2218 (2) d VNo. G/Q STREET LOT NO. ✓/ 01PPNrFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT JUL l 9 1963c1��OP CUPERTI[VO Date t 143 Permit No. I I Y Ut I,UYtK i . Ffe Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions.of the Electrical Code of the IC City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises. c / /� LQ Owner 6�-S a v^� - ^ 'r�^'�_ Address 46o �&" By Address v) CONTRACTOR, AGENT QApprov (1_ Phone: r 1 Un ELECTRICAL FMPECIOR a i� .4 . / : - AA 8N: ;tl Cb: IR � Q ' \q I-To � � ; � ) ° \� � \ j k § \ � ; / � / � � \ ) � ! ) 3 ƒ ) � � � ; §) ) ) 0 0 : AAA i.4 r P� 04 P� UIW' \ / \ \ } \ � � � � / \ bo N L7. iz ) ) )k)) } / i OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO �.0.:�0 ...{.. To -......... 19C You are hereby authorized4tonne electri se a for Owner or Tenant�.,,.................... . ......... ..... . . ... .... .. ...At ....... . ...J-7--t�ra ...... ae a No. of Wires ........Z......... Size of Wires ... .-:..2,Z.. Size of Switch (.. Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................... ........ HeatingLoad ........................ K. W.�.................................. Voltage ................................ j No. of Meters.... Light.._..wl"- 10...... . ec r:n-New Service........ Konnect.................. ...l........... H ....... 220.......,e'Three Wire.. ....... . Move Service............ No.of Add. Meters............ r Power............... Thr Phase(..-....../.. Move Me r.............. 1. ..�u1 11fJ ..._ :....... 104 1/89.800 ELECTRICAL INSPECTO M,:....