28711 (2) :.iCEIV1:; JUN 1 7Corporatery Lab DC1 1996 MsteriaLs/Chemistry Laboratories branch O(fi 415 Fairchild Drive IV. 61 langar Way,Suite 6 Mountain Vim,California 94043 DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS INC:' onville,Cabfomia 9507 Telaphane: (415) 967-6982 Telephone: (408) 724-2237 Fac;imlle: (415) 967-6955 Testing&Inspection Services rzaunile: (408) 724-9166 June 12, 1996 City of Cupertino DCI No.: 3340-M16 Building Inspection Department Permit No.: 28711 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014-3202 CG SUBJECT: AFFIDAVIT PROJECT: NORIAN EXTERIOR RENOVATION 19269 Bubb Road, Cupertino, California Gentlemen: This is to certify that, as defined in Section 306 {1701} of the Uniform Building Code, we have provided those special inspections listed below: • 1) intermittent visual inspection of fabrication and welding of structural steel. The completed inspections noted above were performed by personnel under the supervision of the undersigned Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California. Based both upon inspections performed and upon our substantiating reports, it is our professional judgement that, to the best of our knowledge, the inspected work was performed in accordance with the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code and the Engineer's approved shop drawings and specifications. Respectfully submitted, pFESSI DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 4oFp�D '///////// ��Gc� No.26926 �` '3�3i/s 1996. Clifford raig � � JL! ° � Registered Civil Engineer, No. 26926 s�q� Cl I F �ureHllNO. BmLUIM; 0,9L • CNC:mkh lc: R. C. Benson &Sons, Inc./Bob Hobbs