00070194CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDIt IiSS: 21876 WILSON CT PERMIT NO. 000701'94 OWNGR'S NAME:! n APPI ICAT ION SII It DN'E 07/31/2000 hk VVENKATRAMANAN 02 /u% . 12d fON@ SANI'rARI' NO. CON 'IltOl. NO. fie. C- of 43 Y ARCHITELTIh:NGINEER BUILDING PIiRNIII' INFO III.DG ELECT PLUMB MI?CH I_J . a CONTRACmR'ti DIiicm,of Ln, lob Description haps bum l ani it under p Pions of Chapter 9 (commencing I that Tf 1 the R ud `Ile Seel'um 7111HI) of Division 3 Til the limin�'x unit 1'mfc,csions Codu, anJ my fiestas sto 70 0) inlulllnrcean feet. !.men�e�Ic ,. Lic. x 10' 911 X 181 PRT 0 ENCLOSURE Dave co- ARC111TEC1'S DECLARA N l/ < J 1 understand my plana sball he used as public record, 2 j Liccnted Prafadonal y OWNER-RUII.DF.R DECLARATION 'n I by II d t 1 I foral dm C lracltu, , Ij,en,c Law in, the ^ hdhwr g nallon, (Section 70315 business antiPmf.. s C,d Any city ormanly ✓� which requires'p 'u consumer, ltip a, dennolish. tit repear any a lure ' ^� pr'nrI I. ...'.: al y 11 pill'Team I 'h larall11 till 11 signed:ut net Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation — that he is licensed livormamu the prowir,urn, ofit Contractor s Licemal (Ch'pter9 (comml.ngwih Scct n700(do D,'.<a 3 litheR ed and r:.ns Ce) $12000 or that he is eaengn If eetmm and the basis Ito mr.dlcgal ase nplmn. Any VIr1Iat an of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pandit subject the umrlicnl ma civil penally of nor rose than rive hundred dolmm ($500). APN Number Occupancy Type 3264 9020. 00 ❑ L as —nernnhe pmplay. or niy ®nplol with wages as their sole cmultimation. Required Inspections will do the work, and the sml care is nor intended or offered for +ole (Sec. 7(44, Basins. and ProllWons Codc: 'rhe Cooaaamds Li,,n a Law does our apply , tin awr of .,.y Who build, m improveahcomr..,titvbudne.such wnrl. himself ihpe 101 — FOUNDATION ,augh his own employees, primed that such iniprovernent me not Intended or offs W for ,ille. If. unwell, he ha0dmg or improvement, Bald ween, sura 'em­ or 1.02 — PIERS `mupletion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Bourn eeirpaH,o tdsTile.). 103 — UFER ❑La,own,tit dic pmper,y.amav,lTsi.nly commaIing.'itn licensed comment, to 1.04 — REBAR Lwitct the pn,jcc, (See 7044. Ra6w,, and Pmfaaions Cielc:)'llte Contortion's lmceme Law does nal apply a, lin nwnr al u, an, wh.) bulls or impr le, thereon, 1.05 — ANCHOR BOLTS and who contracts for such pmjea, with a contmemr(p Iicenad panuatn to the Cnmrudor's hhnse Lal. 1.06 — SEWER & 14ATER ❑ 1 am cxcmpt under See. . B ted lie our this neuron 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING f)wri`r WORKER'S COMPUNSKI ON ur:CI.ARA'rIDN 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL_ Ilowhynlrnmlmderpenhynrhmimyone (if the brnowatgdeclamtons: 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME 01 have and vall maintain a Cenireate of Conant in self-msum for Worker's 205 — UNDERFLOOR-INSULATION Campnwmlm. Tis pror vided 2,by Scmlou 3700 of he Latin, Code, for die — ROUGH PLUMBING performance III he work for which this permit is issued.301 .I have irndwnlritaimair, W„r«,ConiparandsmInsurance, itregwrcdbySection 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 37(37 of the LiM,r Code. for the perp,rmrroc of the work for which mi, permit in 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL i... ad. M A' kereCoi dnnlriamn«eareie,aWroheYnirmnerare: l�`] 4 —QO all 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL carver: ohi•> c1aRr c WORKIias 305 — FRAME COMTION INSURANC COM PIiNSA'IION INSURANCIi ' 306 — HOLDOWNS - Curs ncvtion need not la completed if the permit is for one handled dollars (swmmmsad 307 — INSULATION I certify mot in the Isionm one of me worl, rt„ which this permit is i.... .1 308 — SHEETROCK shall rpm employ any person to Tiny lira tier no as m beconm sah,a,i u, tan WorIT— Compensation".,ifCalifornia .Data Applicr^t 309 — 310 EXTERIOR LATH