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fi 10148 F e I NO. STREET • - . - - LOT NO. CITY OF CUP RTINO 4.13 APPLICATION FOR BUILbING PERMIT SANITA Y NO. 9145 L FILE NO. 51.332 DATE 1OJ98/774_I9_ Application is hereby made for a permit to ('nnatrn r+ a 1 story,type 5 7: J to be occupied only as Si ngl p Fnmi l Y Dwelling (Plan 1328 in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ SQ 000 FEE$ 905-00 PLAN CHECK$ OWNER—T)itz Cranp ADDRESS 9995 D'p To. Crliz Blvd, S.O. PHONE 244-2910 CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE 446-1568 STATE LICENSE 261734 APPROVED James H. Sisk/h BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE ECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL PRE-GU NITE FRAME .� BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS-INT.B EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE / i LANDSCAPING F.M.O.INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER-FLOOR / •Z, I TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS MOORE BUSINESS FORMS INC.,LA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. -a-p- BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH FLUES&COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH x � CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE ,- j-7 FINAL APPLIANCE t1. �--J ROOF DRAIN& LEADERS MAIN DRAIN • .) FINAL GAS • FINAL PLUMBING -1-- MISCELLANEOUS r " ;CERTIFICATE OF,COMPLETION" .r BUILDING INSPECTOR'S=OFFICE, CITY OF CUPERTINO - CC DATE : I91- BLDG. PERMIT NO.✓ Z 737 THE BLDG, LOCATED AT f 0/7 CJ 455 . t OWNED BY cc O HAS BEEN MPLET FOR USE AS-05�l ' (ALTERED) ©M BUILDING INSPECTOR ROUTS-�T s' . NO . Daae S G — Locatior��i –2t-�� �T i Sub,;ect ?Votes Approve"_ 1-4c?p Dam ^,- pe ELECTRIC SERVICE 'NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CU ERTIND .....T I.....S ................ ............... TO You are hereby h iz =F6_co electrical service for Owner or Tena... At ............ .... ... ..... ...................................................... .................. No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ...................... Size of Swit,:,A-04!� MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ..... . .................. ....... Voltage ................................ I10.... Reconnect.............. No. of Meters..... -' -* N Service/. No.of Add. Heat2201..'*....... fee _Yr",...... .... Move Service............ Power.............. Thr W�6e'.... .;"-:*, Move M ter.............. ..... . ...........Y.-A .................. ... ... ELECTMCAL INSPE OR • Bldg. Dept. Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO SEWER-PLUMBING NOTICE Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ......qe-1_415- Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ....�_433.�........ LotNo. .........7................. Owner or Tenant r5 J2:. ........................................................... At ...... .::.:.c................................. Tract Date Connected ........3 ........................................................................................... 19............ Date Final .................�,/- ;), - 73- ............................................................................................ 19......... . ................... .......... PLUMBING INSPECTOR ` CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE j GAS SERVICE NOTICE j ......... ................e. ................ .......... 197--f— To 975To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant ......4.`.. .. t . . . ..... . . .,� ............... ... ................. .... New Service ....... No. of Meters ... Reconnect Reconnect ........_..:................ Move Service .......:............... No. of Add. Meters ........... Move MMeeter�........................ .......................... .. c�� /.. s".`.......-.':......_...... PLUMBING INSPECTOR 10141(? (A.".!]