01020033 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRAiSS: P12RMIT NO. 10123 N WOLFE RD 01020033 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICA11ON S(IH DA]'E WESTLAND PROPERTIES N 02/07/2001 f. PHONE: SANITARY NO. CON'I'ROLNO. ajQ 00 ARCHITECT'7ENGINFER: IIUI )ING PERMIT INFO — - BI,UG Lli PLUMB MECH : J C1 '—I SNC LI n thin I a CGN'nRAenOMS DEC 01 Ch fa lob DCSCI'IpI0I1 O 0 1 hereby aBirm thin i n 3 of he R under p and Poon,yon,C Cale. (ronnnencing �vJCw IhScctiun]IHllp nl Uivivinn3nl the llu,inaa unJ Prulcsviud.a Code.and mylicenec ='e y, nm full fume and ell TEMP POWER FOR TODRI cenClue 03a.a m Lix„tea. _y �Or( � Cmm.e'A PINALED ARCh ll beuse UECLARA'1 l 1 unJennnJ my plan,shall h used as public record. wcep e O LiccnxW I'mfessi.nal OWNER-BUILDER UECLARA'1'1ON MAY 1 0 2001 I helcby at)! IIna I and csempl fir the C.nnacun's Licence I.aw for the bilowing mann.(Seetinn 7031.5.Business and Profa>inn,Cod,Any city or county G which reclaims a pm etit do ia consumer,alter. yw me,demolish.or repair any urhaure ad prlirtI,ill mtcacc.al,..rvynire,me applle.nd lod'.,urh pennid du lil�aeignnl ntmunwntBUILIN a. mal M is licenced pursuant to the pmv brans of the CnmrutoG License"w(Chapter 9Sy. Ft. Floor Area - a n (commencing wid,seermn 700x)of Division 3 of the Basins%and Pmressitav,Code) $1 of than he is exemptti thehnm:cul the h:ail In the nllcgcd ex,mpd..n.Air,viol ni..r of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pemait subjects the upphcanl Ina civil penalty of not nmre than live hundred dollar.($s(s). APN Number Occupancy Type 01.as owner of the prnperty,or nay employee,with wages a,their.nlc cnnp.uadoa, 31620063. 00 will do the work,and the wtucmre is not intended or offumd for sale(See.7(44. B.,ine r nod pmfe,c Cale:'rhe Conaaenr.Lice-,1.aw h,,act a,1, ,,in, Required Inspections r of pro,sen,who build,o,nnpmve,mere..,and xroa does such work hitawlI throngh his own employees,provided that such h6 n,cocmm� are in103 — UFE Rt intended nr offered Iia sale 11 however,the building or nnpr.vement is cold Within one Year.f 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL completion,the owner-builder rill have the burden of proving that he did nor build of nnpm a lir puryax.m sale.). 01,us oxncr of the propect nor exclaively conrmcting with licensed contmcwn to cwntruct the project(Sec.7614,Busioc,s and Pro(es.suco Cod1c)'Ihe Conlrac is L'ae+sc law does nm apply to;in owner(it property who builds or improrcs diction, and who contracts for such projects with a contractors)licensed personal to the Cutnram ce,Liccanc Law. ❑1 an+exempl under Sec. , ,If A P C lin Ihi,fca.n Owner Mite WORKER'S C'OMPRNSAI]ON DECLARA'I']ON I III uRirm under panully or perjury one(It he(ull.wiag decWrmioro • ❑ 1 hada and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insum for Worker's Contpca:lion, it, provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade. lot the pnonaenace of the work far which this permit is issued. 01 have and will 'Franca Winker',Cmnpencwion b suara,;is ac,ared by Scot r 3700.f the IaMn Cole,for life peritanamae of the work lir which this liermil is J.My Worker's Cuawwroation Insurance carrier and Policy Cxrriee � _.Tolley No.: Rl1i)1@h*)`N OF I XLM17TON FROM WORKERS' COM I+ENSA'I ION INSURANCE (Ihis.anion need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($10)or lessd I,citify that in the paRnrmanct,u(the work tar which Ilii,permit in iswul.1 ,hall nil employ any,03.x03:n city dna ar,cit as iI,hcamm r.hjc,l m the Wodsav' Compensation lax)of Califomia.Dam Applicant NOTICE TOAPPLICANT:IL cell,,..nuking this Crnitivac or E,cnd)If t.you shoe lJ hcome subject to the Workcls Compensation pmrvisions of the"NCalc,you nmst Q O fnnhwim country with.lah providons nr this permit xhall be deenmd revoked. z ` V] CONSTRUCTION LENDINGcactiAGENCY C ' hereby which that there ss nmed(S,en Ic9Jing agency for the farhsamanec . a7 Mme work rnr which Ihis permit is smnl ISm.3097.Clv.C.) Q Lcndcr'a Nam. 5 z henJcr'.,AJJms'x V Q 1 ccnify that I have read this application and state that the atone information is , s l y cored.I agree to cmnply with CII city and county ordinances and sone laws relating Q 1-) In holding construction,and bcreby talhorim rcpresenmtivo.f i,city In cnlcr uimn } Dd the aMwe mentioned property for inspection purposes. lay cay (Wc).Srcc orv0se.indemnity and keep hannlean dhy ,ly of Cupertino ag:.irva V1 liabilities.judgdnents,cost,and s,wI wirdth may in way aecme again,d said V zcirri onsaae.ee I,( csontf s ng onit, �7JJ S nCERRGULAIIONSNUS .1.CO 'W"DnLI},NONnPo�r -Issued by: / Date it 'ignauvu of Appli,,r,1 d eel /('y// h:ufc Re-roofs I IA'LyRIy U, ltA ALS DISCIASURIi Will flat.,Iie:na Mumrc building txcup,m store or handle haa,Nnm anterial Type o' of as dermd by Ihn Cu,niao Manicq.d Gale,Clu 9.12.cad me Hcahh;aid Sdnal, Code Section 25532(a)l ores 0N All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will mcappnca.I or future huildnag overlent use eyuipmcrrr,of devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emir Mrardnu,air ounariner,as defined by he If.,Arca Air QualipMaret,t cut UI,lEclr all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Ores ONo all non-point source regulations. I hove read the h:vnnlnus dnmcnalsqun/34. Clu+phr 6.95 sal me California Health k Safety Code.Sections 5115, 1 unJercmnJ mal ne.I ly ha tam,ahan<ihilifymmtifythe c pmt of the rrynircnacnts w d IDI le 0 a Ccnificwe of it'urnaney. Signature of Applicant Dale Oxner.r aninoae<d age - 'Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE