~~.~:~ti~.r~ ?k3v:lY'i~; & ~.ega,:~ or equ~.tab"Ew lnter~:rst in tre land ~'oa~ ~iic°h ~si.te a ~grCavs~. i d aot~t~t . ., ~ - cst~.on ~.`~b~ Et'~-~~,;-~ the er'af~.r.cet~~~;-±t ~>Y' the pi'~'~'4IEf:~orar?~ of ~$~.~.!t nrerl.,rt s......,~,...... _ ~u~4 r~xtt~.E.~.l. ~~~nct:ic~~~. d3f~'~ -.r.~l~y .~s~ ~;.t? ~~eCe?t1aa~,"y Yc~-xdah~-pr Graf ~n,ear~e' Rohe rs~:rcr~t~r~ce~ czf t:ha~ caa+e~ do r~~ ~~;quire t'~ ~atxvcture to ~ r+~3~tt+~ul to e~at~x~ +~r prrta,pab~•tl aL.rweta 4r hi~;h~e:~3/a~ t:~1e ~P~'i3.t~`et3'tt ~'or a~;h a ~:~t r~,~~r ~xt~~at fr~~om tXze cieci.~:rari ai' the ~.r~trrirx.~..~tr~tivv s~f't~.cer ~,avir~r Cl~ifi~~ DA ~ii~.~' ~~~G~{3'~ ~~ ~:d1~.~1"i ~ v tii~. {~/~ i~'•~ 3„~~~ rJL~ ~:~ i~k~r~'.~r~.,~~•.G, i•~2`~ ~i r~~~1~i'P,.'~ 3.n the c~~~~ of 'tee perm..iLs~. ~+acu~.a-r3 ~,~o Actiox; t~e~en c,~r t~ta ap~lL~a~,3or: end ~t~iitatlve aa~.~pa . air,~t"I1 be :~.~± 1'uI;3, fore and ~~.fi fe~~-;. .a't>x~ o.1e ~e~r ~~rtly.. +>rt.~eg$ raarez+od ley fzirt1xer actl.4ta of t11z~ Fldna~,sr-~; ~'mt~r~iar~iort. `~'f!Ct:~.r'n ~..,I; ";~~~~:: s~ert<-i.t,s, ~rrv.~c~ab'3.e, ~:orad~.~~l~.na~. ox~ ~,~a] xr~ ~`ar +~ t;e^t~' pez'i^,.a msx~ ~~~ ~.s.t,ti~~~ t'or any :rt. t;h~ uses nr pur~~o~e:: fa~~ tir~t.ic,~h f~-aGl? p~e:~rnai. is ~~~~.¢ re~tx.;.ried 'ax' Peimi.t'~~:~1 by or~t'~.t~.~~,ic~e. .'ect:~c~;. 3.2, ~'.pj.~llc~t,lon £'ur usn p~:~rrni t; shall be n~~.de t:~s the P;lanti~ 1.r.~~; Cc~rt-m.i~r~iun ~.rx wxT:i.~:~'.n;! on ~t .fcx~fi~ ~.~~:osc~.~k~<>ci by tYit~ Cc~mmi.scriran art!f ,~ i~fi~~27. be n~sf•~~~tp~~xl9.eri by j;lgrt~ c3n~ e:l.evatic~rs. ~;<~c;tl~~±xi. ~'•' _ ~'. ~~`itri1~:~ rze~1^~2ng be.`."c>1"r': ttie ~l.ann~.r~ C`ornmisaiur- -~ht~.ll. be Meld ~t~~iirt ~;h:~..rtg dears afte~,:° f'l.lit~ of ~.pp~.l.catY%~ra, tzotJ.ce ,af ~,rk~.