S 2731 (2) .APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY ON CUPERTINO IIIJ I LDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION[PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL C n BUILDING PROJECT IDENFn F'ILATIOe, 'r J L BUILDIN )DRfiSS SAN]'T'ARY ND. APPLICATION SUBMI'ITAI,DA'll? 0 �' � O 1?R'S P UNB: CON'IHA(:I OMS NAMIP. - I.ICNO: NIC /lw �1COMII DI.# F '1'!NGINHLER: % LIC NO, - ADDRESS: ❑ O roM1'ncr: PuoNli: '" BUILDING PERMIT INTO ❑ Cunsultant Fees Paid by Applicant(initial) RLUr F.LIi MOV],B/, NI CHW. i ICLNSI D C( TRACTORS DI LLAIIAI'LON I L� LTJ/ QTY.h ELI'.GTItIC PI?RMI'r HI?Ii ) 1 herehy uRnn Ih t 1 I'ccnvcJ do pm� 'r ns of Chanter 9(<mmm �ing JOB DESCRII'1'ION DaZ wIIM1 Scci'nn7111011n' 30 ftheBas InyI.. a RIr DF s ° PLItMTI ISSUANCE IUWf Ll KITCHEN REMODEL FSO in full fnrcaend e0 y. �UU lerenm Clus' Lie.# APPLIANCES-It ESIDI?NIML ❑ADD[HON [I PLUMBING RE-PIPE EsC hip) Date Contcouit ARCHITECI'HFII.AR N ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL PANELS MODIFICATION �ZN 1 unJcrsmand m lune shall he uacJ as ublic«erode 2 v r 4O UI'T0200AMI'S ❑INTERIOR -Ell ule 'Y REPAIR L�.'4„F•p) Licensed Pralenia ml NII-h WOAMPS r�IM11 (]$W NG POOLS Q f-1 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION C OVER IIXXIAMPS I;tMATH R SD WREPAI ❑DE 0 PION C 6 I neaNy a1'Iirm That I ani exempt Gnnt the Cmni-doadv License Law fur tM1e _ 1 L U fnllnwin Section 7031 3,Bevins and loaf—ate,Cudc:An I .... THIi xx 6 ( Y Y n Y SIGNS hI I:C I+I�Dy which roapitics a Permit[to construct, It prove.demolish,or rep y structure F..N�' pen t I. I t Ipl II p ll signed statement SI'ICLA .Ill' ISG. r/ PR 1 5 lo 11 111 Hf,yVe an.,fit,,1 dp . O h l f1 C h h L 1 (Chupur9 � z fen y I S t 700f11 f E l DM1 It J I f :Code)., TEMP OR POL SE ' a a c W ]hut he aminpl Nxufro n and the has. f r the dlle,rd ax peon Any viol n on nl EM EW BLDGIADDI'L'10N ❑UEMOLI ION �m Section 7031.5bycry applicant a permit.subjects the applicant a civil worth,of POWER DEVI'S ENANT ❑FOOD SE VICH t mora Than five hundred dollars(55100. v t[n wnbls--------I] I,as owner of the prupvny,or my employees%ith ao as Their sole compensation, SWIMMING I' l will da the wmk,ardfirrhucan,enm lneendedourrddereddbrsole mvc.7044,13ceinexv IFR W 3 m and Profusions GsJc:The Contractors License Law dies not apply to an owner of OU'I'LFTS-SWITCH S - TURIS propcny who field.our improves Ihcrcun,and wan lines such work himself or Ihmugh his own employees,previded that wish impmvemenls are not intended our nflircd fur NEW RESIDENTIAL HLEC'I'R SQ Fr. sale.If,howsoever.the huildmgorlmpmventem is wild the SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA $ISQ.FC cr li ilder will hive the burden of proving[hat he did rout huild or inhprnve Iia pur- 01,to,nle.l. 33l C" i]1,ax owner nl the Pmprrry,um exdnvively emene[htg wird IlrenceA mnln¢Inta m - t" crustiest the project(Sec.7014,Businean and Prali..iou C,Ac:)The Carnations,Lik ,cn,c Law dncsnotnpply a unaware or properly who buidda our inynaves throne,and QTY,. PLUMBING PERMIT,, FF.F. to ho