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01080068 (2)
CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: _ PERMIT NO. 10307 BRET AVE. �j�q�c >t Stv %n.— E. �cy 01080068 OWNER'S E /� t . APPLICATION KINACBUCH & HELMANT 08/14/2001 i PHONE: •I ' / SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. Q m0 ZD ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: \ BUILDING PERMIT INFO 77( — z 7� Q BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihere. firm that l am licensed under f Chapter 9 taommennin Job Description iZ=O Ya pmvisionso P B ;you, whnIt,, on]txlo)orDi.hsmyfyPmeBu..mea.anaPmresnn.cme,andnyhamse ADD SOLAR HOT WATER. Is in oc tone nJ cf ea. i O 6 License Class Lic.b 0 a U Date n S E1CT A r LL v ARCHITECT'S DECLlo. �4 1 understand my plans shall be uud as goblin recoils �Y i i O O Licensed Pro(asianal c OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION w S a 1 masa affirm mat 1 c sin (fon me Contracm Cars: Any c Ivor for the F z a fallowing sties a(Section 7031.5.fBusiness sena improve. de o demolish. Cade:Any city m comm $4600 s C which rcgw pcmut t comfort. Iter edged d olish or repave any swcmre oa. _' priar1 u. Lsq ' mapplicantf such Permit fl egad statement. _.. _. .. .... _ _ _ _.__. ..___.__.-_ mahulicensedpursu aOtoiPOcisisions ofm Contractor's t t s pLaw Chapter 9 ( e n8 soli Sen )701)(y)of J the Businessaa Professions Code) , . : Valuation or that hn; e ,thcrefom and the.pets for the alleged unlean Any violation -o!Section 703 15 byany applicant faro permismjectx me anlicant tot rnilpenwity 'of not mom than fvehundred dollars(SsB). 10 ON & WATER Occupancy Type °L u Qwest Of the[impurity,or my employees with wages as died sole cumpenvtion, will do-the'wrik;and the structure is not intended or offered far sale'ISec.0044, - B.Oheai and Naficssians Cade:The Contractor's License Law does not apply m an 301 - ROUGH PI&d4lia'1dlCdspections'' " N omer of"Perry Who builds w however thereon.aM who does such wars,himself through proms own employee..provided ma such impnvcntents art not imerded or 302 _ - TUB &_OR SHOWER ,offdm far sale.If,however,the wilding or impmvamen,is.old wimin ane year of 562 - - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY ; t' completion,the owncr..ailder will have the widen of proving that he did not Wild., repows,for mrpom f,re.)L 506 - GAS TEST M - _ ❑raaowne,pfine pmpcnY'am m alvei Y con t me t mg wi ml nx-W o t-ruc.w.r t ..__ . .507 FINAL_-PLUMBING ::econotorm the project(See 7f44,B nw and rre Code)The License Low dt.now apply r.a r of property who wild piswc,chimer, -and.who.contracca for such projects within comutans)licensed puraccou.ni'he th Cont t L W & n -- - -- ...._ ...._..... ........ . r 111pt 'J r$-< ', ,B PCfohtsrt son I) tl `!; Owe, Dam r . , WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 I hereby affirm under penally of pe jury one of the following Jedamtions: O/ ° 1 bare and will ivdimnim'a Ccnifsaic of Core"m'to self-insure for Workers � Comperamiaa; as provided for by Section 3]00 of the Labor Code, far Jx irhe perfonrwce of the work for whim mise pemamt is issued f\ °I nave and'will acinihin Workcr,s Compcnsziion Insurance,as mquirtd by Section _ J]00 of the'Labor'Code,for the performance of the work.for'which this permit is '.'sued:My W 1,Ys C mpe wi 1 wmacc came .it Pol cy be rt �.sJI � y j�50��Sol C�`P�tCCERDFlCAl IIUNN UP IiMPTION FROM WORKFRSI s-t�v- ) ... .,a••"+i.y.