08080013 (2)0z z r h WD �z U�0 O V T" d Uz CITY OF CUPERTINO E O y < p $ i 1�n'*; +:¢a/ei��p '�i*�'x "��4+',�T e- - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT =,COIVTRACT�,OF INPORMAT 6"N Bud1 PERMIT NO. 110J80FI30NNY DR TRAC VU 08080013 OWNER'S NAME: FERMITLSSUEDAT6 rlW' VU 10280 BONNY DR 08/04/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Cheper 9 lob Description I h.by aUi. that 1 . Eccnecd under provisions of (commencing with Section 700) of Division 3 afore Desirous and Professions Coda and my license hs POOL DEMO in full forte and Urea. License Class LIC.:! ' Dab Conuactcr ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understood my plans shall W used as public records Licensed Pmpcssionsl OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby Optima Net 1 am exempt fmm Ne COn Mmmx s License Lew for the following reason. (Section 7W L5, Business and Rofcssluns Calc: Any city or County which requ nes a permit 10 co arac4 amr, improve, demolish, .r repair my swnum prior b its com... than 2GYims tbeappllcanl r.,..,h permit to file aid,rudambment dem he is licensed Law (Chapur9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation parnaatanmepmvisionsnftheconaamar,ueens mommend.g with S.W. 7000)af Division 3 of dee Business aM Pmfessiom Code)or C $.55000 and he b exempt hi afron, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Number 3 ' Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant fa s Permit subjcva the applicant to a civil penalty of not ata than raw hundred dollars ($500). 5 9110 3 8 .'l7V D 1•ummer of the grit'", or my.,toy. wide wage as their sok Compensal m, will do me work. and dee smxtua W not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044• Business and Profinemos Cade: The ComrcaYs License Law dec, rot apply to m owner of Required Inspections property who Wildsaimptovathereon, and whodoes suchwarthimalforduough his Own employ.. prodded mat such improvements am an, intended oraRered for sada If. however. the Wilding or improvement u mid within arc year of Completion• the owner. Wilder will have the burden of proving mat he did rot Wild on improv fa Families, of , sue.} D 1. a owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed Comrmbrs in constrict dee project (See. 7044, Business and Pmfrstlmu Cade:) The Consumes U. ars, Law d. not apply, as an owner of property who Wilds or impmvn dancer. and, who Contracts fa such projects with a contraeaRs) licensed pursuant b Can Contractors License Law. D l am exempt under Sea rn� .B k PC farts name 'I IL, Ow. t Dab WORKER'SCOMPENSATI NDECLARATION . I h.by aBino Oder penalty of perjury ane of the following declarations; 1 hive and will maintain. Ce Herod of Consent bself-Imurnfor WorkehCamper- alien. a provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. for the Performance or the watt for which Ohs Permit is issued. D I Tuve irk will maintain Wortcrs Compensation Insurance, as required by Soma 3700x( the la1wr Code. far am perform¢ of the work for which mu permit is issued. ' My Workers Compensation Wourmce Cartier and Policy number are; Cartier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEM PITON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This s,etira rend! not be completed iDiu permit is foram hundred dollen (SIM) .r lea) 1 Cemmfv mot in the Performance oli dee work for which this it IS Wised. 1 shall not employ any person in my ab benswn subject in Werters CattlKnazim Laws of California. Da ^ y ,1 1 • a/ Applicant I"6TTk'falt NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If.ORer making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject an dee Workers COMPnadaa provision of man IaWr Code, you muse forthwith comply with such Provisions a dear permit shall W deemed revokeQ CONSTRUCnON LENDING AGENCY 1 Wrehy affirm dust there is a consumer.. lending agency for dm perfumman¢ of - the work fur which thin gamut Is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. G) , Landers Name Leaders Address 1 natiffy than I have read this applicuian and sub dust the show info ornal. u Correct. 1 agree in Comply with 91 City Yld Cowry Ordinances and sum laws relating to Wilding construction, and bemeby, authoden reprammadves of this city in atm upon the a Ww-aendmRd progeny for Inspection. (We) agree b ave. indemnify ami kap harmless the City of Cupertino against which - up.mwhich may in my wayamue against aid City incoiowhese ceofth.caumd of the gamin[ of this A APPLICANT D WILL APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND W]LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCEREGULATIONS. Issued by: Date ata Re -roofs ` Signature of ApplicaHAZARDOU Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or faun Wilding ilding acupml scoe or handle an mabrisi as defbd by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9. 12. and tie Health and Safety Cade, Section 35532(a)7 DYa 1�eo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. win dea. Applicant or future Wilding OCCa rot mm equipment pp g P 4 Pmenl ser devi. which If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I agree to remove P til air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. crI Dy. �40 1 have mW the Msamoa materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califor. ria Health h Safely Codc, Sections 25505, 25533 anti 25534.1undemmnd thuifmc building does not currently haw a burl due, it is my responsibility m tbtify the occupmt of the mqunamemts which muss ee p,1 .q,0 ice.. f. ceNremm or oyynpapmy.'Drf lDaam U Signature of Applicant Date 11 �' All roof coverings to be Class 'W' or better owmermaamarixedagntt • 2 ITEMS OF 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ... ..... : 35911038.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 08/04/2008 RECEIPT #.........: BS000005668 REFERENCE ID # ...: 08080013 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10280 BONNY DR SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 OWNER ............: TRAC VU ADDRESS ..........: 10280 BONNY DR CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2906, RECEIVED FROM ....: TRAC VU. CONTRACTOR .......: LIC # *OWNER* COMPANY ..........: TRAC VU ADDRESS ..........: 10280 BONNY DR CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2906 TELEPHONE ........: • FEE ID UNIT ---- ----- QUANTITY AMOUNT PD -TO -DT