12283 (2) &77.BOLLINGER ROAD Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF 1SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Date..�1.QbE.-------G--------...... 19../ Permit No.-----/. -_------------ The undersigned hereby makes application to the Pluming Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit 4o install the a hanical k 4 n r or si Exemption from raqui a 4 or for fo� n}r t r License is hereby claimed by undersigned: a o er to eme filed P� n Undersigned attests that his Sfat of California Contractor's License'# is in full force and effect and properly authorizes this application. San Jose City Business License # — 1 certify that in the performance of the k 'which A' er is 's ed sal{ o a ploy any person in any manner so as to violate }Ike nes co ti , of al n a. OWNER e r ic ADDRESS t17 �C Lot No... USE OF BUILDING Signed - -�-�� ----�-- '�---�--' zeo-zo I6-73I �¢ F SHEET MTA IC IAd ", CA. 6577OLLINGERIROAD B f Q ^m `< O V C C C C O O p r O , p 6 n o � _ o_ � m T m O N O