01050017 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO ' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INEORMQTION: uuILDINGnrn MAYWOOD DEVELOPMENT` -T-1'P9' 01050017 �`o�D53 BRET AVE. OWNERN NAiNKEITITI 'SLIN .. . ..,^-_057,:r :RODRIGI IES AVE APPLICATION@I 1VAWI/2:001 PHONE: FC SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ' (408) 725=:7918 •- ZOO ARCHITECT/P,NGINF,F.Ri - BUILDING PERMIT,INFO ly .BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH' y 7 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION z 5 Job.Descr tion pz�® in nv rc, that licensed d p .-ren Pt 9c dm tine, _ P - ,p� wm5 i ]Ilam,rD 3trmgB eP r c le,a drny runne. -TEMP POWER. v a� LicenserCfl .s and of Z 1 +# w3uy DataC d- d AI2CHI'1'F:C'I"SE-51-111JN d t J ry PI II be uv I D�u �jyrR coIONs - u�1Sp0 °i 49N4KBUILPER DECLARATION ' havedy afec that 3 shpt f theContractor's e Law county r•' F'Z a foil g d.feel ]onstru Basin—a A Pmfdam ns Code:Any c n whin ty " Sr,5 p whim 4 permit I construct,. fica t for such demol h P y eduane c ':hill pr l d '. requires1M1 Ipl tl hp II rIsignal.nle Heol' •IM1 IM1 .f dp II theP n met the C I I L 1 (Claphcr9 Sq. FC Floor Area Valuationso ' Ic encinswth Section 9onnn,f D'vi n3ormeBnvm IPofessions Code) + •. I or that he is excupt ancrafroad and the Russ fer the alleged exaniptiont.Any vi I_rind - • - .afSaa,i.a 7031.5 by any it,haamfor a permasubject,thc ppl 'all ucull normally ` afnan anneflDis Bve hardball l Imrs(s500) - AIN-A b r0• - Occupancy Type ❑ t[ I,avowneraliepropeny,ormyempmw reaswiwa,c,aaeirn. ntnnleCompentirn. . ...0. 00 , Mil do the k d non stradmi,is her 'intended or offeredf .al (Sec.7044 Bt d Flat : :Calf, Thec t' d :LI La d d apply t quired•lnspections " w II IyWh h IL p :th d 1 d h won,It :If ° - 103 '� OF W" or untrigh ll':own emplayess.provided th t such itaphoiocularls"ard notit I d - . offered Par sale.If,fiever,the hd'ldep apmve icm sold within one year or '304' — ROi.IGH--El_ECTR I CAL. . hmpledmr,the owner-bnilder wIlntyva the burden of moving tun he did not build or inpmve fn.pulPore of n'olej. - , ❑I r, f thproject pI( e tl> IY t 11 l 1 auntrad too au uh p li a e f:.orm Crude:)Th C d s o La J dapply90uan(owner 44 fp'p ry 1 h W r' p thes,con, '. and who, ,,a(.,(,fra p-Jetts diddi a cuntruchami)blamed d p and to the .. - Contractor's License law. ❑1 air, ,scuip,made,See R&F Cr Ih' ' Ow r Dan • n -' WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION Ihereby uffirin omckhis,'rrall,ef peaturry ans,roftM1 foullwan,ckd I ❑ 1 have and will munwn a Certificate of Conserv to ll m re for Wmkerk "' -• �_' ' Compenuadon, os poet ded In by Seamen 3700 of Thr Lahnr Chile. far the ' perfermence ardor,work for which lhu-s permit is issued ' Cl I bine and will muinWin Wnrkcr's Compens:hion Insurance,as required by Section i ,e 37110 of dhed.utmr Code,for the performance al Ila,work fur which this pemnit is - e sued.My Wurker's Cnmpensalien Insurance carrier and Policy number me: L Carrier: Policy T - - CEHcI RI'IfICAN OF EXEMPTION TNSURANM WORKERS' ' .COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Phis section need nat be m..unwol it the permit fs daunt,hundred da1D,r - - f ' . IS I Nd or lr,e) 1 certify Ihm Mtha ptt!innnee of the work Cor wnieh Ilnis pernnl in finned:1 shall nnl adEny any person in any manner on ds la Wermer,subject to the,Wd,whsF ' - l mpe ismw inn Lax of Culifamia.Dade - -A,licrut - _ - - • NOIICLTOAPPLICANI If, ir - 'k g0 C rCl -I f l pY h yon should becourne,adhicaUddieW kiac,Courpen......Ihankinusal the 1h1.1dra Coati Yen 111had Q fuchwitin cannily w'd i p h,ikiddr,rar tl , occal,hall be demuldne,liked. z . CONSB RUCTION LENDING AGENCY, a j Ihemoy oBrn lh Ilh :I' d I dl l6agcnty fur the performance , Wfr eewowhich dl parlll's issuer(S a09],C'v.C) LaN ( - Lender's Nunn, - V z Leader's AJdrass - I • •. , ( ' O 1 ainify fact[Lwith Ili ppli-i dal n tlh h f n' Nis W (.y wr d 1'6 t ply land herrn by I ry d dal rer uns r..I thh'IlnBumsdrett ,,rly handraclua eposes. five (llNelly In enle' Pon , W I lhcabn(Wc).tfnncd and, andikeep1dosrs. py fwe)agrees save,, and c fry and k which in m we,of Cdpeni ai st said - Iloblti ju fgm ode, a d peTilt wt'ch my nary yar ru against said - ,+6,J Cily :9 ceofil gu dnB nrdf.p rel - _ ✓ - APPLICkNTUnDERSBAN AU,W ,COMPLY WITHALLNO -POINT So W=11",JrV4TIONs�lr O3 b I Issued by: ' Date ,� i '.•.. sig t pprcan s '� Dade. . Re-roofs ' H Ic >OUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - Will lheapplirmtocCame bundinguccuper, umeonhandle na,adtlouwmatedm Type of Roof' as defined by the,Cupenfm Municipal Code,Clnapler9.12,and the Health and Safety - - Code,Section 255321e? r --- •❑,Test - N No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. _ Will!he at,an prime n ddmg e n .eeaAu e,iee. inch If a roof is,installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove. { emit n d room dye lfinel by then yAreeA Quality Manag eel °i,t l❑Y es N n all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with I all non point source regulations. _ I hire mad the hozaNous anuteridim als mymmn,ander Chapter 65 up In - Cilffanniu Health&Safahy Cade,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that �• - iflhebuilifin,docnul amaddy haven tenand,thad id is mY respunsihilirym handy the - •. ircnpanl of the reyuimmenw which must be mel prior sunned nr a CedEra e or Occupancy. \ A.C''�D�_�, Signature of Applicant, , Date D.,c , - All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better r , ,.OFFICE ,,