51075.20 (49) *to d Y OF CUPERTI O
Certificate of Occupancy
No. .274
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the (description of building or structure).
Pants & Stuff
-------------"------•------ ------ ----------
------------------------ -------- Space N2106
- ' --------------------•----
Erected on Lot No. -- •----.---- -------Block No. _•-----------•---•----
Addition "-"-"New Construction N3
10123 N. Wo1Pe Road- -------- Erre Zone ---•---- - e
Street No. ------------------------------.--•-----------"---------Occ. Group F-2 Retail safes
Pants & Stuff ----- --"- ... - ---- ••--
wner --..--_-.-- --"-"--------------------Use Zone Planned Development - Commercial
Stan Aizinas
Architect ........ Taubman Co Inc- -••----"--"----.... -------------------••------•--
The Taubman C . , .
Building Permit No. -------_..5��07- :20-----------------Plan No. ......_._."?601 --•---------
has been inspected and the following occupancy thereof is hereby authorized.
• OCCUPANCIES Max. Allowable F oor Loads per sq. ft.
Basement -"-------
- ---------------•--- ----------------•----------- --•------•••----••-••-----•••-- -------------------------------------------------------------
I st floor -------------------
- -- loor .. -------------------
Upper Level - Retail Sales __- i- -----•------------------------
fl �5 lbs.
Mall .................. ......•-----'-SO lbs:-..---••---...--•--.....---•---••--•
--- -------------------- -----------------
3rdfloor. -•----------"---------------------••------
--- --------------------------------------------------------------
4th floor
Add floors as necessary
-------------------------------- ------ ----------- -•--------•---
Roof ---- ----------"---------- 20 lbs.
--------------•---------• - ---------------- -------- -
City of CUPERTINO -------" January 13 .............. 19---77--
= ---
Building Official
*his certificate must be posted and permanently maintained in a conspicuous place at or
close to the entrance of the building or structure referred to above.
�__�. -71
-�-*Ay 6F 'CUPERTINts'*
ofac o� Occupancy
o. ----•-----------
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the (description of building or structure).
Pants & Stuff
i ---------•---- -----•- -------------- -------- -------------- -
---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------- Space ..2106------••----•-----
---------------------------- -=- --•---------------------------•
Erec+ed on Lot No. ------------- -Block No. ---------#--
Addition - 12- -- -_Wo ----- -------------------•----.Fire Zone --------- 3 -.-..-•-•--..•----
Streef No. _--10123 N. Wolfe Road OCC. GroupF-2 Retail Sales
-----------•-------• --•- -- ---
OWner - - :Pants -- Stuff Planned Development - Commercial ,
' -
----------------------------------------Use Zone .-------------.---..------•---..-..-•--•---•-•-•---..--.
Architect ----Stan Aizinas
The Taubman Co. , Inc.
Building Permit No. ..........51,075..20-----------------Plan No. --------- 7601-- ------
----has been inspected and the following occupancy+hereof is hereby authorized.
OCCUPANCIES Max. Allowable F oor.Loa s per sj_
Basement -•-------- ------------- -------------------------------
- = =
st floor ...... -•---------•---------
Upper, Level - Retail Sales 45 lbs.
2nd .floor _ -Mai"1------------------•----------------------••------------- ---------- --- -------------------------- = ..-.•
-- ........................SOlbs:.•--------
- -----••-•--------• ............................... . . . ,
---------•----- ----------_--_- ------------•------•---•---------•----- -- -------
4thfloor ---•------------ ................................
--- ------------ ----------------------- ----------------------------- -- ------ .......................................
Add floors as necessary -_-.__-------------------------------------- ---------
••-•-----------••----- •-------------
-------- ----- ........ .......--------.... .................................... •----_-----
20 lbs.
City of CUPERTINO January 13 // _ 19 77
- s0 .....
Bnilding Official
his certificate must be posted and permanently maintained in.a conspicuous place at or
close to the entrance of the building or structure referred to above.