INTERIOR LATH NOIICE 10APPucANT:11,aber uniting da,CaAEm,tc(it Eaarrtptionynn.hn^Id hecom,;lArce,,, the N',uktr's Compenv,ian pms'isians of the lrMu Cede. you must ILnhwall such inrorthispennil.hallb,devotedre...ked. 311 — SCRATCH COAT oulplywith ino, n CONSTROCI'[ON LENDING AGENCY 313 — ROOF NAIL I heavily y olm bit, Them I,;, c,nounction landing agency for the performance ELECTRICAL ENERGY _ oIthewmkrorwhich this prunilislsoled(Site 3097.Cut. C.) 501 — FINAL cW`,• NameAdmi 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY >_ "'am"(hailnave read mis:mphemion and stata that mea ,eWnrn madoa i. 503 — FINAL MECHRNICAL ENERGY t lab t py 'lar'll ty 1 ly J o cc d tt I relating n na 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY lit g dmf t df hi pc r t. a nI Irl m p^^ meats edlostsave,I .pact purposes. 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL IN )'g t tl dkeep h I.. The Cry l tun Iliadm 'n pe l Cityint judgments. tit, costs w prices which 'rin _ any r sensetgan.I.tld 506 — GAS TEST Cry con c4 cc of ih m b d,hls pc n. CANTUNDERS SAND WILL COMPLYWITHALL N-P )INT Date �D AlP syJy�,CAN 'J �3 r(p'n Issued by: 907 — FTNAI' PI_IIMATNG Re-roofs '• sig .rt d,I.... ,ntmelnr Daie HAL3RDous "'I .ALS DISCLOSURE , meiial Wdl the applicant or failure budding temple, ewren, handle hmarJnm Type of Roof 509 — FINAL GRADE cria lellad by the Cape mn Munmipal Code, Chapter 9.12. and tire uealnt and Safety 510 — FINAL PLANNING ode. Dye. 2553210)'1 .`+_'aNn All roofs shall Ifixf4peeteff odiltAlLo :MWEIll rl}IMMSeing installed. 3vinmc applicant or rulers building occupant use equipment ordeeices v„hieh If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove hamrdou, awenotannuunt, m defined by the 1)o, Arca All Quality Ill mmgemem ;(,Iriel'r all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 1.)'e• KNo all non-point source regulations. 1 have laud the harmlous material, requircummv under Chaptco 6.95 of Ihn California Health A, Safety Code, Section, 25505. 25533 unit 25534. 1 understand shot lama it the building does nm currently have a tenant, mat it is in, ri,,n%ibil',ty to notify he occupant of the requimmar r whish Bout be incl prior n, ......T ce of a cendi'at of Signature of Applicant Date 7 i '1 All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owne,m -, sale urns gent V1.1-1 :n CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Building Address: Owner's N mev cc, �M 0—a oc n Phone No: Ca tractor:: License No: Contact: Phone N Architect/Engineer License No: App jicant/Cgntract /17*t a -r Gc� T�I-rcc,,I- &-Z, lig Building Permit Info: (circle one) 4 Elect Plumb Mech Job ,Dlescription:1 Residential: q La-tvL13-Vcommercial: Sq. Ft. Floor Area: 4. . $/Sq. fte Plan Check Fee APN # (Must provide): 44 02jz!� Valuati r /,Z- 0j C) Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: Qty. if Fee ID Applicable Fee Description F07-79 M, ���BTEMPPERM Temporary Bldg Permit Conitruction Tax C Energy Add Multi inspection Overtime lig jijijmjumwq��= Bldg Permit Fees 0 1Housing Mitigation Fee WILDING L7 Plan Check Fee I-EM14011k, 'Plan Check Add Multi HIM SPLANCKREP i,Plan Check Repeat Fee ��IIBREINSPECT lReinspection Fee 'Scb Specific Plan H WORK"% I Seismic Commercial ic Fee Res ��������'Special inspection P-6-01 'Address Change PPERMITFEEE i ! ! i « ' PLUMBING !BNUMULTI « Mulifamily Res •New SinglefamilyRes • i i OO .. i• i. PLUMBING i i i i • •ture --, PLUMBING Of Fixtures i iIay TagStorm/Rain a PLUMBINGter Trap ♦ Drain lt Of i a All j1:1 III! I J -1 ca ZO 0 z 000 as 0 00 00 sir -sagnoRmam sxosns Haod do SMMLOVAaNvw aw suamoisaa 'XHOA 'AOOUMOH 3 t = � I C3 TUTT Max AVARDIN Tfluoym sNvuaja& 9009 0— L") uj It- > IS -1 L.j Q� �52 ;)fl(IOHCI zivlios SNOSVHS aflodim] 'Tm 0�f I All j1:1 III! I J -1 ca ZO 0 z 000 as 0 00 00 un r "��? I'— (VIOWM RU*) .2/1 tt-.L 1033 (AOS M1 ON),Zit tt-,v DO dn 9 1 1 a sir un r "��? I'— (VIOWM RU*) .2/1 tt-.L 1033 (AOS M1 ON),Zit tt-,v DO dn 9 1 1 a