THIS REC NEW BAL -------- l.13SF.ISMICR VALUATION ---------- 5,000.00 ---------- 0.50 ---------- 0.00 -- 0.50 ------ 0.00 7DEMOPRE SQUARE FEET 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT ---------- 490.50 --------- 0.00 ----- 490.50 ---------- 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT ----------------- CREDIT CARD TOTAL RECEIPT : AMOUNT -------------- 490.50 --------------- 490.50 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION --- ------------------ --- 704 DEMO • REFERENCE NUMBER ----------- VISA VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------ CI OF • CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO DEMO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN# Ili 5,: • vo Fee ID Date: 9 /I , I O O Building Address: I O a C,��eNui la n ,Cfk' X0.14 Mailing Address (if different from building address): 1DEMORES Owner's Name:—�� u B Phone: C-4cy ) 510 3? 4 � Contractor: I G b 1DEMOPRES Phone Fax: Contractor License #: Cupertino Business License #: 1SFPOOL-DEM Contact: 1BSEISMICRE Phone: Fax: Residential Sq Footage Commercial ❑ Sq Footage Job Description: Uo` C:!)emo�\ �10/i Valuation: e, 000 Project Size: Express ❑ Standard Large ❑ Major ❑ Please complete relevant portions of the Green Building Che klist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include on the plan set & the sheet index. - Quantity . Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type 1DEMORES Demo -Residential B 1SFDWL-DEM / 1DEMOPRES Pool Demo Residential B 1SFPOOL-DEM 1BSEISMICRE Seismic Residential B Revised 6/16/08 C OF CUPEkTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO DEMO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type 1DEMOCOM Demo -Commercial B 1COMML-DEM 1DEMOPCOM Pool Demo Commercial B 1CPOOL-DEM IBSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial B 1BUSLIC Business License B • is Revised 6/16/08 Single Family GreenPoint Checklist date The GreanPolnt Checklist is based on the venous green features incorporated Into the tome and is the basis for the GreenPoint Rated program. A home on be considered green if it fulfills the prerequisites, • same at least 50 paints, and meets the minimum points per category: Energy (00), Indoor Air Quality/ Health (5), Resources (6), and Water (9). Please contact Build It Green for a list of qualified GreenPoint Raters if you are interested in pursuing Ihird-party, verification. Tn=green hulJmg praclices lislec below are desccbed in Ne New Home Conslmchon Green Building 11.0elknea availableatwwwhlilldtoreennm Build ItGreeH Y s B. FOUNDATION': - " .. .: ..-.:., 1, i, .v+ ,,,,, , ,,, ; ,,, 5:5� :. - :Puidls AvegaLta Per Meadlirli Points Available Per.Measurria'i ' 1. Repleca Portland Cement In Concrete cash Recycled Flyesh or Sled I. Minimum 2T%Flyesh or step Is. mum Mid25%Flyuhor Slee _ 1. Protect Tppsoll and Mlnkii Disruption W Ewunp Plans 6 Trees b ten Ocm lM wnlWW Headers W bad 0 0 i i 1 e. Protect Tool born E.. and Rouse eMr ComOudlcn 2 bear FreaHProbc4d Shalloe Foundation In COW Areas (CF.1',. ones Zone 16) 0 1 l { I 1 3 b. Una and DalMele Crnsradon Foolp of for Ma6hum ProMdbn BU. Radon Rea4Wrt C ... auction 0. Atallsk Locations Only) _. 