conractsfor such projeds w'nh acontmcum%)licensed punuunuohhc Contronor's I �/ License,Law. PERM'ISSUANCE �O VVV ❑ l ata escape under Sec. .B X P C lin this rcasen worN;IFR-DRAIN 6 VENT-WATER(EA) VALUATION u Dnte q WORKER'S COMPHNSA l'ION DECLARATION RACK FLOW PROTECT DEVICE no IhmebYallinnnnJar penalty if nju y anent he 1011111 in,Jeedamnnne �J 0 I)Q Ihuvr and will innintaina Cenifcalc of Consent to selhlnwrelin WrnAcr's Cnn.pem DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF.AREA,COND. STORIES TYPE CONS'RUCTION .Bunn,us provided for by Section 3700 of the Labur Crile,for the perfonhnnce of the w'nrk fur which this Permit is issued. Iy XTURE -PERTRAP ❑ I have and will maintain Workers Cramer-finsin heam ore,as reyuirctt by Sechinn 37011ufthel.anor Cnde,fnr Ionnuncm I the wurk lou'wM1ich Nis indlp?.wed. OAS-IIA.SYS'I'F.ME INC.40ITLES ePc 1 OCC.GROUP AI'N My Wu o n a mu 'r ou t Carrier'. ey : AS-FA.SYSTEM fIVER4(EA) CER'I'IFICATF.OFRXH IMION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASUINDUSTRL WASTE INTIiRCEPTOR 'vW nn charmed dn11nre($100) BUILDING DIV ISIONIFBS (This semio'�('�/ , et 'I'll or lewd `d//II� �, l 1 � IO, ermili ' GRIiASE'rRAI' PLANCI +EE I cert ylha donne perlur lm,eur[ha nlch' vLvrucJ,lenall SEWER-SANI'T'ARY-STORM 17 210 PI'. not employ any penin in any manner as as Rh hvu,me miject to the Workers'Cnmpen- IiNl3 � Z xatiun Lovsnf CUhfirmia.Date WATER I IEATUR WIVEMI'IELECTR OR Appliciml to NOIBCE TO APPLICAMI':If,afar making this Certifncaie our Rxcmp[ear,You should WATER SYSTEoilf)RHATING a ; beeotnc snhjecl lithe Warkc-Campensaton provisirnsolthe Lamar Cale,yuumast S01L. :ErV W fonawith comply with will provisions our this Nomim shall be deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE ot a � UO CONSTRUCTION LIiN'UINrr AGENCY NEW RESIDE NDAL I'LMIi. SQ.Fr. PAID Dare Receipt# I herchy aff rm That them is o Cunstnteunn]cutting agency fnrthe perforonanee of the it for which this permit ei issued(Sec.3091.Ci,C.) W l-. Lender's Name c 0 W Lenders Address 1 I certify[hut I have real this applicant-and uaa Lha the officer infimmi fair I BUILDIN Plile � h emuu.lr.uemComply withell cityand coulyielmances and suite laws nettling n) ,Q'fY. . MECHANICAL,PERMIT„m h FEE S0 building ronuruc[inn.and herebymehodm represenahives ofthis city o entereprn the IilS CIIi nbnve-menliumrJ property for im,ecliun purposes. I'lill Ml'I'ISSUANCE(We)aaceusa,H.indm,mity and keep harmless the Ciyal'Cupcuinnofgainal lil.l?CTR TiB liabilities,luJ6men[s,cns[s and expenses which may in any wayaceme agaiteaciid City ALTER OR ADD TO MECIL In con enf the grooming of this Permit. PLUM GIT:P. AP' C NT UNDERS'I"ANUS AN)WIL.I.CONIPLY W'1'1'If AL.NON 'OINT AIR HANDLING UNIT Cut 10,01X1 CFM) MIiC11AN 'AI.FBI7 U It[„�UI_ATIO $. a AIR HANDLING UNI'r(OVER 11,000(1 CFM) CONST RUCr ON'1'AX rah Iit.fo etc I I?XHAUS'I'IIOOD(WIDUCO I LOUSINGM111GAI'IONFEE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCI.OSUH Will Iaeapplicanlourfuture heildmg occupant sumorhandle henrdio naarlul HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 