06090058z z° (� Q az UO OU nor f/1 22 CITY OF CUPERTINO:d i BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONIT: tIUCT-O,R�NFFORMATIO,N, BUILDING ADDRESS: 109 CARMEN RD CARL FARSAI PERMITNO. 06)090058 R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE CARL FARSAI NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMMNFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description P 1 hueby a07rm that 1 am retained atxma mcing r pmvis s of Clrpmr 9 (cemen with Section 7000) of Divitlon 3Orme Business and Profeadmis Coda,and my license is in full farce end affect. REVISION - REVISING. DRAWINGS TO REFLECT REMOVAL License Clua Lk. Dam Contractor EXISTING WALL, REPLACEMENT WITH NEW SAME LOCATI ARCHITECTS DECORATION ORIGINAL PERMIT #05090233 I undewnd my plan shall be used as public weardt Lu eased Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby atTim that I am exempt from the Conlream's License Law for the following mume. (&cited 7M I.S. Business and Profusions Cate: Any city or county which requires; a permit in clnsmn, alcor, Improve, chin alLN, or repair any somehow prior m itsissuance, than requires tim appliemt forsuch permit in file a signed ambient dust le, 4 licensed paracent in to provisions afhM Commemes lxomc Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (emnmwncing wim Section 7000).[Divitan 3 of ore Buddevasb Professions Code) or $354990 Nat M h emmpt merefmm and the but& far W alleged emmptoa. Any viWnion of .. APN Number Occupancy Type Seaton 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not mom mm Bw hundred dollars (5500). ❑ I, u ownu of me pmPenY. W MY employca vim wµu u meirsem compensation, Required Inspections will do me work, and the suuumn 4 notWmnded oranend formle (Sm. 70", Budrcu and limitations code: The Centra noes Lice= Law arca sal apply lo m awn« of property who builds Or improv domon,end whadaysuchwork bimselfor aweigh his awn employov, provided that such improvements an notimmrsdi t araaenA for salt W. however, One Wilding or Improvement Is sold within ane year of completion, the mine. builder will have dhe burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of ' ATIN as owner of the property exclusively eenmming with licensed communist W cornmeal the project (Sec. 7094. Rvineu and Professions Coda:) The Contractors U. `< Cave law dot not apply in m owner of proputy woo Words ar Improves thercon, and (v whoc, orwhas for such project wit" ) llamsed partial W Lee Contractor's v License Law. -_ I,BaPCfar this moon ^ \ y Dam �'Sps-C-90-MMP-1 ATION DECLARATION I herby Balm alyjury as of dm fallowing dalmaiav: ❑ I haveand will minus n s Cenifteam of Covn.l io selfAmure ra WulearsCompe.- mtan, u provided for by Semion 3700 of rte labor Cade, ra me W fomaut of ft work for which this permit 4 issued. ❑ 1 ham and will ointment W.ram's Compensation Incomes, u required by Sauon 3700 of the Labor COM, far me performance of the work fu which oris permit is hau d. My Workers Comp ssecon twurnca cmicr ad Policy number art: Cartier. Policy Na.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This vection need not he complete if IM permit Is follow hundred dollar ($100) or leu.) 1 cerory mat in the pealomerce o ark for w this permit Is issued, l shall not employ anyperon in my s omwvb'cam Rewyft Canpenvt.n Lam of Cal((omiai-- Applicant �• . - NOTICE TO APPfMA!I 4 conirwas of Exemption, you mould become subject 1. the Workers Compensation previsions of me Labor Cade, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed involved. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that inert is a eomruniv leading agency for we, perfarmaat of the work for which m4 permit is issued (Ste. 3097, Civ. C.) Landers Name Lender. Add. 1 canify that I have read this application will sum mat On above information is correct. I ague in comply win all city ad county ordlm nce3 and soon laws staling to building convection, and hamby autbaim representative of this city to enter upon the aMve-mentioned intercity for inspection pu poses - (We) agree to saw. indemnify and kap harmless rte City of Cupcnino against liabilities. judgments, Occur and M. which may in any toy acme against said City In consequence o n rue . APPLICA D AN LLC MPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT G Issued by: Date j / x✓ SOU EGU ON / Q �(/ Re -roofs Type of Roof S p n moo MATERIALSDISCLOSURE Dam Will lhoappli oust Wilding rccupanta.ma Nndlchuudousmamriai Read by the Cupenlrm Municipal Cada. Ch tpmr 9.11, sad the Health mo Safely SOmmn 25532(.)7 �/ All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yu /@Nu If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment a devices which emit husedov ar canumivnu at &r,.d by to Bay Arta Air Quality Mmagemenl all new materials for inspection. District? DYcs 124. I have nal�b inns .mamra ionenmuntoChtpmr6.95afineGlifor- .I.H.Uh uyc S uo)s 16605,1553 d25534.1amwou othatifdn Wilding e toes a mthly e R �i,t h 4 my r pavibilhy m noul'y the oaupmt of me n mwns e m't ]oft allfKaaaf Q -m w'" S p "0 Signature of Applicant Date 6 All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better owner or aatharisd, Data