0 0 t t I Decensnuct lwtud of Demolishing Existing BulWNgs On Sna A Design and aided structural Pot Controls I. ImleO Tender Shels s spans N EalerSr WmdbCanpaN Conatlldn by Meal or Rasdc FubranNMhn 0 I j 3 I 0. Recycle Job Sib Consb.11en Wole (including Green Waste) 1 I 2 t Ii. Al New BenO New Trunk, patio, or stem LocaW N WII ss Inches M1om Foundation A Mhbman iMload. Ommlm by Rktyd lR yft n Rowed 41, ieep p 1 I ' 1 R I 12 b. Minimum 65%DNenbn by Weight (Recpinpd Ruasl Ineal HIglrEmclency Imlpstbn Systeme e, tyslem Uwe only Loo.Plow one, Bubbles. or 1.00. spinkbn 0.9yslem Her Snvd Caervbn _ 0 I 2 _—_ c. MWrrsu 60% DNerdon by Welolllecrih lid Rawl 0 3 a. Use Rerycad Comms Anneal fMinlmum 25%) 0. Mulch NI Plentinp BW W the Greater d 2Inches or Local Wabr OrNnes. RMI.M O. Use 5014Sehaged m Racycled.C.Mard Material. for SO%d NonPlant Unison" Demema 0 0 I i 1 I. Wdheay and DrNaeay 0 0 b. itiodies, same —a T.1 MIw.lwnsN. F, Clr. r i t r B. FOUNDATION': - " ''"' u- 1 'r,�.,; - :Puidls AvegaLta Per Meadlirli � 1. Repleca Portland Cement In Concrete cash Recycled Flyesh or Sled I. Minimum 2T%Flyesh or step Is. mum Mid25%Flyuhor Slee _ b ten Ocm lM wnlWW Headers W bad 0 0 i i 1 —a 2 bear FreaHProbc4d Shalloe Foundation In COW Areas (CF.1',. ones Zone 16) 0 3 0 BU. Radon Rea4Wrt C ... auction 0. Atallsk Locations Only) 2 We Enplrrretl lumber 0 t t I. Bums and Modes A Design and aided structural Pot Controls I. ImleO Tender Shels s spans N EalerSr WmdbCanpaN Conatlldn by Meal or Rasdc FubranNMhn 0 „_J ___.__I._.�.1.___.. j, —2 --- r I) ."-. ? . _3.. p 1 I 2 t Ii. Al New BenO New Trunk, patio, or stem LocaW N WII ss Inches M1om Foundation p 1 I L CLANDSCAPING'. '1. i;l'i „Poinfi'A'veildble Per Mmuto'!'='.'--•�- � 1. Contend Resource-EIIItlam Un disclose a. No towel species LOW by CWPC An P4nled b. No cam species Ads RaRuhe Medolnp c.75% d PbnOMDroyIFMleram Coaches Nowise, kYdilerteraen, or Other Approhi Species b ten Ocm lM wnlWW Headers W bad D —a I UO FlrwsaM tandauping Techniques 0 1 I 2 We Enplrrretl lumber 1 Mlnbn es Tud NW In Landeni huhlW by sudtler e.M Turf WR He" a Were, Rourchanl Leu than m Equal W Tal FesculQJd plant faM) b. Tud Shtl Nd Be lwleled on Seca Enaedbg l0% or h New Lees tlan6 Fsel Nlds c. Tud i00% ofladscgred eine (bld 2po1*) d. rust MtO%dtandscapetl Nee lbWOpdmtl I. Bums and Modes 0 „_J ___.__I._.�.1.___.. j, —2 --- r I) ."-. ? . _3.. 1. Plod Shade Trac 0 3 L Group PIUM by W.Wr Needs IHydessonir d 0 I 12 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint ChKNW 2007 Version Ineal HIglrEmclency Imlpstbn Systeme e, tyslem Uwe only Loo.Plow one, Bubbles. or 1.00. spinkbn 0.9yslem Her Snvd Caervbn 0 I 2 ( 7. Incimorale Two Inches d Compwl In the Top E M fl Inches Of Boll 0 3 0. Mulch NI Plentinp BW W the Greater d 2Inches or Local Wabr OrNnes. RMI.M O. Use 5014Sehaged m Racycled.C.Mard Material. for SO%d NonPlant Unison" Demema 0 0 I i 1 2 10. Reduce Ughl Pollution by Shielding FIffim arrNce Oinoling Light Dovmwrd 0 �1111111111[0 1. Apply Optimst Val. Englneedrp _ I. Rm Rahn ale those It 24Inn On Comer ForresM 0 b ten Ocm lM wnlWW Headers W bad c.lhe ody Jack and Apldo sWtls Revered M Iced • 2 We Enplrrretl