B I'Of rs defined by the Calandra Municipal Calc,Chapter 9,12,and the Ifeallh and Safety Gsdc,Sealna 25532(ap HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000)BTU) ❑Yes �Nu VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RISID) PAID Will the toMeana lir a tee beildin cu ant use e I our device,,which Ute Receipt# pp � gce p Area cu 001LER-COAIP(31111 OR IQ,OgI B'I LU .mtk � I �t t L '.refinedh [h II3A A Q '1lY Nlan'6emem Li i Disunion[� 0Y: BOILER COMP II01,11IX1 BTU) 2 AIR CONDI I'ION HR 1Lmzu,.,,1neh 1t I:rcy 'nm I. nJ CI pl fi95fthc Cali - SSUANCIi IJA''liNr C d S i .255115 2553) 125534.I I :t J mh m if IEuNI W RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.IThuinntly have a learn.Nut a is nor mspnnsibdity until' acupamour roe Iie tnnmmnstianae ort nip. er. �2)_ �l net rjollittleteri '[ T ISSUED By. OFFICE rift•..E:195? 1 ;4:41 rR.7kl FOLU', _ r10.038 P.2/a Brian Kangas Faulk • Engineers . Rirveyors . Planners • May 27, 1999 960069.50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward way,Suite 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subject; OabValley—Foundation Verification Dear Chuck, On May 26, 1999 we performed A find survey of tic location of the foundation fomss for the buildings being constructed on Lot 5-32, Lot 5-35 and Lot 5.39 of the Oak Valley proleer in Cupertino. The results of that survey clearly show that the location of the foundation fm ms are consistent and in conformance with the design locatioi of the buildings,as said locations are shown on die plans prepared by our firm. This letter is Intended to provide yet with the verification of those units per our survey. if there are any other questions concerning the:loca len,pease do not hesitate to call. • Sincerely, 0� tAHb SGA • l / �"`""' ' yrs G BRIAN KANOAS FOULK Ch6R;E5 R.CIAADI ac Charles R.Ciardi P.L.S.7321 4' EXP.9/30101 rt Project Manager He.7321 Survey Department 01' rP.10 yep • 540 Price Avanue . Redwrad City.CA 54063 . 165014620300 . FAR(6501462 6399 • ° I�Af2�A DATE JOB NO, Consulting Engineers and Scientists • 425 ROLAND WAY PRaacT OAKLAND, CA 94621 • (510) 568-4001 LOCATION CONTRACTOR , OWNER ' Data r //.' ; <� C :. i.�lQ i WEATHER TEMP. G� *at AM //JJ Cd Llr` ,°at PM Hours Charged To Project ^ Nuclear Density Tests ilk PRESENT AT SITE , Field Task Number T�7' (' Concrete Cylinders THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: 1, �( ( '1-!✓ l-1��f n17">'�-vi:. ItC� ) pl- �l.1-<'xa5- ( sf>a s f- 35 f Sd ) Cv, )!'t '2`35 �C>r � `-l'PP ) ".L 1Gf•Y•f '� �G/;PI •�.r r:, l fC`('I'-1 ."� ; i .l i-iJ �' : ( r'1l �(.)�..�. �)� IGrll-" I I !'lG ;{ +j^ ` I -77'C, .rC .if- �ry-p. r!. -,1- �.1' I:.i,^I !i,� /C'OS� i')7li �f ✓' IG 1, C1 .. 5 ( -1,/ Ir).. '"C. I i r'fl �..r.-IFS '.l f�l-`„ vii C,; �.:i'C•. .; rd -rz. /// � �J .J/C'- i -'C'V I- (• �n� r". PIP )'7C G�D�L�D'A pp, 0 COPIES TO I, SIGNED y�� �r•`=' j "/�� Jun-28-99 08:41A ENGINEERING WEST 408 295 1570 P.02 I I I , i1 41 I ;I >ill O I j I ib� (i1 (n� I pX I ;.il w I oc ia Jli I Fill 14 - I � 1 i • c � '