00170194 (2)CITY OF CUPERTINO z " °*Ttr ` fir'°` 4 - DI ISIOly, ` INEORM'�ATION BUILDING PERMIT .CONTRACTOR .'' c ;'-r -- BUILDINGADDRESS: ,. � ,, '1' s PERMIT NO. c OWNERS N/IM1�ji E6'CICILBY AV- - APPLICATI p - , ONE .IC1SH VARSHA - - r' 2, '+ SANITARY -r O - ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: - s (4 8) G: 3 - v ` BUILDING PERMIT INFO - 4 BLDG;. ELECT. PLUMB. MECH LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description ' - p , Ih ly fl lhtl 1 W p IChapter 9(connc g - (hS 1 9000) rnrmeIT r a ry)P ; h fi s in f Il r «kc�3 f Dal C clot CD - IILLT 5 1 nd�mamdmyprnx.nailnen,ea pnr.a.a. a .t REF'hPE WATER HEATER- & WATER MAIN _�— •• •. - - , jLwa... d Pm@ssion,l, OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION •1 hereby affirm (hal 1 anli i exempt mn We Contractor's License Law for fire - y following neuron. (Sermon 7031 s, Business and Professions Code: Airy city., county - ] °which requires a penult,, com¢n b, alma improve, demolish, or repair any.v(rmcmre'- prior to els issuance, also requines the applicant for such permit t(;Wc a signed statement ' t Sq. Ft: FIOorArea Valuation 'bar he i, licensed purtub thepowkowncofflne Coal ... lineL<: 1Uw, (Cnark,9 (co Ic..nog ME Section 700() fIncii 3 fd Basanc untPr rc�I <us Code) or that he is exempt therefinm and the ha'sis for the alleged extraction An, violation, . of Section 703 L5 by any upplmmn for a permit whyer,'be appliance m a civil penalty- .raot more than Bve hundred dollar, (55001. - APN Number - 'Occupancy Type' ' oper stn .'I p :f DI of he P]thes r ply - �- 21200, Bwillus d thek i the o t � t intended B d 1 I (See. 70.Y1 de r Business I I- f code Th C t t C 1 d 1 apply ( - • ( Required Inspections' froor f property Who builds or iniproveIthereon, and who doessuch work himself �1 . (L ' m'bmtgh nisoxn provided that stch oldas not intendedor-:31628033. l however, " offered for sale. If, hnEeold,e building or elcneI, einem o sold within not year of burden completion, the owneebuider will have the burden of pmvin6 ehnl he did not build or d - • improve rnr pa,pmse ar.aie,)' 502 — FINAL PLUMBING'"ENE,RGY CI rofthepre'ro con,"I, ( e wifir licensed coubso or , y : ca 7044 B 506i— GFIS TEST - - - m e t th pro,. (S I Prof Code ) Th C e t :r's License L d. 't pply I f P p ty M1 boll p - thereon - 507 = FINAL_ PLUMBING ,ad n .ttaatafn altpnnJetirrtan cormm.a,) sedpin.,an(m.n,q Connhrors License Luw. 4 a ❑l amcxemp ccallo See ,B.@PC for this rca,nn. a Y' ' Owner Dan,! t WORKCR S COMPON DCCLARAT ION Ihereby affirin underpenalty ofMJ > one ofth billowing iI r 7Ihaved will uninitain a Certificate ofConcert t h for Action's 2oloptiontion, us provided f by Section 3700 of the Labor Core, f [lie ,onforicance ofthework for 'h h thic peranit'. d ❑ l inaintrin Worker's I nourance, a,�bo,iircd t y Section s. ,Counintation .b 00 of the Labor Lidr p rl d k (hconch is owed My WYkersC p_a[I un reand Policymmbe are • - W C� �have �CP.f y TI , t. CERIFICAONP( EXEMITION initial WORKERS' - COMSATION INSURANCE 1, (This rection need ani he reordered if the permit is for one hundred dollars (310)orlcsx) - , Icertify that in the performance of die k Pruthichttis Protonic a.sued,l shall not anplay any paned in any mann .o vs m Inaction sublet (o the Workers' - • , Computrrion Laws of California. Dam .. Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT JL nOrs roofing this Ceadwitle of P.ncmpt er, you should s hwama suhject to the Worker'n Cmnpensmlon provisinnx nfthe Lnh.r Code, Y.0 ams` ' ' 'e. forth b wmply withsuchprovisions is, Penni, shall be decrial rev.ked. F - CONS'fRUCI'IONLENDINGAGENCY fl hereby omnn hal there is a construction lending agency for the perlonnance of the work for which this permit Is ismac l (So, 3097, Civ. C.) .. ' Leader's Nuns ' Leader's Address I eerily that lh - -ad this ,thetifitnernalfine Wat'ba ab- finis in _ -- 'c c r n acts I a sec m cam with all cit and count onnornws'add mate law, relaun r 6 PY Y Y 6 .. do-accotonodogand n officetitatives of chis drymenmr neon ,heto the above ane atoned ....... ly r spec(i offices. i lyI inspection (W) S I d ph 1.. the Cite acpt' 6'ts - • pensee ( tAdBncnx,c ( - I expenseswhichnoy'n anywY accrue rn• City City ina:naal,er�nnne 6rnnting.nnia recruit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLYWITHALL NON.POINT REGULATIONS. `•' ` issued by:' Date Y' SOURCE •.- Sign a tor° of nppreant/C.nnanor - ..Dmc, Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -• Will the applieane or fumyn building occupant store or handle h,zardous maaial'Type - of Roof' as defincel by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety - _ ,'� '. n Code, Sort 125532(.)'! ^ r•• ❑Yes '-' El No - is ! ;All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. �i wi11tnatppricamd,futurebandiagnrcapantif nof,pmemnraevicer'wnicA AIf a roof is m4idled.without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to. J" emit hnzandrLs air comaminana as defined by he Ray Are, Air Quulily Manugamcnt Oi,niet71 remove . all new materials for inspection: 'Applicant understands and will comply with ore.. El No - 'all non-point'sourceregulations. -• - - 1 have read the nuzad.as mufedat, nondocmenn under Chapter 6.95 of the s ' Call( ..i,Henhh&SefetyCnIt, Secei.ns25505,25533and 25534. 1 i demand that - it bandana 'd pr (IYh ,tea t (hit r'. Yrc p .blllyt burly the 4 ,tai - oce, I,It- ( "1 nusLh (p Mr a. is,lc Cndita(eof ' OAP - _ Signature of Applicants; Date 37"'Cl ,(' All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better own', or Oillnuaedug r ,Date it OFFICE ;,.;r, x