lumber I. Bums and Modes O, Insulated ErMIOeaW Huston � ..O c. Wand IJPOO or web Tmeaesb Flnrs __..._ 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint ChKNW 2007 Version Page 1 of 7 PROJECT � s s O. Woof k Wleb Roof Rahn 0 I 1 ' • e. Engineew or FlreprJdnletl SSW for Venial Mplicetom 0 1 t. Oriented Strand Bub for Subloa 0 9.Odenled Strand! Board for We0 ane Roof SbulningT- 1 gu FB.CerdMd Woos a. Dioandwii Lwnber, Safe aM Tmber. Abnbnm /0% 0 b.01mentlmull.umW.Sn .nd TimWbanimum70% - 0 c. PW ProduW: Minimum /0X 0 d. Panel PmduCa: Knlmm 70% 1 0 • • 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPolnt ChedJkt 2007 Version Page 2 of 7 • • • TdM PMli 1w4N„In Clnnf,Mn„LP,x Ln,,,.aM Cm�Yw •'1d n I E. EXTERIOR F4NISH, Mdable Per Meaaure:'. 1. Use RacyatedCenYnd (No VlrOln Plants) or FSC{eNbd Wood GcMlry 0 ENTER PROJECT NAM p 2 S Use Ounble and NonranEustible Siding tealpaWs D zL A Need Durable and NorecanbeeUOte RooOng temperate V 4 C Total Paled, AWIaW In Ealabr Fawn= A Un seem Wall Systema linctudn SIPS, ICFs, S My Non lick From. Humby) _.___... 0 P. INSULATION,7^+d 2,T ,r....e - *,. .;Pmnd Available Per Measure7i.T.,. a. Fbors 0 2 1 2 � b. wab 3. impact pueAy of Insulation Installation bion Applying Dr wtll 1....__...._ j I 1 1 I l r 2 C. Rah .. _.__...____... 0 i 2 a S Radium Polduon Entering the Han bans Me Geroge 0 � c.liWNl OudwoM1 UMer Nuc leeWlbn (Buried Omb) a. TIpMy Seel w M Sena MYwen Gape pact t)dN Nee p � y b. Instal Gust. Exhaust Fen OR Bute a DebdwC Gape { � 1 1 0. uaalpn Enapy Nv4 on Trwsa �5%olAWc Ina Wtlon NsIpM al 0ub14 Edea of EaYdor WeIA 0 1 I l ; ..■ T. Design Roel Trustee bAccommoGY Ductwork 0 1 usbg CSA Standards S. Um RarydediConYM SWI Saida for 90%W Interior Wall Fnminp 0 1 9. Tlnmvl Mau Wells: Moth Drywall on N Indaria WOIY or Waite Walphing mon wn a OYcu.1 e. traded ENERGY STM Betlaoom Fane Vemadi b W QAdd• p L 10. Install Ondunge and Gutters b. N BaUaoom Fene M n Times or Humalbbl __. _.. 0 _......._t._-_..! L . _.... I a. MYtlnum 16aan O,wmags and Guiana 0 '. 7 1. Install senclumnical Ventilation System for Cooling (W Wnum s paints) b. MlNmum 24lncn Oadunge and Gvuan p 1 _I TdM PMli 1w4N„In Clnnf,Mn„LP,x Ln,,,.aM Cm�Yw •'1d n I E. EXTERIOR F4NISH, Mdable Per Meaaure:'. 1. Use RacyatedCenYnd (No VlrOln Plants) or FSC{eNbd Wood GcMlry 0 I 2 Z Install a Win Scorn WMI Syslam p 2 S Use Ounble and NonranEustible Siding tealpaWs D zL A Need Durable and NorecanbeeUOte RooOng temperate 0 i 2 Total Paled, AWIaW In Ealabr Fawn= D _.___... 0 P. INSULATION,7^+d 2,T ,r....e - *,. .;Pmnd Available Per Measure7i.T.,. 1. Install Insolation earth 75%RM.W Contend ■ a. Wats andb Rome b. GYYps ...,.,... D i __............__... ..........-.. _.. _., _.._. 1 Z pool wuWon put Is LowEmitiing (CeIUSM Sect.. 01350) s. Walls pada Fbps b. College; D ._..._. p L __.._..____.�__......:, .. _._�L... _._ 1 3. impact pueAy of Insulation Installation bion Applying Dr wtll 0 j I G. PLUMBING %°PWets Available Per Measure:... 1. DlMarbub Domnpc Not Wats Efficiently (WLMmn 7 Pdnb) p . e. troubles Hot WOW Plpa nom Water Healer b Nllclwn 0 1 I 1 b. Investor N Hol Water Pines _._0..... .____.i _:.......!___..,...__.._ I j . c. Vas EnpMentl Penal Piping _.