~leh ~t~l:l be given ry ~~ne ptibli„at~.un ?.r~ a r,e~rr~pa~,er ar ,~«~neg~ax cirryu].at•lon fi tt t;t~~ Cii,; ~ a~ '~,~:~tcit ~uen ~irxya prior t~~ such !ae~~aTi rt;~© artr3 lay' pc~~t:M.rrg ~n~.'cf_ct~ on th° pr~pf•Iyty ! nv~~lvect, vs' s~:i~ar~nt th~:x~~t~~, at X.t.a~t t.sri dfzya Fx"?.az~ to such hpa~~icu.;. S~~c:~l.on ; xn order ~ro grant any uae penal t fire 3°ttt~lix~tgr~ o:- the p:arnltr,,3 d:n~-,X.BI~iQI, ra1'~r;i ~_ ue t.?ut.t Lh~: esttxb7..lshmera~t, ttta4lntenanr:e or U~~~n~;~.~-t's of the ur;e cif b~ui7!cilt~,g s~P~~tie:~l i'or ~r1~Zl .~t:.'t under tJhe -c~.x~cu,m- sd~~~..~ccera 7h the pa;^t:~,r;ulax- ~:aae, he d.etx~tn:~ra~ta:l tc`~ trite n~~slth~, a~afst;~, ~,F.rac,e, rr~;;.~ast cGrxtPc:art ~zr~d ~enere~. wel~'ar~: ox~ Pew©.cta ~aidl.~rag r.+~, rroric.~~ i.n th$ nt~lgnt,;-r^2~aaoc: al' ~uc,tt Rxvp~a~~~d tae nx° be d~~tx~~.~eMta:. or _3_ irs.,jui'~.t~urs t~ fiz~p~e:~rty a 1~-}~r'~eea;~tr~ 1:~ ~h~ x~~:1gh~.:u~r~hc•+~~ct Gr to tf-y 4 get~~:x•ts~. ~~.4'~!~cs ~~" t~'~s ~~°1.ty,, •'I'~~ ~Nt~t.n,sttt~ G,:~.sanion ~-y ~fe~.lgr~tt enic:h c~on~4ltiCr~'u7~ ire uc~r:na~;ticr~n ar4.~,h the us~a ~ ~, a~ 1t ~te~~~ns ztsceeem,x~g lid tl&'Cxtl'i"~ ~~.~°i l~'~''1~'Derx t!~' tl~.ts ?~'C~.~2'?.~'tS9`36 8C'if! l~i~i'' r£gtllZ't~ :9tfN.."h g'f~:~'~~r@3'•84 a~ ev$ ~etrae t~'t eua~ caazrd:x3a~ri~ 'ate heir or w~ 11 b+~ ar~ntpli ~ with. Se:Ct3~a?~ " .''" s ern aae~+ the a~3lc~rnh or c~the~.•~r aff+~at~as~ ax*el rraX e~tizsf:~.r:d wrS.~.h the t~ctj6Ya df the ~gtainirag t~ommrl.r~~in~ 'they` may, Withln f~t~!e t9r~ys,~ a~-eal in wx~iti*~, to tt~ Cit;y r.~uunc~:i.l. `r.'he ~'~.ty Gawna:~~ arw.a.i ~s.~t m du.te Yor rx~bll.a hearing arm ~eh$~ll poet; n,ctieee as aet fnx•th 1.ra ~eat-ioxr :~. ? . Notice t~ha~.l a3~c ~~e ga ~ ~:Y t4 ~trie k'Xtuz:l:r',g Gnrn~ aril t~a3 r.;Y,, of ~u~:~ Rpr~al. anal t-he ~'3~,es•a:-~rrg ~^'r,!?