� t[ '.f}�)-':. - lrt.v'PL s't 'r COMPENSATION INSURANCE' 1 t.t"f ITh se i on ueednot w complacJ J the Permit n for one hundred dollar Y I I •' -` � ' ��l CL!}) f51 W{mica) ' anify mai'o the perfummuce afmc *far-which this parmit' saved.l slnjl t mploy any'perwn m any manner as as io'bcrome subJut to the Woikcri -~ _ f .`-t .•t� r Il^;`' ' Cqmpe litco L ,. sofCif 'a.Date APP( t .. . .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT If.after makingth Cnf to CFE pry.. Z become subject to the Workeses Compensation prosisions of the Labor Code you must 0 fonhw rh comply with such pmvrs ons or thisperrrm shill beducamilml,kid. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY '".• ., hick th t ed t r 1 d 8 gC.) f illi peH nndme t •, Lead work for which chi,pe r':issued(Sec.3W] Cil C1 - d y-c !:enders Name:..,_. .. ... ., .., . . .-.... ..r :w.....:•-_,. . 1 ___._ .._.. .. ..._. Z• Umdcr's Address .._ ._ .._ ._.. .._._ ... .. -C.1 0 I cenify two l have mail this application and vote thanhe above information is F correct 1 ogrte to comply with all city end county ori inonces and smm laws miming Q•V tow o e Me t nion a dh bin thonu representatives enmtives fm' ry t ter upon [_ L, me sew Mentioned propend for and o ,ham [.n,L (We)see a io. Indemnifyse and keep hand "the Cu; f C.P, "agaimt rq Label i rydg s ts, t aM pe see h h may m any Y ace e,ins,said V•Z Ct Jnseq foe lung ot this perm LI( NT UN ER SA DS AND WILL COMPLY WITHALL NON-POINT' oDRc; EGVL TI - 2'�!lt=.. �; ..g 3 � Issued by: Date O Signory OFA Lan Contractor a Re-roofs ZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE , l< 1l the app¢ant future wilyimg occupaar amc or hard) nar,4doac,ru¢rral. . Type Of Roof Old i th Cup.nt Mdn c p Cod Ch pt 9 12 ntl me Hcalth toed Sof ty - - - —' - ^— odeS t n2553Y(u) 1 .' .1 I �'v ' ' " - .All roofs shall.be Inspected prior to.any roofing.material,being installed. _ linWill the air gored future building a e µ mAi r rye awlmm If a root Is installed Without first obtaining an mspectlon','I agree to remove W rd moratorium, a ed beth Bay a sc,o Quality gemem Distinct, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Y a - all non-point source regulations 1 helve,mad the h sardo s'm renals impotent order C Chapter came of the, Calif to Health&Stety Cude:Sccbons 25505:25533 and]5536 IandmurN thaz oce.iftem lJ g docs note dy have t ren r tet r r my respo6 b i rd a �u of h' quire t. n muse be t p to issue f a Cen ficate of uPancY Signature of Applicant t Date _ o.,tter tumor;:d: • - 13a,e All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better t 3 ..,_ OFFICE- - . .. . . __ .. ... . . . . __.. . �_ iN ACCORDANCE WITH IT HE CI f Ot E I ! CIUPEI N CODES AND ORDINANCES I f)ATE �SIONEUi This13'etf of—pfaas nnc syecinca ions MUST t I i be_kepLFon_tf!e.joE-aLMI-times.andn t-is-un £lawful td malie xjy change's or alte tions I f -lorrsame�vrt r wnt .n permission from t r the bui!dina ;p�r ; upertino} ��— �_� The stamp n; of tits pi n an sp�r<ficat SHA L—f�0't-6rrt of d t permit- to 3 proval lof the violation of I p r - -� tIf a'y City 0 d;nance - f T Xy,AL x� x _ [ I _ 1D r i t ! � I V12u�-i� F T T T �t IIi f I odr 'N - �- - SOP i fey. Sep 12 01 04: 32p SpeedTrak Communications +1 (650) 3429044 p. 1 • JOHN OCJ & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING TRUCTURA.L ENGINEERS 1813 Oak Knoll Dr. Belmont.California 94002 Tet.:(415)592-7181 Fax:(415)592-1450 September 7, 2001 Building Department City of Cupertino, ca. Ref: 10307 Bret, Cupertino To Whom It May Concern: The following is the retrofit for strong walls used in the above referenced project, which has unauthorized opening thru shear sheathing and/or penetrations thru holdown posts: 1. For strong walls which have unauthorized opening thru shear sheathing, add shear wall type "3" on the inside face of the wail with edge nailing at all edges and all intermediate members. 