___... 0 _..%.._.__� _..r_....._;.._. .._ 1 d. Use Engineered Penial Piping wM Gmew ConlMed Cenop km Loop 0 d i l l i ■ a.UN SUUCpael RJmoY9 Mn Corona Cmlb(/M ChouldM Loop O1._2 _ I. Use Central Con Pbmbug O.______..__:..._—�._._..x_..___. 1 1 I l r 2 L wort prey High EfBdenoy TYlab IDusFFlwn a31.21 Ill 0 a H. HEATING; VENTILATION &'AIR CONDITIONING 1.Dealgnend Install HVACSystembACOAWnul J,D,andSRaa .m Wns. p i a 1 xlnmu9aw cembamn wits e. Fonts. p . b. d Witter Happen, .. 2 3. nation Zonsd, Hydmnic Nadlanl Hand, War Sb0 Edge wutetien 0 d i l l i 1. Inabll High EMrbnry Nr ConNboning wen Ernnom only ResponWY Raldpar W 5. Design end bupell ENepea Duubork a. load HVAC unit and Oafsak evern Con6iMed Spend 0 i 3 b.Um Olid MaspcnNGdJoka eM Sends 0 � c.liWNl OudwoM1 UMer Nuc leeWlbn (Buried Omb) 0 i 1� i � a.Premium Intense geeaa:bplksrdpan e.PMed Wtle Mdnp Cmsbuction entl Clean AS Cucls Mips prciryensy 0 1 &impel High E ficli HVAC Dppa (MERVSs) 0 l ; ..■ 7. Dont labii Flraplem or install Stated Ga Fimptems edge Eplelenuy ItOing NO tau lion 10% usbg CSA Standards S. Install ElhcWe Eshoust Sysbms In Begenpa and NMMn. e. traded ENERGY STM Betlaoom Fane Vemadi b W QAdd• p L b. N BaUaoom Fene M n Times or Humalbbl __. _.. 0 _......._t._-_..! L . _.... I c.bwl NYtlwn Reny HOM Vented atlw Outtide _.O 1 1. Install senclumnical Ventilation System for Cooling (W Wnum s paints) a. Inst ENERGY STM GDng F. & Wit Nib to LNig Neu S Badman 0 � b.wW Wbde lbaa Fen wlge Vanities Speed, 02007 Build It Green Single Fahy GraenPohlt Cheddist 2007 VeniDn Page 3 of 7 *NTER PROJECT NAME e mum o. AabieEo!/ Convolve Integrated System° _ ! z d. Mxna0®ly Conboled Integrated Spa Vadebte Speed Conhd 0 i 3 10. Wta0tl nlml Fresh Mr VmiW6on SyeMn lWzhnam 3 Pemtel . a. MY VMae House Venvetion System That Abels ASHW 612 b. YntelAFbAh HmlEuhanger eut menta ASHRAE 622 0 ---i----L'—'----- 1 i 2 1t Imtell Carbon MonoeId. Alm(a) 0 1 Total Pante Anhb4 In Healing, Ventlaton and AF Conditioning 30 0 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint Chadlist 2007 Version Page 4 0l7 E • Ll 0 0 • Poinle In R..b6 EMW - 28 0 1 J. BUELDING PERFORMANCE P pG i.,- IntsAvale ■ 1. Dewon Eniqannni W Redum Thnclud In Combenlrumbs t a. ENERGY STM (lobil I Point) ;ENTER PROJECT NAME L U. W Voc . I .Voc Paint (M hhum 3 Poinft) _11 Design and I.BuIld High Perfinmamw Homm. % junnys lade 24. minimum 1$Wequmnd a 230 1 3. Mini. Obtains h ■ ENERGY STM voth u,I Au P..p Con,a.Gum - Pfluf W -a— (TutAM PoI wad ...no p 2 a 5 Z ImH,I1 ENERGY $I" Cloth. Wimmung Nuchl. .0 Wino, Fiulun of 6 . lase b. Minimum 30% of Four ■ ii, Maeln, EneW Son and CEE 71in 2 (modennI.morgy fador 2.0, Water Fedor 6.0) (Unal 0p hub) D. ZmmVOC: Iminor WaftiCellIng Palms (cS gpi VOCs (Flid)) ■ 3 1 ji 2 ------ 1 U- 1,na VOC, WWNG,hhH1Wood Finisloini (4150 pi VOCs) 0 2 3. Inub," ENERGY STAR llwfflpnihr 1; RENEWABLE ENERGV,�... k U. b vw U.11, mW comminuca.. A ,hhh, ('" pi vocio in, All "lunishim, p 2 ENERGY STAR Quafibid L' M Outhic Fee, Chuck, ■1. P�umb ficu kbr Ru Whir Rating0 40 ■ L Inshill Soluir INIihn, Hating Syifthwa 21 71 1 1 ■ 3. ImflIIII Mining C.rd.Ift for Futun, Phuhnnuftic 1m;1alluntlo. & N.1cle 