S 2302APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ld1TUV UUI'VK I n TWX PLUMBING -MECHANICAL. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIOWPERMLP 111111 In Nn PRnIpCT I nFIN'I TFICAITON V C ^/ L 3 O ^/ L ❑ Censellanl Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) I-ICIiNS13D CONTRACIORIS OECLARAI'ION QTY I hereby effimn that 1 um licensed trader pmviwom of Chapter 9 (coura ening ce Zp suint Seaian](XXII of Division 3nfthe lsusinosand l4afessions Cailotodn+ylicenuis W F- in full famc anJ caber U U Liccnu Clxss Lic, p Z Dale COnlfaClar� 1 ARCIII'I'IiCTS DECLARATION tiZ 1 understand my plan..hall he, used as public records E" LL Licensed Professional E� OWNIiR-BUILDHR DECLARATION Q 1 hereby affinn that 1 am exempt from the Cnmmalor's License Law for the a U following action. (Seaton 7831.5. Im,irw s and Pro&sdons Code: Any city or county O h which requires a Permit u)con.amet, alter, improve, demolish. ur repair any structure Lear no its issuance, also requires the applicant tor such varrou to file a signed statement } that he is licensed pursuant a the provisions of the Contractor's License, law(Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000)ofDivinion 3nf the Radius, and Processions Co or oC that he i, exempt therefrom and the basin for the alleged exemption. Any violation of t Section )831.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant h+a civil Penalty of m a"' not more than five hundred Jul Mrs (55118). ❑ Lm owner oflhe pi or my emph,yees with wages as their solcenngsnrarnn, ywill do the wark,and the structure is not intended or for vale (Sec. Boons'. � 3.. and Proes ons Guic: The Contractor's License l,aw Ams not apply P, an owner of pmpcny who mild. m innpn+vs thereon, and who cities such work himself or through his mployces, provided that such hola, crit. !are nor intended or alfemd Iia sale. If, however, he hudi ing or Improven ccal is suId wabi n one year of completion, the owncobuilder will have the houlrn of proing Ilan he did nor build or mproa lin pct Pre. of ane.). ❑ I, a, owner of the Pro,ny. non IT vuly cnntmcti its with licensed I Ilmnors to unsaact the mojeO (Sec. 7(W4, Business and Prufcssions Codkip) the Cbhiracou, Li - whacLawd+o tar apply To of Pnpmty who hnildx or lmpn,vcsahcrmm.and Q1 Y, o contracts farsuch I jeer with vl aahtmcaogsl licensed puoamnl it, (lie Conwam's Liarr,c Law. I non ercmp...oder See ,B& 1' C far this nwann Owner Sue WOR K 1: IES COM PINS A IION DI iCI.ARAI'I ON I hereby at ii ander Penalty ul Jaen toy oou al Ih. holowing deelm'ati ,rw Ca and willmlmtdo It Ceatificacoi Coos.it, tos.11:innnrcfor W..ki,Can+Pvn- pmvuled far by Seems, 37W O he Lamm (:,,do,loathe I11i'lnnnnee of the work fm or Which this pemdl is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Comp.nsmi( In,mmu,r, ria ,mcd by Scctinn 37( of the Lubar Cede, lin the pirmarmaaccotme work lar which Ibis ponait is insocd, My Worker" Cnmp�etj^-wi Iy�' o rand ["they numr ora: Carrier: �+-f �= Pol icy Na.: / a CI:RTIFICA'l l! Ola EXIMPTON FROM WORKERS' 1 EYEf /. COME, SAIYON INSURANCE! flhisnecd..n aced nm Macompinul it me permit is Ina ane handiest dollar, (51(X)) or Icoo.) 1 emit} that in the it.atrace nt the work Iia which his permit is i .... do l shall nal employ any person in any manner so as to became .subject m IM Workers' Campem Z setion laws of California. Date ZQ Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, aller making this Cenilieme al Exemption, ysm should F "N" bceomc subject... the Waded Compensation provisions of the hMn Ctxle, You meal foul,, an comply with such PmordI m, nnhis Per ni,sh ill he deemed revoked. o. CONS '1811C1"[ON LENDING AGENCY UQ (hereby