PSC 10-09-97 M1NUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION HELD OCTOBER 9, 1997 CONTERENCE ROOM A, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Chuck Pickett. II. SALLrrE TO THE FLAG: The Salute was led by the Chair. III. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Pickett, Drexler, Checkman, Corr, Zander Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Alex Wykoff, Code Enforeemem Officer Staff Absent: Captain Wilson, Sheriff's Department Chief Sporleder, Santa Clam County Fire Department Visitors Present: Lisa Rose, City of San Jose Anti-Graffiti Program IV. APPROVAL OF IvlINU rl~S: September minutes approved as submitted. V. REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE: None VI. 1LEPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE None VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Drexler informed the commission that he had a positive experience with the new Sheriff's Service Center located at City Hall in the Code Enforcemem Office. VIII. WRrlTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Cupertino Senior TV Productions informed commissioner Checkman that the inteveiew that was conducted several months ago will be aired on Channels 26 and 38 in October 1997. The Chair has prepared a brief summary of the commissions goals and objectives and provided that report to the Cupertino Public Information Officer. This information will be used for an upcoming commissioner profile article that will be featured in the Cupertino Scene. Public Safety Commission Minutes Page 2 Regular Meeting of October 9, 1997 IX. OLD BUSINESS: Lisa Rose from the City of San Jose Anti-Graffiti Program conducted a presentation for the commission on the City of San Jose's efforts to control graffiti. Ms. Rose gave a program overview that included intervention and education through the grade schools as well as the process of how the city abates graffiti on private property. The commission discussed San Jose's municipal code ordinance that regulates the storage and display of spray paint containers and marker pens. Staff was directed to determine an appropriate method of recommendation to the City Council as to further research on this ordinance. Staffwas directed to provide a pamphlet discussing San Jose's Ami-Graffiti Program to Ben Viskovich, Director of Public Works. X. NEW BUSINESS: The commission discussed a newspaper article flint described a federal grant that is available to the cities within the County. Staffwas directed provide the Administrative Services Department with the newspaper article for further ~view. The commission discussed several uses, if such grant money was received. XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2105 hrs. Respectfully Submitted, Code Enforcement Officer Approved by the Public Safety Commission at the regular meeting of November 13, 1997. Chuck Pickett, Chair