200 it .1 SouV4,.Im, Roof 71 2 1 Cabluets, (W% Minimum) ♦ arbel Pholoh,cubic PM Pimeb; ■ a. 30% of Monc needs OR 12 kW (WW 6 x1mrs) p 6 ■ b. Son of enxIsic weds OR 2.4W Molal 12 ponto She" (M Wnkwm) 6 9D% of almorc none OR 3.6 W " 18 Wime) 6 Poinle In R..b6 EMW - 28 0 1 J. BUELDING PERFORMANCE P pG i.,- IntsAvale ■ 1. Dewon Eniqannni W Redum Thnclud In Combenlrumbs t a. ENERGY STM (lobil I Point) Concmia. FWAuQHuihwUusjHh%cNoNVOC& L U. W Voc . I .Voc Paint (M hhum 3 Poinft) _11 Design and I.BuIld High Perfinmamw Homm. % junnys lade 24. minimum 1$Wequmnd a 230 1 3. Mini. Obtains h ■ ENERGY STM voth u,I Au P..p Con,a.Gum - Pfluf W -a— (TutAM PoI wad ...no p 2 a 5 Pointe In G,Hdh, Pain - 1, D R. FINISHES n"'! PohnGAY!6bIaPer MiS .... 0, pG i.,- IntsAvale ■ 1. Dewon Eniqannni W Redum Thnclud In Combenlrumbs 0 a. ENERGY STM (lobil I Point) Concmia. FWAuQHuihwUusjHh%cNoNVOC& L U. W Voc . I .Voc Paint (M hhum 3 Poinft) -----_.._.i._. ■ ..W4.15%ofFloork. ■ a. Voc Inbuft waliceilEv PaIres 1450 gpi voc. (1:1al) ind '150 gpi vocs (N.h4tilo Z ImH,I1 ENERGY $I" Cloth. Wimmung Nuchl. .0 Wino, Fiulun of 6 . lase b. Minimum 30% of Four ■ ii, Maeln, EneW Son and CEE 71in 2 (modennI.morgy fador 2.0, Water Fedor 6.0) (Unal 0p hub) D. ZmmVOC: Iminor WaftiCellIng Palms (cS gpi VOCs (Flid)) ■ 3 1 ji 2 ------ 1 U- 1,na VOC, WWNG,hhH1Wood Finisloini (4150 pi VOCs) 0 2 3. Inub," ENERGY STAR llwfflpnihr .Nouum75%ofFbk@a k U. b vw U.11, mW comminuca.. A ,hhh, ('" pi vocio in, All "lunishim, p 2 ENERGY STAR Quafibid L' M Outhic Fee, Chuck, S. U. RimyO.".nivot Paint 0 L U" Em4nummimthdo, Phrhnnh% NaunUti, for InWdw RnIum: A) FSILemuflkul Wc4 B) R hnpe, C) Rapidly Rhu, W, 0) ltwqcnhnd or E) llugRh R.-y.WV Center Flow4chwuh! Cabluets, (W% Minimum) 0 ■ b. Indercu Trim (� luirdrum) She" (M Wnkwm) d. Doons (W% NlmrnuY) 0 ■ 6, CMM@VtM (50% Minimum) T. RWum Fonnalfthydhi In Interior Fulsh (CA auction 01350) ■ a. Ublow & SW Treanki (So% Nikenum) ■ b. CWiruo, & caimantop (M hunimn) 0 ■ C. Inlander Trim (505; Minimum) 7-0 ....... .. Ln d. Sinahing (50% Minimiur) 0 LA1WI--W[W.dn.bh.,T..teindwr"BhmF.Idehy64mIQ7ppb 0 3 roal Ap be Pointo In Finishes 1 2 0 1 L FLOOR[Na� PohnGAY!6bIaPer MiS .... 0, 1. Imit,11 WW,.md E.W Efficem, DIO.M, 1. U. Em,ironmenout, Pnirrehan. floorin: A) Fll- intfflhmd Wood, 0) RKW=d or Rvanish.c. C) It idly Rimauabi.. of Rsry Ia cmbmk E) Eppwd ■ a. ENERGY STM (lobil I Point) Concmia. FWAuQHuihwUusjHh%cNoNVOC& GiamnanW U. No Non, than 8.5 Gwl�yd, flow 2 'Ims) -----_.._.i._. ■ ..W4.15%ofFloork. 0 Z ImH,I1 ENERGY $I" Cloth. Wimmung Nuchl. .0 Wino, Fiulun of 6 . lase b. Minimum 30% of Four ■ ii, Maeln, EneW Son and CEE 71in 2 (modennI.morgy fador 2.0, Water Fedor 6.0) (Unal 0p hub) 0 i ■ b. luaims E.W San and CEE Yin, 3 haii,munamis (modifed! ensW brun 2Z Water Fedora.5 orbs) 1 ji 2 ------ (WW 5 Points) 2 3. Inub," ENERGY STAR llwfflpnihr .Nouum75%ofFbk@a ■ a, ENERGY STAR Qualified L' 25 Ubc F"I Capoo, 0 ENERGY STAR Quafibid L' M Outhic Fee, Chuck, 4. InnuI01 WIN. Riny.11, Camihr llugRh R.-y.WV Center M. APPLIANCES AND LIGHT ING, PohnGAY!6bIaPer MiS .... 