51075.20 (45) ' "ii'�kkR^4#ff:.:;�.fcJ.�.a�t�•�_.__..� .., ' 'i�li�BR"dan:. ::r's;a4K .��5'sF>.t,'^�,:..t .. ..
Certificate ® Occupancy
No. ---258--------
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the (description of building or structure).
I. Magnin
------------------•----------------------------- -----
Sp-a-c--e- #20 4
Erected on Lot No- ------------- ---------------------------Block No.
Addition New Construction 93
----------------------------Fire Zone ------ •----•"----"•-------------------.----------------
10123 N. Wolfe Road F-2 Retail Sales
Scree} No. . --------------------------------------- -.Occ. Group ----- -------------------••--.--------."------------
I. Magnin Planned Develo ment - Commercial
Owner-Architect -----•--------ons----------.--.Use Zone ----------------•----------------..._._----------_-.---
Wurster, Bernardi & Fmmons
Rudolph & Sletten
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- ----------
uilding Permit No- ------------- 51,07.5.20-------- ----Plan No. _.........................................................75020
as been inspected and the following occupancy thereof is herebyau+horized.
OCCUPANCIES Max. A.lowab e F oor Loads per sq. ft.
Basemen+ .. .................. -------...-------------------- ---------------------------------.....__..-------------------
--------------- ----------
I Retail Sales
st floors=.:-----;------------------•--------•-----•--•"------•-------•--.... ...--------••---------..._...-------•-----------._......_._._
-•------ •----------------------------"-------- -------• 5 2
Retail Sal -- ------------ .......................
es 4" ""1bsJ�t
2nd floor ----------------------------"---•-------------------- -------- 2------•-----.---_--.-------------•-
Mall �0 lbs./Ft
- ...-----••-•------•----...........--
• ' 3rd floor Mem - 7�- lbs,/Ft2 .. . .... . ......
--------_ ............•
4thfloor.----------------=---------- ---------------------------------•------- -
Add floors as necessary
Roof -------- 20 lbs/Ft
City of CUPERTINO November------ ------ -18 19....76
' Building Official
This certificate must be posted and permanently maintained in a conspicuous place at or
close to the entrance of the building or structure referred +o above.