28400 (2) POST HIS CARD NEAR FRONT OF BUILDING 7 7—JZ Z r ^ l ^ D CITY(TF CUPERTINO PBRM�ND 28400 '' BUILDING DIVISIONF;E} NTJF SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMn7AL DATE BUBDRIO AOORB55: ..ee V. � 5 NAME: PHON/E: CO 7 RB NAME: LIC NO: N/C CONPRO M AR / 11N LIC NO: ❑ 3a4 sSP G`GI �n. , i TE� INSPECTION RECORD BLDO MB FOUNDATION/PIERS/H.D.S. ��.64NOTE: ALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE CD' ❑ UFER GROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH , JOBDESCRUMON. , THE APPROVED PLANS AND CITY OF .. PAD/SET BACK-CERT CUPERTINO STANDARDS. GARAGE SLABS/PREGUNITE !' " ' " " INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPECTION DATE NSP. ro'.. BEES I URNOCOt`ICRETL'UNClF.AB-.Ytr_.,.. ._..._ _� ,. RE U D ❑ UNDERGROUND/SLAB PLUMBING / v ELECTRICAL to cl- DONOT�,PdI.fR_i"I.00R PLUMBING 7, Ulr f7 MECHANICAL icy-E' ,L 0 0 ELECTRICAL FRAMING VENTS INSULATION _ . }O.SLA'AIM _.: ROOF SHEATWDIAPHRAM PLUMBING �./AA (� S&SHOWER PAN ,v ;HANICAL /��' J-9 TIG F,LECIRICAL/POOL BOND G/— D - "P FRAMING/STAIRSX.EGRESS?/- D S r'G e/, INSULATIONIVENTILATION !� EXTERIOR SHEAR/HOLD DOWN INTERIOR SHEAR/HOLD DOWN SHEETROCK/SHEETROCK SHEAR/ EXTERIOR LATH/W-SCREEN SHOWER LATH OI?E:HA�`IBPy,P,SI'$)'Cr., SCRATCH COAT SEWER/WATER ww�NN .::, rxdv Y .. ESi' s;.�E ieP�zy#zN. Ttai e{y'*g 2 BUILDING ELECTRICAL GAS GAS TEST 7 P64 �+ �. GRADE APPROVED FOR OCCUPANC FIRE TO ARRANGE INSPECTION ISSUANCE DATE HANDICAP CALL AFTERNOONS(12:30 PM-4:00 P ) * >• 1 . w � .CTRICAL/ENERGY 252-4505 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 24 HO S `" BING/ENERGY BEFORE REQUIRED INSPECTION. JOB AD- DRESS AND PERMIT#ARE NEEDED WHEN ���+ 1 MECHANICAL/ENERGY PHONING. BUILDINGIENERGY ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: NO PER SHALL PERFORM WORK ON ELECTRICAL FINAL TEST - THIS JOB SITE WITHOUT WORKER'S OF BUILD] I$.NOT.PER MITTED COMPENSATION INSURANCE, UNTIL BUILDING FINAL IS SIGNED B_Y BUILDING IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE BEFORE INSPECTOR:'.. CALLING FOR FINAL INSPECTIONII MSUEDBY.- l r • NOTICE. . . When calling for FINAL INSPECTIONS, the following occurs prior to the release of utilities: The Building Department coordinates the request for final inspection with the following City depart- ments, as required, to assure that the site/building complies with the requirements of these depart- ments. 1. BUILDING: Complies with all building code requirements. 2. ENGINEERING: a. New driveways, sidewalks, curbs, gutters completed. b. Lot fine grading to drain or bond posted. c. New water system in operation. d.. New sewer system in operation (Sanitary District). e. New streets paved, with sewer manhole and valve boxes raised to grade. Sewer cleanout at property line to grade. f. New subdivision lot corners set. 3. FIRE: a. Fire hydrants properly installed and operating. b. Fire sprinkler system properly installed and tested. c. Fire alarm systems completed and tested. d. Fire extinguishers installed, dated and tagged. e. No parking signs in required fire lanes. f. Restaurants, hood fire extinguishing systems operating and tested. 4. PLANNING: a. Required landscaping and irrigation system installed. b. Paved parking. trash enclosures, exterior light fixtures, etc. c. Documents (CC & Rs, easements, etc.) 5. HEALTH: All food handling facilities must meet the requirements of the Santa Clara County Health Department. Upon receipt of approvals in the Inspection Division from all the above departments, gas and electric utilities will be released, and you may then occupy your building. If new owners are attempting to occupy the building for the first time and the utility release has been delayed, check with the contractor who is responsible for meeting all the above requirements of the various departments. BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION • CITY OF CUPERTINO ( i Lewis kesidetice Addition Final Check • 10181 Camino Vista Drive CUPERTTNO August 30, 1995 Page 2 3. In an effort to expedite the approval of this project we have taken the liberty to annotate the following items directly onto the plan sheets In "red" ink: h5 t i We have clatifled (1) Minimum 3" concrete cover at tebar