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11123•CAnyap Vista Drive- �_� 59 NO. STREET - LOT NO. CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT SANITARY NO. 10103 BF FILE No. 51,322.2 DATE 10/12 19 77 Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct Plan D a 1 story,type Single Fam 6 Gar to be occupied only as Single Family Dwelling in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF/IMPROVEMENTS $ 71,000 FEE$ 229.00 / PLAN CHECK$ OWNER Gateway Const. Co. ADDRESS-10850 Stevens Canyon Rd. Cupertino PHONE 257-2572 CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE STATE LICENSE 155136 APPROVED Robert Cowan/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION 7- FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH — WALLBOARDS- &W. FIREWALLS Opp MEMBRANE V.L LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER-FLOOR TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS MOORS OUSINESS FORMS INC..LN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR CO"ERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUG UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING 'LL- FINISH WIRING FIXTURES 'Lys INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL y- MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING 8 A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE I INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION 6 UNDERGROUND ROUGH ' .I T('/J$ FLUES 8 COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN&LEADERS MAIN DRAIN 7 ) FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING Y — MISCELLANEOUS YlIaM CoAlizoy J/"_S ., .14 LOT NO. y NO. STREET O 00O r ^`V`'`n11CITY OF 6PERTINO (vAL. CTA . { 9 i d APPILIC�TIPN FOR. BBUILDINGCAP.LDIN6 PERMIT l PEE m n Date rr / Z 19.7-2. Building Per.No.1iy S SanitaryPer.No. /40"40'? QR uApplicatiop ispr4y Dole for a permit to CIA.f 7 4047 41D 2411111 = a. a_it—story, Type S)A; e / I/1M UnnV 4 <e A 1p. Structure O O w to be occupied only oZ s i j g ke FdA I L y b WiE:L. in accordance with t z u) Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. aw W x Estimated Value of Improvements,$_21,' 400 5 a PI Ck Fee b — O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the to Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee S-.eZel 9 O• 3 other laws applicable to the construction,location,and z 5 use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee E Oz complied with. uuz OWNERPHONE ADDRE$5 r C O CONTR.OR AGENT A4DRES5 PHONE STATE LICE SE BUILDING INSPECTOR LIF,23 C�C1Nvtl wl V.n'L-A L,OTNO. _ NO. STRE T , CITY OF CUPERTI140 APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT DE, ao 19rr Permit No. Date . . p ANZ-12 0 '19 -T-)_ Fee t sad 7T_ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use ofn Work To Be Promises ^ IAcrnr+o , Performed-Cl VUJ-L rftLt ,&-'tnC'hrh O, C'( 'h Owner !1 snr rMbl'.'b6, Address t{L.QQ GCn n Phone I By Address 'Si kDO QrvrA-L m lts ' Contractor,Agen `- Phone 314-IInQ State License -_3qs Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. N � Q z ° z � d 8m �i.:E � d vK i � Zo ° oW 0 8 o ' Y „ < i m 7j F d (� N 1 VI m °C 0 gym] � _ < ? a O O i a m < O uJ z g1 O .Z < a �- r S O p a m Z OZO a `x !n Z $ 0 „r` V < w _ OO x ,6 �h S2an 25mz6 wp > < 6 p LL u m 3_ U 7 t K K 3 < Q W ° O N O .� O p FI O 6' K H l'J Z = Z 0 N o°� u w ° w ? k+ F ' E S f 5~5�� £ S c g Z Z Z < U j O O`. p< . Z -'.i.< NO �m OS0 8052. W Ow0 UZ Z Z Z' O a < r 2c5 � O� w F Q,f=.. �n z zOn S � p gZ � fU Z <m < � oSou- ° o8o �- ONo - zz 4Yz < r . W Q rc z s z O 3 z rc R rc F W £ < < U N O w . i v A O om a a F f p 8 W 25 x x a Z z u g f F o p 6' N N.S p N ' N K O[ �u d' O O s W� Z W W 0 0 0 0 $ S O Y O Y _ _ > w < x o 0� ° W N OC T_i V V 10 h f0 JI tG N Q Q W --. - -.'- - - n m P p .LOT NO.Yr� . NO CTT C'r•CU5T9'IEj s . OCT .� 7� CITY OF CUPERTaNO ACPPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT P f r) Sanitary No. Dote ,� — 7 '19 7q 17 Permit No. Fee$ a ON Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. n Use of T k ro Be WL Premises [.L6'GL�i�iPerform BBe 0 neN Address Addreu Contractor, entt Phone ,,'777 - 1/ �[� State License 7i/ Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. z � a \ § ■ � 3 ■ § % � 7 ! § ! 2 $ � / 2 g ! l m , ; . ! ) ! I - f . . } > ! ) / § ) } a ) a / ! ! J ! & 7 ! � a e � ! � ! / \ . � � \ e - � ! 13 � . = 17, 1a � � . salfo . ; - ; ! # \ ! ( ; , « ` � - ! f . 11 � E ; 2 : ! ! 2G ! & a ! ll � 2a ! ! ! ! 2 5�1 CERBuNc opOFFICE IONuDIG I ES CITY OF CUPERTINO DATE 1 - Z � 191_L BLD . PfRMIT NO. / 3 2 / /• n THE BLDG. LOCATE OWNED BY �COMPLET ff HAS BEEN IA ER T FOR USE AS���1 `. OY BUILDING INSPEC R t y • -•'CITV'Of CUPERTINO \ OFFICE GAS SERVICE NOTICE ,19 �r7 To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or TenantC/) At I 11 a-2 /11d fi .,, c . New Service No. of Meters ` Reconnect No. of Add. Meters Move Service Move Meter PLUMBING INSPECTOR 7 // O• ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING"INSPECTOR'S NOTICE CITY OF CUPERTIKO ,�1 1 27,,- To You are hereby auth orized to Connect electrical semi ce for C r (/� Owner or Tenant ` �'��� ��' �e At No.of Wires Si��f res Size of Switch Motor Load Voltage Phase Heating Load K.W. Voltage No.of Meters Light �/ I10/ �// Se,J Reconnect Heat ?�0 �TH^roe Wy More Service No.of Add.Meters Pawer ^ Three Ph o a Movg rer ib. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ` y II V BUILDING INSPEC-TAR'S OFFICE Bldg.Dept. CITY OF CUPFRTINO office Copy Backflow Device Sanitary Permit No. �• / Sewer Connection Plumbing Permit No. "' 4 3» Q Plumbing Final Lot No. S Owner or Tenant -��� .•/"�'...-�-� _.- . -�,I At Tract Date Connected 7 - a 192,e Date Final / `/- 197k ©" PLUMBING INSPECTOR