NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) 10167 I Camberley Lane Let No, 129 No. Street CITY OF CUPERTINO 2'94 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No. 8926 BF 1/30/74 File No.51s241.2 Do to 19 Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct (412—B) a 2 story, Type 5 I J to be occupied only as Single Family Dwelling (Townhouse) in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ 42,000 FEES — 131.50 Plan Check $ Owner — Deane Projects Inc. Address 617 Veterans Blvd. RWC Contr. Address Phone 364-2992 State License B 1 256178 255-2575 Approvad James H. Sisk/h 6/7 r APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 19 FEES Contr. Address Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dote 19 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. Address Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 19 FEES Contr. Address Phone State License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the. Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California PD-1 RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS. BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR �a MISC PAD FINAL, p - a�7Y FOUNDATION 0 UNDERFLOOR (/ FRAMEA 40 o n LATH & PLASTER ol GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING FINISHED WIRING �+ - FIXTURES o� MOTORS FINAL PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ. 7 _ SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH - 6' PARTIAL ROUGH ROUGH COMPLETE /7 f MAIN DRAIN 7-3/- 7 FINAL PLBG. �$ 5 FINAL GAS FINALAPPLIANCE 1 1 �7 DATE INSPECTOR MISC. MISC MISC MISC j CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ' CITY OF CUPERTINO DATE L - 192BLDG. PERMIT NO3/?y I THE BLDG. LOCATED AT OWNED BY LAXIE REV /NG. cC PJ�I HAS BEEN FOR USE AS (ALTEREDI O• �SIJILDING INSPECTOR q0=r. SLT.? . File No , Date ocati on 1 K:2 ,ub.-ec'w Cotes Grp^oved Date Insn&eto. 6 7 ?,fsee LOT NO. NO. STREET +w ww Q a CITY OF CUPERTINO' Y D city Or curs nN'APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMITT '�'9� O J 0 1974 Building Per.No.d.r- ' /. Z mU Sanitary Per.No. j , L -0 Ap kation � hoeby made for a permit to Go^�ST2 uc�T w �LL '/i z F F a_story, Type � Structure In to be occupied only as in accordance with ww a Plans,Specifications and Plot-Wan filed herew' h. PI Ck Fee/$ J L _o o Estimated Value of Improvements, $: '2 Fee$ S� >, o a Total Fee$ Z It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances -J+o and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within 3 c the City of Cupertino will be complied with. m p / // ¢a Owner At cC, 4LZM TSr� AddressjZ. �"ET£,eA,-�s Ldp �UjuJdannC,rY Q 0 By �G /��1TE n->S L �✓G Address G�7 11Ef£.CANS del✓0 efOu A&a _U Contr.or Agent. 74b Phone — (��� Approved State License Building Inspector fid--• 10167 Camberley Lane LOT NO. 129 �I lay O;• CJ7:.,71,'STREET Nov 5 197 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT I D Permit No. / Date ,14 74 Fee S Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be Promises1 FRmj1V Rpc_ Performed F.1 Pni'ri R>1 Wi ri nq Owner Deane CO. , Inc. Address Phone By ALT.—CTAT, FT.FC!TRTr CO. Address 1AA Qfocktan Aye - Contractor,Agent S Tse r Ca. Phone 295-5730 6 8- 22 .Slate License 22Approved Electrical ins c r I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA D LA LL a rc Z G ------------- E .E f .E !E s Dr � o00 o -0 -0 o aaav vm 2 S i > > E w P4 Z Z Z Z 6' N Z Z N F 6 6 S 1- /0/(07 CAMBEez EYL 4 NE LOT NO. is� NO. STREET 07;• CITYOFCUPERTINO O' APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT 0 v -,...o / Permit iDate o_ , 19 /_ FeeE����� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. PUsero is pWL ON& work To Be �/ {9T/h/� Premiser /��—• /��r n Performed o�G9/Y/// �V NAW Owner—L� AIVI l.0' Address`s/ /0 (_� EY/I�Vl l/ /�/y AW Phone �7[/ By 5/lel Address_ � Cpntractg on, Phone O(/ ���d' k State License--CQ/ (9 �a Approved kg :'A Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S / COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. \ � ! k § ) k - \ ! ! § a e . _ 0 § ) § B \ § ( ( § \ ( eum § ! § ) \ !37 , 22 §= &Ea § � - / E 5J2 \ § } 622 — a #! ) \ § K ) § � § » ; l2Ea o a ± R ; ) ; | ! ; ` : � 32 / § , ! � ul = R? l : '- cia: >. O - Ozz . ® . \� § ® ` l � k ` u � u �uo� \k � \ � � � % Ukz :.d ,` 0% ; 2n \; - 0 � 0 moo # ® : w §( 252 » 2 ; $ = § $ ! %§ ! q § 2 | / « « - )© \\}\ \§ B ) $R [!% [ $E \\\;1- -1\ \ &, STREET IVO' L� LOT NO. MAR 2 7 15?4 CITYOF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT V Sanitary No. Dote ,19 Permit FeeE a141 SZj Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of _ Work To Be Premises SS y�/sPerformed Owner // R 'e&A J Address 617 /M—.✓1d Phone q _ / By�Q l.L..P Address 600 d dX/ 19, 9 Contractor,Agent Phone-06( d.SS?G State License //✓✓,Z Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. l� M � ' y W Z « f H Q W S W \ cl a C Z > LL O ' � � H Z Q � C_ CE N 0 CL Y U U D Q w O 6 W w O w 0 Ti Y O ° Y N F H r r Z N r r U H � A � � �' ` Z 'c 7 � � r 3 0 •� N E 'c ,c o a c � d o 3 3 ® si i2 0 3 3 3 3 m° U o o m2 S C N a N K 1 N LL d OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .. . ....... t-- . ..... TO You are hereby Kori to connelt el rical servi for Owner or Tenant ................ ..... ........ ........ ............................. At .......... ............................ No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ......... ......... Size of SwitcAg...AL .......... MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ..... ............................ Voltage -............................. No. of Meters........ Light No. of Add. Meters............ 2 Power............... ...... • Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE OeweCITY OF CUPERTINO SF r Connection Sanitary Permit No. ...... .............. KPlumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ..... Lot No. ......... .......... Owner or Tenant ......De,- :A .. ..................................................... Tract .............. ............. ......................7, ... ................................................................................ Date Connected ...... /.....Z DateFinal .......... ........................................................................ 19............ ..............-.1..?. ..................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR q (� 1 or•Ftcs CITY OF CUPERTINO COPY GAS SERVICE NOTICE ........................._. .7s-eice .....a� ......... To You are hereby authorized to connect the S for Owner or Tenant ..... ... ...... . .... .. ..... At ./6 _x.7...... Y .... ....................'......./.............. New Service .L ..............._- No. of Meters ........�.......... Reconnect ........ ................... Move Service .................... .. No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................ P UMBiNG INSPECTOR