42248 (2) 2o635 `CLEOOAVE. Building Permit Confirmed ❑/ Not Required CITY OF SAN JOSE ;Z - ;2-3-7BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FO�R/ELECTRICAL-PERMIT /� Date------... 1�------ 191_(3-- Permi# Imo.---- 112z�g---------- Tha undersigned here ekes ap ice}' n t } e Elec rical Inspector of the City of Sen Jose for a permit to instal a u:a 1 / g �d�J�y' ev rsa side. Exemption from i e r Sta o alt f ons tlSc icensa is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed '18 ,5}�q—c( 0 Undersigned aftes+s that his S+ fe of California Contractor's License # - is in full force and affect and prp l i oris his p a�tr� L' San Jose 'City Business LicQn I certify that in the perfor ance of the work for which this permit 4T issued I shall not employ any person in any-� n¢{r-so as t v f) }he orkmen's compensation laws f California. f OWNER ADDRESS d 6 5-7 Igoy� INf USE OF�B/UILDING 2 � Nei e�ewc� FIRM_A1t tz�e SIGNED 2 0-201n A 20635 CTFO AVF. HITNTFR ETF;CT. � taa I Vr 'la" la 4/ SL , 2• z, —>� n TEMIZE THE OLLOWING New Old Outleti Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit Switches 2 Switchboards Size Service Wires �. Receptacles JZ Panelboards Size Service Switch SOD 100 Fixfures 8 Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers s KW Size Sub Feed Wires 2' Ranges__ KW Heaters KW.'__Number of Circuits 13 Signs Transformers Motors Number of Meters HP Phase Am ` �7c P 16 Lighfing Power Miscellaneous ere Loads 62 Rough Inspection Vl B � ` �i� y Final Inspection 6y /�/ Remarks��:z 27j�1� fi / vl <o��ti� �/ o 280-201n