~ti a~,,t on eti~ll atxb;r.:~ : a rt~-- pvrt t.~.`3 tt~~ Gl,ty ~"n~anGil. 1'fre Ciuy Grnancil ~~1:+37.1 r,~ndor 1 is rSec.~atsicsn r:l.th.in f~l.rtty ~3a;ra at'te~:~ ttxt~ f,~ Xing ~~i" such at~p~',~,1. . iection~~5e Nr~ ~tiY.e sp~arcva:l. ~as• bul:ttt~.ral; g~~x~niti ahm~! oe i.,~SUe<i i» ar~,y ~a.~e vrk~!~re s uae uerra~tt, i~ ~:ti~<~i•i.red by the teriv~ of thin O~~ltin~.nc:~~• Z~~.nt:L~ f.`.tvf~ ~..a;r~ a.ft~2y t`.is~ gra.nC3~, c, t` ,~ucl-a ut~:~ pe:~:it ~w the F.l.~rtr~1.ng x:'.orb~.~.~ti~.i~~' `.ir r~.~:y ta~uir.i:~ er'~d then an'iy~ in ~:<:aai°ctancp wlfih ~,h€~ f.~rn::~ t3.E,~d ~CiF<dY ~:~.on.~. Uf. t:t-ee use pr.~x^u~it g~~s~rtte~t. ~~~t1Tar~ !~4_,wi: ~hs~re rt~t;t1~`~I d.tft`i~ t~.lt:a F:r~, ~xrr±-er.~cg,ary ~lardah~.pa t;n~i x~:a~,.tl.rs :!.rir~onala~kYnt w~~i.tkl the g sn~:ral ~.+uxTjYC~~ao~~ of fiche-: za~n~.r~.~r Ux^(l'S.2'1.Utlt'~~, Ifbt~ .Y.`f'~ill~t: ~"X't?;ti t,h+° L'vx°:~G(~ A.~~~~.1~`E~~::f.~:T1 A~' a:t7l'~:~l~.Yl ;`'~vV5.t7~rai"1Ci thereraY'~ ~ar~i=~.noe xrxay Yee g~~r~~~d rrs prc:~victocl ire th;.~ ~e~ c:~.c~,,R. 3~~ci~ic,r~ ~b ;. ~: App~,ioat:9.rrr- for va~aner: ~~~11 ~-~ ~~~'.+. :l.t,. ~e~. 4it~ ~ G~n a t'oxm t;rwncxyJ.hec~ tp. •the Plannit,g f,ormraaai~in ar-ct 1'.Z ~.ed r~:~i,rh t:he Gi.t;~ GZerl~ arad eZ~ll be aecornpaniect 'tay ~~ ~ta.temenY. of.` ~+la.na and f~vici~cnc c• t~4ZO~rtt'~ ~.. T'I~t tk~aze a.zke exccgttona.?. ~a~r c~'~tx•aorcil~.~rar•,y +c9~rctx~$tcr,~xx~et~ r.,r ~~~~s~3itiatta .~,gp7.~:~ng to L'he 1sar~.tD t~x:l.:tdxr,,~; or ur~P z•rt:;Per:c~+~ 'tc~ ice. _y_ tk~er ~x~z~'~; ~:~r;9.ara, w~z`~wi`a r;.3.;;^Mrau~ta,~rc~~, a>3' 4f3nr~9.S~.ran~ f'~p x1c~t ~j,~~~.,y ~~F21?~A~;~`JXi.a #-C1 ~i,~1C94"t~ Ly~r~ .id~.17~$~ `JC?~,~/rt)lC' 'i~+~~~7Q! SIX i'.~'1~! :~#Ai'R~~* t4~ ~~,~'st.. ~. ~'~ Lh,~• ~ar~~.t:i~~~ r.~,C t~ ,~~vj~'l'tcs~tS~~t Ira ner~~+~te!at~;y fir 4h~ ~~Y~I~wt~~T3 R~1~1 1C3~~,~U~i.I~i'~~Xf ~~ ~sr+r?