00060133 (2) cITY'oF corFeTnvo ' nuCONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING nrvlstry o , PERMIT • BUILDING ADDRESS y _ . q r PERMIT NO. 1.0640 CARVER DRIVE X0060133 OWNER'S NAME'. ...y APPLICATION SUR DAIF - - - PEYYAN MAX 06/.::0/ 000 SANITARY NO.,.;: n.CONI ROI.NO, . -• W " a - t a �K Z ARCHITECTIENGINIER: _ - BUILDING PERMIT INFO- _ it00 - f. BLDG ELECT- PLUMB MECII m Z ud LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION b Zy r n' i - II by fl nth II licensed d p fCl pt 9f g. , T 106 Description � F� is n whhS rn71M1aJ,rD' t. 3 rlhc Ru nJP Rsx, -:Code aid Hyl - I .. I ' t o i.lo rs°'ln x nae x NEW.'2—STRY SFDWL,,' 2300 L,I V•ING SP,,: 400 Du AkCh ` Iunderstand my plans hall llbe edd asphl' d, y 0a, LicensedP f I S o N OWNER PUII pt oCamoreDECLARATION u-3 I h 6y fr thatI pl theC I- e L for the Fo[lov _ 'r ',t-•ZQ which g�mfe(Section Balfc , and mprveres:ions mlid or.Aryettyore any - ' ' ••r _O which . permit Iconstruct, , p 1 h p,' Ystructure .. N pn, I I : c '1 4 epr pp Ir nne II iv b d I I 9 555- that I 1 n Ih flleC Connector I 1 on, 9 of p ' p S Ft Floor Area � � Valuation „r that he ,exempt du toion m aid thEnvision e basis fomhnlne Bbed add End.. :Cd) y" .9' ofSkton 70315h It Aiyvolaton cy - Ya Y'PPI If rnlie 1, meets itis npph II -a-vii pe,alp 'Of,dt Here men I ee I gdma dmwra l&sw)- .. r APN Number ".Occupancy Type Ol,et owner of the properly,or my crieloyecs will,wit's,m their.did comp.nsafiun.' " ' 'D `will d the k and tstructure is.n t e I Or offered r nw(Sec.law, Required.Inspections - Bias d P f ssi C d The Cul ounce,',Live...I i 1 e -t apply far,, .,, m0u Tproperty Wl builds p v:Thr J h s h k himself fA T EI h. employers.p Jdth't.uh improvements not intended 101'!.—. FGUNDATION ' erl'ene Wrote,It,bt owe,the milifing prevcme,t's sold within one year of - cn,mp�eBen:me Owner-nnimeFwill mwe me bunlen Of,owim,amt redid net bund or 102 P I ERS'. Improve hupur,"o.reale.). - - n' 103 — UFER mine,of the property,D;Imidiivaly d Prof Professions with le:)u,crThe Contractor's License - t m v i t rs e(ru E . e J re etwe erne Ce th t 104 — REBRR andL d act p ei t - I'dome, h builds se mprme,th " - Contractorsh t. r with nlacn;rf,llceseapursun,tt m 105 .—• ANCHOR BOLTS' l , imnalaad,icense Be =B&Pcfim,his rce,mi '' 106 -•,SEWER 'R' WATER' . Owner Date .202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION, `t' " 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL " Imuebyardrmm,derpehall,oip,in ycase of,line mlmwa,iccldraruno: 204 UNDERFLOOR. FRAME ❑ I have and w,B nat t Cmrtca re mom to selcu,m for Wek 205' — 'UNDERFLOOR INSULATION G,,p i u, Pr I 1 for by Ser 37N) of me Leher Code, To m - - earmrmnneeehtnev,orkforwhichthis daritisi-,sued 301 —. 'ROUGH' PLUMBING• ❑I have and will maintain workers Conp :ion Insurancea mNired by Secton ' x302 — ' TUB' $ OR SHOWER ' .3700 r theLabor Cede,fear the perrur, t thework f which th':.per f,r a- G ;,mit My o men, on lxur. POI y her l 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL a, eOTyNe 1S IO _ 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL. : " t II ICATI OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE., 305 -'-, FRAME (Lis sectionneed to cmnpleted nn p uisf� el,thdreedod . - 30E, —. HOLDOWNS . tsBkllerlor,) : . . f _307'��`INSULATION ' n"it codify flit in the performance ohne wore ha winch this permit it Issued.I ,halt net employ any porson in any manners)as in become subject to the Worker: 308 .— SHEET ROCK Compensation Laws Olc rf Date - .m - 309 — EXTERIOR.'L-ATH._ .' . Com vat _ ' NOTICE TO APPLICANTS after kgmcrT t fl -pr ,y head 710 —. INTERIOR LATH t bee hl n the Workers C p fa p .of th Labor Cod,y i t O fniffivs,ducomplywim suchp , citruspcurry, fall bcd tdrevekcd. - 31.1. SCRATCH COAT . .� W CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGENCY ,313 ROOF NA.I'L. T n I h by fL m that therea onslrt i leaving age y f lh p .forthnce R 1YI-I1 ofam fk forvihichth permit is istudd(S 1097,Cie C) d - 4 ' aW p Lender:N,me 501 — FINAL .ELECTRICAL ENERGY U z0 Lend Address 502 FINAL 'PI_UMBTNG ENERGY loorlityllballl d this applicationd aste that the nove fulmination is 503 FINAL MECHANICAL •ENERGY'= Fr. Fy carr t.1 g' t comply th II ly add ty Jounce aid state I,w, relating O U ,eh ld g t ,cue a ry+mote p .< tfiver ofdb,cty local,.,on, - 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY - ,,j W. . the above-mertionedpmilertyf P I purposes. ' L agree II' face I� dkeI , y .tteyctyyrGrtPeg.rti' �a 505,' — ',FINAL' ELECTRICAL_ y y z Rlym conic arae m n t i,p t 906 GAS TEST j/ APPLICA N DS D is C MP Y WITH O PO 5' 'SOURCE E •.Lied by 9�7 -- 'CT'RIAI J_ IPi PMR TI,yG Date " oc m r " -"b!t= -. Re-roofs 508. — .FINAL_ MECHANICAL_ kIJ US M IS DISCL SURE , W,lfn ppl a I maiming p t.tereorr dl h ;dem.mal.wl Type of Roof. 509 ,— FINAL._ GRADE deducedbyth Cpen' islCd Charter 912 and lh Helm IS[ty ' CodSection 25532d) 51.0 FINAL PLANNING Dyes ,All roots shall bajfsyectedFp4 fAL'atlg�fi1tCmg0ry� mg.installed. Will the a 1 t T ai c t I Jwhich' ffA1�S� pp g e Area p ]f a roof IS ms[nl��wit1{Ou `r���fgb t.�� sp it�4_I agree to'remove ;ihl I rwmamrc t,rY Jern.l by h Bal Are:,A Quality Mmog. t � " �. s oras' /ANO all new materials ffp�J�'ansppecc,y�pp��., 1 p�G rstands and will con l kith /� al]'non-point so l4tIL`�gulatiFM§� p� P Y I base read the nas :m to of l m tis nide Cl pt 695 of the, . ,604, — 'ROOF IN-PROGRESS - California health&Saf ty Code, t o 125 OS 25537 and_ q I t,derr aaad,but ifinehuildin c,n rurally or a no ,thaiit is my to o ility to actify the , ur pans c e c so for ,as noto prior luLs 'a fu Cxtfiate of ias • - ' Occupant �S, - � Signature ofApplicant. Date, 0 v, a agent - a,e.,,; •- All^roof coverings to be Class "B"'or better'