atfinn than there is a construction lending agency for the Pc,firm mnco, of D., the work for which this Permit is issued (Sec. 3147. Cit, C.) O U Ecnde,s Name ,r U lenders Addi 6. I cenify that 1 have read this application and state that the above infomuuon is rorrect. I agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and state law, relating to U Z building conswctions and hereby autbuaiec repreamt nvcs of this city to enter upon the above mentioned pruNny for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cu Sir in r against Ilabi lines, judgments. costs and expenses which may in any way aacme against said City in nsc4ucnce of the grunting of this permit. APPLICANT ON OERS"IA NDS AND WII.E. COMPLY WE fit ALL NON -POINT SOURCER+GUL IONS. �J 6 'a -4 6A, an Cantor >am 1 \%ARDOUS MAA IIRIALS DISCLOSURE Willthcap Land or future building occupant store (or handle hovolous mutcrial as defined by the Cupenimo Municipal Gde. Chapter 0,12, and the Health and Safety Code, Section 23532(0)! ❑Yes WIII 0vs applicant or future building necnpanl use equlphmnl or devices which tit hwanlhus air cuir,or nantf as ddined by the Bay Arco Air Quedo, Managnncut wo Yes I have lad the hneartlour nmmriuln rcgnirenteots wader Chapter 695 of rbc Cali. fhmla Heal& k Sufcty Cod, Secsimrs 25511.5, 255331 1 ^-5534.1 undcnla ul That I the building does nut carnally have aI,,I than it Lsmy." ,lwihility lonadythe occupant .,nn..,..mm,a.Jr sohi �a he mot a or m lasaan.0 0 a Cen'llaln A Occtmahcv. ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RISI DENTIAL PANEIS UP TO 208 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICISS SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETS - SWITCHES -13X'rURES NI?W RESIDENTIAL ELECIR PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ACI PH - DRAIN & V ENT- WATIIR CA) BACK ILLOW PROI'EC'I'. DEVICE DRAINS -FLUOR, ROOKAREA, CONE. FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS GAS -PA.S ER4,(F.Ty SQ FL SEWER -SANT RSRY-STURM EA: tW I -I WATER HEATS tW/VENT?:LIiCTR WNLR SYSTEI TING W'ArER SERVIC NEW RF_SIDENTIAL MMB. SQ. IT TOTAL QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE AI TF.R OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER W." CFM) EXHAUST IIOOD(W/Ducr) HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) I est-ING ONI'i' (OVER 100,000 BTU) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE REID) BOILER -COMP (3HP OR I W.000 BTU) MOILER -COMP (OVER 1001000 O U) AIR CONDITIONER NIIW REMDEN'r1AL MITCH, SQ. IT. o- 7 -9Y 0 FEE VA LIIAI'ION STORMS OCC,GROUP BUILDING UIVISIUN IIi1:S PLANCHECK 1:14H ENERGY 11:17 GRADE SOILS FEE PAID !i TOTAL: BUILDING EEE FEE SEISMIC FIz, ELECTRIC ItiL PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL Fii CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING Nit rIGN ION Bili PAID Dale RcccLET, N TISSUED BY: OFFICE ISSUANCE INVI'I, ❑ M, ❑ ❑ FEE J013 DFSCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL ❑ Kll'CI IILN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑ PLUMBING RIiPIPE [:1 NJ ULTI-UNIT []STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION [J INTERIOR ❑CHIMN17Y REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑SWIMMING TOOLS ❑BATH REMODEL/REPAIR ❑BENICIA'1'[ON DMHER ,ZO COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVFMI?NT ❑ OTHER FEE VA LIIAI'ION STORMS OCC,GROUP BUILDING UIVISIUN IIi1:S PLANCHECK 1:14H ENERGY 11:17 GRADE SOILS FEE PAID !i TOTAL: BUILDING EEE FEE SEISMIC FIz, ELECTRIC ItiL PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL Fii CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING Nit rIGN ION Bili PAID Dale RcccLET, N TISSUED BY: OFFICE ISSUANCE INVI'I,