~~3'C>~i:$'rxe1. ~C'.P~"~~ 2'~.$hw1! .~~~ thtr p~tit;xOr~i"r. ~' .: '~'L~~ t~'L!' ~i[~fil'it~.k'~, ~)~ ~if~s:~t ~:~1~I'~.~.C2!!.t.1.4?ti M3~~. ~!. ~. X'ct,,-t::r L~tr~ 'd:~•~e a'~xw~s~~uxcc~ ~f' the ~rt:~.~cu~ar c-:~~n, i;~x^.1~'.:~x n,fPsc~: ~~.v~r~4~:t,~- the I~.~-lt.h br. g+~~e~:y of .r.~~s~~r~ re~~ltt~.r~~; Gx~ »tn~k:i r~ 3ra the Xa~.-:1~ht-c:~r~-. t,itaa7 ~f' the ~~F~~Y ~t f.*Xr: l~p~l,~.~+~nfi; eurct ~.lz nc~tr, un~e~ ~h~: ~9.x~... ~3~k",.8~:btt'Yi'tF~~ O1:" t1~ ~iBZ~~G~X`'a~.i't:»^ .:ttBEi~, h~ ii~.~4~Y"1~~..~~ t'~'t~~~:t"S.'~7D.fi.'9~1 t~~ 'Gri+ut ~l~rb:ti~^ we~fure or ~ te,~r~7[`~.4:y1J.<.~ to ~ro~,~rrhy ur ~,r~~arove<:~~:?~r~t7 ;Lla, 9~.~ C~ r-s1~;hbax~hactt. ,~~~t'a4~r!{r';~.' : A ~uis;'.ir. ,~~~>~.ri,rai, ht~f4~lre f~iie ,E':~.rar~nt.;~ ~'~,>tsa:li~:s~.~n g}u3.~,1 a=~ X~R,1~~ tiv-g,¢,h.).s~ t221.~.;~- r~1~~~ ;~1't~y. f. s.~.'lr~; ate' t~ppl.~,c~~Llc~ri,, X1c',t1c;~v rJf aetY2ci~ C+ha].:l ?ae g;~~~~~E.;t! ry axtc~ ~ut+~.~,~^~it~.x~r~ .~1.» a x,ev~k~,~:hT;'~;:~ c~~ r;~Yi~~x.:1'I. ~~i ~rx:~~i1;S.,~n ~.Yl '~R-a? ~`•1,5,;~ X~t. ~t811~ {: f'r1 i~t~~,y'k~ ~S'i.f)1' '~:~ C3i,34:~'~ taf?~-l'K":J,n~.;d f~.'14'1 11~r pu~tq.X'Ig x-r~ti.ic:~s ~~a; ~:,h.*~ ;pro,~x.'-rt,~r :~.X1'V'C~].i-k:ti, r,;:' a~l,,j rzc~ti~t;t i:ire.'r~4;r~., ~:.t ~+.~~.a'c. ~4c~:r~ 4','.t~.3~~ ~~r,~.~.~~n._4 :'~! ~ .~•t"~k;a;r f:Ut~ cc~~.;r. 3.rtt~°s.ata ot" t.;~a~~: l:r,.~l~;t.ic hti•t~ .,,~~, ~;ri~ °r'a,t.rw Y?a.t2~ t..dylnr~U r3fti',r.t111 t~,hr~~.'.-.,~, rn~.it,~ ~~ 'W'S,i.1;tt:Y1 ~':i;~~:~.n~ t~~' x":i4~•t~ rat7~wlYa~ ~~Pi~:t t-eY, t~h~ ~,t~.i~~.~~. f ;~.c:~.'L:~c.~r,r~ ~.~x•id~~z• ~i4-.c~ i::i:.c~X~ U , ~!,, rip~1 yr i•~a '~h4; ~~,t~tl.,r 'rnti 7.d?..i•.~ :~1.~ iltllt~ ;;~:}~' wk'A~.".:S- ''i$7°'Ik1Y'l.r~: ~~ t3l)lE(~t't. 11.X14a 'M'ir'~:~~it?T' :{L:~:~i V~3I°.