71429 (2) 5941 Bollinger Rd . >?]An 2531 Tract No. 5100 Lot No. 22 CITY OF SAN JOSEBUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMITes Date February 7 , , 19 72 Permit No./ryry/z2 Application is hereby made fora permit,to buil a_2—story, Type 11 Residence Building Use Zone P 113 G at_5-941—Boiiinger—Read Occupancy to be occupied only az S- Y -R-. • Parking Space._ in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Fire Sprinkler — Estimated (J Estimated Value of Improvements, $- ly 0 Emer. Elect. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner_Dl�rCRAlI Address 2295 De La Cru Blvd Address _ Santa C�#ara 2 3 ECORD OF INSPECTIQ� �"4G- Foundation 'i`'�3'��' ���'°"""'-`O'er Frame Stucco inish /Q' 7 2 L-OBZ wJo� hefI c, p . 2� gI . 1 I .# esueo!l sseu!sng -A4!0 esvp UPS 'UO!yvollddP s144 sez!J044ne AluedoJd pup yoayya pup 0.Joy gny m s! £Z T 9 Z .# esuwl1 s Joya wymo uNJoy4pO yo OMS s14 044 sysayyv yupmlddy Pell} VOLUGfu4s C] JOUMO so :yuve!lddP Aq Pew!vla Agese4 s! esuae!l Y04391000 Joy P!uJoy!lvp yo 04PyS Joy 4uewaJ!nbaJ woJy uo!ydwas3