in footings; (2) noted the 1/2" CD-X ply shear at typical new extetior walls; (3) noted required doweling of rib* footings to existing; and (4) shown the locatiiitis bf Sinipsbh PA28 holdowns in accordance with faxed instructions from Melvin Hill; project soils'and civil engineer. hS t 3• We have clarified (1) the locations of PAJ8 holdowns required by the soil etigineet; and(2)with the designet%applicant's permission, specifidd d new 4 ft wide 1/2" ply latetal btachig element at the GARAGE front centet Wall (NOTE: The existing GARAGE trout wall is a nori-cotiforniing lateral braced wdil 'section; tht• additional proposed rine-car GAPAGE ividehitig Mould make it more nontonfritmhig. We had odgitially asked tot Atuttural talculations til design a lateral bracing system for the tie* ata a oddltioti but the designer has ptoprised the specified 4 ft wide g g "tonVetitional btated" wall section In-lieu of calculations: As the widening is only 12 ft; *6 feel the hew 4 ft braced wall section meets the Intent of the "conventional bracitig'i pidtislohs of CJBC 2517: City to confihti)s •_ ht 4 We have clarified the typical (N) exterior wall is 7/8" stucco on 1/2" shear ply. ht 5. With the permission of the designer/applicant; We have tpecified certain new Sihipson T822 strap ties which will provide "collectors froth the small extended roof diaphragtn to the existing exterior wall double plates beyond. Although we had brigindlly tequesied that lateral force calculations be provided fot this small LIVING ROOM enlargement; it appears that there are sufficient exteriot'and cross-wall sections beyond the LIVING ROOM which tender the home In compliance with 'conventional bracing" provision's of CIBC 2517; the strap ties .(collectors) are pfdvided to drag the bi:tended diaphtagin to the existing braced wall sections., Enclosed for yout use are the above referenced revised documents beating the LP2A plan review approval stamps. Let us know if you have any questions. 'Thank you. Sincerely, UNHHA�RT PETERSEN POWERS ASSOCIATES Kevin M. PoWets; P.E. • l.C.$.o. Plans Exdmiher Principal KCP/nc Enclosures • CUPERTA- F1NAL C14ECK August 30; 4995 Jutlsdictibn No. N/A • MA JobNo. 95115.001 ATTN: Dave Mr. Joe Antonucci Building official City of Cupertino 10300 Torte Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: . 1 Tari Review: Lewis Residence Addition Address: 10181 Camino nista Drive Dear Dave: Linhart Petersen Powers Associates (LP2A) has completed a Third Party final review on behalf of the City of Cupertino based on the following resubmitted documents: i. Pians; two (2) copies of sheets i through 5 cover sheet dated INovember 9, 1994, by Ray Lewis. 2. Ener Ry Documents: Two (2) copies dated July 9, 1995, by Melvin Hill. • 3.' Soil Report and Plan Review Letter: One (i) copy report dated July 6, 1995; and plan review li=tter dated August 24, 1995, by Melvin Hill. 4. Additional Info from Soil Engineer: One (i) copy of a faked cover sheet and diegrams showing *herd the soil engineer is tequiring holdowtls to occur (per recommendations in soil report), 5. Truss Calculatioits: One (1) copy dated July, 11, 1995; by Walker Lftbet. 6. Original Plan Check List plus Responses: One (i) copy of blit original plan check list with the designer's responses written in margins. These documents wete reviewed for their conformance to the 1991 Editloh (as indicated on letter of ttansmittal) of the Califothia Building Code. NOTE TIiAt TIMP, AAE NO FURTHER COMM INTS: However, We present the following items for your information; consideration; and/ot action, as noted: 1. ' In an effort to expedite the approval of this project we have taken the liberty to affix energy forths CP-1R and MF-IR directly to the plan cttver sheets. Note that the designet of offer ha`s not yet signed the forth CF-ilt attd Will need to do so at City Hall lirlbr to petttlit isstiatioe: 2. Note that only one (i) copy of truss balculations is enclosed: The designer/applicant has indicated that the City already hag two (2) additional copies which can be used. City to cbnfit�tt: LINHART PETERSEN POWERS ASSOCIATES 5798 Stoneridge Mntl Road, Suite 201 & Pleasanton, CA 94588 (510) 463-4775 + FAX (516) 463-9796