~fAtl~w~' f.~hcL~.~~. ~I1 :'...x) haa!~nyx~y hit: 1:~r.rx ~~-ynex~:~l. Yn~.~;x,1x~e c~~~" +:i~S.a~ i~~.:ir~txr~,.r~. a~~clX wrl.ti:c'.~n n~t~3r.P Gf .#°t~c:t';:r ~ih~~a t'e ~rxl~ua'~.tett t;r~ tTXi~ L.4.ty Gvw7c~.:t wlth.~.r: tti~.~t~- ;~.;~~~-~ ;~~''r.~Yy ~z~ ±Aab7.~.~: tatrr~tx~'.a~~ e.rt~f ti~~ 2.ne.~.~~r? .^xyx;or~,~,,~~3~it~-.gn~ :~'o~• ~ucT~ c,aX~c~~1Y.~.nXl~ ~~ t~3ria T~'.~~enns.n~ C~~i.eg.~~n dc~:m~3 n~z~:f:~i~a~- ~~, z~r~cuac*~ ~iti~ ;~rar-~x~txr;ei rt.Y' t~hi~. ~r. d~.~r¢;x~cia. ~:t~:i:ZcM»?t~~: '.~"r;e G`it;~ C~4~unz<i~ ~~i~.5,1 ~;c,xis~,~l>ux^ ~.he a~~ii~.at~.ti7n i'~~• v~:~,l_~r.n.t:~ kr~.~;'ix~.n tr~trt~- cf~~yl~ 1~.~i"F:pro :CCr~4'~i;~t uf' :.S.W P''-,.caiz>~ ~.~:~,iii a~~sl4;,~~r~.~ M 'yfV i x`/°~~ti+:-k'~~, k'.YSst~A ~~.~ tkte t'l~y C.csulzC~.?. 2':t.n~Y~ t-~axt th~~ r.~~~,~~..111"~~;~t``i.rntt ~a~x:oc~ttr ~~t:S.dx~ 4.~ e.~~:',~r c~ the '~r~., lhu~.l~:ir.,g :~;r u~w £,;,~• ~h.~.~~h v;~xV1.+t~.ac~ 1t~ ta~'s~.c~ht i~,r~i ~~y.~t~: aua~i va~-a'~~~nc;~- ;ln ~.r~ t~%~~~-~o'~~,~ writ.l~i :=lt~ ~~`'na,r~.i°2. ~rEs~ v:~' ~~! 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C~.xrr+~ Cae~ty ae ~.d+~gt~ci by ~~.pd9x~,~,ncQ N!~. ~'1~7 of t~.hti~ City of Cu;~eu•tir~a aar:ti 1.hi.~t a~inav;^~e, the ~~iv:~,~i~tinrs ~ot' t-z:A.a 0~1ah~;;w;:e ehs,ll ,~.r+ev+r~ ~. . ,_~.. F7 : i„V ,~ . ~. 'a.'1.~ ,1. ',~hE?~ i~ exc;,2ltt~tt~ fxu~ ~~- ;~2"'.1Y:~.~i;! ~r}na off` th1e~ .sea'G~.r~n f~~f bt#~`~.].+~-3.1'r~,, 5~~~'t~l.L't~.1T'~P ~~` Ltt!@ t'A~.'l~~ti ~A! tb'41tr~LC~ t~ ~h~ pt`ti7-°lY.~l1~~~ ~x wk2t BixDdAt-i.~~;~a~ C~ei1r~:~r-~~a t~~ ~~ ~t~.f.n~~e~+e a~ the C~~',~' «.~` C'~x~ex~t•trxs.. ' Ct"~...:Sw.-,..~: ~°'4t~~? Y.t~~d ~2°~it~a:-~.~.y I`~l~ 6tg~"Z vy~iYtu~Iao.~ 'IxJ~~'~ a~~~ e~~e~ t~:~ apz~via~~.c~n~ a.* ttaf~e ol~r~r.:~e to t!~~a ~t~sn~: that t.'