/)/ �,�,(',P• / LOT NO. / 'J- NO. STREEKhp1� ( (2061- Cot � 01G.1ha' ��nnC�ITYOF UpiRTINO CAP. JvAL. (/ In < APIdb�TfoN FOR BUILDING PERMIT 1 FEE�G/ -aa w Building Per.No. S L 0 Dote_ `` •19 Sanitary Per.No. 3 v Applicat' is� herly made for a permit to 4!ZOTIQ�/U.4- = a�story, Type �'"P Structure FO u- w to be occupied only as in accordance with a Z w Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewit < w F Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 00 PI Ck Fee$ 0 O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the > o Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$ 0 ; other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z g use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ L OZ complied with. �25���9iD 9S ,Q NER PHONE ADDRESS / CONTR.OR AGENT AD S PHONE STATE LICENSE BUILDING INSPECTOR / ✓ Ou 10188 CassPZace LOT NO. 9 NO. STREET , - i'C T1N0 _ ,¢1TY CITY OFCUPERTINO ,I.ICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 5. Permit No. Date ��+ �� ' ,19 - Fee$ Applcation is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to tt000 inssta1electrical wi ing. or anr, fixtures as.listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiringI and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Cade of the Ciq af,Cupeitino,pnd'all other laws applicable thereto. a' Use of f °"''' Work To Be Pramia�_S'�-'QCr'7P-, CVt7?12J Performed_ F1.PCt.Y'7-CICT Owner - •Ditz-Crane Address 22.9.5 720 Ta rmix R7.tlri ql(' Phone 4R—758,q P 00"112-T -5,945 36M TDRP -95750 By Ro 7Pnn'x'FZcni:r Tnn+n Ty{LssAddreu °Contractor,Apenl Phone 226-2020 State License 259308 Approved E irat lnspe I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE R EN' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF ORNIA. / 1' :p p t h` z n Cl Ix 1 A M1, P 6 } 1? f 1 i' va. f✓ 7 O ClF m o 'o 'o C. .o o a a a = rn " E;.,E. E ,o.: 0 N Z Z Z Z m in Z Z in O F - of 6 2 P- .; .:,.::•. _4...,�es: .,.. . � .._,_._._ ___ _ n t .'�a k� •• '�`�' r»x ,.ty+gin... ® v O � —J� �� LOT NO. / . STREET 01'r CF Oup;;.TINO CITY OF CUPERTINO JAfv 23 i�As-PPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT t ,r ��LL Permit No. Data n , Ig/ Fee E� Application is he eby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be Premises Performed Owner Address Phone By Address PLOCCIAIR-CISMITION CO. (Phone CAMPPRiI Certr. state License LICENSE # 252825 Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE 1 WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. N ` i L �r N F � � O U '3 Z i O H Q u p W K Z 8 p Z p w w rc p 0 O d• O = 6' O N W' �' VI � ? Z m O z a m a p O x' m C m a N m p W rc O ' O �Z Q a a: OOR a SNS 0o C;, V prc W w 7 � Z p " < 'b r= O 2 V m Z 1 W p Z r N O w O N O 00 O O a 0 4 O a a z O a Q K C u v p p W 11J zzZf F ngi Ry G� O OZ_ Z ZN �- N rc V ppa - Z " W ' OmO2Oo052mwwpfOiZoZ s0 � Zp p Qa SN V V '^ u oU 25 � U �= f. w Z z O z O s O g Z N 0 V Z O$ w s Z g . Z S 2 g Q w ¢ w < Q V LL oVO^ N 1'1 NQ NaUOaZ QWO i`]-: V U >4z zUO 0 :1 fw f K$ h , VLL .+ 00 _ _ Y - L. 00 np Y > a 0 P ✓//!K�/ LOT NO 7 NO. STREET • z C m Z CITY OF CUPERTINO Q o APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 3 Q O�/ C�r`''TPIO San ltary No. U CC W Date ryr+T' ^�^ +w 19_ Permit No. S2— Paas 3G � LL A O< >a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing a N pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices 1W and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a i- Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 00 Work To Be >y Premises Single Dwelling PertormedNew Consitmnt-inn plrrmhing Za Owner Ditz Crane Company8 Add f86.2295 De La Cruz Blvd., S . C. � z ev L. C. Bohart Plutnbingddressl67 E. Fremont Aventta, 5'fv llp 3 Q Contractor,Agent w z Phan, 245-2323 Me. 186 186579 State License Approved O f a0 Plumbing inspoctor .0 ® ` ! \ ■ � 9@ ! E: ¥ /9 ! ■ ! ■ I � » E ; E ■ , ! ) ! ( ! Q : » ` \ 2 » | | \ ! ! ! 2 ® ` ! } fes | & ! ` & ° ! § ! § ; i ® ( f � ! ` , § § ; E ! !| {! z ! @ o � E • r@ ! 2 [ I 7i § - ; ! � ! $ ` j : � e $ � - ; � E lk + E B | k _ \ | 2 ; 2 � ( �