0, 1. Imit,11 WW,.md E.W Efficem, DIO.M, ■ a. ENERGY STM (lobil I Point) ■b. GiamnanW U. No Non, than 8.5 Gwl�yd, flow 2 'Ims) -----_.._.i._. Z ImH,I1 ENERGY $I" Cloth. Wimmung Nuchl. .0 Wino, Fiulun of 6 . lase ■ ii, Maeln, EneW Son and CEE 71in 2 (modennI.morgy fador 2.0, Water Fedor 6.0) (Unal 0p hub) 0 i ■ b. luaims E.W San and CEE Yin, 3 haii,munamis (modifed! ensW brun 2Z Water Fedora.5 orbs) 1 ji 2 ------ (WW 5 Points) 2 3. Inub," ENERGY STAR llwfflpnihr ■ a, ENERGY STAR Qualified L' 25 Ubc F"I Capoo, 0 ENERGY STAR Quafibid L' M Outhic Fee, Chuck, 4. InnuI01 WIN. Riny.11, Camihr llugRh R.-y.WV Center 02007 Build It Green Single F9mIIyCxeenPoml Checklist 2007 Vansion I Page 5 of 7 ENTER PROJECT NAME --- b. 6d4ln Cunt; Unle, Tcrtal AwHatis Folds in Applances ancl Lighting =1 0 N. OTTER T ints :.N1?'P6* Aialiabis Per Wiwi: 1. Inwrponte Grvenlroint Rated ChcKlirt In Blueprints - Required a R 2. D.Iop H., W..1 of Green N.W.SensIlts a 3. Cannurnity D.4n Waeune & local Irftrill.is: See ft Cwnmu,Xy FU.kV & Duo wofic,n In Cirapimir 4 of ft Nex H. WMN. W MWnitun at M pointe for suMsM rreu . Loral Muftnerns may eleo W ]i Mn. m 0 2007 Build It Green Single Farnifty Gmnfroint Cheddist 2007 Version Page 6 of 7 0 0 • • 0 �ENTER PROJECT NAME, ---- -- -- -- - -------- 0 .0 EMsdewlplbn hen and oder wirls willabli, for 77 0,! Dar dowililkn hini, snd.nis, porrits rntlii* for nneasme In apemprials —righ—L 4. Innovation: List innovative measures that meet the green building objectives of the Guidelines. Enter up to a B u Id It ruid,lln,s Green Checkilit, and maximum combined total of 20 pts. See Innovation Checklist for suggested measures, using the link to the right. liscrvatkin In Cmmunifty. Enter damlipuin ", and! "r pointewitiiile for ninsinusit In apli,,i"W aWgirta to ft NK D 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 Inirknin AW.Ifth: Erri,rdescriplon herairil entepdrdirviladefirmenrilispinni"W calgorialoft r;hl. 0 0 0 .0 D_ o himin0on ki l4ii,trunt : EnW deitatpuin h", antl inlar in naU* kir nnurun, h xvi otAgerin b ft Vit, i in W,,hr: Emir, imaripton hem, andl arlin, points rnbUir for rninuum W iripp.prialk, WWrin to ft AOL a 0 0 0 ToW Avdiatlit Pbm In 011iri, 43 i Summary D Total Available Points in Specific Categories* 4+ 96+ 42+ 66+ 43+ 0 30 6 fi 9 Minimum Points Required in Specific Categories Total Points Achieved 01 0 0 7 0 1 0 Project has not yet met the following recommended minimum requirements: - Total Project Score of At Least 50 Points - Required measures: -A3a: 50% waste diversion by weight -12: 15% above Title 24 -Nl: Incorporate Green Point Rated Checklist into blueprints Minimum points in specific categories: -Energy (30 points) • -IAQIHealth (5 points) -Resources (6 points) -Water (9 points) 0 2007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoInt Chaddist 2007 Vmion Page 7 of 7 CITY OF WUPEkTINO IA Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 Fax(408)777-3333 Building Department JOB ADDRESS: \ G oL G U,: •� 'D(L PERMIT # oeDk voi3 OWNER'S NAME: I 3 U PHONE # ,g 63\o 3Y GENERAL CONTRACTOR: FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: Owner/Contractor Signature Date SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering . Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date