~tc r sere a~xae~®d f'~:~aa ~.n~»ce ;~~a. T~-? off' t~~ Coa:~t,1a of Barra Cl~ea~..: ~E:~€I.d:lra,~, Cola . .~~'"I`~~3N I~~ +';Q-Y~ ~'t'Z'I'i?`~''IQ3'~13~.'~~''~" QI,~.'~~ ~at~.ar ~'~, ~~ ~~` ar~y c~+~w•t1o.i, eutr~ec~t:~na:, a~~~;tt~:~~.:e, clau:~e. cr~ ph:r~~e a~` this ~orc~.r.~t~u~~ 1~ fos az~y r_~8~orz tce2~a ~y a ~Cca~+a~:C rf Qum~e*er;:c ,;4ti,~lr3d.~.c- ~:~aiy fi~+ bw :~.t~/a.xS.:yt; ~ucl~ dec3+a~.or~ aha~li r:t~t af`'e±et the, va3 5 cif t ~ o~ tr-c'~ re~,~:9.nit'r~ p~'+~'~.'..rT',S og •t,hia r~~~dinanGe. '.i`he f:a.t, Cczul%:1 v~` rhp G~,L-.y Ui' G1xr*tx•tsno r~r~LY de~.;l,ax~~ chair, i•t.. wc-i.~.~.~ ~x~r~ pa~;~d. tt~3.~ orcif.x~i:~re txnd L~.ota aeat~.ox~., ~E~iaseGt.~4Un, sent~~nc~, ciau~e fit}d ph:^~ae trPx~rok', ~.xrr~:spc~ct•1.~,~<~ +,~P the ~r~tsr- ti:~^~'~ ar~:~ ~~rie n'°' ;nn~~c: sart~,c~;~c, 3u~aec~:.fac~.p, PPr1tE~rl~Se~3~, c°!auae~t~ d~ F~~;~ut~ b+~ h:.~~.~ i.nve.lyt?. or uxioc~rz$~;tt;rit~c~z~a.:L. 38CR'~TOA3 13 ~ PL1~.~: iilt~lt3 c;.LALr;' ~PC~fata ~.'~.. ~ i ~~ie f~i.ty G.lerk U~ arD~l k~e ::~ 1•.+~r. ~.~!~y q~.~'rht,x~i~p~ ~vr~' di~al:f:d. to cau~~ a~,E:iec off' Lt~,.i.a ox~d:r~~.xzw~. to h;.~ ~atrli.~st~.::.~~1 t~•t, ~.e~,:~4: Z33;~:::t'. ~`;.t~.i;` ?i$Leer1 ~3.~;} da~~ ~#'t~x'• Yt;~ ~.~~;:~;t~+.or~r Yn L})F; ~:~:~.~rt1Z:a C~;i.f'S.c•~, txe~a ai'YS.ciaY n~:ec$F~~~c:x~ off' ~,~Ze ~"~~ty oY Cu,perrina, "Q~!`Rt9U[l~ ate a r+c~;u ~ a.r r~cL;~.r~ , n 'chi ,.~~ °Y'"~'- -..cfa- or ~~~' ~~ ~w ~ ~ ~.; . ]' ~-rid ~+YA,C~ ~~1s s Y~~gy:~!ar. u~et:~.zur aP the City l.~c-~ane;L'1 +~~° ~;~•~ ~'1.t:;~t' ;~,i' i'u~ ark: Y ru t.~'h~ ~ , C ~ t '~~.. r.~,;,,;,tr a ~" S ~ fi-~ ,~ ~ C, ~ti ~ I.~aQ,. b~g t.~s~*c•~ ~ Af~ w~ : e~ • i 4 ~• L: .~ :~~:4 2 COttil~'.' ~ :~. ti iY:G+~ P C~ ~ i ~ ~ c ~ ~ ss+. v~' i ~ ~-'~ ~!~ «f ~ +a ~ ~ ~`~#I. i} ~j, r ~ ~ ~''r'~ C.? ~ . 4. a',f.~': r~x.cilas~n: ~.s ~~ ~~~~ .. ..rte