02020041 (RAMON F CUPERTINO � " " 1• 1 ' BUILDING DIVISION pE CONTRACTOR,INFORM IONo- DRESS: PERMIT NO. r ME: APPLICATION SUB DATE ZOILA `J02 11 2002 / SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. Q mZNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO to OBLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH �y ito LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATIONJob Description D Z- y afilem that Iam liccnxdunderprovisionsof Chapter 9(commencingyamwith Section](100)ofDivision 3of the IthadmsandProfewion.Code,andmylicenm ?,EMP GENERATOR. xY I j is in full force and effect. z ¢ Licence Clam Lle.Y a O a U Data Contractor +� O Fi: ARCHITECTS DECLARATION - ,� 1 under.mnd my plans shall M used as public records i v O O Licensed Pmfessionnl OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm,hat I an,exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the N C?G -following reason. Sectio7031.5,Businesnd Professions Code:' ciy ileor c. which q permitmcma,mustidne,amprowe,do hilt ...' v sureco e t t I q evPplca t forsuchnin g w(susternard , 0._000 c. thatlie iii,lacentedImposing pambprro rte c trat r License Law(Chapter 9 Valu (commencingati_o_.n'withSa rfvi 3 nn Rasmus andca) or that he s tnyeRamand theb six for the alleged einnpnoij.goy violation 31'62 O 0 3 7""tIjLx of Seamon 11.5 b any am fora Permit subjectthe applicant to acivpnalty- .. .._.. urnrnmore than five hundred dollar, ssoo). APN Number 4 ,: Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wagesax(neirsoleeomucanumn, 304 - ROUGH ELECTRI A'L -wll-d th rk:and the stmcmre is nor intended or offered'far sale(Sec ]014,' ---- - - - - -- - -- _ - - Business and Professions Code.The Contractors License Law does not apply, an fl wee,of property Who builds or mpruvex lowean and who dues each work himself 5 0 5 - FINAL E of enough hissu own employees,provided that himprovementsarc o t intended or offered for sole If;h the F Id' t p" mons -sold ithid one}ear of improve fo•,ne owner sale) will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.), i pi- r of the Property, explosively contracting Withlicensed contractors t instruct the present(Sec ]044,owner and Profess ons Code:)The Contractors ni License Law docs not.suc [pan owner M property who builds ted ruminant to for ..end_who comra<ts.for such projects-with a.commaor(s)licensed pvrsnem tome 1 Contractors LicauseLaw. OI exempt enders �'= BAPCfor mis meson ,: , l ��'.t O nen ""Dora" WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION , I hereby affirm under penalty of perjaiy one of the following declarations:- 1 have and will maman e'Cettifierne'ofContend,o self-insure for Worker's =.`. Compensation;a, provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which,his permit is issued. ❑t have and will rkainhim W rker;s C moramanom Insurance,as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade,for,rte performance of,he work for which this per 1 is inued:MyWorkir'sCompensati6nlnsunierandPolicinimberibe _ a er 11/ oi¢y N _.. NFC�S06G°E 16� 1 t r r EXEhIPT10N FROM WORKERS I I i t S 1 Y r P(r t I j q ER IFICAC COMPENSATION INSURANCE r COMPE ' (Th et on need not be completed it the permit is for one hundred dollars 'I 't "'' ' t '-�'t {"Pt. (S I yd)or loss'), .. . . i'. I c nit that in the erf ee of th work far which th¢ Y P perrti is issued I shall not employ any person in any mander so as m become subject to the Weakers Compensation Laws of California Date ' Applicantii _ i -.."._.... .. - .._ NOTICE TOAPPLICANT:If,after making Q O " Workers Certificate Exemption,you should' „ , become subject the Wo heC pens[ion provisions fag Labor Coudeyou mus, foh th mply'with such provisions or thus permit shall be deemed evoked. ' H�y x"� '. +CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY -, - , _ai 1 h b (Flrm met mere i e an w n n lend n nna c is', _ , W;� y p issued(Sea 109] C' C) Leede Addrc. h th t of me kfar he Leede N me - � z .,0 I n fy tht I ha a d,h eppl a nd sm¢,hat the above mformatlon is �T+.E,,, bd t 1,g <t comply ih 11 ciry a d ty ortlinances and xtete laws relating Qcf,J rob Id g nsunctio dhby auN p eiitdtives of trap ciry to enter open �af� �me ab- e l tined p p ny for inxpect p rp s.,_ . y Ci' IWe)' ee,us dem ify vnd Ae ph I ss lheC tyafC pert'oeg firat rr-VI lie Yl tet y, ngsof thrsg ndt' p'p;e nimaY.in anY Ya a often said v za 'APpDIC U R$ lDS AND II ..... 'NhTH ALL VP INT r' s uR c Issued by: Date ig t r.mou Apps anUCo tin tor, m' Re-roofs CWW1,he 'IHA manim bMdAnEoIALSDISCLOSURE Typeof Roof,..,, .::::, ..:- .•,. a dell,ed th th Cu rt na M m i C d Cha ter 9 12 and th H ith-nd Safe as od Sen on 25532(x) No PP g pant stole r handle hazard s matenal DY a. t .. ' [a'AS tell t. T{ham P p P Y PP g P ' I X11 roofs shall be Inspected poor to_any roo£Ing,material being installed Will thea applicant rfutu a building c use equipment n, device:which If a roof Is installed without first obtaining an•inspection I''agree'to remove mentalran pf" y y AreaAr Quality Management , Olstnci ntam na is d m d b the Ba El yet, read m No all non-point for Inspection Applicant understands and will comply with all new maters Cahfomie Health&S , 9irements:under Chapter 6. efet andl norc,25505:25533 and 25534.1 vnderst 011rCe regnlationS t e hazard us Sof the ' Y and that; . ..._ ..._..__.. ......... .. .. _ I'll ti iltl %d eynol curtenay haveam gtha,iliamymspp aditytonotfythe; """'- - ..... "-' -- - - - -6cc p n mer ast be met poo to issuance f a Certificate of: fire , 1 h m„ 0 nine.- c . . ..... ...... .g. . ._ �. .. _Signature of Applicant Date r or mo I I a t I o All roof coverings to be ClassB"or better t h - -..,...__OFFICE. ... . ... . " _....__ . . . ...__. _,... ... . . i