2. For strong walls which have penetration thru holdown posts, add mst37 on inside face of the post, centered at the penetration. Also, The bearing wall at end of stair rase which is supporting roof loads has additional capacity to support 80-galon solar lanky in addition to the tributary roof loads. If you have any question regarding this letter please call me at 650- 592- 7181. Sincerely, John On, S.E. Engineer of record i1u. 2458 OF C VBy P 1 32001 L C Wd� WVIL°Z 9661-10-1 IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTINGf INC. 20001 Walnut D(ve Sowh.~Klt,CA 91789-2826 T*I!909)69644" Fax(9O9)594-3590 ^� ,(`+ '•. E-Mail http:/iwrrr.lapnaorg 'C`• CLASSIFIED MARKING �,�.0e„a Semples of the Product described herein have been tested by an Independent teatlng laboratory and have been favlewed am licensed to beer the Claa9med Marldrlg toxo by the Plumbft Research Cornmimee of WN10 Research and Testing lime. as meeting the reg-.dreents of applicable stmlrds but Is not specifically designated " a recognized Proeuet in the UnPfwm Plumbing Codehe. This Claestfied Manting license to subjoet to the condrdws set forth in the characteristics below"'is not W be construed ea arty Iec'ommendedon.assurance or guwwmse by IAPMO Reseerch and Testing Inc. of the Product or of product acceptance by local iurlWtctbna Or etr H09 using the Uniform Plumbing Coder" or otnerwise affillatsd wMf IAPMO Research and Testing, inc. Referto ParagraPh 301.2 of the Uniform Plumbing Co f tol for acceptance CAtane. Accepted:. February 2001 void Afters February 2002 PRODUCT: Water Pescara Solar (Thesmosiphon! FILE No. C-3542 APPLICANT: SOlahart Industries Pty. Ltd. 112 Pilbara Street �Welshpoal WA 6106 AUSTRALIA ID1I:e7171CATIOP: Permanent label ebowing monuPeeture.'o name or trademark, andel nu3nbor and the C/I"X0- triangular certification mark. CPARACILRISTICS: Direct acting solar water heaters using thermosiphon actioti to circulate reac transfer water through collators and storing the heated fluid in a tank or tacks mounted at a higtwr elevation than the collectors. The tank is ttlulPped with a listed temperature and pressure relief valve. Maaufactared in compliance with AS%LRAE 9S. To be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. MODELS: 3PGJ & 3ari% _ TNS cla"Ifto Moods acerae is far the pedoc Inalema herein and is.e;d abr sale ancon a**9.4-,y change it,rnanMl. manufact rft% goceaa.rwmng or apolpt wrmaa Mems foot aotelmd we woman d fro Purlrraim Wswiwf CamrPMAD or ere-ewGnce or ro nuance wnn 2 1pabis alayseds a of Inferior wortmensnlo, mar b*awned �clem esus*for r4-aterd i or Te Clessinec Na"s atone. =I uewn of m reftrow m robs fbm for adwommimii wrtmcas may be made anly by saeeab written snmls9kn of IAPMO Ramarch turd TnW&Inc.This ourahzes the use of the Cason"NMnklg I*ea on smattp co tr"by mo Certificate, Mt'siteration of This cerelleete a*N*be ponds fa,raw eatim of uw Cl,",RW Menary license. Wa*err�Pru it"COM VaCnM Sponsor of the Uniform Plumbing Code-, Uniform Meetlanlcal Coded+, Uniform Swimming Pcol, Spa and Hot Tub COdaTyr and Uniform Solan Energy CodeTM. dlll• SEP 13 2001 �OJ By Td Wd©o:90 OOW sZ: •unr 'CIA xyd 1.108d